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1、(British English) to say or decide that it is time for something to finishcall somebody to account (for/over something)to make somebody explain a mistake, etc. because they are responsible for itcall somebody/something to orderto ask people in a meeting to be quiet so that the meeting can start or c

2、ontinuemore at (be/get called) on the carpet at carpet noun, bring/call somebody/something to mind at mind noun, he who pays the piper calls the tune at pay verb, the pot calling the kettle black at pot noun, what-dyou-call-him/-her/-it/-them at what Phrasal verbscall at(British English) (of a train

3、, etc.) to stop at a place for a short timeThis train calls at Didcot and somebody awayto ask somebody to stop what they are doing and to go somewhere elseShe was called away from the meeting to take an urgent phone back| call somebody backto telephone somebody again or to tel

4、ephone somebody who telephoned you earlierShe said shed call back.Im waiting for someone to call me back with a price.zurckrufencall for somebody(especially British English) to collect somebody in order to go somewhereIll call for you at 7 for something1 to need somethingThe situation ca

5、lls for prompt action.Ive been promoted. This calls for a celebration! see also uncalled for2 to publicly ask for something to happenThey called for the immediate release of the hostages.The opposition have called for him to something forth(formal) to produce a particular reactionHis spe

6、ech called forth an angry into telephone a place, especially the place where you workSeveral people have called in sick somebody into ask for the services of somebodyto call in a doctor/the policeto order or ask for the return of somethingCars with serious faults have been c

7、alled in by the somebody/something offto order a dog or a person to stop attacking, searching, etc.zurckrufenabsagenabblasento cancel something; to decide that something will not happento call off a deal/trip/strikeThey have called off their engagement (= decided not to get marrie

8、d).The game was called off because of bad weather.zurcall on/upon somebody(formal)1 to formally invite or ask somebody to speak, etcI now call upon the chairman to address the meeting.2 to ask or demand that somebody do somethingI feel called upon (= feel that I ought) to warn you thatcall somebody

9、out1 to ask somebody to come, especially to an emergencyto call out an engineer/a plumber/the troops2 to order or advise workers to stop work as a protest related noun call-outup1 (especially North American English) to make a telephone call to somebody2 to make somebody do their training in the army

10、, etc. or fight in a war conscript, draft3 to give somebody the opportunity to play in a sports team, especially for their country related noun call-upeinberufen1 to bring something back to your mind recallThe smell of the sea called up memories of her childhood.2 to use something that is stored or

11、kept availableI called his address up on the computer.She called up her last reserves of strength. call about(v.+prep.)找谈某事 ask (sb) to talk about sth call about sth Excuse me, madam,Ive been asked by Head Officer to call about your outstanding debt on the cooker.对不起,夫人,我们头叫我找你谈谈有关炊具高额欠款的事。 call aft

12、er(v.+prep.)1.跟在后面叫(以引起注意) shout behind (in order to cause attention)call after sb/sth I called after you, but you didnt hear.我在你后面叫你,可你没听见。They called after the departing truck.他们跟在刚开走的卡车后面叫喊。2.以命名 name aftercall sb after sb The father called the baby John after his grandfather.父亲以祖父的名字约翰来给这个婴孩取名。

13、call at(v.+prep.)call at some place1.到进行短暂访问 pay a short visit; go to (sbs house, office, etc.)She asked him to call at Browns hotel to see her daughter.她要他去布朗旅馆见她的女儿。Do you think we should call at Bobs while we are in London?你认为我们在伦敦应该去鲍勃家去看望他吗?2.停留 stopThis train calls at every station.这趟火车每站都停。 c

14、all away(v.+adv.)call sb/sth away1.叫走,叫到别处 call to another place 常用于be ed结构The doctor was called away a few minutes ago.大夫几分钟前让人请去出诊了。He has just been called away to an important meeting.他刚才给叫走去开一个重要会议。Her husband is always called away on business.她丈夫老是因公离家外出。2.转移(某人的注意力等) attract sbs attention, int

15、erests, etc.It called away his attention.这件事使他分神。 call back(v.+adv.)1.回喊 shout backcall backThe man called from the other side of the river, and his friend called back.那个男的隔着河喊他的朋友,他的朋友也回喊。2.叫(某人)回来去 ask (sb) to comego backcall sb backThe manager was about to leave when his secretary called him back

16、.经理刚要走,秘书叫他回来。His mother called him back from the school.他母亲把他从学校叫回。They called him back from America.他们把他从美国召了回来。3.回电话 return a telephone callHe isnt here right now.Please call back later.他现在不在。请过一会儿再打电话来吧。Thanks for the news, and Ill call back in half an hour.谢谢告诉我那个消息,半小时后我回电话。Would you ask her t

17、o call me back?能否请你让她给我回个电话?4.重访(某个地方) visit (some place) againThe salesman will call back at any house he missed.那个推销员将重访他所怀念的每所房子。5.使恢复 cause to resumecall sth backThis medicine should call your strength back.这种药能使你恢复精力。6.记起(某事) remember (sth)说明 call back作此解时常不用于进行体。I cannot call his face back.我记不

18、起他的相貌了。 call by(v.+adv.)非正顺路来一下(到某处) visit when passing a place说明 call by常不用于进行体。call byIf you dont mind,Ill call by at 5 and pick up my books.如果你不介意,我今天5点会顺路去你那儿取我的书。Dont go out. Aunt Roses calling by this evening.别出去,今晚露丝阿姨要来串门儿。 call down(v.+adv.)1.朝下面大声叫喊 shout in order to be heard by people on

19、a lower levelcall downFrom a window on the third floor, a man called down,“Let that girl alone!”一位男子在三楼的窗户朝楼下大声喊道:“别碰那姑娘!”2.引起,招惹 invoke call sth downIf you do that, youll be calling the indignation of the masses down upon yourself.你那样做,将激起群众对你的愤慨。Every time I dont go to church on Sunday I have a gu

20、ilty feeling that Im going to call down the wrath of God.每当我星期天没有去做礼拜时,我总有一种将会招致上帝愤怒的犯罪感。3.责骂申斥(某人) scold (sb)说明 call down作此解时常不用于进行体。call sb downThe director called Jim down for being late again.吉姆又迟到了,经理训了他一顿。Mother called Bob down for walking into the kitchen with muddy boots.鲍勃因穿着带泥的靴子进厨房而挨了母亲的骂

21、。He called me down on my absence at that important meeting.由于我没有参加那次重要会议,他严厉地批评了我。 用于be ed结构He was called down by his father for being lazy.他因懒惰而受到父亲的严厉斥责。 call for(v.+prep.)call for sb/sth 1.去接(某人),去取(某物) go to pick up (sb/sth)I waited for the car from the ministry to call for me.我等部里的车来接我。Lets go

22、to the meeting together, and Ill call for you.开会时咱们一起去吧,到时候我来接你。Ill call for you at your office.我会到你办公室接你。Has Jim called for the parcel?吉姆来取他的包裹了吗?He called for his car and suddenly left the meeting.他要了他的汽车就突然离开了会场。The goods will be called for by Mr. Whites son.这些货物将由怀特先生的儿子来领取。2.需要 require说明 call f

23、or作此解时常不用于进行体。More work doesnt necessarily call for more men.增加工作不一定要增加人员。Your plan will call for a lot of money.你的计划需要许多钱。Success calls for hard work.要想成功,必须苦干。This problem calls for careful thinking.这个问题需要仔细考虑考虑。He wants to know what situation calls for use of the perfect tense.他想知道在什么情况下需要用完成时态。W

24、hos calling for help?谁在呼救?She was willing to help, but her services were not called for.她倒是愿意帮忙,只是已经没有请她帮忙的必要了。3.要求 demandThe newspaper articles call for severe punishment for this crime.报上的一些文章要求严厉惩处这一罪行。4.值得 be worthy ofYouve got the job?This calls for a drink!你已经得到这一职位?值得庆祝一下!These wonderful resu

25、lts call for a celebration.这些惊人的成绩值得庆祝一番。What calls for this merriment?什么事值得这么高兴?To deal with such a situation, sterner measures than these are called for.对付这样一种局势,采取更为严厉的措施是值得的。 call forth(v.+adv.)正引起,使产生 cause (sth) to be seen or used说明 call forth不用于进行体。call forth sth The proposal called forth a g

26、ood deal of criticism.这项提案引起很多批评。Their proposal called forth a heated discussion among us.他们的建议在我们中间引起了热烈的讨论。You will have to call forth all your energy for this work.做这项工作你得使出全部精力。Oppression always calls forth the power of resistance.压迫总是唤起反抗。April showers call forth May flowers.四月的阵雨催开五月的鲜花。 call

27、in(v.+adv.)1.叫(某人)进来; 来访 ask (sb) in; visit说明 call in作此解时不用于进行体。call inCall in this evening if possible.如有可能,今晚来一趟。Call in, or ring us up.你可以来访,也可以打电话来。call sb inPlease call Kehr in.请凯尔进来。2.找来,请来 ask, require the presence or attention ofcall sb inThey decided to call in a doctor, because the child was no better.他们决定请大夫,因为孩子的病情并未好转。He insisted that we should call in a specialist at this point.这时他坚决主张我们去请一位专家来。A lawyer is often called in to write a will.律师常被请来写遗嘱。3.用电话通知 notify (sb/sth) by telephoneThe director has just

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