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1、山脉vi. (在一定范围内)变化13. appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏;感谢;领会14. measure n措施, 方法;尺度vt. 测量;估量,判定15. quantity n数量16. adopt vt.收养, 领养;采用, 采纳17. consequence n结果, 后果18. confirm vt.&vi证实;确认;使确信;批准19. favour n赞同;恩惠,帮助;偏爱vt. 较喜欢,偏袒;有助于20. transform vt.使改变外观或性质(尤指向好的方向); 使改变形态1用括号里所给词的适当形式填空:1. Keep your mind _(focus) on wh

2、at you want, and be prepared to receive it.2. I found him sitting in his chair, completely _ (absorb) in a magazine.3. When the old man heard the news that his son was still alive, he couldnt help _(cry)【答案】 1. focused2. absorbed3. crying重点高频短语:1. get through (用电话)接通; 设法联系上;通过2. rely on依靠, 依赖3. keep

3、 pace with (与)步调一致;(与)同步4. regardless of不管,不顾5. under way进行中6. cut back on减少,消减,缩减7. pick out挑出,找出;辨认出8. push ahead with义无反顾地进行,努力推进9. toy with戏弄, 摆弄;把当儿戏10. take.into consideration 认真考虑11. for sale供出售, 待出售12. follow in ones footsteps 效仿某人13. cannot help doing忍不住做14. end up最后成为;最终处于15. open the floo

4、r自由发言16. in/with regard to关于, 至于17. in particular尤其,特别18. run out (of)用尽, 耗尽19. do ones part尽自己的职责20. queue up排队等候2单项填空:1. After the job was finished, the builder _ the number of men working for him.A. cut off B. cut back onC. cut up D. cut in2. My money _. I must go to the bank to draw some of my s

5、avings out before Iv none in hand.A. has run outB. is running outC. has been run outD. is being running out3. It took my wife a long time to _ a new dress at the store so as to attend the wedding party next Sunday.A. stand outB. pick outC. leave outD. make out【答案】 1. B2. B3. B 佳句读背:1. When_asked,_th

6、ey usually hesitate before responding, “My best friend? I cant think about that.”当被问及这个问题时,在回答之前他们往往都要犹豫一下,“我最好的朋友吗?这个问题我可没想过”2. The worlds population has grown by_six_times_what_it_was_in 1800.与1800年的人口相比,世界人口量已经增长了六倍。 3. What_if they run out?如果这些原材料用完了怎么办?4. With_me_are Ms Lin Shuiqing, from the G

7、reen Society, and Mr Qian Liwei, a business development consultant.和我一起的, 一位是来自绿色地球协会的林水清女士,另一位是商业发展顾问钱力伟先生。5. Nowhere_is_this_truer_than with genetically modified(GM) food.转基因食品就是最好的例子。3There is plenty of rain in the country, _ every year.A. as much as sixty inches B. as sixty inches much asC. sixt

8、y inches as much as D. as much sixty inches as【答案】 A模块六1. variety n. U变化, 多样化C品种;(同一事物)不同种类;变体;变种2. perform vt.&vi.演出,表演;表现3. amuse vt.逗笑,逗乐; 提供(消遣),(使) 娱乐4. participate vi.参加,参与5. guarantee vt.&n.保证; 担保6. instruct vt.教授,传授; 指示,命令;通知,告知7. tear vt.&vi.撕, 扯n. (常用复数) 眼泪8. burst vi.猛冲;突然出现vt. 使破裂,使胀裂9.

9、adapt vt.&vi.(使) 适应;改编10. accompany vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随;为伴奏11. quit vt.&vi.停止;放弃;离开12. assist vt.帮助;协助13. congratulate vt.向(某人)道贺,祝贺14. permit vt.&vi.允许,准许n. 许可证15. expectation n期望,期盼16. acquire vt.获得,取得;购得17. adjust vi.&vt.适应,习惯;调整,调节18. familiar adj.通晓;熟悉19. account n描述,叙述; 报告;账户20. lack n&vt.缺乏21. worthy

10、 adj.令人敬重的;值得的;有价值的22. alternative adj.可供替代的;两者择一的n. 可供选择的事物23. contribute vt.&vi.捐献;捐助;贡献;投稿24. remind vt.使想起,提醒25. expand vi.&vt.扩展,发展(业务);增强,扩大1. Emily is trying to put the knowledge _(acquire) at school to use in her work.2. _(surround) by lots of wild flowers, the farm house looks more attracti

11、ve.3. She seems to be totally _(lack) in common sense.【答案】 1. acquired2. Surrounded3. lacking1. stand up for支持,维护2. come up with提出;想出;拿出3. drive away驱赶;赶走4. take on接纳;雇佣; 呈现; 承担5. apart from远离; 和不在一起;除了6. head for朝方向前进, 走向7. go after追赶;追求;谋求8. on ones own单独,独自;独立地9. get accustomed to习惯于10. let alone

12、更不要说;听任,不干涉11. take up占据(时间或空间);从事;开始12. make a difference有作用(关系、影响)13. make room for为腾出地方14. feel caught between在之间感到左右为难15. to ones relief使人欣慰的是16. think back to回想17. refer to谈及,提到;与有关;查阅,参考18. be aware of知道;意识到19. in a rush匆忙地,急切地1. After studying psychology overseas for ten years, Julie _ her jo

13、b as a doctor in the country.A. set out B. took overC. took up D. set up2. _ good service, the shop offers different kinds of traditional Nanjing shoes.A. Far from B. Apart fromC. Instead of D. Regardless of【答案】 1. C2. B1. If_only_ there were more people donating money to charities!要是有更多的人捐款给慈善机构就好了

14、!2. The water makes_it_difficult_for_the_cuts_and_wounds_to get better and easy for bacteria to spread. 水汽使得伤口难以好转,并易于传播细菌。3. Should_you make a mistake, you should_not_be_embarrassed如果你犯了错误,你也不应该觉得尴尬。4. It_is_believed_that_the Maori people came from the Pacific islands of Polynesia.人们认为毛利人来自太平洋中的波利尼

15、西亚群岛。5. All_I_had_to_do_was_ go to school and spend a few hours studying when I came home.我要做的就是上学,以及回家后再学习几个小时。6. Mike moves over as_if_to_make_room for Tony.Mike挪了挪,好像是要为Tony腾出地方。二、复习题.单项填空1Next day was to be the great meeting _ the Russian revolution.Ain spite ofBin celebration ofCin favour of Di

16、n place of2We Americans do a lot of business _ lunch,but people here prefer to tell stories.AinBoverCwithinDwithout3The old lady requested that the vase _ upstairs quickly.Ashould bring Bbe broughtCbrought Dbring4The professors present at the meeting exchanged a few _ in a low voice when the chairma

17、n made a speech.Aremarks BcommentsCopinions Dsuggestions5Ill go now.I wont _ any more of your time.Ahold up Bkeep upCtake up Dput up6Would you have told him the answer,if possible?Yes.I would have,but I _ very busy.Awas BwereChad been Dwould be7You didnt accept my help.If we _ it together,you _ so t

18、ired.Adid;didnt getBdo;wouldnt getCwere doing;wouldntDhad done;wouldnt have got8I am not sure what time Ill arrive,maybe 7:30 or 8:00._,Ill be there as early as possible.AAnyway BHoweverCThus DTherefore9Now I have _ over him.I can make him do anything _ I want.Aforce;which Bpower;/Cstrength;that Dco

19、ntrol;what10He speaks English well indeed,but of course not_ a native speaker.Aas fluent as Bmore fluent than Cso fluently as Dmuch fluently than11He _ his relatives for several years because of being kidnapped.Ahas lost contact toBhas lost contact with Chas been out of contact withDhas been out of

20、contact to 12Jack cant concentrate on his lessons recently.Yes,that might _ why he did so badly in the last test.Aanswer for Bapply for Caccount for Dcall for13They are quiet,arent they?Yes.They are accustomed _ at meals.Ato talk Bto not talk Cto talking Dto not talking14Ill wait for you at the gate

21、 of the Music Hall.See to _ that youll get there on time.Ayourself Bit Call Deverything15My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.Atreated Badopted Cadjusted Dreminded.完形填空The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to scho

22、ol.He _16_ me with a puzzleall because he waved to me like someone does _17_ seeing a close friend.A big, _18_ smile accompanied his wave.For the next few days I tried to _19_ his face to see if I knew him.I didnt.Perhaps he had _20_ me for someone else.By the time I contented myself with the _21_ t

23、hat he and I were strangers,we were greeting each other warmly every morning like old friends.Then one day the _22_ was solved.As I _23_ the school he was standing in the middle of the road _24_ his stop sign.I was in line behind four cars. _25_ the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk,he low

24、ered his sign and let the cars _26_.To the first he waved and _27_ in just the same way he had done to me over the last few days.The kids already had the window down and were happily waving their reply.The second car got the same _28_ from the crossing guard,and the driver,a stifflooking(表情刻板的) busi

25、nessman,gave a brief,almost _29_ wave back.Each following car of kids on their way to school _30_ more heartily.Every morning I continued to watch the man with _31_.So far I havent seen anyone _32_ to wave back.I find it interesting that one person can make such a(n) _33_ to so many peoples lives by

26、 doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly.His _34_ armed the start of my day.With a friendly wave and smiling face he had changed the _35_ of the whole neighbourhood.16A.hit BdisappointedCpresented D. bored 17A.on BfromCduring D. about 18A.false BshyCapologetic D. bright 19A.research Bs

27、tudyCrecognize D. explore20A.praised BblamedCmistaken D. respected 21A.conclusion BdescriptionCevaluation D. introduction 22A. argument BdisagreementCmystery D. task 23A. visited BapproachedCpassed D. left24A.drawing back Bputting onChanding in D. holding out25A.Once BBeforeCUnless D. Bt

28、hroughCout D. down 27A.cried BcheeredCsmiled D. gestured 28A.idea BreplyCnotice D. greeting 29A.awkward BangryCelegant D. patient 30A.came BrespondedChurried D. appeared31A.surprise BdisappointmentCinterest D. BtryCwish D. trouble33A.offer BsacrificeCpromise D. difference 34A. effectiveness BcheerfulnessCcarefulness D. seriousness 35A. trends BobservationsCregulations D. feelin

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