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1、 Faith口语天天学第111期:一切从头开始2012-01-04 用英语如何表达“一切从头开始” start from (the) scratch 首先,认识这个词:scratch: v. n. 抓,划破,起跑线I had to scratch my head to remember his name. 我只想苦苦地回忆他的名字。Therell be the devil to pay if you scratch my car! 你要是划坏了我的汽车你就有麻烦了!How did you come by that scratch on your cheek? 你脸上的抓痕是怎么来的?Start

2、 from (the) scratch: 从头开始All our business records were destroyed in the fire,and so we had to start from the scratch and build them up again. 我们所有的业务档案全被大火烧毁了,所以我们只得从头做起,重新建立我们的业务档案。By then, they have established their market while we have to start from the scratch. 到那时,他们都有了巩固的市场,而我们还得从头开始。His busi

3、ness was started from scratch with$300 hed managed to borrow from a friend. 他做生意是白手起家的,当初是设法找一个朋友借了300美元。下面,介绍这个动词词组:start over,重新开始In this case, lets start over. 既然这样,我们就重新开始吧。One error might make it necessary to start over again. 只要有一点差错,就可能需要返工。What would your life look like if you could start ov

4、er with a clean slate? 如果你以新的姿态重新开始,你的生活会是怎样的呢?Start all over again: 完全重新来过She had screwed up and had to start all over again. 她把事情搞砸了,不得不完全重新来过。Are you ready to start over? Its never too late to start from scratch. Faith口语天天学第112期:如何讨价还价 2012-01-05 bargain:vt. & vi. 讨价还价;商谈 vt. 提出条件;要求得到 n. 协议,交易;特

5、价商品The salesman refused to bargain over the price. 推销员拒绝讨价还价。I didnt bargain for your arriving so soon.我没想到你会到得这么快。That car is a real bargain at $300. 那辆汽车300块,真便宜。He glimpsed at my new watch and said it was a good bargain. 他看了一眼我的新表,说买得很上算。更多谈论价格的相关表达法:compete(竞争),今天先介绍它的一个形容词:competitive(有竞争性的),a

6、competitive price(有竞争性的价格)I dont think its a competitive price; lower the price if youre willing to make a deal. 这个价格一点都没有竞争力;如果想做成交易,就要降价。Other venders are offering the goods at the same price. 其他的卖主同样的商品也是这个价啊。I find your products at a higher price, which makes it harder for us to accept. 我发现你们的价格

7、偏高,这个价格很难让我们接受。Youre wrong, if you compare our products with other suppliers, youll find our products at a lower price. 这你就错了,如果你和其它供货商对比,你会发现我们价格偏低呢。This mobile phone is not at a sound price. 这部手机的价格不合理。Offer me a reasonable price, Ill buy right away. 给我一个合理的价格,我立即就买。 Faith113期:so和such的不同用法 2012-01

8、-06 re so cute! /Youre such a cute boy! 你可真可爱/你可真是个可爱的小男孩。 这这两句都是赞美这个小男孩可爱的意思,它们会有所不同吗?区别在于:so和such的用法不同,下面逐一分析:So: adv. 那么,非常,用法:so + 形容词/副词Dont be so childish. 别那么幼稚。She is always so surly; she never smiles at anyone. 她总是那麽个坏脾气,对谁也没有一个笑脸。That old lady is so nosy; nobody likes to talk to her. 那个老妇人

9、是个包打听,因此没有人喜欢跟她说话。t speak so fast, I cant follow you. 别说得这么快,我跟不上。He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他干的太差劲了,我只好亲自重做。Such: adj. 这样的,如此的。用法:such + a/an + (形容词) + 可数单数,或:such +(形容词)+ 不可数名词/可数名词复数:re such an idiot. 你真是个白痴。Im sorry to bother you at such a time. 我很抱歉在这个时候

10、打扰你。It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在这麽恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐。Alas! We have lost such a good chance. 哎呀!我们失去了这么好的一次机会。Such values are central to our way of life. 这些价值对于我们的生活方式是至关重要的。Alas, I was such an idiot having forgotten todays song. Or, maybe havent yet.您现在的位置: 首页 英语口语 可可口语 Faith口语天天学 正文

11、Faith口语天天学第114期:如何表达险入困境 2012-01-09 Schedule 动词 排定,安排The secretary is trying to schedule the months appointments. 秘书正在设法安排这个月的约会。m scheduling the interviews name list. 我正在安排面试者名单。schedule用得最多的还是它的名词:时间表,日程安排表等等:Have you made the examination schedule? 你已经安排了考试日程吗?另外,schedule还有名词:清单,明细表的意思:Retailers h

12、ave several price schedules. 零售商们有几份价格明细表。通常,我们在谈论schedule 的时候,想表示日程按排得相当紧,怎么用一个英语形容词来和schedule 连用呢?tight schedule,排得紧紧的时间表;日程安排很紧。This tight schedule puts me under great pressure. 这个紧张的日程表给了我很大的压力。 我们来学习一个动词短语,put somebody in a bind, 使某人陷入困境,左右为难:This schedule has put me in a bind. 这份时间表使我感到左右为难。Th

13、eir refusal to sign the contract has put us in a bind. 他们拒绝在合同上签字,这使我们处於困境。When the babysitter cancelled this afternoon, she really put me in a bind. 当保姆今天下午取消约定不来了时,可真是让我左右为难。 还可以用find oneself in a bind表达陷入困境,左右为难的局面They found themselves in a bind when their car broke down. 当车坏了后,他们不知该如何解决。Having a

14、ccepted two invitations for the same evening, Henry found himself in a bind. 同一个晚上接受了两个邀请,亨利陷入左右为难的局面。你最近生活中有些左右为难的事吗? Faith口语天天学第115期:如何自我介绍 2012-01-10 1介绍自己的年纪,出生地,来自何地,家庭等Well, I was born in 1980 in a small town of Guangdong. 好,我1980年出生在一个广东的小城市。m from Chengdu, and Ive been here for more than 10

15、years. 我来自成都,在这儿居住已经超过10年了。re 4 people in my family, both my parents are college professors, my little sister lives with them. 我们家有4口人,我父母都是大学教授,我的妹妹和他们住在一起。2. 介绍自己的业余爱好t have many hobbies, just listening to music occasionally. 我没什么爱好,偶尔听听音乐。I love sports and music, and I do tennis every day for 1 h

16、our. 我喜欢体育和音乐, 每天都会打网球1个小时。I like swimming; I go swimming once a week, usually during weekends. 我喜欢游泳,一个星期游一次,一般是在周末。3介绍自己的教育背景: educational backgroundI graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in 2000 with the major of Foreign Trade. 我从广东外语外贸大学2000年毕业,主修对外贸易。I was admitted to Pekin Un

17、iversity in 1996, majoring in Marketing. 我1996年被北京大学录取,专业是市场营销。m a post graduate from Pekin University. 我是北京大学毕业的研究生。4介绍自己的工作m working in a multinational company, Ive been in this company for 5 years. 我在一家跨国公司工作,在那儿工作了有5年了。m in purchasing, I like this job, and its quite stable. 我是做采购的,我喜欢这份工作,很稳定。m

18、still looking for my ideal job, you know, finding the job that you really like is not as easy as that. 我还在寻找自己理想的工作,你知道,找到一份你真正想做的工作并不是那么简单。 Faith口语天天学第116期:放了我吧 2012-01-11 10 Release me, my darling, let me go. 放了我吧,亲爱的,让我离开这尴尬的处境。这可能是一句玩笑话,放了我吧,宝贝,饶了我吧。今天就来学两个东西:release和let. go.先来看release:vt. 释放;放开

19、,发布;发行;发售Its healthier to release frustration than to bottle it up. 受挫折后发泄一通比强忍着对身体有益。Release me and let me love again. 请放了我让我重新拥有真正的爱情。He released me from my torments. 他解除了我的痛苦。Release: n. 释放,排放,解除,公映的新影片,发布的新闻、消息On this show they played the latest release. 这次公演,他们放映了最新的影片。At the time of this news

20、release, trading had reached its lowest point. 到这次新闻发布时,贸易量已达到最低点。Let. go/let go of.: 让某事成为过去,忘记,放开,释放,松手Let it go, dont dwell on your past, live for today and tomorrow. 忘记吧,不要沉浸在过去了,为今天和明天而活。Let your troubles and worries go, you have me. 抛开烦恼和忧愁吧,你有我呢。Let go of me, you vicious monster! 放开我,你这可恶的家伙!

21、I wont let go of you, youre man Ive been looking for all my life. 我不会让你溜走的,你是我一辈子等待的男人。make a go of. : 成功地达到某种目标Shes determined to make a go of her new career. 她决心在新事业上有所成就。学会释怀吧,同学们。 Faith口语天天学第117期:否则的话 2012-01-12 首先,介绍一个漂亮的名词:policy,它是个名词:政策,方针,原则The government must make new policies to reduce un

22、employment. 政府必须制定减少失业的新政策。同时,它还有:策略,精明的行为,上策的意思:As they say, honesty is the best policy. 常言道,诚实是最佳策略。我们经常会听到人们说这句话,我不喜欢向别人借钱,这不是我做人的原则,那么这句话用英语怎么说呢?t like borrowing money from others; its just not my life policy. 我不喜欢向别人借钱,这不是我做人的原则。The companys policy doesnt allow office romance. 公司制度不允许员工间谈变爱。t y

23、ou have any of your own policy? 难道你就没有自己的原则吗? 下面,来介绍今天的正课,如何表达否则的话。很简单,用这个英语单词:otherwise,是个连词,在otherwise后面加一个句子:s our usual practice to ask for an advance payment; otherwise well have money trouble in running the order. 我们的惯例都是要求要预付款,否则我们在运行合同上会有财政困难。d better go now; otherwise youll miss the train.

24、你最好现在就走, 要不然就赶不上火车了。Hand in this weekly report tonight, otherwise youll be in trouble. 今晚把这个周报告交上来,否则的话你要有麻烦了。Otherwise还有这个意思,副词,不同地He says its genuine, but we think otherwise. 他说这是真的,但我们不这样认为。I shall think otherwise. 我可不这样想。Whats your personal policy? Faith口语天天学第118期:坚持做某事 2012-01-13 今天,我们会学习坚持某事的英

25、语表达法,在学之前,先来看一个和坚持相关的词:1. stubborn,顽固的;固执的He is a stubborn child. 他是个固执的孩子。Facts are stubborn. 事实是不可否认的。2. Persevere: vi. 坚忍,坚持一直做某事,不屈不挠,persevere in something/doing somethingAlthough he is in poor health, he still perseveres in his studies. 尽管他身体不好,他仍孜孜不倦地学习。They are determined to persevere in the

26、 fighting against corruption. 他们誓将反腐进行到底。Persevere的名词形式是:perseveranceHes a man having powers of endurance and perseverance. 他是个有耐力和毅力的人。3. insist on something/doing something 坚持要做某事;强调某事He insisted on his demand. 他坚持他的要求。He insists on discipline in the classroom. 他一贯强调课堂纪律。She insisted on leaving at

27、 once. 她坚持立刻就走。The teacher insisted on all the homework being handed in on Monday. 老师坚持要求所有作业都要在星期一交上来。But for the moment, Im afraid we must insist on our usual payment terms. 目前,我恐怕还得坚持我们惯用的付款方式。你顽固地坚持着些什么呢? 第130课如何表达“做出承诺”“承诺”两个字有很深远的意义,不要轻易做出承诺,如果你还没真正准备好。如果做出了承诺,就要认真去应诺。今天的英语学习和承诺有关。commit1. com

28、mit : vt.犯罪; 犯错He has committed a serious fault. 他犯了严重错误。2. commit : vi. 承诺; 使自己受约束Asked if he was a candidate, he refused to commit himself. 当问到他是不是候选人时, 他不置可否。Tony has committed himself to support them. 托尼答应负担他们的生活。.commitvt. 托付; 交付The boy was committed to the care of his aunt. 这个孩子被交给他的姑妈照顾。.commit还有一个特别广泛的用法: Be fully committed,是什么意思呢,我们来看看一些例句:Im afraid were fully committed due

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