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本文(北师大版高中英语选修六Unit 18《Beauty》单元测试Word下载.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

北师大版高中英语选修六Unit 18《Beauty》单元测试Word下载.docx

1、3Why is Anne late?AShe lives far away.BShe doesnt have a car.CShe doesnt have a phone.Text 3This is the third time weve had to wait for Anne. I wish she would call when shes going to show up late. Its so rude of her to make us all wait in the rush hour.I know,but she does have to drive 15 miles in t

2、he rush hour in order to get here.答案A4How much will the man pay for the tickets?A18 dollars. B24 dollars. C30 dollars.Text 4Id like some tickets for tomorrows concert.Tickets for the concert are $6 for adults, half price for children.All right. Id like three tickets for adults and two tickets for ch

3、ildren, please.5What is probably the woman?AA clerk. BA librarian. CA waitress.Text 5Can I take your coat?Thank you.Would you like something to drink before you order your meal,sir?Yes,please.Can I see the wine list?Certainly.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,

4、并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6Whats the funny film mainly about?ATall customers.BA shop owner.CAdvertisements.7Why did the customers come to the shop?AThey found themselves cheated.BThey thanked him for growing 20 centimeters taller.CThey found

5、 that too many people sent him money.Text 6I saw a funny movie last Wednesday.Really?It was about a man who owned a furniture shop.A furniture shop?Yes,and he put an advertisement in the paper saying,“Send me 500 dollars and I guarantee to make you 20 centimeters taller.”My goodness!Hundreds of men

6、sent him money.No.He sent them back a 20 centimeters high plastic stool. Then they all came round to his shop and asked for their money back.答案6.B7.A听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8Why did Linda go to London?ATo take a holiday.BTo see a doctor.CFor work.9Who was ill?ALinda.BLindas manager.CLindas coworker.10What a

7、re the speakers going to do tonight?ATo leave for London.BTo have dinner with a friend.CTo take the managers office.Text 7Are you phoning Linda?Yes. But how do you know?Her office left you a message.What did it say?It said she had left for London.What happened?The manager at their office had suddenl

8、y fallen ill. She had to go and take his place for three days.Thats too bad.Whats the problem?You see,I had arranged for us to have dinner with a friend tonight.Why not invite me, then?Sure,why not?答案8.C9.B10.B听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11Where does the conversation take place?AAt a doctors. BIn a shop. CIn a

9、 college.12What happened to the mans leg?AHe had his leg wounded.BHe had his leg burnt.CHe had his leg hurt.13What is the man worried about?AHe has to stay in bed for two days.BHe has to attend an important meeting.CHe can not play in a football match.Text 8Can I help you?Yes,I wonder if you can loo

10、k at my leg.Whats the matter with it?Oh, terrible! It was burnt in a fire.Had you done anything before you came to me?No,nothing. I didnt know what to do.OK,put it higher. Let me examine it and put some medicine on it.M: Ah,I feel a great pain here. Would you mind my lying down?Of course not. Luckil

11、y it is not badly burnt.But I feel so bad.Just stay in bed until next Friday. Dont move a bit.But Im going to play in a football match next week.No, you cant do that. Take these medicine three times a day.Oh,terrible! I hate that.Calm, please. You wont be well unless you take them.答案11.A12.B13.C听第9段

12、材料,回答第14至17题。14Where are the speakers?AOn a plane.BOn an airport bus.CIn the waiting room.15What made the woman so worried at the beginning of the conversation?AHer brother had an accident.BShe would be late for her flight.CShe missed the bus to the airport.16Why does the man say you waste time wait

13、ing around doing nothing?AYou may get to the airport too early.BYou may spend a lot of time traveling to the airport.CYou may wait for some time on the plane before taking off.17What is the weather like that day?ARainy. BCold. CFine.Text 9Excuse me, is that seat taken?No. Its free,I think.Right. Ill

14、 take it. Here I am. I thought Id never catch it.What? Catching the plane?Yes. My brother insisted on driving out to the airport. The traffic was terrible, there being an accident or something.I always travel on the airport bus. I know you waste a certain amount of time waiting around doing nothing,

15、but at least youre certain that youll be on time for the plane.Youre right. Better later than never. But of course, better never late. I tried to make it at exactly eleven oclock. Thats when my plane is supposed to take off.See? They are starting to check on the seat belts. I suppose it wont be long

16、 now.The takeoff is the only interesting thing about flight, in my opinion.Well, I dont know landing can have its moment especially when the weather is bad.Oh, that reminds me. The weather report this morning said sunny and warm. I dont see any clouds, so well be fine.答案14.A15.B16.B17.C听第10段材料,回答第18

17、至20题。18What is the passage mainly about?AStudents in different countries lead different lives.BDifferences between European and American universities.CDifferent university professors have different teaching methods.19How do American professors teach in class?AThey ask students to give lectures.BThey

18、 give lectures to students for the most time.CThey ask their students questions and encourage them to discuss in class.20Where can university students be more concentrated on their studies?AIn European countries.BIn class discussion.CIn the US.Text 10European universities and universities in the Uni

19、ted States differ in many ways.First, European students enroll in fewer courses each term than United States students do. Second, European students seldom live on a university campus. Instead, they live at home and travel to classes. Third, most European courses are for the most time lectures given

20、by professors while professors in the United States spend much less time lecturing; instead, they often ask their students questions and divide their students into discussion groups. Whats more, at most American universities, social activities take up a large part of the students time but in Europe,

21、 unlike in the United States, a university is mainly a place to study. Above all, European students final examinations are usually oral, whereas American students take more written final examinations.答案18.B19.C20.A第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21The

22、 prince was_by her beauty and was determined to find her.Abeaten Bstruck Chit Dmoved答案B句意:王子被她的美所迷住决定找到她。strike“打动”。22He said he was going to_her home, and the lady was happy to have such a nice_.Acompanion;company Baccompany;companyCcompany;companion Daccompany;companion答案Daccompany sb“陪伴某人”。compan

23、y“陪伴”,是不可数名词,companion“伙伴”,是可数名词。故D项正确。23Im suffering from the toothache. Can you give me any suggestion?I_Dr. Baker. He is an excellent dentist.Arecommend Badore Cconvey Dbelieve答案Arecommend“推荐”,符合题意;adore“爱慕,崇拜”;convey“传达,传送”;believe“相信”。24On her way home, she_a slice of honey cake at the bakers,

24、but now she doesnt like this kind of cake.Awould buy Bused to buyCis used to buying Dis used to buy答案Bwould表示“过去常常”时,与现在没有对比关系;used to表示“过去常常”时,与现在有对比关系。25Fresh coffee is_to instant coffee.Asuperior Bbetter Cjunior Dsenior答案A句意:新鲜咖啡比速溶咖啡好。be superior to(be better than)意为“比好”;be junior to“比小(低)”;be s

25、enior to“比高(大)”。26Dont worry. If you cant come to_birthday party, Ill save_cake for you.Aa;much Bthe;any Ca;little Dthe;some答案D句意:如果你不能去参加生日聚会的话,不要担心,我会给你留些蛋糕的。此处的聚会是两人都知道的,故用定冠词the;第二空表示“一些”,且在肯定句中,故用some。27Bill is a great writer?I agree. Would you please introduce me to Bill? I_him very much.Aadmi

26、t Badore Csupport Dencourage答案Badore“爱慕,崇拜”,符合题意。admit“承认,供认”;support“支持”;encourage“鼓励,支持”。28In order to prevent the Tibetan antelopes and pandas from_, the Chinese government has taken many measures to protect them.Adying out Bdying awayCdying down Ddying off答案Adie out“灭绝;消失”,符合题意。die away“(声音、光、风等

27、)逐渐消失或停止”;die down“逐渐变弱;消失”;die off“(一组生命体)一个接一个地死去”。29My father keeps coughing these days. The doctor recommended that he_up smoking, but he wouldnt listen to it.Awould give Bgave Cgive Dgives答案C句意:我父亲这几天一直咳嗽,医生劝他戒烟,但他就是不听。recommend意为“建议,推荐”,后接that引导的从句时,从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用(should)do的形式。30Ill order a special messenger to_the document.Aconvey Bdeliver Ctransport Dsend我会派专人把文件送去。deliver“亲自送;递交”,符合题意。convey“运输,运送”;transport“运送”;send“派;请,寄送”。31I hope my house could be a real sweet home, a place to_spirits, but not just a place to shelter.Aimprove Bincrease Crefresh Dfresh答案Cref

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