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1、15. _ worry has made him look like an old man.16. Does Jill take the key to the _?17. _ a fire in our street, but no one was hurt.18. Mark _ the teacher _ the headmasters office yesterday morning.IV. 根据汉语提示补全句子, 每空一词。19我喜欢收集飞机模型和硬币。 I like collecting _ _ and _.20约翰喜欢收集邮票。 John likes _ _.21教室的前方有一棵树。

2、 There is a tree _ _ _ the classroom.22不要担心。他很快就会回来。 Dont worry. He will _ _ _.23他有许多亲戚。 He has _ _ relatives.24他有两个外孙女和一个外孙。 He has two _ and one _.25我们应该照顾老人。 We _ _ _ the old.26莉莉的车是银色的。Lilys car is _.27不要往里面走了,因为太危险了。 Dont _ _, because it is too dangerous.28他的房子里到处都是报纸。 There are _ _ in his hous

3、e.Section B (For Grammar)I根据句意,用合适的人称代词填空。1. - Do you know that man? - Yes, I work with _.2. Where are my keys? I cant find _. 3. Were going to the beach. Would you like to join _?4. Im talking to you. Please listen to _.5. My aunt has a new job. But _ doesnt like _ very much.6. Tim bought a new bik

4、e. But _ never rode _.7. Mother asked her son to get some water. So _ got some water for _.8. The children wanted me to tell a story. So _ told _ one.II用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空。9. I ate all _ (I) sandwiches yesterday. Can I have one of _ (you)?10. George has lost _ (he) pen. But Mary will lend him _ (she

5、).11. Jack has a dog and so have I. _ (he) dog and _ (I) had a fight (打架). 12. The teacher wants you to return that book of _ (he). 13. Mr and Mrs Green and a friend of _ (they) are coming to see us. 14. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of _ (we).III根据中文提示,完成句子。15你们的教室比我们的大。 _ _ is

6、 bigger than _.16我可以用一用你的钢笔吗?你的笔比我的好用。 May _ use _ _? _ works better than _.17我爱我的祖国就像你爱你的祖国一样深。 _ love _ motherland as much as _ love _.18她上星期跟他借了这本词典。它是他的。 _ _ this dictionary from _ last week. _ is _.Section C (For Listening and Speaking)I根据下列单词划线部分的发音,选出每组中与其他三项发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A. alone B. road C.

7、 brown D. follow( ) 2. A. cow B. no C. loud D. found( ) 3. A. watch B. way C. what D. who( ) 4. A. year B. fly C. cry D. skyII翻译下列短语. 5听 _6注意 _ 7浪费时间 _8对有害 _9对感兴趣 _10乘船_III从方框中选择合适的选项填空,补全对话。A. Which is your favorite stamp?B. It has a picture of the Great Wall.C. Sure, no problem.D. Thats interestin

8、g.A: Hello, Patrick. Do you collect anything?B: Yes, I collect stamps. (11) _ When did you start collecting them? I started two years ago. (12) _ My favorite stamp comes from China. (13) _ I see. Could you let me have a look? (14) _Section D (For Writing)【写作目标】以“Collecting stamps为题写一篇小作文。要写出你从什么时候(六

9、岁)怎么(父亲寄信回家)开始集邮的,现在的收藏情况(700多张)。其中你最喜欢的是什么(植物和动物的邮票)。集邮给你带来什么(认识世界上很多不同的奇怪的植物和动物,带来快乐)。要求:60-80词。题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。【写作步骤】审题:1. 这是命题作文,建议用说明文的体裁。所给题目和开头句已点出文章的中心思想。要围绕主题写,不要偏题。结尾句要回应中心思想。2人称和时态:谈论自己的个人情况,应该用第一人称单数。在谈论过去或现在的情况时,应分别用不同的时态。3书写正文:把题目中所给的提示内容组句成文,切不可遗漏要点。可适当发挥,但要注意对词数的限制。4检查全文:时态和人称是否正确,要点

10、是否齐全,单词拼写和句式是否正确。联想:写本篇作文可参考下列词汇、短语和句型词汇:a six-year-old child; collection (收藏); plants and animals;foreign countries; different and strange短语:post letters home; stamps on the envelopes (信封上的邮票);more than; all over the world; a lot of fun句式:尽量用好五种基本句型,尤其是1主语+谓语;2主语+谓语+宾语;3主语+谓语(系动词)+表语这几个句型。可以仿写when引

11、导的时间状语从句。组句成文:Collecting stampsI like collecting stamps. _参考作文: I like collecting stamps. When I was a six-year-old child, I began to collect stamps. My father worked in Beijing. He often posted letters home. The stamps on the envelopes were very beautiful, so I collected them. Now my collection is

12、getting more than seven hundred. I like the stamps of plants and animals best. They are from China and foreign countries. I know many different and strange plants and animals all over the world from the stamps. Collecting stamps gives me a lot of fun.【一展身手】 以 “Collecting coins”为题写一篇小作文。要求写出:1你什么时候、在

13、什么情况下开始集硬币的;2现在的收藏情况,比知数量及品种;其中你最喜欢哪些;3收集硬币给你带来什么。内容提示:我五岁时,奶奶给我一些旧硬币,我对硬币有了兴趣,开始集硬币。现在收藏了200多中国清代硬币 (Qing Dynasty coins)和外国硬币(foreign coins)。我集齐了美国50个州的不同硬币(the different coins of the 50 states in the USA)。 我喜欢它们通过硬币我了解清代皇帝(emperor)和其他国家的著名人物和历史,集硬币给我带来快乐。Collecting coinsI like collecting coins. _S

14、ection E (For More practice)I选择合适的短语填空,使句子意思通顺。a picture of, be interested in, look for, learn about, learn . from1. We can _ English _ songs and movies.2. Many animals _ food in the evening.3. Its _ the Earth from space.4. You can _ how to start collecting things in this book.5. I _ not very _ play

15、ing chess.II.写出下列句子的同义句。6. She showed some pictures of her family to us. She _ _ some pictures of her family.7. My grandfather gave a birthday present to me. My grandfather _ _ a birthday present.8. More than 100 people took part in this party. _ 100 people took part in this party.9她放了一个新的意大利玻璃花瓶在客厅

16、。 She put a _ _ _ vase in the living room.10我的祖母有一个带着大花园的房子。 My grandma has a house_ _ _ _.11爬山很有趣。_ _ _ really fun.答案Section AI. 1. interview 2. model 3. newspaper 4. magazine 5. stampII. 6. followed 7. unusual 8. really 9. hardly 10. free III. 11. went inside 12. spent; doing 13. phone card 14. li

17、ving room 15. Too much 16. front door 17. There was 18. followed; intoIV. 19. model planes; coins 20. collecting stamps 21. in front of 22. come back soon 23. lots of 24. granddaughters; grandson 25. should look after 26. silver 27. go inside 28. newspapers everywhereSection BI. 1. him 2. them 3. us

18、 4. me 5. she; it 6. he; it 7. he; her 8. I; themII. 9. my; yours 10. his; hers 11. His; mine 12. his 13. theirs 14. oursIII. 15. Your classroom; ours 16. I; your pen; Yours; mine17. I; my; you; yours 18. She borrowed; him; It; hisSection CI. 1-4 CBDAII. 5. listen to 6. pay attention to 7. a waste o

19、f time 8. be bad for 9. be interested in 10. by boatIII. 11-14 DABCSection D Collecting coinsI like collecting coins. When I was a five-year-old child, my grandma gave me some old coins. I became interested in coins. Then I began to collect coins. Now I have more than 200 Qing Dynasty coins and fore

20、ign coins. I have collected the different coins of the 50 states in the USA. I like them best. I know the Qing Dynasty emperors and the famous people and history of other countries from the coins. Collecting coins gives me a lot of fun. Section EI. 1. learn; from 2. look for 3. a picture of4. learn about 5. am; interested inII. 6. showed us 7. gave me 8. OverIII. 9. new Italian glass 10. with a big garden 11. Climbing mountains is

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