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1、calmed my mom. And I had to_19 .On Monday, my teacher Maggie told us about the climbing course, and my heart sank when I saw the wall I was the _20_ one to try to climb that huge wall. It mighthave been ten floors high, and knew that I had no 21 to succeed. But I had to, after the other campers fini

2、shed.I asked for a short persons pass, smiling _22_ and walking around the wall. You know. Amy, what the mind can believe, the heart can achieve. _23_ Maggie. Id really like you to do your best to _24_ the wall. I pretended(假装) to hurt my knee_25_I could avoid it. Hows the knee? Does it hurt a lot?

3、Maggie asked. She was so kind, which made me feel_26_because I didnt like to lie. Maggie was really patient, showing me_27_ she climbed the wall. And some campers were there cheering for me. I didnt want to 28 anymore, and I didnt want to give up again. I could see how much everyone believed in me,

4、and I wanted to show them how much I valued their_29_, so I kept trying. And then something _30_ happenedI made it! What the mind can believe, the heart can achieve, Maggie reminded me. And this time I knew it was true. 16. A. hair B. build C. height D weight17. A accept B. beat C. hate D. manage18.

5、 A. if B. after C. when D. until19. A agree B. explain C refuse D complain20. A. first B. last C. only D right21. A risk B. chance C. time D pressure22. A happily B. proudly C. warmly D. weakly23. A encouraged B. announced C introduced D. repealed24. A. build up B. pull down C. get over D. knock at2

6、5. A. so B. or C unless D. but26. A angry B. bored C. lonely D. bad27. A how B. when C. where D. why28. A try B. lie C. practice D. compete29. A. dream B. decision C. support D. success30. A funny B. creative C popular D amazing三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共计 30 分)阅读下面材料, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AB

7、ruce Kelley. a reporter interviewed people and asked. What are some of the highlights(最精彩的部分)of your life so far? Here are some of her answers. Janie, 35, Canada: high school teacherOh. Ive been pretty lucky up until now. For one thing. Ive traveled a lot. I lived in Italy a few years ago Then after

8、 Italy, I went to Central America and worked with a team of volunteers. We were rebuilding homes after a major earthquake for two months. It was hard work but so worth doing. Life has been interesting so far. Marcos, 25, Brazil! college studentUm, Ive done some interesting things in the last few yea

9、rs. I started a band the year before last, though it didnt last we broke up after six months. But it was fun. And Ive been coaching a soccer team in a local primary school for the last two years. Weve won most of our matches. Jing Wei. 25 and Sheng Yang. 27, China: designer and graduate studentWell,

10、 Sheng Yang hasnt really done anything except study over the last few years. we met when he was getting his masters in college. Then Sheng started his PhD. Since then, hes just been giving all his attention to schoolJing Wei began working at a fashion company last year That was a big thing for her.

11、Shes been enjoying it so far.31. It seems to be a real highlight for in volunteering according to the text. A. Janie B. Jing Wei C. Marcos D. Sheng Yang 32. From the text above, we can know that _.A. Janie joined in rebuilding homes in Italy after an earthquakeB. Marcos has been learning to play soc

12、cer for two years C. Sheng Yang has been working for a few years D. Jing Wei got a job at a fashion company last year33. The text is probably from the column(栏目) of _ in a magazine. A. Life B. Travel C. Science D. SportsBMarianne Carus, who started Cricker(蟋蟀)magazine in1973 and served as Editor-in-

13、Chief(总主编)until 2012, died on March 3 at the age of 92 this year. Marianne believed that only the best of the best is good enough for the young. In Cicket, children would find wonderful stories with beautiful art, and be encouraged by ideas in the humanities and sciences. Marianne looked for stories

14、 from around the world to awaken admiration for different peoples and cultures. Most important, Cricker would never talk down to children. Marianne knew that children were filled with fun, and she wanted Cricket to be, too humor from the heart that makesyou laugh out loud. And so. she named her lite

15、rary magazines after a funny group of bugs(虫子), such as Lady bung and Spider. Over the years. Cricket has been read by millions of children and given many writers and artists their start Marianne kept a special box of love letters to the magazine. She treasured these letters from Cricket readers, in

16、cluding long-ago readers. They told her that their interest in reading had begun with Cricket. _ She considered other names, such as Troubadour or Taliesin, the singers and storytellers of old who traveled from one place to another to share their songs and stories. Then. one night, she was reading I

17、saac Bashevi Singers memoir(回忆录)A Day of Pleasure. about his childhood in Warsaw. In it he wroteThere was a stove in Shoshas apartment behind which there lived a cricket. It chirped the nights through all winter long I imagined the cricket was telling a story that would never end. Thats exactly what

18、 Marianne wanted her childrens magazine to doto tell stories that would never end! So the name Cricker became her best choice. Thank you for everything, Marianne. May the stories, and the laughter, never end! 34. Cricker is a magazine most probably for _.A. writer B. children C. artists D teachers35

19、. According to the passage, Marianne _.A. made an effort to find the best stories B raised many bugs as her petsC. replied to long-ago Cricket readers D. started Cricket 39 years ago36. Which of the following can be the best to fill in _in Paragraph 5?A. How was the life of crickets B. When was the

20、magazine Cricket born?C. What did Marianne think of crickets?D. Why did Marianne name her magazine Cricker?37. The best title for the passage can probably be _.A. The Life of a Cricket B. Admiration for Different CulturesC. Best Stories for the Young D. Achievements in Marianne s LifeCThe Youth Clim

21、ate Summit(气候峰会) a week-long festival of climate action for primary and middle schools in the UK, starts on 9 November. It aims to create a fairer, more environmental world and make promises that will help the planet. Climate change is the long-term changes in the worlds weather patterns that are mo

22、stly caused by human activity. Unlike world leaders, say the summits organizers. young people are refusing to let it drop off the plan. Each day has a topic, which includes food and fashion, looking at how humans harm the environment and how to save the planet. Organizations are leading some on line

23、 activities. For example, the Marine Conservation Society is hosting meetings on protecting sea fish. Separately, the environmental organization Greenpeace is running a workshop on how to turn worn-out clothing into something new and wearable. The summit will finish on 13 November, when youth ambass

24、adors(大使)wants schools to stop paper waste. Max, another 16-year-old ambassador wants schools to organize more trips and activities that get students outside to experience the beauty of nature. As part of the summit, hundreds of schools across the country are signing up to the Lets Go Zero activity,

25、 aiming to become carbon-zero(零碳的)by 2030. Carbon-zero schools are ones that promise to stop emitting carbon in seven areas, including where they get their food and how they use water and recycle their waste. The activity is run by Ashden, a charity working towards climate solutions. Ashden hopes th

26、at schools will be able to help each other by sharing ideas and methods. It is also calling on the Government to back the promise. Head over to transform-our-world. org where you can find out more. 38. The writer develops the first sentence in Paragraph 2 mainly byA. telling stories B. comparing fac

27、ts C. giving examples D. listing numbers39. Max advises schools to _.A. recycle and reuse old clothes B. prevent students from wasting paperC. have meetings on saving endangered sea fish D. provide more chances for students to enjoy the nature40. The underlined word emitting in Paragraph 4 is the cl

28、osest in meaning to_.A. using up B. taking in C. sending out D. cutting down41. The purpose of the passage is mainly to _.A. explain the problems with climate change B. develop childrens ability to solve social problems C. introduce the environmental organizations to schools D. encourage young peopl

29、e to care more about climate changeDIf we want to grow as people, we cant just depend on our own evaluation(评价)of how were doing. We also need to know what other people think about our performance. Receiving feedback(反馈)from others can help us see the larger picture and show us a way forward to succ

30、ess. However, someone has to give that feedback, and sometimes, that someone will be you. How should you deal with this?First things firstif you notice a situation in which some feedback would be helpful, give it as soon as you can. If you wait until the matter disappears from the persons mind. they might not understand

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