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本文(克里昂关于Landras和Partoos的信息与地球同期扬升的两颗行星Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、The Pioneers on Landras, who are in the adaptation phase now, have for some time had the possibility to connect their 18 aspects whenever they want to. Consequently they can travel with their merkabah, something they really enjoy doing. With that they spread much spirituality, and many inhabitants,

2、who had experienced an inner view before, are being guided into a stable awakening.Landras上的志愿者们,现在正在适应阶段;一段时间内无论何时当他们想要,都有机会连结他们的18面体。因此他们能用他们的梅尔卡巴旅行这是他们十分喜爱的事情。他们藉此传播大量的灵性;并且很多此前有过内在视野经验的居民,被引导至一个坚定的觉醒中。Its true that water is still scarce, but this is also becoming more and more stable. Many star

3、travelers and galactic riders are on various planets in order to collect energies and information that they bring to their inhabitants. These now live in bigger communities and work in a kind of spiritual centers. At the moment everything is looking very good.水仍然缺乏是事实,但这也变得越来越坚定。很多星际旅行者和星系旅人在各种各样的行星

4、上,为了收集能量和信息,带给他们的居民们。他们现在生活在更大的社区中,在一种灵性中心工作。此刻一切都看起来非常棒。During the Kryon Festival the ascension of Partoos occurred.在克里昂节日期间,Patoos的扬升发生了。It was a very big challenge for me, for I heard about it during the Eleua transmission and had to decide when to tell the participants about it. So I asked the i

5、mminent walk-in, Angel Michael, to announce the ascension of Partoos if he wanted, which he then did.这对我来说是一个非常大的挑战,因为我在Eleua传导中听说了它,然后必须决定何时告诉参与者。于是我请求临时进入的大天使麦克,来宣布Partoos的扬升如果他愿意的话;于是他宣布了。The ascension of Partoos took place very, very gently. Very little had to be transformed, hardly anything was

6、 destroyed. The inner view of the inhabitants there took very long, approximately 22 minutes, which is long in linear time.Partoos的扬升进行得非常、非常温和。极少的必须被转换,几乎没有什么被破坏。那儿居民的内在视野进行了很久,大约22分钟在线性时间里是很长时间。The tone sounded completely different than before on Landras.和之前Landras上的(扬升)相比,音调听起来完全不同。The inhabitant

7、s of Partoos resemble us very much. In their entire work as well, with the exception that they are hermaphroditic. This means that they bear masculine as well as feminine energies in equal parts within. But it is one and the same form.Partoos的居民非常像我们。同样,在他们的整个工作里,存在着例外他们是雌雄同体。这意味着在他们里面每个同等的部分,都既有男性能

8、量,又有女性能量。但它是一个且有同样的外形。After the ascension had taken place and the inner view was over enormous joy and euphoria was released, with singing and dancing. This high energy of joy immediately caused another quake. But everything went very gently.扬升发生后,内在视野充满了巨大的喜悦,幸福感用歌声和舞蹈来释放。这个喜悦的高能量立即导致了另一个震动。但一切进行得非

9、常温和。 尽管如此,相较于Landras,Partoos上更多的撤离是必要的。非常多的居民被请至阿斯塔的飞船上。接着是训练,以释放能量模式和连接维面这些模式和维面,在内在视野中出于某种原因没有释放它们自己,或嵌入得不够好,导致梅尔卡巴不能完全发展它自己。现在它已使Partoos的开拓者们能够到金星去旅行。They do not take material nourishment anymore, but live on light now. This is subject to free will and does not mean that it will be the same with

10、us.现在他们不再摄入物质食物,而是生活在光中。这是自由意志的课题,并不意味着我们也会是同样。On Landras about one third less inhabitants than on Partoos were evacuated.Landras上被疏散的居民比Partoos上要少约三分之一。On Partoos many other beings of other frequencies were also fetched. What I think is very fascinating is that these are now working very closely wi

11、th the yellow frequency, have connected with it, as sounds are very important to the beings of the yellow frequency as well.Partoos上很多其他频率的存有也被转移。我认为非常迷人的地方是,那些现在与黄色频率配合非常密切的人,已与它连接,因为声音对于黄色频率的存有也非常重要。On Partoos much work was done with the energy of grace, which I think is very nice, and at the end

12、of the day this has helped the planet to ascend.在Partoos上,大量工作在恩典的能量中完成,我认为这非常美妙,然后在这一天结束时,这已帮助行星扬升。In the figurative sense they call it the Kingdom of the Grace Field. In contrast to the Crystal Places they have this area of grace energy that is very similar to the Eleua Energy. Thus the ascension

13、was not really a surprise, for they already knew that this call, this tone would come.比喻来说,他们称它为恩典领域的王国。与水晶地区相比,他们这片地域的恩典能量非常近似于Eleua能量。因此扬升其实并不惊奇,因为他们已经知道这个呼求、这个音调会来临。The inhabitants of Partoos were evacuated with their body. After the planets ascension the colors changed extremely and also the sta

14、r tetrahedrons are visible. Sherin manifested herself visibly, the Starseed arrived and everyone sang together and a light prayer was said for the planet. The singing of the angels was also audible.It was also thanks to the grace energy that everything could be carried out very calmly and gently.Par

15、toos的居民们是带着他们的身体撤离。行星扬升后,色彩变化极大,星球四面体也成为可见。Sherin显现她自己为可见,星际种子抵达,人人一起歌唱,一个光之祈祷为星球而念诵。天使们的歌唱声也同样可以听见。同样也要感谢恩典能量,使一切能非常平静温和地实现。It is a bit different on Earth. Because Jesus was with us and doubted in the moment of his betrayal the seed of doubt was sown. The inhabitants of Partoos do not know doubt. T

16、hat is why it was a bit easier for them.在地球上有少许不同。因为耶稣和我们一起,且在他被背叛之时怀疑,怀疑的种子被散布。Partoos的居民们不知道怀疑。这就是为什么这对他们来说更容易一点。Nonetheless I think it is impressive that we, even though we know doubt, now are at the very top of the consciousness list.尽管如此,我想令人印象深刻的是,我们,即使我们知道怀疑,此刻也在“觉知名单”的最高处。I can and want to o

17、nly speak for the Pioneers of the golden-blue frequency, for this concerns particularly the Pioneers of this frequency. There really are very many who are in deep intention, through that much expands very quickly.Knotting the Lucifer bond is an excellent example.我可以也希望,仅谈谈金-蓝频率的志愿者,因为这特别关系着这个频率的志愿者。

18、真的,有很多人在深刻的意图中,通过这样,很多扩展得非常迅速。使路西法的联系打结是一个很好的例子。Particularly for that the grace energy of Partoos that is being drawn off and is flowing to us now is very helpful to our planet.特别是对于Partoos的恩典能量,它已抽出且现在正流向我们,对于我们的星球非常有益。On Partoos it was also similar to here before the ascension. For many years they

19、, too, received information that everything will collapse, that certain things and structures will not be able to hold on, that it will come to great changes. And suddenly there was a change and these things were spoken about much more intensively. In linear time it then still took about one and a h

20、alf years until the ascension had taken place.在Partoos上,在扬升之前也很像这里。在很多年里,他们也收到信息说,一切将倒坍,某种东西和结构将不再能保持,它将进入伟大的转变。然后突然地,有一个改变,那些东西是被提及到更加稠密的东西。在线性时间里它仍然花费了约一年半的时间,直到扬升发生。上升直至大量的外在已被改变。现在他们已有可能去形成所有新的东西。我百分百的确信,在这儿的适应阶段里,我们,也会像例子中的开拓者们一样向前行进。将再次设置轨道来形成新的地球。我能想象,一个新的教育系统将产生。在这个形式里将不再有金钱。然而,在一个不同的形式里,施与受

21、之间会有一个平衡。我能想象人类存有们将生活在一起,在中心或村庄,每个人都会根据他的能力和技能来工作。也许是布置和照料花园或类似的事情。无论如何,我们将需要在这里铺设轨道。一切和爱没有关系的事物,和权力和镇压有关的事物将不会继续,它们将终结。But, seen retrospectively, just as with Landras before it was the energetic patterns that had been embedded that were very helpful for the ascension.但是,回顾来看,就如同以前的Landras,已被嵌入的能量模式

22、对于扬升是非常有益的。One of the new technologies, for example, makes it possible for the inhabitants to neutralize the harmful substances and all pollution that had, of course, also been triggered by the ascension. With the help of new technology they can create and increase water, and each Pioneer has a star

23、 vehicle he can travel with.Not through the universe yet, but they can move from A to B on their planet very quickly with it.举例来说,新技术之一使居民们中和有害物质和一切已造成的污染成为可能,当然,也是由扬升触发。借着新技术的帮助,他们能创造和增加水,每个居民都有一个他能用来旅行的星际交通工具。尚且还不能穿越宇宙,但他们能在他们的星球上非常迅速地用它从A挪到B。Most inhabitants experienced the transition consciously

24、 with their body. Others fell into a kind of coma, and in that time the cells were reprogrammed. Energies were also transmitted to them, particularly grace energy.大部分居民带着他们的身体清醒地经历了转换。其他人进入一种昏迷,在那期间细胞被重新编程。能量也同样发送给他们,特别是恩典能量。The children and young persons will work in their radiant power during and

25、after the ascension. All this will happen with embedded energetic patterns. But they will radiate very much energy that is very helpful to the entire cause.小孩和年轻人将在他们明亮的力量中工作,在扬升期间和之后。所有这些都会产生嵌入能量模式。但是他们将散发出非常多的能量,这对整个事件非常有益。基本上,Landras上的一切都进行得很相似,只不过是在一个更稠密的形式中。一切被立即转换,完整的真相在心灵中表明和展露它自己。ANANASHA.谢谢。-Information about Landras and Partoos

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