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1、 read a newspaper 看报纸 eat fruit 吃水果 wash up 洗碗 cook a meal 做饭 story book 故事书 music book 音乐书 cookery book 烹饪书 Unit7: drop litter 扔垃圾 drive 驾驶 throw 扔, 投 grass 草 pick flowers 摘花 dolphin 海豚 mustnt 不允许Unit8: work hard 努力学习 boring 枯燥的 lovely 可爱的 Unit9: 1.big bigger fat fatter hot hotter thin thinner; 2.

2、brave braver late later nice nicer large larger ;3. busy busier easy easier dry drier early earlier happy happier heavy heavier;4. good/well better bad/badly worse far farther/further many/much more5. beautiful more beautiful interesting more interesting building 大楼 kilometers 千米Unit10: travel 旅游 sn

3、owman 雪人 blue whale 蓝鲸 the Nile 尼罗河 sailfish 帆鱼,旗鱼 difficult 困难的 centimeter 厘米 ladder 梯子 choose 选择 basement 地下室 lift 电梯 shoulder 肩膀 apartment 公寓Unit11, 12: is/am was are were see saw give gave ride rode speak spoke take took buy bought go went eat ate swim swam sleep slept sit sat draw drew catch ca

4、ught say said find found drink drank run ran sing sang fly flew write wrote put put come came get got meet met video-camera 摄像机 digital camera 数码相机 London Bridge伦敦桥 Big Ben大本钟 river Thames 泰晤士河unit13: Monday 星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday 星期日 tie the shoes 系鞋带

5、 rest 休息 after在-之后 before 在-之前Unit14: beef steak 牛排 sea food 海鲜 French fries 法式薯条 vegetable 蔬菜 pasta 意大利面食 move away 搬走 walk the dog 遛狗 look out of the window 向窗外看 all the time 一直 sometimes 有时候 earth 地球,土地 once 一次 twice 两次 every other day每隔一天Unit15: poor 穷的(rich 富有的) sell 卖 throw threw 扔 beanstalk 豆

6、茎 meter 米 monster 魔鬼 fairy 精灵 仙女 castle 城堡 golden金的 fall down 摔下来Unit16: snowy下雪的 snowflake雪花 have a snowball fight 打雪仗 winter 冬天 snowman 雪人 village 村庄 countryside 郊区 field 田地 shop 购物(动词) get on 上(车) get off 下(车) arrive in 到达+大地点 arrive at 到达+小地点 at the foot of the mountain 在山脚下 set out 出发 slow down

7、 减速 慢下来 proud 骄傲的,自豪的 people 人(集体名词) surprised 惊讶的 sunny 晴天的 rainy 雨天的 cloudy 多云的 windy 刮风的 foggy 有雾的 stormy 暴雨的 rainbow彩虹 weather天气 play with sand on the beach 在沙滩上玩沙子 sunset 日落 bicycle=bike cycling 骑自行车 a headache 头疼 an earache耳朵疼 a toothache 牙疼 a backache 背疼 a stomachache 肚子疼 have a cold 感冒 a cou

8、gh咳嗽 a fever 高烧 ( run a temperature 发高烧 ) sweet food 甜食 a bad tooth 一颗蛀牙 pull out 拔出(pull up拔起) lunch time 午饭时间 last night 昨天晚上 all night 一整晚 medicine 药 feel 感觉(How do you feel now?) brush teeth刷牙 dolphin 海豚 starfish 海星 crab 螃蟹 smell 闻 sound听 taste尝look看 tongue舌头 washing powder洗衣粉 soup 汤 (复习所有身体部位单词

9、) cousin 唐表兄弟,唐表姐妹 weekend 周末 picnic野炊 breathe 呼吸 outside 外面 a bowl of 一碗 a bag of 一包 a box of 一箱 a carton of 一纸盒 a bottle of 一瓶 a cup of 一杯 a glass of 一玻璃杯 a bar of 一块 a pair of 一双 一副 a kilo of 一公斤 half a kilo of 一斤 clown 小丑 interesting 有趣的 exciting 兴奋的 激动人心的 gift =present 礼物 first 第一 second第二 thir

10、d第三 forth第四 fifth第五 sixth第六seventh第七eighth第八 ninth第九tenth第十 eleventh 第十一twelfth第十二 thirteenth 第十三 fourteenth 第十四 fifteenth 第十五 sixteenth第十六 seventeenth第十七 eighteenth第十八nineteenth 第十九 twentieth第二十 twenty-first 第二十一 thirtieth 第三十 fortieth 第四十 fiftieth 第五十 sixtieth 第六十 seventieth 第七十 eightieth 第八十 nine

11、tieth 第九十 hundredth 第一百 press 按 button 纽扣 按钮 elevator 电梯(lift) choose chose 选择 sunbathe 进行日光浴 yummy 美味的 cute 可爱的 woe 悲哀,悲痛 bonny 可爱的,姣美的 pirate 海盗 treasure 财富,财宝 lose lost 丢失 pick up 捡起 know knew 知道 find 找到 look for 寻找 rock 岩石 stone石头 Unit11:hobby 爱好 New Zealand新西兰 Africa 非洲 bone 骨头 chew 咀嚼 paw (有爪动

12、物的)脚掌 swallow吞咽 燕子 Unit12:invite邀请 kitten 小猫 fox 狐狸 useful 有用的 anything 任何事 naughty 淘气的 trunk 树干 wave 波浪,挥动,挥手 quickly快速地Unit13, 14:spot看出 run along 沿着-跑 underground地下的,地铁 ticket 票 understand懂,明白 push 推 happen 发生 no problem 没问题 walk slowly 慢慢地走 sing happily 开心地唱 dance beautifully跳得很优美 run quickly= r

13、un fast 跑得块 write carefully 仔细地写 sit quietly 安静地坐着 behave badly 表现很糟 speak loudly 大声地讲话 draw differently 画得不一样 pond kit 鱼缸套装 spoon 勺子 race 赛跑,竞赛(速度上) cost 花费 money钱 dinner 正餐(一般是晚餐) ring the bell 打铃 dart 标枪,飞镖 fair 公平的 opposite 对立的,相对的,反义词 score 得分 round 一轮,一圈 double两倍(名,动,形容) miss 失去,错过,思念 sleepy 瞌

14、睡的 early 早的 clip 回形针,夹子,别针 space 空间,距离 spaceship 宇宙飞船 fix固定,安装 wheel 车轮, 轮子剑桥少儿英语二级必须掌握的内容 上 册Unit one 基本句型: Ive got many new friends They are so lovely Maybe I can meet her tomorrow I like to play with toys My Chinese name is “Zhou Changcheng” My English name is “Ann” Please give it to me. Can I he

15、lp you with the bag?重点朗读词汇:Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden重点记忆内容:单词:Chinese, English, American, robot, piano, crayon, strong, weak, fat, thin, 句型: 见第3页的第5部分需要学生记忆家庭作业:1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第4页的第7部分读熟直至能背下来。2、抄写重点记

16、忆单词和句型。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。Unit two Is this book yours? No, its not mine. Maybe you can ask Bob You should ask Tina This book is not yours Which one is different? His beard is short, but his is longmine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, maybe, different,scarf, sweater, pet, find, socks, dialogue,

17、 guess, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, handmine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, 见第11页的第8部分需要学生记忆1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第9页的第2部分读熟直至能背下来。3、请学生按照第二部分的句子自己编一段歌谣。Unit three This is our school Its very beautiful Weve got a big library, a playground, a pretty garden and many classrooms. This is the place whe

18、re children can buy things Where do you often play sports? I often play sports on the playground Can you tell what these rooms are? Where is Mr.White?beautiful, library, bank, shop, cafe, garden, diningroom, classroom, swimming pool, sports cetre, playground, practise, round, square, quiet, thin, hu

19、ngry, thirsty, tired, different, famous library, bank, shop, cafe, garden, diningroom, classroom, swimming pool, sports cetre, playground, 见第15页的第4部分需要学生记忆1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第17页的第7部分读熟直至能背下来。3、请学生用英文写一篇介绍自己学校的小短文Unit four Can I ask a question? What does this word mean? Who can say a riddle? Whats the E

20、nglish for “Jian”? Whats the Chinese for “ straight hair”?Excuse me, can I use the bathroom for a minute? May I sit here? May I come in? Who wants have a try? Let me try. Shall I help you make sandwiches?Question, sure, mean, riddle, picture, Chinese, English, straight, plus, minus, curly, try, addr

21、ess, video, comic, film, jungle, balcony, town, laugh, sandwich, enjoyQuestion, riddle, picture, address, video, film, balcony, town, laugh, sandwich, 见第21页的第3部分需要学生记忆1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第23页的第8部分读熟直至能背下来。Unit five How about coming with us ? Where are you going ? Id love to . But Im going to Xian this af

22、ternoon. Where is the truck/lorry? Opposite the market By the river In the park Find a man reading a newpapersMarket, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, cafe, park, shop, swimming pool, library, playground, road, beach, street, forest, waterfall, lake, island, villa

23、ge, mountainMarket, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, 见第27页的第3部分需要学生记忆1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第25页的第1部分读熟直至能背下来。3、请学生以自己家为中心画出一张地图并用英语标出一些商店的名称等。Unit six He likes reading picture books Its time to get up Come and play with us. What does Bob like doing best? He likes drawing

24、. I like playing football What kind of books do you like to read? I like to read picture booksGet up, picture book, reading a newspaper, washing up, cleaning the floor, cookery book, comic book, bouncings, riding a horse, doing maths, playing the pianoGet up, picture book, reading a newspaper, washi

25、ng up, cleaning the floor, riding a horse, doing maths, playing the piano 见第33页的第2部分需要学生记忆1、练习基本句型, 跟读磁带把第33页的第4部分读熟直至能背下来。3、请学生英文写一小段文字介绍一下自己的爸爸或妈妈。Unit seven You mustnt drop litter in the park I like this park There is a swimming pool in the park If its edible, clap your hands in front There is a parrot standing on a book There are two cats sleep

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