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1、如果其被采用,鹿特丹规则将代替上述提及的先前的公约。同时,也会使得中国海商法,美国及澳大利亚的海上货物运输法律及其他法律过时。Nevertheless, it remains to be seen whether this bold effort will succeed.尽管如此,我们仍有待观察这一大胆的努力是否会成功。A number of hurdles have to be overcome before the Rotterdam Rules can take effect.许多困难要在鹿特丹规则生效前克服。 从2009年9月鹿特丹规则在鹿特丹的正式出台至今,A total of 2

2、1 countries have signed the convention since it was officially presented in Rotterdam in September 2009 (see box).一共有21个国家签署了该公约。One thing that stands out is that the signatories include a number of African nations, in addition to the USA and certain European countries.有一点突出的是,除美国和一些欧洲国家之外,签约国还包括一些非

3、洲国家。 But the signatures do not mean that the convention has actually been adopted by any of these countries.但是,签名并不意味着该公约已经被这些国家所采用。The Rotterdam Rules have to be ratified by at least 20 nations.鹿特丹规则必须得到至少20个国家的批准。根据相关法律规定,They will become legally binding according to Article 94 RR only one year af

4、ter the ratification documents have been officially filed with the United Nations.他们将在向联合国正式提交批准文件一年后才可以具有法律约束力。However, it is the opinion of this author that worldwide harmonisation of maritime transport regulations will not be achieved by the ratification of a mere 20 countries.然而,作者的意见是,全球海洋运输条例的

5、统一将不会由单纯的20个国家的批准而取得成功。The Rotterdam Rules also have to be adopted by other important players in international maritime trade, such as Singapore, China, Japan, the Latin American countries and Australia.鹿特丹规则也必须被国际海上贸易中的其他重要的参与国,如新加坡,中国,日本,拉美国家和澳大利亚所采纳。欧洲国家European nations such as Great Britain, Ita

6、ly, Spain and Germany also have to come on board.如英国,意大利,西班牙和德国也将参与进来。What is new什么是新的?What would change if the Rotterdam Rules were adopted?如果鹿特丹规则被采用,什么将会改变?鹿特丹规则They would eliminate the nautical fault defence, which currently prevents carriers and crews from being held liable for negligent ship m

7、anagement and navigation.取消了“航海过失免责”条款,即承运人因驾驶船舶或者管理船舶的过失所造成的货物的灭失或者损坏,不负赔偿责任。这个条款总是显示在一般条款和条件适用于集装箱货物运输的提单中。In addition, the non-liability clause has been codified in the laws of many countries.此外,非责任条款已被编纂在许多国家的法律中。例如,In Germany, for example, article 607, paragraph 2 HGB of the German commercial c

8、ode stipulates nautical fault as a reason for absolving a shipping line of liability.在德国,其商业法第607条第2款明确规定,航海过失在航行中是免除赔偿责任的。The Rotterdam Rules eliminate this.鹿特丹规则取消了这条规定。The new rule would require a vessel to be seaworthy during the entire ocean journey.新规则要求船只在整个海洋运输中适航。Otherwise the shipping line

9、 is held responsible for any damage caused to the goods according to the Rotterdam Rules.否则,根据鹿特丹规则,船运公司将承担所有货物的损失。In addition, shipping lines will face higher penalties in case of loss or damage.此外,航运公司在损失或损害的情况下将面临更高的刑罚。Article 4a of the Hague-Visby Rules stipulates that a shipping line is liable

10、for two special drawing rights (SDRs) per kilogram of the lost or damaged freight, or 666.67 SDRs per packed piece or shipped unit.海牙-维斯比规则第4A条规定,承运人的赔偿责任限额为每件666.67特别提款权或毛重每千克2特别提款权,以较高者为准。This has been boosted to three SDRs per kilogram or 875 SDRs per package or shipped unit in Article 59 RR.这已被提

11、高到每千克3特别提款权或每包875特别提款权。It is not difficult to see that the change from the Hague-Visby Rules is significant.不难看出,海牙-维斯比规则的变化是巨大的。In addition, shipping lines are not permitted to limit liability at the expense of shippers in their general terms and conditions.此外,航运公司不得在其一般性条款和条件下限制托运人费用。Moreover, it

12、will not be possible to exclude per piece liability in a contract with the aim of only having to pay three SDRs per kilogram in case of loss or damage.此外,将无法排除在合同下的只须支付每公斤3个特别提款权的的损失或损害的每单位责任。Shipping lines will also be held accountable for failing to hold to the agreed transport times.航运公司也将对未能按规定时

13、间运输的损失负责。相关法律Article 60 RR states that the shipping line must pay compensation for loss of or damage to goods due to delay.第60条指出,航运公司必须对因迟延运输造成的货物损失或损坏进行赔偿。The liability is limited to an amount equivalent to two and a half times the freight payable on the goods delayed.该责任限制,延迟交付货物最多应付相当于2.5倍的运费。 T

14、his can obviously add up to tens of thousands of dollars or euros per event.这明显的意味着每事件需支付数万美元或欧元。Criticism from Germany来自德国的批评 As already pointed out at the beginning of this article, whether or not the RR will eventually rule the seas is still written in the stars.正如这篇文章开头所指出,鹿特丹规则最终是否成功仍然有待观察。It i

15、s noteworthy that the RR have elicited some public criticism (such as from Germany), but Asia and Latin America have met them with almost complete silence.值得注意的是,鹿特丹规则已经引发了一些大众批评(如德国),但亚洲和拉丁美洲几乎保持完全沉默。Critics such as the German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein DAV) say that the Rotterdam Rule

16、s, with their 96 articles, have a difficult structure and are too complicated.如德国律师协会批评说,有着96条规则的鹿特丹规则有一个很难的结构以及过于复杂。 The document is also marred by numerous references, exceptions and counter-exceptions.该文件还多次被大量的文献,例外和反例外所诋毁。It is not likely that Germany will sign the Rotterdam Rules in the near f

17、uture.德国在不久的将来签署鹿特丹规则这是不太可能的。That is regrettable, despite the (valid) criticism.这是令人遗憾的,尽管其存在有效的批评。The attitude of the countrys ministry of justice is all the more to be deplored as this is probably the last opportunity for a very long time to unify the international framework for the maritime carri

18、age of goods.该国的司法部的态度,更是被视为十分反对认为这可能是一个很长时间以来统一海上货物运输的国际框架的最后机会。 Neither the Hague Rules of 1924 (with 52 ratifying countries), nor the Hague-Visby Rules (with 27 ratifications), nor the Hamburg Rules (20 ratifications) succeeded in achieving this up to now.无论是1924年的海牙规则(52个批准国家),还是海牙-维斯比规则(27个国家批准

19、),或是汉堡规则(20份批准书),都没能在实现这一目标上取得成功。 Although Liberia, South Africa and Germany did not ratify the Hague-Visby Rules, they integrated them into their national laws.虽然利比里亚,南非和德国没有批准海牙-维斯比规则,但他们将其整合到了他们自己国家的法律中去。失败将导致法律的不确定性 If the Rotterdam Rules fail, the USA will go its separate way.如果鹿特丹规则失败,美国将开始其独立

20、的方式。 That nation will resume its revision of the US Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, a task which had been suspended out of deference to the RR.该国将重新修订恢复其自己的海上货物运输法。其将在另一种协调全球航运规则的尝试出现的Decades are sure to pass before another attempt is made to harmonise global shipping rules.十年内被通过。 In fact, the curren

21、t already enormous divergence of maritime laws around the world is likely to increase still more.事实上,目前,世界各地的庞大海事法例的分歧很可能会增加更多。 This will be reflected in corresponding legal uncertainties, especially in cases of loss or damage.这将反映在相应的法律的不确定性上,特别是在丢失或损坏的情况上。A commission in Germany has been working f

22、or some time to reform the maritime regulations in that countrys commercial code.在德国,一个委员会已经为修改本国商法下的海商法做了一段时间的努力。 其A draft was presented to the public at the end of 2009.草案在2009年年底公诸于众。德国司法部的Leading German politicians in the ministry of justice, along with certain associations, primarily want to co

23、me up with a solution that can be happily proposed to other countries as an alternative to the Rotterdam Rules.领头政治家,以及某些特定团体,主要想提出一个可以让人欣然接受的建议,以作为其他国家可以代替鹿特丹规则的方法。This would not lead to increased international harmony, however.这将不会导致更多的国际协调,但是,It is considered absolutely certain that the USA, as t

24、he worlds biggest economy, would adopt a separate approach.它被绝对肯定的是,美国作为世界最大经济体将通过一个独立的做法。Apart from that, cost conditions alone should prevent anyone from recommending the German proposal.此外,仅成本条件就应防止任何人推荐德国的提案。It would make more economic sense for the worlds countries to sign and ratify the Rotter

25、dam Rules.签署和批准鹿特丹规则将为世界更多的国家带来经济上的重大意义。瑞士安联保险公司律师Dr Vanesa Goglar, a lawyer at the Swiss insurance company Allianz Suisse, has calculated that lack of legal harmonisation would generate significantly higher costs than would the adoption of the RR.Vanesa Goglar已经计算出缺乏统一的法律将产生比采用鹿特丹规则而产生的更高的成本。She co

26、ncedes that it will be necessary to clarify new legal uncertainties arising out of the Rotterdam convention at the beginning.她承认,有必要在开始时澄清鹿特丹规则新产生出来的法律不确定性。But this process should not lead to the failure of the RR to establish themselves as a future legal framework.但是,这一进程不应导致RR在确立自己未来的法律框架时的失败。Will

27、 those who start too late miss the boat?开始太晚将会错失良机? Many international transport law experts rightly say that it is too late for certain members of the EU to work out their own new laws.许多国际运输法专家肯定地说,欧盟一些成员国制定自己的新法律已经太晚了。The fact that many shipping lines are critical of the Rotterdam Rules is not su

28、rprising.事实上,许多船公司对鹿特丹规则的批判不足为奇。This is connected with the enhanced liability that was outlined above.这与上述赔偿责任的增强密不可分。But their negative opinion is not shared by the protection and indemnity insurance associations (P&I Clubs).但他们的反面看法是不被保障及赔偿保险协会所认同的。The latter think that harmonisation of maritime s

29、hipping regulations will lead to lower costs in the long term.后者认为,海运条例的协调将导致在长期降低成本。 It would also greatly accelerate cargo claim management, and it would establish more legal certainty.这将大大加快货物的索赔管理,并会建立更多的法律确定性。Opportunity for unification 机遇统一 To sum up, six years were required to develop the Rot

30、terdam Rules.总之,需要6年来发展鹿特丹规则。 Many countries were directly involved.许多国家都直接参与。合理的It would certainly be a good thing if certain key points could be optimised, as some of the criticism is justifi批评有时是一件好事,如果某些关键点可以进行优化,这是很有道理的。 But there are only two options on the table at the moment to either accept

31、 or reject the RR.但是,只有两种选择摆在桌面上- 接受或拒绝鹿特丹规则。Given this choice I can only agree with the German Bar Association.在这种选择下,我只能同意德国律师协会。 We should not let the Rotterdam Rules fail.我们不应该让鹿特丹规则失败。 The opportunity to unify our maritime laws carries more weight than any of the valid criticism.有机会统一海事法例比任何有效的批评都有重量。That is why the German Bar Association is recommending that the German government sign the RR.这就是为什么德国律师协会建议德国政府签署鹿特丹规则。The convention is designed

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