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1、例: How much is the shirt? A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15.答案是C。1What is the mans job? A.A barber. B.A pilot. C.A taxi driver.2. Where should the woman turn right? A. At the colored sign. B. At Joes Garage. C. After two miles.3. What does the woman think the man should do? A. Change the smaller offices into

2、large ones. B. Turn the meeting room into offices. C. Move the offices to another building.4,What time is it now? A. 7:15. B.7:30. C.7:50.5. How does the man feel at the moment? A. Great. B. Terrible. C. Better.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A BC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对

3、话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the woman plan to do? A. Focus on one project only. B. Try to get three projects done. C. Help the man with his work.7. Why does the man hate this time of the year? A. Too many meetings to attend. B. Too many tests to

4、 take. C. Too many assignments to finish.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What does the woman show the man? A. Some clothes. B.A magazine. C.A new store.9. What is the problem at the store? A. The clothes are too expensive. B. The clothes are not the right size. C. The clothes are not available.10. What will happ

5、en next Tuesday? A,There will be a party. B. The man can get what he wants. C. The clothes will be delivered to the man.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. How old was Dean when his family moved to California? A. Four years old. B. Five years old. C. Nine years old.12. When did Dean become more serious about actin

6、g? A. When he was a college student. B. When he was in high school. C. After he moved to New York.13. Which aspect of Dean first attracted the mans attention? A. His acting skills. B. His character. C. His cool appearance听第 9段材料 ,回答第 14至 16题。14. What might prevent the man from visiting the woman thi

7、s weekend? A. His girlfriends work. B. The rain. C. Marks work.15. What are the woman and Lucy good at? A. Driving cars. B. Cooking. C. Playing games.16. Which road did the man use to take to go to the womans? A. Highway 70. B. Highway 27. C. Highway 17.听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。17. When did the story ta

8、ke place? A. During the week. B. On the weekend. C. During a holiday.18. What was the strangest thing about the man according to the speaker? A. He was riding a unicycle. B. He was singing a love song. C. All his clothes were pink.19. Why did everyone start clapping? A. The guy did a trick on the un

9、icycle. B. The guy helped someone out. C. The guy sang a song with some kids.20. What might be the lesson of the story? A. Dont judge people by their appearances. B. Always do the right thing. C. Be careful with your money.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15分;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,

10、并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Dictionaries are not closed books. There is still plenty of room for more words in thesegreat vocabulary authorities. New words are continually being created and added to ourlanguage. And many of todays word experts can credit a famous mathematician with thecreation of the method by w

11、hich they develop many new words. The mathematician was anEnglishman named Charles L. Dodgson. In addition to working with figures, Dodgson wrotebooks. His imaginative stories and poems have made Dodgson beloved to generations ofreaders. We know him, however, not by the name of Dodgson but by his pe

12、n name, LewisCarroll. Lewis Carroll has delighted countless readers, young and old, with Alice in Wonderland,Through the Looking Glass, and numerous poems. In these works, Carroll developed dozensof nonsensical words such as chortle and galumph. Many of these words are combinednaturally with more co

13、mmon words in the English language. Carroll referred to his made-upwords as portmanteau words, named after a kind of leather suitcase that opens into twocompartments. The name was well suited, because most of Carrolls words had twocompartments. Rather than being entirely fabricated(虚构),they were usu

14、ally made from thecombined parts of two different words. A snark, for example, clearly came from a snake anda shark. Although Carroll died long ago, his technique continues to be used today. We clearly seehis influence in such words as smog, brunch, and guesstimate.21. What does the underlined sente

15、nce probably mean according to the passage? A. Dictionaries are open to the public. B. Dictionaries are helpful to the public. C. Dictionaries are ready to welcome new words. D. The vocabularies in dictionaries are limited.22. Dodgsons made-up words_. A. are based on different words B. are borrowed

16、from other languages C. all come from his poems D. are still widely used23. This passage is mainly about . A. how Dodgson wrote his works B. how English words are created C. how a dictionary is written D. how Dodgson created new wordsBHi Maz and Bobby,I dont know what youre up to this Sunday, but if

17、 youre at a loose end, come over to myplace. Were going to have a barbecue.TomHi Tom,Thanks mate, but Im completely snowed under at the moment. I have to write an essay byMonday afternoon, so Ill be working all weekend. Ive got nothing arranged for thefollowing weekend though, so maybe we can meet t

18、hen? Ill call you later.BobbyDear Tom,Like Bobby, Im a bit tied up tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have to go to my great uncleshouse for a family lunch. He was ill so we thought it might not happen, but it looks as ifitgoing ahead. I really cant get out ofit because its the old mans 60th birthday and mo

19、st ofthe family will probably be there.MazOk you guys,Im calling off the barbecue. Judging from the grey sky, its going to rain all weekend anyway.Maybe youll have done your various duties by the end of the evening and we can go for adrink instead! If you want to relax, Ill be in The Hart, a pub on

20、King Street. Gloria and I aremeeting there at about 8:30, as long as nothing else pops up! Dont forget it closes at 10:30on Sundays.Ok, time to put my feet up and take it easy!Later,24. What does Tom intend to do at first? A. To have a family lunch. B. To invite his friends to a barbecue. C. To go f

21、or a drink with his friends. D. To ask for help from his friends.25. The underlined part snowed under in the second email means A. buried under snow B. very bored C. extremely busy D. entirely relaxed26. Which statement is TRUE according to the emails? A. Bobby is not available this Sunday. B. Maz h

22、as to visit his uncle for he is ill. C. The barbecue will take place on time. D. Tom will hold a party with his friends.27. What will Tom probably do after sending the last email? A. Prepare the barbecue. B. Go to the pub. C. Have a rest. D. Call his friends. C The next time you go grocery shopping,

23、 try speaking to other customers. One summerday, I took a smile and a warm heart into a small store in Oregon and got far more thangroceries. I love fresh produce(农产品) in the store, and not just for the amazing colors providedby summers bounty (慷慨) or the chance to joy over new choices from other co

24、untries. Italso because I just love watching people pick their produce. The day I was there I found a sale on amazing cherry tomatoes-along with a woman inher late 70s. Despite the fact that we were strangers, we began to discuss apples. She noted aproblem with the Pink Ladies. They tasted like I wa

25、s eating an unripe green apple from thetree, she said, twisting her face as if still tasting the sour apple. I wondered if this is something most of my generation can even remember doing. Isurely do. I mentioned that I often could not resist the green yet tempting fruit swinging froman apple tree. T

26、his was the start for a series of discussions as we shopped-covering suchtopics as nutrition, new foods and the quality of produce. By this time a third woman had joined in our conversation. The three of us continuedalong, unexpected friends, chatting about family size and the troubles a mom might h

27、aveserving healthful foods that please the whole family. Eventually we all went our separate ways, but in the dairy(奶制品) section I heard asmall voice say, I finally caught up with you. It was the first woman Id talked to, extendinga bag of apricots(杏) to me. t know if your family will eat these, she

28、 added, but theyhave a super deal on them. Again I was brought back to my childhood, when I also ate apricots straight from the tree.My mouth watered at the remembered flavor. The old lady didnt realize that shed given me far more than produce. With that offeringcame a sense of community, a flashbac

29、k to days when it was OK to talk to a stranger. Shebrought back memories of summer fruits right from the tree-and a feeling that somehowthose apricots were a thank-you for sharing my time with her in a very unlikely place.28. One reason the author likes fresh produce in grocery shop is that _ A. she

30、 enjoys observing people selecting fresh produce B. she likes watching people tasting fresh produce C. she produces fresh produce herself D. she sells fresh produce herself29. What might be the problem with the Pink Ladies noted by the old lady? A. Their price was too high. B. Their color was too green. C. Their taste was too sour. D. Their size was too small.30. Why did the old lady bring a bag of apricots to the author?

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