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1、大学英语四级真题答案及解析卷二2018 年 6 月大学英语四级考试真题答案与详解(第 2 套) 审题思路:Part I Writing这是四级考试中常见的议论文话题。通过审题可知,文章需要着重从两个方面展开,分别为写作技能的重要性以及如果提高写作能力。其中,如何提高写作能力是需要重点展开的内容,应通过衔接性词汇和短语分层次表达。 另外,文章结尾需要总结全文,并进一步强调勤奋和科学的方法的重要性。范文点评:高分范文精彩点评The Importance of Writing Ability and How to Develop ItAs the most productive and commun

2、icative way to express ourselves, writing is attached great importance to. Whether we want to improve our writing skills as creative writer or simply perfect our skills for schoolwork, we can take some steps to learn how to be a better writer.Firstly, in order to make our writing creative and imagin

3、ative enough, brainstorming is one of the key elements to build up a unique topic. Dont hesitate to take down all the ideas that come into our mind. Secondly, the good development of our writing is based on a clear structure or paragraph organization. Even a simple outline helps us see the big pictu

4、re and save us hours of rewriting. Finally, a varuety of vocabulary or grammar used in writing is highly recommended for the reason that one of the most common manifestations of bad writing is the overuse or reuse of simple language.To sum up, becoming a great writer takes knowledge and practice,but

5、 with enough hard work and scientific techniques,we will amaze not onlyourselves but also anybody else.开门见山,指出写作的重要性:写作是表达自我最有成效和最具沟通性的方式。用 Whetheror指出不管写作目的如何,都需要采取措施提高写作能力。分别用 Firstly、Secpmdly、Finally具体列举提高写作能力的方法。用 To sum up 总结全文,并指出勤奋和科学的方法的重要性。加分亮点productive 富有成效的communicative 表达能力的imaginative

6、富有想象力的outline 纲要,梗概a variety of 各种各样的technique 方法全文翻译:写作技能的重要性以及如何提高写作能力作为表达自我最有成效和最具沟通性的方式,写作总是很受重视。不管我们作为有创造力的作者想精进自己的 写作能力,还是仅仅为了完善学业任务所需的技能,我们都可以采取一些措施来学会如何成为一个更好的写作者。 首先,为了使自己的文章足够有创意和想象力,头脑风暴是建立一个独特的话题的关键因素之一。不管脑海中有什么样的想法,不要犹豫,把它们都记下来。其次,一篇好文章的发展建立在清晰的结构和段落组织之上。即使 一个简单的提纲都会帮助我们看到整体情况,并且会节省我们数小

7、时重写的时间。最后,写作中极为推荐使用丰富 的词汇和语法,因为糟糕的文章其中一个最常见的表现就是大量或重复使用简单的语言。总而言之,成为一个好的作者需要知识储备和勤加练习,但是只要我们付出足够的努力,并且遵循科学的方法, 最终我们都会写出让自己和别人都感到惊艳的作品。Part II Listening ComprehensionSection ANews Report OneKelly Swisher, an Arkansas woman, escaped injury and managed to safely stop her car after a 4-foot-long rat sna

8、ke came out from under her car seat and slid across her feet as she was driving down the highway. Rat snakes arent poisonous or a threat to people generally. (1)But the woman says the snake she encountered Thursday terrified her out of her wits. (2) “It was rough, with big scales,” said Swisher, who

9、 was on her way to pick up her friend at the airport when it happened. “I dont know whether I had my hands on the steering wheel or not. I am not the most flexible person in the world, but I can guarantee my knees were up next to my ears.” She said the snake first slid back under the seat, and she h

10、oped it would stay there until she was able to get off the high way and stop. “That didnt work out,” she said. “Here he comes, and he wound up in my back seat before I could finally get off the road, stop and get out of the car.” She called for help. And WashingtonCounty animal control officers came

11、 and captured the snake.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.未听先知:预览两道题各选项,第 1 题选项均为描述人物心理状态的形容词,因此此题考查的是人物心理。第 2 题各选项主语均为 It,由选项中出现的 crawled、wound up、was killed 和 scales 等词可推测,It 指蛇;再结合本题选项中出现的 the woman 和 steering wheel 可推测,本篇新闻与某位女士遭遇蛇的经历有关,涉及女士当时的心理活动等方面内容。1.How did

12、 Kelly Swisher feel when she first came across the rat snake?答案:B详解:新闻中女士提到,她在周四遇到的那条蛇把她吓得魂不附体。因此答案为 B。2.What does the report say about the snake? 答案:D详解:新闻中提到了 Swisher 对食鼠蛇的描述:它身上粗糙,鳞片很大。因此答案为 D。News Report Two(3)Fast food, it turns out, isnt quite as fast as it used to be. A new study finds that M

13、acDonalds posted its slowest drives-through times since this survey was first conducted fifteen years ago. As MacDonalds, customers will spend on average three minutes and nine seconds from the time they placed their orders until they received their food. Thats about ten seconds more than the indust

14、ry average-and a lot slower than a decade ago, according to the study, which was commissioned by QSR, an industry trade publication. And MacDonalds wasnt alone in slowing down: Other chains also saw their drive-through performance slow down. (4)Among the reasons for the slower service, today there a

15、re more choices on the menu, and the products themselves are more complex and take longer to prepare. Speed, of course, is essential to the drive-through experience. And drive-throughs are hugely important to chains, such as MacDonalds, Burger King and Taco Bell. “Usually the drive-through accounts

16、for sixty to seventy percent of all business that goes through a fast-food restaurant,” notes Sam Ochers, editor of QSR. Of course, consumers also want their orders prepared correctly and on that score, Ochers says, “accuracy is still really high.”Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.未听先知:预览两道题各选项,由其中反复出现的 fast-food 可推测,新闻内容与快餐有关。其中第 3 题各选项均为概括性比较强的名词短语,

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