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1、很好,你可以放心的玩了。 Sorry, George. Its only mud. 对不起,乔治,只是些泥而已。 mud:n.泥, 烂泥 Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇和乔治喜欢在泥坑里跳。 Come on, George. Lets go and showDaddy. Goodness me. 来吧,乔治。我们去给爸爸看看。我 的天啊。 goodness me: 天哪 Daddy. Daddy.Guess what weve been doing. 爸爸,爸爸,你猜猜我们刚才干了什 么? Let me think.Have

2、 you beenwatching television? 让我猜一猜。你们看电视了? No. No. Daddy. 不对,爸爸 Have you just had a bath? 你们洗澡了? No. No. 不对不对。 I know. Youve been jumping in muddy puddles. 我知道了。你们刚才在泥坑里玩了。 Yes. Yes. Daddy. Weve been jumping in muddy puddles. 是的爸爸,我们刚才在泥坑里玩了。 Ho. Ho. And look at the mess youre in. 看看你们弄得多脏啊。 mess:n

3、. 杂乱, 脏乱; 脏东西;不整 洁 in a mess:又脏又乱 Oooh.Oh, well, its only mud. Lets clean up quickly before Mummy sees the mess. 没事,只是些泥而已。我们在妈妈看 到之前快点洗干净。 Daddy, when weve cleaned up, will you and Mummy come and play, too? 爸爸,我们清理干净之后,你和妈妈 也一起来玩吗? clean up:1. 打扫;清理 2.(给自己) 洗脸(洗手, 洗澡) Yes, we can all play in the ga

4、rden. 是的,我们都可以在花园里玩。 Peppa and George are wearing their boots. 佩奇和乔治穿着他们的靴子。 Mummy and Daddy are wearing their boots. 妈妈和爸爸也穿着他们的靴子。Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. 佩奇喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。 up and down:上上下下 Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. 大家都喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。 Oh, Daddy pig, look

5、 at the mess youre in. 爸爸,你看你弄得多脏。 Its only mud. 只是些泥而已。 Im Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. 我是佩奇。这是我的弟弟乔治,这 是我的妈妈,这是我的爸爸。 Peppa Pig. Bicycles! 自行车! It is a lovely, sunny day, and Peppa and George are riding their bicycles. 这是个阳光灿烂的日子,佩奇和 乔治在骑自行

6、车。Thats a fine pumpkin, Daddy Pig! 爸爸,这个南瓜长得真好! pumpkin:南瓜,南瓜的果肉 Daddy Pig is very proud of his pumpkin. 爸爸对他的南瓜很自豪。 Pumpkins are the only thing I can grow. Probably because I love pumpkin pie! Come on, George. Danny, Suzy, Rebecca! 南瓜是我唯一能种的东西。可能是因 为我喜欢吃南瓜派!快点,乔治。丹妮, 苏西,瑞贝卡! Peppa and her friends,D

7、anny Dog, Suzy Sheep and Rebecca Rabbit, are riding their bicycles. 佩奇和他的朋友们,小狗丹尼, 小羊苏西和小兔瑞贝卡在骑自行车。 George is riding his tricycle. Hes going so slowly. 乔治在骑三轮车。他骑的好慢。 tricycle:三轮车 Letsrace toDaddy Pigs pumpkin.If We race to Daddys Pumpkin, We have to be very careful not to bumpinto it. Daddy would b

8、e very sadthe pumpkin got broken. 让我们比赛骑到那个南瓜那。如 果我们骑到爸爸的南瓜那里,我们必 须很小心不要撞到南瓜。南瓜被撞坏 了爸爸会很难过的。 race: 比赛。赛跑 bump: 碰,撞 Dont worry, Peppa. 不用担心,佩奇。 Race you! 比赛开始! Peppa and her friends are racing to Daddy Pigs pumpkin! 佩奇和她的朋友们在比赛谁最快 到爸爸的南瓜那。 Hey! Watch outfor my pumpkin! 嘿,小心我的南瓜! watch out: 小心,留神,注意 H

9、urray! Peppa! Look out! Daddys Pumpkin!佩奇,小心!爸爸的南瓜! Sorry, Daddy! 对不起,爸爸。 Look at George! Hes going so slowly! 看看乔治!他骑的好慢! George is still riding a baby bike! 乔治还在骑童车。 Yours is a baby bike, too, Peppa! Youve still got stabilizers! 你的车也是一个童车,佩奇。你 还在用辅助轮。 stabilizer: 有安定作用之物, 安定 装置,水平尾翼 I can ride wit

10、hout my stabilizers. 我可以不用辅助轮骑。 Me, too. And me. Lets ride up the hill again.Are you coming, Peppa? 我也是。还有我。我们再骑上那 个小山吧。佩奇,你来吗? No, I think Ill stay here. 不了,我想在这呆着。 See you later! Bye! 一会见,再见。 off. 轮。Peppa wishes she did not have stabiIizers on her bicycle. 佩奇希望她的自行车上没有辅助Daddy, I dont want stabiliz

11、ers anymore. 爸爸,我不想用辅助轮了。 Do you think you can ride without them? Yes. 你觉得你能不用他们骑吗?是的。 Alright, Peppa. Lets take them好吧,佩奇。我们把它们拿掉。 Daddy Pig is taking thestabilizers off Peppas bicycle. 爸爸把佩奇自行车上的辅助轮拿 掉了。 Are you sure you want to ride without stabilizers? Yes! 你确定你不用辅助轮骑吗?是的 Youve never done it bef

12、ore. I can do it. I can! I can! 你以前还没有试过。我可以,我 可以!Arrgh!s not funny! Riding without stabilizers is not easy. 一点都不好笑。没有辅助轮骑车 并不容易。 Would you like some help, Peppa? 你想要一些帮助吗,佩奇? Yes, please, Daddy. 是的,爸爸。 Alright. Ready. Steady. GO! 好吧,准备好了吗?坐好了,走 吧! steady: 稳定的,平稳的, 沉稳的 Dont let go, Daddy! 不要放手,爸爸。 l

13、et go: 放开, 释放 Dont worry. Ive got you. Youre doing really Well, Peppa. 别担心。我扶着你呢。你做的很 好,佩奇。 Hold on, Daddy! Just keep peddling. 抓住,爸爸,继续踩踏板。 hold on:坚持, 保持, 继续Peppaisridingonherown,without stabilizers! 佩奇在自己骑,没有辅助轮! Daddy! You let go! 爸爸,你放手了!ve been cycling on your own for ages. 你已经自己骑了很久了。 for age

14、s:有一段时间了 Have I? 我吗?re really very good at it! 你做的真的很好! Am I? Oh, I can do it! Look at me!Look at me! I can ride my bike properly. 是吗?哦,我做到了!看我!看 我!我能骑两轮的自行车了。 Danny! Suzy! Rebecca! Look! I dont need my stabilizers anymore!Hurray! 丹尼,苏西,瑞贝卡,看,我再 也不用辅助轮了。看! Race you to Daddy我们比赛骑到南瓜那里。 Wheeeee! Peppa

15、, look out my pumpkin! 佩奇,小心我的南瓜。m going to win! 我要赢了。 Peppa isnt looking where she is going! Wahhhh! Oops!Oh, dear,爸爸,我保证一定会看路的。 Good. Anyway, now the pumpkin is broken, I can make it into pumpkin pie! 好,不管怎样,现在南瓜已经坏 了。我可以用它做南瓜派 I love pumpkin pie! 我喜欢吃南瓜派。 And because Daddy PigsPeppa has squashed

16、Daddy Pig 佩奇没有看前面的路。 哦, 天啊, 佩奇把爸爸的南瓜压扁了。 squash: 被压扁, 挤入 Sorry I squashed your pumpkin, Daddy. 爸爸,对不起我把你的南瓜压扁 了。 Never mind the pumpkin. The important thing is that you are okay. In future, you really must look where you are going. 南瓜不要紧。重要的是你没有受 伤。以后,你骑车一定要看路。 I promise I will, Daddy.pumpkin is so

17、big, there will be enough pumpkin pie for everyone! 而且,爸爸的南瓜太大了,我们 每个人都有南瓜派吃了。 Hurray! 太棒了! Mr. Dinosaur is lost 恐龙先生不见了。 重点词组讲解 dinosaur: n.1. 恐龙 2. 守旧落 伍的人;过时落后的东西 Georges favourite toy is Mr. Dinosaur. 乔治最喜欢的玩具是恐龙先生。 George loves Mr.Dinosaur.Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. 乔治最喜欢恐龙先生了。 Sometimes, George likes

18、to scare Peppa with Mr. Dinosaur. 有时候,乔治喜欢用恐龙先生 吓唬佩奇。 Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Too scary. 太吓人了。 scare: vt. 恐吓;使惊恐 vi.受 惊吓,感到害怕 scary: 使人惊恐的;吓人的; 可怕的 Eeek.还是恐龙先生? At bath time, George shares his bath with Mr.Dinosaur.Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. 洗澡时,乔治和恐龙先生一起 洗。 bathtime: 放松沐浴时光Goodnight, Peppa. 晚安,佩奇。 Goodnight, M

19、ummy. 晚安,妈妈。 Goodnight, George. 晚安,乔治。At suppertime, Mr. Dinosaur sits next to George. 吃晚饭的时候,恐龙先生坐在 乔治旁边。 supper 晚餐。 晚餐时间: at supper time I beg your pardon.Was that you George,or was it Mr. Dinosaur? 抱歉,那是你(发出的声音)Andgoodnight,Mr.Dinosaur.Grrrrrrrrr. 晚安,恐龙先生。 When George goes to bed, Mr. Dinosaur is

20、 tucked up with him. 乔治睡觉的时候,恐龙先生和 他窝在一起。 tuck: n.1. (衣服的) 褶, 裥 2. 折 叠 vt.1. 塞进 2. 翻折 3. 盖住,卷起tuck up:折起 Georges favourite game is throwing Mr. Dinosaur up in the air. Wheeeeeee. and catching him when he falls back down. Wheeeeeeeee. 乔治最喜欢的游戏就是把恐龙 先生扔到空中,然后当他落下来的时 候接住他。 throw: 投; 掷; 扔; 抛 Peppa and D

21、addy Pig are playing draughts. 佩奇和爸爸在玩跳棋。 draughts n.英国际跳棋 I win, Daddy. 我赢了,爸爸。 Oh, well done Peppa. George? whats the things. 侦探George has lost Mr. Dinosaur. 乔治把恐龙先生弄丢了。 Dont worry George.Well find Mr. Dinosaur. Its a job for a detective. 别急乔治,我们会找到恐龙先 生的。现在该侦探出场了。 detective:n. 侦探,警探,私人Daddy, what

22、 is a de-tech-tiff? 爸爸,detechtiff 是什么?A detective is a very important person who is good at finding things. 侦探是非常擅长找东西的人。 Me. Me. Im good at findingWhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa. Whaaaaaaaaa.George, matter?我,我,我擅长找东西。 Alright. Peppa is the detective. 好的,那佩奇是侦探。下的好,佩奇。乔治?怎么了 乔治? George, have you lost Mr. Dinosaur

23、? 乔治,你把恐龙先生弄丢了?George. I am the de-tech-tiff. 乔治,我是侦探了。 I will help you find Mr.Dinosaur. 我会帮助你找到恐龙先生的。 Maybe the detective should ask George some simple questions. 也许侦探应该问乔治一些简单 的问题。 George? Dinosaur? 乔治,恐龙先生在哪? George does not know where Mr. Dinosaur is. 乔治不知道恐龙在哪。 The detective could try and gues

24、s where Mr. Dinosaur might be. 侦探也许应该试着猜恐龙现在 应该会在哪。 I know. I know where he is. 我知道。我知道他在哪了。 George always has Mr. Wheres Mr.bath. 恐龙先生不在浴缸里。 Oh. I know.I know where Mr. Dinosaur is. 我知道了。我知道恐龙先生在 哪了。 George always hasMr.Dinosaur in his bed at night.So thats where he is. 乔治晚上经常带着恐龙先生在 床上。所以他在床上。 Mr.

25、 Georges bed. 恐龙先生不在乔治的床上。 Oh. Maybe we should try the garden. 也许我们应该去花园里找一找。 Yes, the garden. I was going to say that. 是的,花园。我正要说去花园 呢。 Where is Mr. Dinosaur? 恐龙先生在哪呢? Mr. Dinosaur is very hard to Dinosaur is not inDinosaur with him in the bath.So Mr. Dinosaur is in the bath. 乔治经常带着恐龙先生去洗澡, 所以恐龙先生在

26、浴缸里。 Mr. Dinosaur is not in thefind. 恐龙先生很难找啊。 Oh. anywhere. 哪里都没有恐龙先生。 You do love to throw Mr. Dinosaur in the air. 乔治,你最喜欢把恐龙先生扔 到空中。 。 I wonder if this time you threw Mr. Dinosaur just a bit too high. 我想是不是这次你把它扔的有 点高。 wonder:vt.1. 想弄明白;琢磨 2.感到好奇;对感到惊讶;急欲知道 There he is. There he is.I saw him fir

27、st. 他在那,他在那。我先看见他 的。 Well done, Peppa. You really are a very good detective. 干得好,佩奇。你真是一个好 侦探。 George is so happy to have Mr. Mr. Dinosaur isntDinosaur back again. Wheeeeeeeeee. 乔治很开心找回了恐龙先生。 Maybe it isnt a good idea to play with dinosaurs near trees. 看来在树旁边和恐龙玩真不是 个好主意。 Best Friend 最好的朋友 Peppa is waiting for her best friend, Suzy Sheep. 佩奇在等她最好的朋友,小羊 苏西。Hello, Suzy! 你好,苏西。 Baaaa! Hello, Peppa. 你好,佩奇。 Suzy Sheep has come to play with Peppa. Peppa loves Suzy. Suzy loves Peppa. They are best friends. 小羊苏西来和佩奇玩。佩奇喜 欢苏西。苏西喜欢佩奇。她们是最好 的朋友。 Peppa, why dont you

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