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1、6Its _ knowledge that bad moods can have an influence on our health.Aunusual Bspecial Cgeneral Dcommon7Happy birthday, Anna. Heres my present for you.Wow, thank you so much. Im really_that you still remember my birthday.Ascared Bstressed Csatisfied Dsurprised8Thanks a lot for offering such _ to me i

2、n my research.Ausual advice Bimportant advice Ca usual trip Dvaluable trip9What new skills have you unlocked during the long winter holiday?Cooking. It has become more _ among people and I can cook nice dishes now.Aexciting Bdifficult Cdifferent Dpopular10Wow, Parasite (寄生虫) won the Oscar for Best P

3、icture this year.I was really _ when I heard about it, because it is the first time that an Asian film won the award.Asurprised Blucky Cconfident Dsure11Whats wrong with your radio?The sound coming out is not _.Aclean Bclear Cfresh Dwell12I think “heroes in harms way(逆行者)” must be one of the _words

4、on the Internet last year.Ahottest Bwidest Ccleverest Ddriest13Read this sentence She felt small as she walked to the enormous, empty stage.Which word has the SAME meaning as the underlined word enormous?AClean BBright. CHuge DTiny14 More and more people like group buying on WeChat. You said it. The

5、 prices are _.Amuch lower Bmuch cheaper Cmore expensive Deven higher15 What language is that guy speaking? I can hardly catch a _ word! Neither can I. Hes from India. So I guess its Hindi.Asilent Bsingle Csimple Dsimilar16Im always _ before the exam. I often try to make myself calm down by taking a

6、deep breath.Arelaxed Bbored Cnervous Dhappy17 How do you find the price now? As a_rule, prices follow needs.Aprivate Bgeneral Ccentral Dfixed18Can we chat in the library?Im afraid not. We should keep _.Ahealthy Bclean Cquiet Dwarm19 What do you think of those doctors in Wuhan, Ma Lin?How brave they

7、are! Theyve tried their best to keep patients _.Alive Balive Cliving Dlively20 Are you going to take part in the speech competition? Thats for sure. Its _ a chance to miss.Asmall enough Bgood enough Ctoo small Dtoo good21What do you think of his _ play?I like it much better than his _one.Alatest; la

8、st Blast; laster Clast; last Dlatest; latest22I really cant believe such a learned man has made so silly a mistake.Dont you know _ sense is worth more than knowledge.Ageneral Busual Cspecial Dcommon23Helen is watching a basketball match Which is shown _ on TV. Though he is not on the scene, he can s

9、till cheer for his team.24 Sorry, I cant afford to go abroad. What about having a country travel with a little_ price?Acheaper Bhigher Clower Dless25Sorry, I dont know how many colours there are in a rainbow.Are you joking? This is just _ knowledge.Anatural Bgeneral Cproper Dancient26My little cousi

10、n is a(n) _ boy and he always comes up with new ideas for class activities.Acreative Bcurious Corganized Denergetic27Its _ knowledge that moods can have an influence on our health.28I cant afford the red shoes.What about the black pair? The price is a little _.Acheaper Blower Chigher Dmore expensive

11、29What do you think of the new car produced by BYD?Oh, its improved system gives people a _ ride even on mountain roads.Asimilar Bterrible Cstrange Dsmooth30Students should be _ that even a small thing like saving water and looking after a tree can make a big difference to our environment.Aalone Baw

12、ake Caware Dafraid31Peter, have you heard of the song Let it go? Yes, it sounds _ and its popular among young people.Anice Bbad Cterrible Dstrange32 Why do English people talk so often about the weather when starting the talk?Because the weather is a (an) _ topic.Asafe Bserious Cawful Dexciting33Alt

13、hough this may sound like a _ process, great care is needed.Astupid Bsimilar Csimple Dstrict34How was your exam the day before yesterday?Well, I feel quite good. I made _ mistakes than before.Afewer Bthe fewest Cless Dthe least35 Would you mind not making much noise? Mum is sleeping. Sorry, I didnt

14、know. I thought she was _.Aalone Basleep Cawake Dafraid36Some people change the wetlands into farms. This will lead to _ space for wildlife.Afewer and fewer Bsmaller and smallerCbigger and bigger Dless and less37No one could be more suitable for the job than you. Thanks. Your words have made me more

15、 _ of my interview.Acreative Brelaxed Cnervous Dconfident38Youve watched the boring soap opera thousands of times! Why dont you go outside and find something _ doing?Auseful Bcheerful Cenjoyable Dworth39Were late! Its already 7:30.Dont worry. My clock is 20 minutes _.Afast Blate Cslow Dearly40In the

16、 USA, many people use decorations to make their yards more _.Alive Blively Calive Dliving41Like so many creative people, he was never _.Thats why he has made lots of valuable paintings.Acheerful Bskillful Csatisfied Dsurprised42With true friends, we feel _ to share our joy and sadness to the greates

17、t possible degree.Afree Bsuitable Cstrange Dfriendly43What do you think of the film Hi, Mom directed by Jia Ling?I have never seen a _ one before. I cant wait to see it again.Abest Bworse Cbetter Dworst44Have you found that more and more visitors come to our hometown?Youre right. Thats because were

18、now building Huaian a _ city!Alive Blively Cliving Dalive45 Mr. Green, please feel _ to let us know if you arent satisfied with our service. OK, I will. It has been good so far.Areal Bready Cfree Dfresh46It is _ for people to drive after drinking or without wearing a seat belt.Asick Bdangerous Cfunn

19、y Dimportant47It is a _ choice to decide whether take on a new challenge or remain the same.Yeah, I just have difficulty making the decision.Asimple Bstraight Cdouble Dtypical48 Mary can get good marks in all her subjects, but she never shows off. I agree. She is _.Agenerous Bmodest Cpatient Dcuriou

20、s49It will be _.Thats great! The whole world will be white.Asunny Bcloudy Csnowy Dfoggy50Mr. King is very _. He explains the difficulties many times until we understand them.Astrict Bpatient Cpolite Dhard-working二、选择题51Ive been a League member for about two years. What about you?I joined the League

21、_May, 2017.Ain Bon Cat Dby52My mum searched _ the messy books and found my pencil was under a Harry Potter.Aas Bacross Cthrough Dfor53_ Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual.AAt BOn CTo DIn54I want to visit Liaoning History Museum. Is it open today?No. It opens every day _ Monday.Aexc

22、ept Btill Cbetween Dafter55The chopsticks are _ wood.Amade of Bmade from Cmade in Dmade with56The girl is _ a singer _ everyone in her hometown.Awell known as; for Bwell known as; to Cwell-know as; to Dbest known for; for57The workers will build a new road _ the two villages.Afrom Bamong Cat Dbetwee

23、n58My family get together and have a big dinner _ Sundays.Aat Bin Con Dto59_ a spring morning, a bird flew into our classroom and we were very excited to see it.AIn BOn CAt DFor60My family is always _ me no matter what I decide to do. That makes me very pleased.Aabove Bbehind Cagainst Dthrough61 I h

24、avent been to Shenzhen for years. You really need to pay a visit, and youll find changes there are _ imagination.Abeyond Bthrough Cwithout Dfor62The blue planet is so far from the earth that radio signals, travel _ the speed of light, take 16 hours to reach the spacecraft.Afor Bin Con Dat63 The Drag

25、on Boat Festival falls_May or June every year. Yes, this years Dragon Boat Festival is_June 25th.Ain; on Bon; in Cin; in Don; on64The teacher encouraged the students to tell the story _ English.Aat Bwith Cin Dfor65Bees and butterflies play _ flowers. Then they hide _ the April showers.Aamong; from B

26、among; in Cwith; in Dwith;66When are you arriving? Ill pick you up the station.Aat Bto Con Doff67How long have you lived in the new building?_2010.AAfter BIn CSince DBefore68Family is always _ me, so I can follow my dreams with great courage.Abeyond Bforward Cpast Dbehind69Jack, you should put the things away in your room. It is _ a terrible m

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