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本文(饮用红葡萄酒能增加抗氧化状态并减少氧化应激在年轻和老年人体内的循环毕业论文外文翻译.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、饮用红葡萄酒能增加抗氧化状态并减少氧化应激在年轻和老年人体内的循环毕业论文外文翻译英文文献Red wine consumption increases antioxidant status and decreases oxidative stress in the circulation of both young and old humansMichelle Micallef, Louise Lexisand Paul LewandowskiAbstractBackground: Red wine contains a naturally rich source of antioxidant

2、s, which may protect the body from oxidative stress, a determinant of age-related disease. The current study set out to determine the in vivo effects of moderate red wine consumption on antioxidant status and oxidative stress in the circulation.Methods: 20 young (1830 yrs) and 20 older ( 50 yrs) vol

3、unteers were recruited. Each age group was randomly divided into treatment subjects who consumed 400 mL/day of red wine for two weeks, or control subjects who abstained from alcohol for two weeks, after which they crossed over into the other group. Blood samples were collected before and after red w

4、ine consumption and were used for analysis of whole blood glutathione (GSH), plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) and serum total antioxidant status.Results: Results from this study show consumption of red wine induced significant increases in plasma total antioxidant status (P 0.03), and significant decrea

5、ses in plasma MDA (P 0.001) and GSH (P 70%) reduction in H2O2 induced genetic damage after 1hour post consumption of 300 mL of red wine. These findings are also supported by a similar study by Szeto and Benzie , showing that DNA damage was significantly reduced in a H2O2 challenge, with treatment of

6、 caffeic acid, a polyphenol found in red wine.Oxidative damage to a range of biomolecules is of particular interest to researchers. The tripeptide glutathione(GSH) functions as an antioxidant, which scavenges free radical species in circulation. GSH is oxidized as the enzyme glutathione peroxidase c

7、atalyzes the degradation of H2O2 . Increasing evidence demonstrates GSH plays an integral role in the protection against oxidative stress in the circulation due to its ability to facilitate the recycling of oxidized -tocopherol and ascorbic acid, two important antioxidants in the circulation and is

8、widely used as a biomarker of circulating antioxidant levels . Within plasma fatty acid residues of phospholipids and LDL, are extremely susceptible to oxidative damage by free radical intermediates resulting in oxidized fatty acids and peroxidation byproducts, such as conjugated diennes (CD) and ma

9、londialdehyde (MDA) derivatives . MDA appears to be one of the most toxic and mutagenic aldehydes generated by lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids of cell membranes . It is also a popular measurement used to quantify the effects of radical damage to cellular lipids.A large body of evid

10、ence which indicates that free radical production can directly or indirectly play a major role in cellular processes implicated in atherosclerosis and CVD,.Therefore the aim of this study were firstly to under stand how moderate red wine consumption (400 ml/day) for two weeks effected circulating li

11、pids, antioxidant level and total antioxidant capacity in the circulation and secondly assess the differences in bioefficacy of red wine in young and older populations.MethodsRecruitment of volunteersThis study protocol was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of Victoria University (HRET

12、H.SET 15/05). Forty volunteers were selected based upon their responses to a general health questionnaire and after giving written informed consent. Those who were taking any anti-coagulant or anti-inflammatory medications or had a history of cardiovascular or liver disease were excluded. Two age gr

13、oups were selected, these were 20 volunteers aged between 1830 years old (young group) and 20 volunteers aged older then 50 years old (older group). Volunteers were randomly assigned to begin in the red wine or control group within their respective age group (Figure 1).Intervention designPrior to dr

14、inking the red wine or control period volunteers were asked to abstain from consuming any alcohol, grapes or grape products for one week. After this one week lead in subjects had three 10 mL tubes of fasting blood collected via venipuncture to determine baseline measures of MDA, GSH, and total antio

15、xidant capacity and BMI (kg/m2) calculated, after which they began the red wine or control period. During the red wine period participants consumed 400 mL of red wine each day (Cabernet Sauvignon) over a period of two consecutive weeks and abstained from other alcohol, grapes or grape products. A pl

16、acebo such as alcohol free wine was not used due to difficulties in matching the flavour and mouth feel of the redwine used. Instead a crossover design was used whereby after completing either the red wine or control period volunteers were given a two week washout period before crossing over into th

17、e other group. During the control period volunteers abstained from consuming any source of alcohol, grapes or grape products for two weeks. Three 10 mL tubes of fasting blood were again collected after the treatment or control phase (see Figure 1). Participants were also encouraged to maintain their

18、 usual diet and exercise habits throughout the entire study phase which was monitored by participants keeping a food and activity diary before and during the study. There were no specific instructions given to avoid foods containing large amounts of phenolic compounds, other than abstain from consum

19、ing any alcohol, grapes or grape products as previously described.Wine supplementationThe red wine used throughout this study was a Cabernet Sauvignon, supplied as a cask wine to prevent the oxidation of the wine. This style was chosen since it is known to be palatable to most people and to the volu

20、nteers in the study. Participants consumed the wine at any time during the day, however, it was suggested that they do so at a time when they would normally consume alcohol (e.g. with an evening meal). Importantly, during the period of supplementation participants were asked to refrain from consumin

21、g any other sources of alcohol, grapes or grape products.Wine compositionThe concentrations of total anthocyanins, degree of anthocyanin ionisation, total phenolic compounds, red wine colour (density and hue) and two indices providing a measure of polymerisation of monomeric forms (Chemical age inde

22、x #1 and #2) were determined by spectropho tometric methods . Determination of the concentration of free and bound sulphur dioxide in the wine was made using the method of Rankine and Pocock. Alcohol content was provided by the wine producer. The composition of the wine used in this study was analys

23、ed can be seen in Table 1. All components of the wine used in this study, except for red wine colour hue and free sulfur dioxide, were slightly higher than the red wine used in a study by Greenrod et al.Analyses of glutathione Glutathione was measured as it is an important antioxidant in the circula

24、tion using a commercially available colorimetric kit (Northwest Life Sciences) based on the method of Teitze following the manufactures instructions. Blood was collected via venipuncture using EDTAcoated tubes and stored at 4C. Whole blood samples were then deproteinated mixing aliquots with 100 ul

25、of cold 5% metaphosphoric acid followed by centrifugation at 1500 g for 5 min, the supernatant was then removed and stored at -20C awaiting further analysis. All sampleswere then assayed for reduced GSH as a batch. This involved mixing 50L of calibrators or samples with 50L DTNB reagent and 50 L glutathione reductase reagent in the wells of microplate. This reaction

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