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高二外研版必修5Module A Job Worth Doing 公开课教案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、1. 四会词汇accountant, administrative, advertisement, agent, agency, assistant, badly paid, barber, career prospects, chef, contract, condition, data analyst, dawn, demand, dusk, earn, electrician, fire fighter, frequent, gentle, load, lorry driver, miner, outgoing, permanent, physical, salary, sheer, s

2、ocial worker, staff, stressful, temporary, travel agent, volunteer, well paid2. 认读词汇database, Bolivia, steeply, bioinformatician, pathologist, career prospects3. 词组have an effect on, in particular, in practice, in response to, in theory, pass by, take . for granted, take notice of语 法Review the verb

3、forms: past simple, past perfect and past continuous Somehow he survived.He was driving a lorry when he came off the road. Before he volunteered to direct traffic, Timoteo had had lots of jobs.重 点 句 子1. Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent. P122. But often they just pass by, ta

4、king the human traffic signal for granted. P133. He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain. P134. I am writing in response to your advertisement for a temporary position as a waiter. P185. I look forward to hearing from

5、 you. P186. For ., common sense, physical fitness and an outgoing personality are likely to be more important than computer skills. P19. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本模块以A Job Worth Doing为话题,旨在通过模块教学使学生了解社会中的各种工作及其对社会的重要作用,并设想未来的工作类型。功能项目主要通过具体的语境,用不同的情态动词表达不同语气与程度的猜测与判断。语法项目主要复习一般过去时、过去进行时和过去完成时的用法。写作部分要求学生就某

6、一项工作写一封求职信,咨询有关此项工作的情况,并介绍自己的简历。在教学过程中,教师通过一系列的听说读写和讨论等活动,拓宽学生视野,并通过对课文的学习,培养学生对社会的责任感,培养他们奉献社会、回报社会的精神,使他们认识到只有通过自己的努力工作改造社会,未来社会才会变得更美好。 1.1 INTRODUCTION以几幅与工作有关的图片开头,激发学生的兴趣,让他们讨论不同的工作,同时巩固并学习与工作有关的词汇。而讨论人们为什么要工作,更能激起学生的热情,激发学生对本模块的中心话题产生兴趣,为后面的阅读做好热身活动,从而也使教师对本模块的授课更具有针对性。 1.2 VOCABULARY AND REA

7、DING介绍了一位普通志愿者Timoteo Apaza为了救其他人的生命,甘愿在艰苦的环境下充当路标的伟大事迹。通过学习本课文,引导学生树立正确的社会观、人生观,为日后走向社会作铺垫。课文重点介绍了La Paz地势的危险和路面的恶劣状况,以及Timoteo Apaza在那里的工作情况和原因。通过阅读,学生学习了新的词汇、句型,提高了阅读水平,并学习乐于奉献的精神。 1.3 GRAMMAR通过一系列练习要求学生复习并灵活运用一般过去时、过去完成时和过去进行时。 1.4 VOCABULARY 通过对重点词汇及合成词的练习,掌握与工作相关的词汇。 1.5 LISTENING AND SPEAKING

8、 该部分有两项任务,一是听录音,完成与录音有关的练习;二是分组练习求职经过,谈论与面试有关的问题,为学生将来走向社会打下基础。 1.6 FUNCTION部分要求学生掌握用情态动词加完成时对过去所发生的事做出推断的功能句式。 1.7 EVERYDAY ENGLISH 要求学生掌握几个日常用语的意义和用法。 1.8 READING AND WRITING 部分让学生阅读五份招聘广告,然后根据其中一份写一封求职信,咨询更多信息并介绍自己的简历。 1.9 CULTURAL CORNER是一篇预测未来工作需求状况的文章,要求学生在理解该文章的基础上设想中国未来的工作类型需求情况。 1.10 TASK 要

9、求学生对本模块所学到的工作类型做一总结,并列出10种未来中国最有价值的工作。 1.11 MODULE FILE 简要总结了本模块所学的重点词汇、短语及句型。 2. 教材重组 2.1 将INTRODUCTION, VOCABULARY AND READING整合在一起,上一节精读课,因为同是讨论工作,可以把INTRODUCTION当作Reading的热身活动。 2.2 可将GRAMMAR,FUNCTION,VOCABULARY与 WORKBOOK 中的Grammar 整合为一节语言学习课。 2.3 把LISTENING AND SPEAKING,EVERYDAY ENGLISH和WORKBOOK

10、中的Listening and speaking 整合为一节听说课。 2.4 将CULTURAL CORNER和WORKBOOK中的 Reading及课外补充材料整合在一起,上一节泛读课,拓宽学生视野。 2.5 把READING AND WRITING,TASK 及WORKBOOK 中的Writing and speaking整合在一起上一节写作课,练习求职信及简历的写法。 3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st Period Reading 2nd Period Language Study 3rd Period Listening and Speaking 4th Period Extensiv

11、e Reading 5th Period WritingIV. 分课时教案The First Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 dangerous, exciting, intellectual, manual, satisfying, stressful, volunteer, sheer, well / badly paid, in particular, in practice, death toll, pass by, take . for granted, have an effect

12、onb. 重点句式This person has offered to do a job and may not be paid for doing it.Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent.But often they just pass by, taking the human traffic signal for granted.2. Ability goals 能力目标Help the students learn about Timoteo Apaza and his job.3. Learning a

13、bility goals 学能目标Enable the students to learn how to describe the importance of a job.Teaching important & difficult points教学重难点Understand the importance of Timoteo Apazas job as a human traffic signal.Teaching methods教学方法Asking-answering activity, pair or group work and discussion.Teaching aids教具准备

14、A recorder, a computer and a projector. Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Lead-in Show the pictures of different people doing different jobs on the screen, and ask the students to talk about jobs. T: There are all kinds of jobs in the world. Look at the picture, what are their jobs?Ss: One is

15、a solider and the other is a sportsman. What do you think of their jobs? Are they important?S1: I think their jobs are very important. Without soldiers, our country will be defenseless and we are not safe. So their job is one of the most important jobs in the world.S2: In my opinion, sportsmen are a

16、lso doing an important job. They train hard and win gold medals for our country. They show the power of our country. I agree with you. Every job is important, whatever big or small. For example, teaching is my job. I love this job and I think it is a job worth doing. Do you want to be a teacher when

17、 you grow up?S3: I dont want to be a teacher. Teaching is tiring and the salary is not high. I want to be a businessman and fly to many places and enjoy life. S4: If no one of us wants to be a teacher, who will teach our children in the future? So I want to be a teacher. I think teaching is interest

18、ing and it is worth doing. Many years later, I will have a lot of students and they will make contributions to our country. I will be proud of them. Very good! I agree with you. We eat to live, not live to eat. People should live a meaningful and productive life. There is something valuable in the w

19、orld that money cant buy. You all have your own ideal jobs and I hope you can realize your dreams in the future.Step II Introduction Today we are going to learn Module 2, “A Job Worth Doing”. What is a job worth doing? After learning this module, well have a better understanding of jobs. First, look

20、 at the pictures on page 11. What are their jobs and how important are their jobs? Describe the jobs using the words in the box. You can choose one or two pictures.S5: In picture one, the woman is a doctor. I think her job is well paid and needs patience. It is very important because if there were n

21、o doctors, we would suffer from diseases or even die. So I think it is a job worth doing. S6: In picture five, the man is a pilot. To be a pilot, you need bravery because it is a dangerous job. But we need them to defend our country. You did a good job. There are thousands of jobs in the world. Why

22、does a person need a job? You will have two minutes to discuss this question with your partners.Two minutes later, ask two students to answer the questions.S7: I think a person needs a job because he or she needs to make a living. He or she needs to live, to eat and to do many other things. We all n

23、eed money.S8: You are partly right. But money is not everything. People eat to live, not live to eat. Other than eating, we have more important things to do. In my opinion, a person needs a job because it is interesting, meaningful or challenging. He or she loves it not only because of money, but to

24、 live a meaningful and productive life. Step III Reading You are both reasonable. But there is such a person. He chooses a job a job without any pay. Look at the picture on page 12. Where is the man standing? He is standing at a bend of the road on a high mountain. What is he holding in his hand? So

25、mething like a board. Can the bus driver see the lorry? No, the drivers cant see each other. So what is the man doing there?S: I think he is directing the traffic there. What kind of job is it? Why does he choose it? What kind of person is he? Do you want to know something about him? Yes. Ok. Today

26、we will read a passage about him. Please read the text quickly. After reading it, you will have a further understanding about his job.Task 1 Fast reading I give you five minutes to read the passage. Then do Exercises 3 and 4 on page 13. Five minutes later.Because Exercise 3 is easy, so just check th

27、e answer with the whole class.Task 2 Careful readingThis task is designed to help the students to understand the text better. The students should read the text carefully and find out the answers to the questions on the screen. Read the text again and find the answers to the following questions. Then

28、 work in pairs to report your answers in class. Show the following questions on the screen.1. How are the life and the condition of communication in La Paz like?2. Why are there so many accidents there?3. Why has the death toll fallen?4. What do the drivers do when they pass by him?5. What effect di

29、d his last experience have on him?A few minutes later.Sample answers:Pair 1 How are the life and the condition of communication in La Paz like? Life is hard at such a high altitude and the mountains make communication difficult. Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent.Pair 2 Why a

30、re there so many accidents there? Because on one side are the high mountains and on the other side is a sheer drop, and there are many bends on the roads. Whats worse, few drivers respect the traffic rules.Pair 3 Why has the death toll fallen? Because of a man named Timoteo Apaza. He acts as a traffic signal and directs the traffic. He is doing a meaningful job.Pair 4 What do the drivers do when they pass by him? Some drivers gi

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