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1、简单句练习题第二章 句 法一、简 单 句(一) 简单句的五种基本结构题1 指出下列各句属于哪种基本句型。1They are students. ( )2The flowers turn red in spring. ( )3The boys laughed. ( )4We study English. ( )5The teacher asked me two questions. ( )6We all call him Xiao Li. ( )题2 同意句改写。1Please pass me a cup of tea. Please pass a cup of tea .2Yesterday

2、my friend gave a nice present me. Yesterday my friend a nice present.3Pingping lent Lucy his bike two hours ago. Pingping his bike two hours ago.4Uncle Liu showed us some pictures. Uncle Liu pictures .5My aunt made a cake for the children yesterday. My aunt made yesterday.6Mum has bought her a new s

3、kirt. Mum has a new skirt .题3 变成否定句,一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。1This is a bike under the tree.2There are some apple trees in front of the house.3There was a football match yesterday afternoon.4There were some people in the street.5There will be a sports meeting next week.6There is going to be an English film t

4、his evening.7There is something wrong with my watch.8She has some story-books.9We have a TV set in our house.题4 用存在有和所属有的正确形式填空。1 a picture on the wall?2 any maps on the back wall?3 Rose any paper?4There some nice picture-books over there.5How many people in your family?6I some library books.7How mu

5、ch paper you? I two pieces of paper.8You any sisters.9 any tea in the cup? Yes, there is some.10 much rice in the bowl? 11 any people in the picture? No, any.12 a ball and two boxes under the bed.13 a fish and chips shop at the end of the road.14 any kites in the sky.15 a little ink left in his pen

6、at the moment?16The road is wet. a heavy rain just now.题5 同意句改写。1I havent any books in my hand. Any books in my hand.2They havent any sisters. They sisters. They sisters. (口语中) They sisters.3Mary has no sisters and no brothers. Mary sisters brothers.4There isnt any water in the glass. There water in

7、 the glass.5There isnt any water and air on the moon. There water air on the moon. There is water air on the moon.题6 英译汉。1There seems to be a heavy snow this afternoon.2There must be many people in the room.3There may be a mistake in your problems.4There can be a heavy rain here.5There stands a big

8、tree over there.6There lived an old man in the village.题7 汉译英。1花园里有许多女学生。2你们班有多少名学生?3这屋里只有一台电视。4我们有足够的时间做作业。5一月份有多少天?6动物园有多少种动物?7月球上没有空气,上面怎能有生物呢?8请别离开,会后有电影。9或许还剩下几票。(三) 陈 述 句题8 把下列各词连成陈述句。1see, a map, can, I, the, wall, on2does, often, the, go, Lucy, park, not, to3right, he, I, think, is, dont题9 汉

9、译英。1农民们正在为来年作好准备。2我和林涛是好朋友。3他们还没有完成那项工作。4这个小男孩不擅长游泳。5小明可能语文考试不及格。(四) 一般疑问句题10 将下列各句变成一般疑问句,并作肯定或否定回答。1They are playing basketball on the playground. basketball on the playground?2They can borrow books from the library. borrow books from the library? Yes, .3He has many English novels in his family? E

10、nglish novels in his family? No, .4They go to school on foot every day. To school on foot every day? Yes, .5His father went to France last year. his father to France last year? No, .6We have made a lot of beautiful clothes these days. you a lot of beautiful clothes days? Yes, .7He has finished his h

11、omework. his homework? No, .8I will pass on a message to her? Pass on a message to her? Yes, .9I would like a cup of milk, please. Like a cup of milk, please? Yes, .10We have many cakes for supper. (变为否定疑问句) Cakes for supper?11It is a wonderful skirt. (变为否定疑问句) a wonderful skirt?12I want to come wit

12、h you. (变为否定疑问句) want to come with ?13I told you to come earlier. (变为否定疑问句) You to come earlier?14I have been to Dalian three times. (变为否定疑问句) Been to Dalian three times?15I was hatching TV this time last night? No, I .(六) 选择疑问句题11 将下列各句变为选择疑问句并回答。1He is teacher (a student) ?2This ruler is yours. (h

13、is) ?3Kate wants this red apple. (that pear) ?4Im looking for my pen. (Bettys) ?5The students visited the farm. (the factory) ?6Were going to the Great Wall this week. (next week) Factory.7My teacher often has lunch at school. (at home)8Which is bigger, the sun or the moon? The sun is.9Who studies (

14、the) hardest, Tom, Jim or Lucy? Jim does.10Whose handwriting is better, Li Leis Wei Fangs? Wei Fangs is.11Lin Taos father goes to work on foot. (by bus) ?12I can say it in English. (in Chinese) ?13We will read these words. (write) ?14Well watch TV. (go to the cinema) ?15He will be here at eight. (at

15、 nine)16Is Lily going to the shop? (Lucy)17Do you draw the picture for Kate? (for me)(七) 反意疑问句题12 完成下列反意疑问句。1Everything is ready, ?2Somebody came here just now, ?3This isnt your book, ?4There are ten boys here, ?5Im a student, ?6He was really unhappy, ?7He has a nice picture, ?8He had breakfast at s

16、even oclock, ?9I must do it, ?10He is at the cinema now, ?11She had to go there, ?12You had better go home, ?13There is litter water in the glass, ?14Listen to me carefully, ?15Dont look out of the window, ?16Lets go to the park, ?17Let us look at your new book, ?18She thinks you are right, ?19I don

17、t think you are right, ?20Learning English well is hard, ?21He is going to the football match, ?22Liu Ying does well in English, ?23She hasnt got a ticket for the examination, ?24There was a picture on the wall last term, ?25Xiao Li had made good progress, ?26The plane leaves at ten, ?27Im late, ?28

18、Nobody is waiting for you, ?29This is a lovely city, ?30Lend me your bike, ?31You have no lessons on Saturday afternoon, ?32Our city has changed a lot since 1987, ?33He doesnt talk much, ?34There is a ball in his hand, ?35They were singing when you got there, ?36Mike will be late for school today, ?

19、37They arent going to be teachers in the future, ?38Hes never been to the Great Wall, ?39There were few people in this place hundreds of years ago, ?40There is little ink in the pen, ?41Lets have a rest, ?42I think he will come soon. ?43Pass me that book, ?44Tom didnt go to the park yesterday, did h

20、e? (肯定回答并翻译)45Lucy is a Chinese girl, isnt she? (否定回答并翻译)(八) 否定疑问句题13 把下列否定的一般疑问句译成汉语。1Arent they beautiful? Yes, they are.2Cant you see Im a bird? No, I cant.3Dont you know him? Yes, I do.4Wont you have more rice? No, I wont.5Havent you done it ? Yes, I have.题14 把下列否定的特殊疑问句译成汉语。1Why dont do your ho

21、mework? (Why not do your homework?)2Who is not here? Who isnt here?感 叹 句题15 把下列各句变为感叹句。1It is a nice box. .2The man is very old. .3The watches are quite new. .4Take are beautiful flowers. .5The workers are working hard. .6The factory is so big. .7The child is very clever. .8The sum shines so brightl

22、y. .9We are having a fine day. .10She looks pretty in red dress. .11We had a gook time last week. .12He was foolish to think like that. .13Your classroom is clean and bright. .14This is a very difficult question. .15They were living a happy life. .用what ,how 填空。 1 a big horse it is ! 2 big the horse

23、 is ! 3 new the books ate! 4 lovely the boy is ! 5 well he studies ! 6 delicious moon cades! 6 fat the pigs are ! 7 good students they are !用两种方法变成感叹句。 1She is a beautiful girl. she is ! the girl is 2There are big trees. the trees are ! they are!(十)祈使句用所给词的适当形式填空。 1Please (open) the door. 2 (look)at

24、 the picture ,please ! 3 (nor be)careless. 4 (be)quiet , please. 5Please (not watch )TV so much ,Jim! 6 (let)me (have)a look at the photo. 7 let the boy (go)out at night. 8Let the boy (not go)out at night.根据要求变化。 1Tom is sitting on the desk.(变成否定祈使句) 2Open the window , please.(同上) 3Be standing in th

25、e rain.(同上) 4Please dont take down the picture.(变成肯定祈使句) 5Please read the text.(变成否定祈使句)汉译英。 1不要在课堂上说话。 2下次请别迟到了。 3请不要喝脏水。 4请不要像这样说。 5不要在墙上画。 6我们去公园吧!(十一)倒装句将下列倒装句译成汉语,并注意其含意。1There comes the bus. 2There goes the bell. 3Shes hungry .”“SO am I.” 4He can drive a car . SO can I. 5Lilei studies well .SO

26、 does Wei Hua . 6Mr. Black isnt good at swimming. Neither (Nor)is Mr. Green. 7Yesterday we didnt go there .Neither (Nor)did they. 8What a fine day today ! So it is. 9My brother hasnt been to Dalian. Neither (Nor)he has. 10My mother always thinks of others. So she does.(十二)主谓语的一致用适当的谓语动词填空。 1Grass al

27、ways green in the south.2Not only you but also I wrong.3Neither Bill nor his parents at home. 4The football team having bath (洗澡) now. 5Maths the language of science. 6Neither of the sentences correct. 7When each person (come) in, they must show their tickets. 8Nothing in the world difficult for one

28、 who is careful. 9Ten thousand pounds a lot of money.10Fifty miles not a great distance.11It Comrade Li and Comrade Wang who did it.12Nobody but John and Jim (be) asked to go.13What two and two?14None of us (have) got a camera (照相机)。15There (be) some pens and a pencil in my bag.16Reading in bed (be)

29、 bad a for your eyes.17Vegetables sold at this shop (be) usually cheap.18All that can be done (do).19Between the two buildings (stand) a theatre (剧院)。20A large number of boys and girls (play) in the park.21Swimming here (need) great courage. (勇气)。22A teacher with two students (come) to us.23No one except me (know) about it.24Mar

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