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1、14. Beijing is the c for you. My father is notat home now.15. Can I take a m二、翻译以下短语。隔壁我明白了 1. 2.想要做某事 3.不同国家的家园4.梦想家园 5. 玩得开心 6. 7.某人自己的 8. 与某人分享某物 9.朝外看 不同于 10. 装满 11.有一天 12. 捎个口信 13.在 ?中心14.回 15.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(go) swimming with me thisafternoon?Would you like 1.People like to havea talk in the 2.

2、(live) room.(well) in my house.I like the balcony 3.(seven) day of a week?IsSunday the 4.(nine) these days.They are learningLesson 5.(real) different from the flat here.Hishouse looks 6. (watch) a film this weekend.Shehopes 7.(speak).Hello, this is Jim 8.His twodaughters are very9.(difference) from

3、each other.(give) me this apple.Thank you very much for 10.(bookshelf).There are lots of books on those 11.12.(quietly) in class.The students should keep(children).Are those books these 13. Decemberis the 14.(twelve) month.(ninety) birthday todays It is my grandfather 15.四、单项选择。) 1. MyEnglish teache

4、r asks us to write (after class. mydream home “D. down C. onB. aboutA. in )2. We live( Shanghai.a flatthe second floorB.on; at; atA. at; in D. on; in;C. on; initwith me?) 3. The book is quite interesting. Couldyou(D. showC. tellB. sharegive A.thewindow.t) 4. Please listen to the teacher carefully.Do

5、n (D. look up C. look out of B. look into A. lookto) 5. They will build a new bridge _ the river infront of my house. (A. onD. nearC. inB. over. We can see the teachers desk _the classroom.) 6 (D. in the front ofC. in front ofB.afterA. before) 7. _ is yourtelephone number?D. How longC. Howmuch B. Ho

6、w manyA. What) 8. -We will have aschool trip next weekmD. goodC.badB. badlyA. well) 9. Millie lives on _floor in a tall building.D. the fiveC. the fifthfifthA. five) 10. There are no _students in the classroom.D. othersC. otherthe otherA. another-_. ) 11. -Mary, how many students are therein your sc

7、hool?A. Two thousandsB. Two thousandD. Two thousand of studentsC. Two thousands“_.12.“Excuse me . Mto Jill, please?)B. Do you know him?A. Yes, IamD. This is Jill speaking.C. I am speakingIgoing onatripto Xiannext week.) 13.- (-_.B. Thank youHave a good timeA.D.Good ideaC. Its good) 14. We hope you_(

8、 B. to comeA. can comeD. cameC. coming)15. I share a room_ a friend of_. (B. and,myA. with, I D. to, meC. with, mine. Jimsmother was ill _ for three days.)16 (C. in thebedB. in bedA. on the bed D. on bedHello, thisis Jim speaking. Is that Sam? )17. (Sorry, he isnhere now. _? B. What are you saying t

9、o SamD. Who s that speaking C. May I speak to Sam )18.There is a beautiful park near my home. I always havefun _ my dog there. ( C. on B. with D. for )19. There are _ books on the desk andthe _ book is an English book. ( . fifth; five Dfive; fifth B. fifth; fifth A. five; five Would you like)20

10、. (but I should finish my homework first.D. Id loveto C. Of course notB. I likeA. Yes, I do .) 21.The swimming pool isA.50-metre longmetres longD. long 50-metreC. long 50 metresthe window in the room.) 22. There is an airconditionerA. inD. betweenC. aboveat) 23. 110206 should be readA. onehundred an

11、d ten thousand, two hundred and sixone hundred and ten thousands and two hundreds andsixC. one hundred and ten thousand and twohundred and sixD. one hundred, ten thousand, twoin a small town now.) 24. Milliewith her family (A. live D. livedC. livinglivesstory.and read the) 25. Please turn to PageD.

12、Tenth;twoC. Tenth;secondB. Ten;Ten;two A. school in my class.) 26. Sandy is alwaysthe first (come to A.D. to come toC. coming toB. to come .) 27. The new words on theblackboard are very important. Pleasewrite downthemA. B. write it downD. write down itwrite them downme with my English.) 28. Sheoften

13、 goes to my home (A.D. to helpC. help B.改)为同helping helps the second of June. s birthday is )29. Simon ( A. in D. for C. at B. on9,600,000 square kilometres. ) 30. China has an area( D. of over C. more than B. over A. in 五、按要求改写句子,每空一词。 改为同义句 1.Millie lives withher sister in the same bedroom.hersist

14、er.a bedroomMillie改为一般疑问句dlike to go shopping this afternoon. 2. Ilike togoshopping this afternoon?对划线局部提问 They often listen to music in bed. 3.they oftendo in bed?改为否认句 You can lookout at the beach and the sea. 4.the sea.look out atthe beachYou对划线局部提问 We live inRoom you live in?改为同义句 Yourb

15、ike is not the same as mine.6.mine.Yourbike is改为同义句 Which is your favorite roomin your class? 7.Which room do youin your class?改为同义句 8. I live in a house. It has ten in a _ _ _. _ )改为同义句 9. Tom sits behind my sister Amy. ( My sisterAmy sits _ _ _ Tom.义句 s new house is near my old school.

16、( 10. Jack snew house is _ _ my old school. Jack六、翻译以下句子。 、我梦想中的学校又美又大。1得 紧 靠 书2弟 分 享 一 间3他 妈 妈 回4助 我 们 搬 这 个5捎 个 口 信6是 花 , 看 起 来7和 你 父 母 住 在 同 一 幢 房 子 里 吗 ?、我想住店 。、他跟弟卧 室 。、请叫他给电 话 。、谢谢你帮箱 子 。、你能帮我吗 ?、花园里满很 漂 亮 。、你愿意8、我有一套有三个沐浴间的房子 。9、我喜欢看外边海滩。10、他们住在离市中心二十公里的一个村庄。11楼高一百米、这幢大12 、在我家里 妈 妈 总 是 第 一 个

17、起 床 的 。13校 在一 座小 山、我们学脚 下。14 、他们经常邀请朋友们来参加晚会。 15、你住在哪层楼?我和我的家人住在三楼。 16 愿意,但我有舞蹈课。 、明天下午你愿意和我一起放风筝吗? 17、 将 来 某 天 我 想 参 观 长 城 。18、这个公园是散步的最好的地方。19己 的卧室 和、他有自书 房 。20七、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成单词。 myyounger 3 the bed w to the door. I s 2 This is mynew bedroom. My bed is n 1 . There are many bookson it. There 5 nea

18、r the window. I have a d 4 sister. Thereis a b are many pictures on the walls. The one over thebed is Li Yuchun. She is cool! There is a desk inI can do my homeworkand bedroom, s room is very nice. There is a small sofanear the door. Another black and white 7 My newl of my famil

19、y on the of a new TV. The sofa is very bigand soft. There is a p 9 8 sofa is in f on 10 lwall near the window. There is a brown table for fourpeople and there is a colorfulthe table. 参考答案 一、根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。 1. shares 2. miles 3. bedroom 4. own 5. kitchen 6.beaches 7. balcony 8. sho

20、wer 9. knives 10. study 11.invite 12. stay 13. field 14. capital 15. message 二、翻译以下短语。 1. I see 2. next to 3. would like to do sth. of different countries 5. dream homes 6. have fun 7. share sth. with sb. 8. of ones own 9. look out 10. be different from11. be full of/be filled with 12. some

21、day 13. take amessage 14. in the centre of 15. call back 三、用所 1. to go 2. living 3. best 4.seventh5. Nine 6. really7. to watch8. speakingdifferent10. giving11. bookshelves12. quiet13.childrens 14. twelfth15. ninetieth1-5 BCBCB 6-10 DADCC 11-15 BDAAC 16-20 BABCD 21-25 BBABB 26-30 DCDBD五、按要求改写句子,每空一词。

22、 1. shares with2. Would you3. What docant or5. Which room6. different from 7. like best with ten rooms9. in front of 10. next to六、翻译以下句子。 1. Mydream school is beautifulandbig. 2. I want to live next to a bookshop. 3. He shares abedroom with his brother. 4. Please ask him to call back his mot

23、her. 5. Thank you for helping us carry this box. 6. Can you take a message for me?7.The park is full of flowers and it looks very beautiful.8.Would you like to live in the same flat with your parents? 9. I have a house with three bathrooms. 10. I like looking out at the beach. 11. They live in a small village twenty kilometres from the centre of the city. 12. The building is one hundred metres tall. 13. My mother is always the first to get up in my family. 14. Our school is at the foot of a hill. 15. They often invite their friends to have parties. 16. Which floor do you live on? I live

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