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2 大英二 unit1 教案Word文件下载.docx

1、Reading skill: Be able to locate key information in a text as soon as possible by skimming and scanning.Writing skill: Be able to write a telephone message with correct format Translating skill: Be able to work out the equivalent English expressions of Chinese expressions independently. 3. Ideologic

2、al aim: 1) Know some basic knowledge about organic food2) Be aware that “organic” is not synonymous with “safe,” “healthy,” “fair” or even necessarily “good.” 3) Form and keep good eating habits by reasonably arranging everyday intake. Teaching Key Points Skimming and scanning skills The format of w

3、riting a telephone messageTeaching Difficultiespredict the missing content of a listening material with the help of the context.Structural study of complicated sentences in text A and BTeaching MethodsTask-based teaching methodAudio-visual methodCommunication methodTeaching Toolsblackboard, multi-me

4、dia, PPT Teaching Procedure. Words and Expressions & Warm-up Listening ( 1 period). Text A:Global Reading & Structure ( 1 period). Text A:Detailed Reading (2 periods) . Language Focus &Reading in Depth ( 1 period) .Text B: Global Reading & Language Difficulties ( 1 period) . Translation of the Passa

5、ge ( 1 period) . Skill Development: Grammar & Practical/Video-Based Writing ( 1 period) Unit 1 Text A Eating Food Thats Better for You, Organic or Not2 periods (90 minutes)Teaching procedures:. Words and Expressions & Warm-up ( 1 period). Words and Expressions (20 mins)Step 1: About 4 students are a

6、sked to read the words and expressions to find out the unfamiliar or wrong pronunciations.Step 2: The teacher makes explanation on unfamiliar pronunciations and corrects the wrong pronunciations and then asks Ss to read the words and expressions after him/her three times. Warm-up Listening (25 mins)

7、 Read the listening material to 1)get the main idea ; 2) predict the words and the part of speech of the words missed in the blank according to the context. First listening and checkStep 3: Second listening and checkStep 4: Third listening and checkStep 5: Make Explanation of the material and some o

8、f the missing words. Text A:Global Reading ( 1 period) First reading:Read the text and answer the following questions. (10 mins)1. What is Americans response after the government began certifying food as “organic”?2. What is the primary issue in the way Americans eat?3. How to eat well according to

9、Michael Pollan?4. Why is the organic food business now said to be big business, and getting bigger?5. What other changes Americans can make according to Mrs. Obama? Second reading: (10 mins)Which paragraph contains the following information? Fill in the blanks with the corresponding paragraph number

10、s1) A change in eating habits from animal products and highly processed foods will improve peoples health as well as the environment.2) Some American farmers cannot afford the requirements to be certified as organic.3) People think when they are eating organic food, they are eating well and healthil

11、y.4) Mrs. Obama planted organic vegetables to provide food for the first family. 5) “Organic” doesnt mean “safe”, “nutritious” or “local”. structure of text A (25mins)Paras. 1-4:Most Americans think organic food is safer, better for the environment and healthier.Paras. 5-12:Eating “organic” does not

12、 necessarily guarantee a healthy body. Actually, the organic question is a secondary one. The primary question for Americans is to change their dieting habits.Para. 13-16:It is highly advised that people could improve their health by eliminating processed food and trying to cook a meal more often, t

13、o incorporate more fruits and vegetables.Blackboard Design:Key words:1. Labeled 2. chemical 3. proven 4. risk 5. evidence 6. notion 7. contaminated 8. contributing 9. debate 10. affectSkimmingScanning教学反思: 本次课做了听力训练,大部分学生在听力方面存在较大的问题,主要体现在词汇和语音两个方面,词汇量的极度匮乏导致学生浏览文本把握大意非常困难,需要老师逐句讲解才能弄懂,部分同学虽然词汇量足够把握

14、大意,但是由于语音薄弱,导致听力过程中听不出来空格处的单词。 解决办法:1. 音频提供给学生,让学生课下多练 2. 敦促学生积累更多的词汇 Detailed Reading Language & Culture points: para1-4 (25 mins)Paragraph 1 1) take to conceive a liking for e.g. Sandra took to it straight away. 桑德拉一眼就喜欢上了它。Charles has an odd character whom Kelly had never really taken to. 查尔斯性格古怪

15、,凯莉从未真正喜欢过他。2) considerable a. great in amount or sizee.g. He made a considerable sum of money in real estate. 他做房地产生意赚了一大笔钱。3) enthusiasm n. a strong feeling of interest, excitement, or admiration about sth.e.g. The proposal aroused little enthusiasm in the group. 该建议在这些人中未引起多大兴趣。His enthusiasm mad

16、e everyone else interested. 他的热情激发了大家的兴致。1) grocery n. (store) a store that sells food and other things used in the home e.g. A new supermarket opened across the street, and Peters grocery business was soon in a bad way. n. (pl.) the food or other goods sold in a grocery storee.g. A delivery van has

17、 brought the grocery order. 送货车已把定购的杂货送来了。5) Harris PollCultural note: Created in 1963 by Louis Harris & Associates, The Harris Poll is one of the worlds longest-running and most respected public opinion polls. Results of the Harris Poll are quoted frequently in the media, receiving thousands of men

18、tions annually. 2) on occasion sometimes but not often e.g. On occasion prisoners were allowed visits from their families. 有时家属可以探视犯人。Paragraph 27) assistant professor In the U.S., “professors” commonly occupy any of several positions in academia, typically the ranks of assistant professor, associat

19、e professor or full professor. Assistant professor is an introductory level professor, a position generally taken after receiving Ph.D. and/or completing a post-doctoral fellowship. After 48 years, assistant professors will be either tenured or dismissed from the universityParagraph 38) inevitably a

20、d. used for saying that sth. is certain to happen and cannot be avoidede.g. Inevitably he failed the exam, because he was lazy. 他很懒惰,考试当然不及格。The decision will inevitably lead to political tensions. 这个决策必将导致政治上的紧张局面。9) magic n. special powers that make the person using it able to do impossible things

21、e.g. The fairys magic changed the two brothers into swans. 仙女使魔法将两兄弟变成了天鹅。 a. used in or using magice.g. The caliph of Bagdad flew on his magic carpet to Arabia. 巴格达的国王驾着魔毯飞到了阿拉伯半岛。10) cure v. make sb. healthy againe.g. Antibiotics help to cure many diseases that were formerly fatal. n. act of curin

22、g or process of being cured e.g. Theres no known cure for a cold. 治疗感冒尚无良方。 Language focus: para 5-8 (20mins)Paragraph 511) guarantee v. to promise that sth. will happen or be donee.g. The policy guarantees us against all loss. 这种保险契约保障我们免受任何损失。 n. a formal promise that sth. will be done or will hap

23、pen e.g. You have my guarantee that Ill finish the job on time. 我向你保证按时完成工作。12.)But eating “organic” offers no guarantee of any of that.Paraphrase: But eating “organic” does not promise that people are eating well, healthily, reasonably, even morally13) secondary a. coming after sth. that is first o

24、r primary; of less importance, value, etc. than what is primarye.g. Many older people still believe that womens careers are secondary.许多上了年纪的人仍然认为妇女的职业生涯并不那么重要。14 ) primary a. most important; fundamentale.g. The primary reason for advertising is to sell more goods.做广告的根本目的是增加货物的销售量。Paragraph 615) su

25、bstance n. a type of solid or liquid that has particular qualities e.g. Be aware of what you do with this dangerous substance. 你处理这些危险品时,可要当心。Ice and snow are different forms of the same substance water. 你处理这些危险品时,可要当心。16) stick to decide what to do, say, believe, and not change thise.g. We dont wan

26、t to hear your opinions; stick to the facts! 我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实!He is a man who sticks to his friends. 他是个忠于朋友的人。17) consume v. use sth., esp. time, energy or fuele.g. Each year Americans consume a high percentage of the worlds energy.每年美国人所消耗的世界能源占很大比例。 v. eat or drink sth.e.g. The kids soon consumed a

27、ll the food on the table. 18) evidence n. (of/for) facts, objects, or signs that make you believe that sth. exists or is true n. (of/for) facts, objects, or signs that make you believe that sth. exists or is truee.g. He was punished for giving false evidence. 他因作伪证而受到惩罚。evidence n. (be in ) present

28、and clearly seene.g. Hes the sort of man who likes to be very much in evidence at important meetings, i.e. who likes to be seen and noticed. 他是非常喜欢在重大会议上出风头的那种人。19) shift n. a change in the way most people think about sth., or in the way sth. is done e.g. A sudden shift in weight caused the boat to

29、turn over. 重量的突然转移导致船翻了。 v. change your opinion or attitudee.g. A sunset like this shifted its tints every moment. 像这样的日落时时刻刻在改变着色彩。20) process n. a series of actions, developments, or changes that happen naturally e.g. I will tell you, sooner or later, all the complicated process.process v. treat f

30、ood or some other substance by adding other substances to it, for example to give it color or keep it freshe.g. Supermarkets sell many vegetables that have been processed. Paragraph 721) link to make a connection between two or more situations, events, or peoplee.g. These two events were linked to each other.Paragraph 822) be certified as provide evidence

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