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1、精品解析江苏省淮安市中考英语试题原卷版2021年江苏省淮安市中考英语试卷一、选择题。1. I always run for half _ hour every day to keep fit.A. a B. an C. the D. /2. What time does the library open in the morning?It opens _ 9 a.m.A. in B. on C. at D. between3. _ is singing over there?My sister. She likes singing.A. How B. Who C. What D. When4.

2、 Both Sandy and Millie _ interested in cooking. They often learn to cook at weekends.A. am B. is C. are D. be5. Why dont you buy the beautiful T-shirt?Its too _ , I dont have enough money to buy it.A. new B. old C. cheap D. expensive6. Pandas are so cute. Most children like _.A. they B. them C. thei

3、r D. themselves7. Kevin, its Friday. You _ get up early tomorrow morning.Great! Im so tired these days.A. must B. musnt C. may D. neednt8. _ great scientist Yuan Longping is! He spent all his life on the research of rice.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a9. Please remember to _ the TV before leaving

4、the room.A. turn off B. show off C. let off D. get off10. Here comes the bus. Is everyone here?No. Sam_ a meeting in the school hall now.A. have B. had C. will have D. is having11. There is a lot of traffic in the street. Please drive _.A. careful B. careless C. carefully D. carelessly12. I love col

5、a and hamburgers, _ they are not healthy.A. or B. so C. but D. and13. _ is it from your school to your home?Its about 10 minutes walk.A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How much14. Can you imagine _ in 2035?Im sure it will be better.A. how our life was B. what will our life be likeC. how was our

6、 life D. what our life will be like15. Excuse me, where is Xiyou Theme Park?_. Im new here.A. Sorry, I dont know B. This way, pleaseC. It doesnt matter D. No, I dont think soII.完形填空(每小题1分。满分15分)请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。There was a Wall of Fame(荣誉墙) board at the back of the classroom.

7、 Every year Mr. Mason posted(张贴) photos of his students and had them sign their names.Lisa made a new hairstyle and wore a pretty dress for the photo. She looked forward to seeing a(n) _16_ photo too much.It was Monday. Mr. Mason came into the classroom with the students _17_ in his hand. All studen

8、ts _18_ to see their own photos. Mr. Mason called Jack, Mary, post _19_ photos on the wall. It seemed to be a long time _20_ Mr. Mason came to Lisa. But Mr. Mason _21_her a paper bag and whispered. “Retakes(重拍) are on Wednesday.”Retakes? Lisa was _22_. How terrible could it be? She took a d

9、eep _23_ and opened the bag. Her eyes were _24_ in the photo. Then Lisa looked around the classroom. A few others had their photos face down on their desks. They were also asked to retake their photos.“Mr. Mason can I ask the class a question?” Lisa asked.Mr. Mason nodded.Lisa stood up and asked. “D

10、oes anybody _25_ have a bad photo? My eyes are closed. And I look funny.”“I am sleepy in my photo,” Jeff said. “How funny it is!”“My hair is dancing in the air,” Melanie laughed _26_.“I have an _27_.What about starting a new notice board for funny photos? We could call it Funny Faces.” she said. She

11、 walked _28_ the back and posted her photo on the notice board.“Great! Everything will be better if we treat it _29_,” Mr. Mason said.Without saying anything, Jeff Melanie and several others posted their photos next to Lisas._30_ was smiling. The whole classroom was full of joy.16. A. beautiful B. s

12、trange C. bad D. ugly17. A. books B. cards C. photos D. papers18. A. disliked B. hoped C. refused D. forgot19. A. my B. our C. your D. their20. A. as B. since C. before D. after21. A. made B. gave C. lent D. bought22. A. touched B. relaxed C. bored D. surprised23. A. taste B. sleep C. breath D. disc

13、ussion24. A. big B. small C. open D. closed25. A. even B. also C. still D. already26. A. sadly B. luckily C. happily D. angrily27. A. idea B. order C. ability D. address28 A. to B. past C. across D. through29. A. easily B. actively C. carefully D. politely30. A. Someone B. Anyone C. No one D. Everyo

14、neIII.阅读理解(A、B两篇每小题2分, C篇每小题1分, 满分25分)请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。AChristmas was coming. There was a man in rags (衣衫褴褛) walking in a hurry on the road. You might think he was a beggar (乞讨者), but actually he was an artist. His name was Vincent Willem Van Gogh. With a painting he had just

15、finished, the poor Vincent entered a painting store.“Can you buy this painting to help me pay the rent (房租)?” Vincent asked in a low voice. “I dont really like your painting, but it is said that you are hard-working and I want to help you, Here is five francs (法郎),” the storekeeper answered.Although it was only five francs, Vincent was very happy. He took the money and said thanks, thinking that he could buy some food and pay the rent.Nea

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