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1、economic growth or lifting a country out of economic crisisPlaces of interest canattract people from far to see it.Those tourists spend a large amount of money on accommodation, tours, and souvenirs .Therefore, hotel ,food, and entertainment industries can boom,which can help the entire industries o

2、f the nation grow.2. 提高人们生活水平.with the boom of Tourism,the living standard of local people also increases.Tourism can create more job opportunities for the local residentsespecially in hotels , travel agencies and entertainment. When people have much more money in their pockets, they can afford bigg

3、er houses, higher quality education and better health care. Besides, the money tourists spend can be used as financial resources for basic service of citizens. Tourism help those countries improve infrastructure. Road ,water and electricity systems as well as public transit can be improved.3.提高理解Int

4、ernational tourism helps people to have a deeper/better understanding of other culture and religion.most Chinese used to have little understanding about what the outside world looked like.They have no idea about the lifestyles or customs of people from foreign countries.As international travel heats

5、 up inChina, more and more foreign travelers visitChina. Their visit make it possible for more Chinese to get close to foreigners and learn their language, lifestyle and dress style.Most of todays Chinese have a wider view of the world than the Chinese in the past.similarly, travelers also exploreCh

6、ineseculture and broader their horizon.国际旅游的弊1.产生紧张:Some people are open to diverse cultures while others are not.People from different cultures have different customs. In some cases, the local people might have considered the behaviors of foreigners as hostile and unfriendly, so they may dosomethin

7、g to hurt them.Some foreign tourists do not respect the localcustoms . As a result, conflicts ariselanguage barrier may cause misunderstanding ,which in turn will lead to tension between local peoples and foreign guests.some people are so strongly attached to their culture and national identity that

8、 they feel threatened by foreigners2.对环境的破坏1. Tourism brought many problems . The main problem is the damage to the environment.2. Most countries develop tourism at the cost of natural environment.3. They destroy forests in order to make room for roads and hotels.4. Hotels use up a lot of water and

9、electricity, leaving local residents more prone to water shortage.结论:It is highly recommended that travellers should learn the necessary customs and habits before they take off.It is highly recommended that the governmentshould take steps to preserve nature and protect the environment as well as dev

10、elop tourism industry.The government should spend somemoney restoringthe environment damaged-暴力:topic:1.some people think that the societies with male leaders tend to be more violent. If females were in positions of leadership, the world would become more peaceful. To what extent do you agree or dis

11、agree?2.recent figures of crimes committed by young people are increasing in major cities throughout the world.Discuss what the possible reasons are and how to solve it.引段:violent crime and wars are big news these days./violent crime and wars are increasing dramatically/violent crime appears to be o

12、ut of control.It is estimated that XXX people gun down every minutes in the world. The fact is hair-raising.Youth crimes have been the major concern of parents and teachers.The crime rate is increasing at an alarming rate in major cities across the globe.暴力背后的原因:1.The root cause is more exposure to

13、violence and unsatisfactory justice system.Too much violence in film and TV is no doubt responsible for some of todays bloody events.Nowadays,adolescents and young adults are watching a large amount of violence via media such as TV, films and the internet.In the past , there was little violence in t

14、he media, so children had little chance to understand and copy the dangerous behaviors.recently, violent content has become popular in films and on TV.when watching TV or surfing the internet, people can easily find violent shows or films.2.Another cause of the trend is that the number of unhappy fa

15、milies is increasing.some children grow up in a family with domestic violence or experience the pain of losing a parent.If no one teaches them how to deal with these problems, they might be led astray, and even commit crime as a form of revenge against the world.3. Unsatisfactory justice system also

16、 leads to high crime rate.Light sentences send the message that life is cheap. For example, inCanada, a man is given 5-year sentence for stabbing someone to death.采取措施:oCrime prevention measures are not satisfactory.some measures must be taken to reduce the crime rate.It would be a good idea for sch

17、ools to advise children how to face challenges and difficulties in their life.parents should take more responsibility for their childrens education.sending criminals to jail is a good way to reduce crime rate.some people think that the societies with male leaders tend to be more violent. If females

18、were in positions of leadership, the world would become more peaceful.(If females came to power, the social status and rights of women probably improve, However, it is no guarantee that the world would become more peaceful. In fact, most female leaders are much tougher than their male counterparts.)

19、-TThe government has the responsibility to give everyone adecent place to live in.The government can take many measures to address this problem.It can grantsubsidies to housing providers and to individualsit can provide low-cost homes for lower and middle-income families.It can expand the the existi

20、ng towns and cities in order to build more highrises. .The government should invest to create jobs and improve hospitals, schools, roads, transit and community infrastructureThe government is supposed to make skills training and post-secondary education affordable for ordinary familiessupport toughe

21、r sentencing and bail restrictions, crackdown on gangs and gang moneyexpand affordable long term care and set higher standards for seniorscare.increase the minimum wage to $10 and roll back big salary increases for high paid government aidesThe government must reduce poverty and related problems .sp

22、ending vast sums of money on XXX will certainly lead to some negative outcome.It goes without saying that taxpayers money should be spent carefullytopics:1.housing shortage in big cities could cause severe consequence. Some people think onlygovernment can solve the problem by taking action . To what

23、 extent do you agree or disagree.2.most countries spend a large amount of money on weapons to defend themselves though they are not at war. Perhaps countries should spend this money to help poor and disadvantage citizens instead. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement-writing:1.

24、In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. this is having negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree2.There is a possibility for any country to buy a wide variety of foods from other places all over theworld. Isth

25、is a positive development or negative development?Fast food 好处fast food saves people a great deal of time,Fast food, as its name implies, is usually quick to prepare. The ingredients are ready-made, and all you have to do is to put them together.So fast food caters to those who cannot afford the tim

26、e to cook, and those people can devote more time and energy to their work and study.(It is well-known that people are facing a wide variety of challenges. In this increasingly competitive world, they are required to work hard to support their families and keep studying to stay current in their field

27、s. They have to take care of their old parents and attend to their young kids. Needless to say,they cannot spend too much time preparing for meals.Fast food 坏处However, some people frown on fast food, believing that it is less tasty and less nutritious. They even call fast food junk foodTake McDonald

28、s for example, many of the younger generation prefer this kind of fast food to their own traditional cuisine. This leads to Western illnesses such as heart diseases and obesity.Currently, heart diseases are responsible for XXX of the total deaths in XXX,. The main reason , I believe, is taking too much fast food.(By eating healthy food and not being overweight, the likelihood of developing such diseases is reduced. )传统食物坏处Traditional food generally involves elaborate preparations, so the cooking of traditional food istime-consuming.On top of that, traditional meals are usually m

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