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1、10. This is one of the best films _.A. that have been shown this year B. that have shownC. that has been shown this year D. that you talked11. Jam Howard was _ to be included in Taiwans textbook because he managed to make it to the top against all odds.A. picked B. optioned C. selected D. elected12.

2、 Monicas _ of smoking during meals annoys her friends a lot.A. habit B. habits C. custom D. customs13. _, Sophia eventually makes the right choice to tell the truth.A. Difficult as it is B. It is as difficult C. As it is difficult D. Difficult is it as14. If your application _ submitted before the d

3、eadline, you would have gotten the offer.A. be B. had been C. is D. will be15. Microscope makes it possible for humans to see the beauty of the nature from a _ angle than with our naked eyes.A. more small B. more big C. much smaller D. much bigger答案及解析1、答案:D。解析:本题考查介词辨析。选项D through 意为“穿过,贯穿,经过,透过”。又

4、如:The train ran through the tunnel. 火车穿过隧道。故本题答案为D。2、答案:B。本题考查主谓一致。本句的句意为“虽然受邀人数为50人,但是他们中的许多人都因为各种原因缺席了。”the number of .做主语,谓语用单数,a number of做主语,谓语用复数,故本题答案为B。3、答案:本题考查连词辨析。句意为“事实上你和我都不喜欢购物”。选项中只有D项neither可以与nor搭配,意为两者都不。A项besides意为除之外还有;B项either通常与or搭配,意为或者或者;C项except意为除之外。4、答案:本题考查副词辨析。句意:“奥马哈公司新

5、推出了一款后座能被向前折叠的车”。 A. before 一般指时间的先后;B. forward 副词,意为向前地;C. nearly 意为几乎地;D. only只有。根据句意,只有B项forward最为贴合题意。故本题答案为B。5、答案:A。本题考查主语从句。句意“那些曾经被认为不可能的事情,现在已成真了”。根据缺什么补什么的原则,从横线到impossible 是主语,has become是谓语, a reality是宾语,由于宾语a reality是一件事,由此判断What为正解。故本题答案为A。6、答案:本题考查时态。句意“设备没有按时到达,Akira Nakayama不得不延迟在热带雨林

6、里的纪录片拍摄”。标志词when引导的时间状语中动词did说明此句为过去时。A项和B项都不是过去时态。7、答案:C。本题考查时态和搭配。句意“我们愿意给您更换同类型的商品或退款给您”。固定搭配be happy to do sth,意为高兴去做某事。substitute:替换。因此排除A、B项,D项为被动与题目中售货员主动替换商品的条件不符。故本题答案为C。8、答案:本题考查宾语从句和主谓一致。本句的句意为“我不知道这件大衣是否足够便宜。”if“是否”,coat单数,用is。9、答案:本题考查定语从句。“品牌之韵”这个茶品牌仅在三年前才进军挪威市场,却早已成为最畅销的五大茶品牌。本题考查定语从句

7、,关系词要修饰先行词the Yun of brand of teas, 符合题意的只有D项which;ABC项分别修饰人物、时间、地点。10、答案:本题考查定语从句中that的特殊用法。本句的句意为“这是今年上映的最佳影片之一。”先行词films 被形容词的最高级the best 修饰,此时用that,先行词是复数且表示被动关系。11、答案:本题考查动词词义辨析。句意为“詹姆霍华德被选入了台湾的教科书,因为他克服了一切困难,到达成功的顶峰。”ABCD四个选项都可表达选择的含义,而option作动词时意为得到或获准进行选择,与原文中“被选中”的概念不符;pick是仔细挑剔和苛刻地选择,多指挑选有


9、步状语从句时,句子必须要用倒装语序,adj./adv. + as + 主语 + 动词。14、答案:本题考查虚拟语气时态的运用。句意为“如果你的申请书在截止日期前提交了,你就会拿到录取通知书了。”if引导的语气可以表示对现在、过去以及将来的情况进行假设。如果对现在的情况进行假设,表示说话时不存在或与事实相反的情况:If +主语 + did,主语+ should / would / could + do;如果对过去进行假设,则表示与过去事实相反的情况:if + 主语 + had done,主语+ should / would / could + have done;如果将来进行假设,表示将来实现的

10、可能性很小的情况:if + 主语+ did/were to do / should do, 主语+ should / would /could do. 根据后面主句的时态判断出,该句是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故本题答案为B。15、答案:本题考查形容词的比较级。句意为“显微镜可以使人们从比肉眼小得多的角度看到自然的美。”根据句意,首先排除BD。其次,small的比较级为smaller,而much是用来修饰比较级,表达“的多”的含义。16. In the west of China, people plant rows of trees to prevent the wind _ the ear

11、th away.A. blowing B. blows C. to blow D. blew17. Zack has a big mouth, which means that you cannot tell your secret to him, for he definitely will _ it _.A. give; out B. give; up C. give; away D. give; in18. You have to _ at least two of these ten conditions on this list, or you cannot join this cl

12、ub.A. receive B. satisfy C. arrive D. content19. Our flight to Beijing International Airport is scheduled to _ at 6:30 A.M. on Sunday.A. deliver B. transport C. vacate D. arrive20. Mr. Zhao, the product manager, has _ that every department head works collaboratively provide a better service to the c

13、ustomer.A. suggested B. concluded C. suggesting D. tell21. The pen _ he is writing is mine.A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which22. Have all of you listened to the speech?Yeah. Every boy and girl in the class _ invited.A. were B.have been C. has been D.was23. Your feedback is _ important

14、 to us as it help ensure we are meeting our goals of exceptional hospitality and unequalled service.A. narrowly B. extremely C. popularly D. respectably24._ everyone here, I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.A. By means of B. On behalf of C. In search of D. For fear of25. Despite heav

15、y competition from established carriers, Spot Airlines has managed to do more than just _ in the narrow luxury niche(商机).A. survive B. survives C. survivor D. survived26. Guests _ that some services available on the premises, including telephone and fax, are charged separately from the room fee.A. r

16、eminded B. are remindedC. would remind D. had been reminded27.Can you tell me _ yesterday?A. what they do B. what they didC. what do they do D. what did they do28. The place _ interested me most was the Childrens Palace.A. which B. where C. what D. in which29. That is the day _ Ill never forget.A. w

17、hich B. on which C. in which D. when30. Some questions may come to you during the interview, but you can and should make good preparations design person chance16、答案:本题考查动词搭配。句意为“在中国的西部,人们通过种植一排排的树来防止风吹走泥土。”prevent为“阻止,预防”的意思,其固定用法为prevent sb. from doing sth. / prevent sb

18、. doing sth. 故本题答案为A。17、答案:本题考查短语介词搭配。句意为“扎克嘴不严,也就是你不能把秘密告诉他,因为他肯定会泄露出去。”give away为“放弃,泄露”;give out为“分发,用尽”;give up为“放弃”;give in为“屈服”。18、答案:句意为“你必须至少满足这十个条件中的两个,否则你便不能加入这个俱乐部。”satisfy为“使满足(需要,需求)”;receive为“得到,收到”;arrive为“到达”;content作动词为“使自己甘心做某事”。根据句意,故本题答案为B。19、答案:句意为“我们飞往北京国际机场的班机定于星期日上午6:30到达。”ar

19、rive为“到达”;deliver为“递送”;transport为“运输”;vacate为“空出,搬出”。根据句意,故本题答案为D。20、答案:本题考查动词词义辨析与现在完成时。句意为“产品经理赵先生建议各部门主管协同工作,为客户提供更好的服务。”现在完成时构成为have / has + 过去分词,因此排除CD。suggest为“建议,提议”;conclude为“作出结论,推断出”;tell为“告诉”,故本题答案为A。21、答案:本题考查定语从句中介词的选择。句意为“他正在写字用的那支钢笔是我的。”with有“用”的意思,介词之后只能用which,不能用that。22、答案:本题考查主谓一致的

20、用法。句意为“你们都听过这个演讲吗?是的,我们班里的每一个男孩女孩都被邀请了。”由and连接的两个名词同时被every,each或no修饰时,谓语动词用单数。被邀请仅仅是表述过去发生的事情,应为过去式。23、答案:本题考查副词词义辨析。句意“我司致力于提供宾至如归的款待和贴心的服务,您的反馈对于我们十分重要,因为它使我们确信达成了目标。”A. narrowly狭窄地;勉强地;严密地;仔细地;B. extremely极端地;非常,很;C. popularly一般地,广泛地,大众地;D. respectably可敬地。此处缺一个副词修饰important, 强调重要的程度性,可以说此处需要一个等同

21、于very的词。24、答案:本题考查介词短语。句意“我代表这儿的每一个人,希望你们的回国旅程愉快。”A.依靠方法;B.代表;C.寻找;D.唯恐。B项符合句意。25、答案:本题考查时态和动词搭配。句意“尽管现有的航空公司竞争激烈,Spot航空公司仍在有限的奢华品利基市场上做的很好,而不是仅仅求得生存。”本题的考点在于than, 本句为省略句,原句为has manage to do more than just to survive, 而to是可以省略的,本题则是省略了to。而to后应该接动词原型,因此排除B、D。而C项survivor名词排除。26、答案:句意“顾客被提醒到:在该酒店内,电话和传

22、真服务,不包括在房费里。”本题的考点为常态句如真理、规定、通知等一般为现在时,排除C、D。而顾客应该是被提醒,因而用被动。27、答案:句意为“你能告诉我昨天他们做了什么吗?”宾语从句中使用陈述语气,又因为yesterday,要用过去时,故本题答案为B。28、答案:句意为“我最感兴趣的地方是少年宫。”空格处缺少主语,用关系代词which。29、答案:句意为“那是我永远不能忘记的一天。”which关系代词,在从句中做forget的宾语。30、答案:本题考查介词短语辨析。“面试时会问你一些问题,但你可以而且应该提前做好准备。”故用in advance,表示“提前”。by design故意地;in p

23、erson亲自;by chance碰巧。31. How I wish there _ a formula to explain the rules of doing business, but there is not and the only thing I can do is to get in it and learn from experience.A. is B. be C. are D. were32. The president is _ to attend this fund-raising event tonight.A. involved B. expected C. co

24、ntinued D. presented33. Since the reform and opening up policy was established in 1978, Chinas economy has been developing rapidly and it is already able to compete _ the international marketplace.A. with B. in C. for D. against34. I dont know where to visit this winter vacation.Why not _ visiting H

25、ainan? Winter in Hainan wont be cold.A. regard B. consider C. suppose D. suggest35. Serena often has a long discussion with _ colleagues about sales figure forecast for Q1 FY 2014.A. she B. hers C. her D. herself36. A Bite of China _ the audience greater insight into Chinas society and culture by de

26、scribing food based on the narrators life.A. aims giving B. aims at give C. aims to give D. aims to giving37. A recent study shows that as many as 64 percent of senior high school students hope that music lesson can continue, _ only 24 percent want to put an end to it.A. though B. as C. so D. while38. On the meeting, the high officials of the company passed a _ that a new branch should be established

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