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人教版英语必修2 Unit 3 Section Ⅱ Warming UpReadingLanguage PointsWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、1642年我在法国诞生时是一台计算机器。(1)calculate on sb./sth.(doing sth.) 期待某人/某物(做某事)It has been calculated that. 据估算(2)calculated adj. 精心策划的;蓄意的be calculated to do sth. 打算或计划做某事(3)calculating adj. 精明的;精于算计的(4)calculation n. 计算I have calculated that there are 10,080 minutes in a week.我计算出一周有10,080分钟。The advertiseme

2、nts are calculated to_attract(attract) young consumers.这些广告旨在吸引年轻的消费者。 【导学号:97892016】We are calculating on an early start.我们期待着可以提早开始。 solve vt.解决;解答(教材P18)In 1936 my real father,Alan Turing,wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a “universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical p

3、roblem.在1936年,我真正的父亲,艾伦图灵写了一本书,讲述了怎样能使我成为一台“通用机器”来解决任何数学难题。solution n 解决办法;处理手段a solution to sth. 某事的解决办法Theres no easy solution(solve) to this problem.解决这个问题没有容易的方法。It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem.要找到解决这个问题的办法也许要花很长时间。 from.on从时起(教材P18)From then on,I grew rapidly both in s

4、ize and in brainpower.从那时起,我在体积和智能方面迅速成长。from then on 从那时起from now on 从现在起from today on 从今天起From now on,we should pay more attention to protecting the environment.从现在起,我们应该更加注意保护环境。His wife died in 2008 and from then on he lived(live) alone.他的妻子在2008年去世了,从那时起他一直一个人生活。 as a result结果;因此(教材P18)As a res

5、ult I totally changed my shape.因此,我已经完全改变了我的形状。(1)result n 结果as a result of 由于;因为(2)result vi. 发生;产生result from 是由造成的result in/lead to 导致;造成He didnt get up on time today as a result of staying up too late last night.他今天没有按时起床,原因是昨晚熬夜熬得太晚了。His failure resulted from his carelessness.他的失败是由于他的粗心造成的。His

6、 carelessness resulted in his failure.他的粗心导致了他的失败。97892017】图形助记巧述“因果” application n应用;用途;申请(教材P18)Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.从20世纪70年代起,我又被开发出了很多新的用途。(1)make an application to sb.for sth.向某人申请某物(2)apply vi.&vt. 申请;应用apply for 申请;请求apply oneself to 致力于;集中精力于apply to

7、适用于;运用于(3)applicant n. 申请者The nurse applied some medicine to his burn.护士在他的烧伤处上了点药。He applied himself(him) to his new job.他努力干好新的工作。 anyhow adv.无论如何;即使如此;不论用何种方法(教材P18)Anyhow,my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.不管怎样,我的任务是给人类提供更高质量的生活。(1)anyhow 用于肯定句时,意思与anyway相近,意为“无论如何;不管怎样;反正”

8、。用于否定句时,意为“无论如何(也不)”。其位置比较灵活,可以置于句首、句中或者句末。(2)somehow adv.以某种方式;用某种方法;不知为什么It doesnt make much difference because we are going to be late anyway.这没多大关系,因为反正我们要迟到了。We must get the work finished somehow by tomorrow morning.我们必须设法在明天早上以前把工作做完。.语境填词1By my _(calculate),5% of the students will fail in the

9、 exam.2He sought for an adequate _(solve) to the problem.3Please attach a photograph to the _(apply) form.4Do you have much in common _ your friends?5He has been teaching in this school from then _.【答案】1.calculation2.solution3.application4.with5.on.完成句子1他们虽然是兄弟,但毫无共同之处。They are brothers,but they _.2

10、别指望他的弟弟按时到达。Dont _ coming on time.3程序员想出了一个解决系统问题的办法。The programmer _ to the system problem.4结果他们拯救了森林里90%的树木。_,they saved 90% of the trees in the forest.5从现在起,他们将自己管理贸易。_ they will handle the trade themselves.【答案】1.have nothing in common2.calculate on his younger brother3.came up with a solution4.A

11、s a result5.From now on (教材P18)I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.我发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。【要点提炼】句中before引导时间状语从句,意为“之后才”。另外before除了其基本意思“在之前”以外,还可以表示“没来得及;以免;免得”之意。(1)“It was时间段before.”表示“过了多久才”。从句常用一

12、般过去时。(2)“It was not long before.”意为“不久就”。(3)“It will not be long before.”表示“不久就会”。从句常用一般现在时。(4)“It will be时间段before.”表示“要过多久才”。They walked a long way before they arrived at their destination.他们走了很长的路才到达目的地。Before I could say a word,he had rushed out of the classroom.我还没来得及说句话,他就冲出了教室。It was three da

13、ys before he came back.过了三天他才回来。It was not long before he got a rise in the company.不久他在公司就升了职。 (教材P18)As time went by,I was made smaller.随着时间的推移,我被做得更小了。【要点提炼】句中as为连词,意为“随着”,引导时间状语从句。(1)as用作从属连词,表示“既然,因为”,引导原因状语从句。(2)as用作从属连词,表示“虽然”,引导让步状语从句,只用于倒装语序,即把作表语的形容词、名词或作状语的副词以及动词原形置于句首。(3)as用作关系代词,引导定语从句,

14、可放于句首、句中或句末。名师点津as与with二者都有“随着”的意思。as是连词,引导时间状语从句;with是介词,后面接名词或代词,构成with短语或复合结构。As time goes by,its getting warmer and warmer.随着时间的推移,天气变得越来越暖和了。As housing price is_going(go) up fast,ordinary people find it harder to afford one.With housing price going(go) up fast,ordinary people find it harder to

15、afford one.随着房价的迅速攀升,普通人发现买一套房子更难了。As were both tired,lets just grab a takeaway.我们俩都累了,来吃点外卖食品吧。Try as she might,Sue couldnt get the door open.无论苏怎样努力,她就是打不开门。 (教材P18)Over time my memory has developed so_much_that,like an elephant,I never forget anything I have been told!随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象

16、一样,我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情!【要点提炼】本句为主从复合句。主句是my memory has developed so much;that引导结果状语从句,其中I have been told是省略关系代词that的定语从句,修饰先行词anything。so.that.如此以至于。(1)so.that.常用结构如下:sothat(2)such.that.“如此以至于”也可用来引导结果状语从句。such为形容词,一般用来修饰名词,常构成如下结构:such(3)在so.that.句式中,如果that引导的是目的状语从句,则从句中多含有情态动词,如may,might,can,could等。s

17、o that 引导目的状语从句,有同样用法。He draws so beautifully that his drawings are all liked by others.他画得很漂亮,别人都喜欢他的画。Jack is so smart a boy that he can work out many difficult math problems.杰克真是个聪明的男孩儿,他能做出许多数学难题。He was such an honest man that so many people praised him.他非常诚实,因而这么多的人表扬他。完成句子1不久,学生们就要参加大学入学考试了。_

18、the students take the college entrance examination.2日子久了,他们彼此变得十分融洽。_,they began to get on well with each other.3她的腿软得几乎站不住了。Her legs were _ weak _ she could hardly stand.【答案】1.It will not be long before2.As time went;thatAfter I was programmed by an operator who used cards with holes,I could

19、 “think” logically and produce an answer quicker than any person.【分析】after引导时间状语从句;who used cards with holes 是who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词operator。【翻译】在操作员用穿孔卡为我设计程序之后,我能够进行逻辑“思考”,并且能够比任何人更快地算出答案。学业分层测评.单句语法填空1The noise was so loud outside _ I could sleep no longer.2You should do it _ it is too late.3Im very pl

20、eased to inform you that your _(apply) has been accepted.4Hes trying to figure out a way _(solve) the problem.5. The answer to this question is now under _ (explore)6His plans were transformed overnight into _(real)7This dictionary tries to _(simple) the meanings of words.8The child made a very _(in

21、telligence) comment.9She calculated on _(go) to Beijing for a visit this summer.97892043】10. His failure resulted _ not working hard enough.【答案】 solve5.exploration6.reality7.simplify8.intelligent9.going10.from.单句改错1It will be three years when we meet again._2He is such

22、 careful a man that he does everything better.3While the teacher opened the door, I was sleeping.4He ran into debt as a result of drink too much.5If they cannot work out a solution for the present problem, their economy is heading for serious trouble.【答案】1.when改为before2.such改为so3While改为When4.drink改为

23、drinking5第一个for改为to.完形填空Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive,the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight _1_before landing. High desert winds had _2_the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be _3_ the city for a few minu

24、tes waiting to _4_. We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened_5_ there might be a few bumps(颠簸)Well, that few minutes turned into about fourfive minutes,including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车)pale by_6_.The movement was so sudden that several pass

25、engers felt_7_and had to use airsickness bags(晕机袋). As you might guess,thats not good thing to happen in a(n) _8_space because it only_9_to increase the discomfort of the situation.About twenty minutes into the adventure,the entire airplane became very _10_.There was now a sense of anxiety and fear

26、that could be_11_ noticed.Every passenger simply held on for dear life.except one. A_12_was having a good time! With each bump of the_13_ he would let out a giggle(咯咯的笑)of happiness. As I observed this, I_14_ that he didnt know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his _15_.He neither thought about the past nor about the future.Those are what we grownups have learned from_16_. He was _17_the ride because he had not yet been taught to fear it. Having

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