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届高三英语人教版 Book 3 Unit 2 Healthy eatingWord文档格式.docx

1、Aof curiosity Bout of curiosityCin curiosity Don curiosity3The teacher _ at the boy when he laughed loudly in class.Astared BlookedCglanced Dglared4In the zoo,the number of visitors is tightly _ to avoid putting stress on the animals.Alimited BencouragedCexpected Dintended5Ill always be _ to you for

2、 your help.Ain debt Bon debtCout of debt Drunning into debt6The new dictionary will be published _.Along before Bbefore long Clong ago Dlong,long ago7I dont know if I can _ her trust.Awin over Bwin backCwin out Dwin through8It is easy for her to _ weight if she goes on eating like that.Atake on Bput

3、 onChave on Ddepend on9Its a long time since I saw my sister last time._ her this weekend?AWhy not visit BWhy not to visitCWhy not visiting DWhy dont visit10_ their hats into the air,the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.ATo throw BThrownCBeing thrown DThrowing1balance v平衡;权衡;n

4、.天平;平衡_ adj.平衡的【归纳拓展】keep/lose ones balance保持/失去平衡keep the balance of nature保持生态平衡off balance失去平衡的,没有站稳的on balance总的来说I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.我穿着新溜冰鞋,努力保持平衡。【活学活用】(1)She cycled round the corner,_ and fell off.她骑车拐弯时失去平衡,摔了下来。(2)_ is important to health.均衡的饮食对健康很重要。(3)When the

5、 girl learnt to skate,she tried to keep herself_ on the ice.(2011昆明统考)Abalance BbalancingCbalanced Dbalances2consult vt.咨询;请教;vi.商量_ n顾问,咨询者consult sb.向某人请教consult a doctor看医生consult a dictionary/map查字典/地图consult with sb.about/on sth.就与某人交换意见He consulted with his partners about the investment.他与合伙人商

6、量那项投资。(1)She _ about her disease.她向她的医师求诊。(2)Do you know where the manager lives?Yeah,but I have to_ the telephone book for his address.Asearch Bconsult Crequest Dexamine3benefit n利益;好处;v.有益于;有助于;受益_ adj.有利的;有益的benefit sb./sth.对某人/物有益benefit from/by.从中受益be of benefit to sb.对某人有益for the benefit of.为了

7、的利益be beneficial to.对有益/有帮助unemployment benefits失业救济金A university education is of huge and direct benefit to the individual. (2010北京,阅读理解D)大学教育对于个人有巨大且直接的好处。(1)These small businesses _ the fall in interest rates.小企业因利率下降而获益。(2)It is an expensive investment but it will _.这是一项花费很大的投资,但从长远来看,它将对公司有好处。(

8、3)I had no choice but to review part of my previous lecture_ those who had been absent from some classes.Aon purpose Bin return forCfor the benefit of Dof benefit to4.glare vi. & n怒目而视;闪耀;怒视;眩目的光_ adj.闪耀的,耀眼的glare at怒目而视at a glance立刻;一眼;(只)看一眼at first glance乍一看,乍看之下take/have a glance at匆匆看一眼(1)Cassi

9、e looked at me,and her glare softened.(2008湖南,完形填空)卡西看着我,她的敌意(怒视)缓和了。(2)One glance at her told me that she was tired.看她一眼就知道她累了。(1)He fell in love with her _.他对她一见钟情。(2)He didnt shout;he just _ me silently.他没有喊叫,只是默默地怒视着我。(3)用glance,glare,stare的适当形式填空The young lady _ at the man _ at her and was so a

10、ngry that she _ at him.(4)After a quick_ at the patient,the doctor ran for an ambulance.(2010济南模拟)Aglance BglareCwatch Dnotice5get away with (做了某事)而不受惩罚;携带跑掉get across解释清楚,使人了解get along on/with进展;与相处get around/round走动;(消息)传开get down to认真地静下心来(工作)(to为介词)If you cheat in the exam,youll never get away w

11、ith it.考试作弊必予追究。(1)News soon _ that he had resigned.他辞职的消息很快传开了。(2)He was lucky to _only a fine.他算是万幸,只被罚款了事。(3)In winter,some rich people fly south to_ the cold weather in the north.Aget close to Bget away fromCget off Dget down to6cut down砍倒;削减;压缩cut in插嘴;突然插入cut off切掉,剪下;切断,断绝cut out切掉;删掉cut thro

12、ugh开辟(出路或通道)cut up切碎;使痛心cut into halves/cut in half切成两半cut short使停止,中断;打断;制止Firstly,when people cut down trees,generally they can only use the land for a year or two.(2009安徽,阅读理解E)首先,一般来讲,当人们把树砍伐后,那地只被他们使用一两年而已。(1)Dont _ on our conversation.我们说话时别插嘴。(2)His career was _ by illness.他的事业因疾病而中断。(3)用cut

13、down,cut off填空You ought to _ on your intake of rich foods in order to keep healthy.My father has _ the supplies.(4)He was in hospital for six months.He felt as if he was_ from the outside world.(2011六盘水市调研)Acut out Bcut offCcut up Dcut through7He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling peopl

14、e lies!译文_句式提取:have复合结构have sth.叫某人做某事have sb./sth.doing sth.使某人做,使某物正处于have sth.donehave宾语to do (have的意思是“有”)(1)Joe _ a car for him.乔让我给他找辆车。(2)It was cold,and she _ all day and night.天很冷,她日夜烧着炉火。(3)Who would you like to have_ with you?Ato go Bgoing Cgo Dwent写作句型公式1(1)would rather do A than d

15、o B;(2)prefer doing A to doing B;(3)would do A rather than do B;(4)prefer to do A rather than do BRather than ride in a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride a bicycle.He always prefers riding a bicycle to riding in a crowded bus.与乘拥挤的公交车相比,他更愿意骑自行车。 2(1)be about to do sth. when.(2)be doing sth. whe

16、n.(3)be on the point of doing sth. when.I was wandering through the street when I caught sight of a tailors shop.我正在大街上徘徊,这时看到一家裁缝铺。3Given/Considering/Seeing that.考虑到,鉴于Seeing that youre already at the door,I suppose I must invite you inside.鉴于你已到了门口,我想我必须邀请你入内。日常交际用语23get it:to understand something

17、,especially after it has been explained to you several times懂得,明白,理解Oh,the papers supposed to go in this way up.I get it.啊,纸应该这面朝上放进去,我明白了。24thats it:used when you are angry about a situation and you dont want it to continue完了,就这样(表愤怒)Thats it.Im not taking any more.You can keep your rotten job.就这样。

18、我是受不了了。你可以继续干那讨厌的活。答案课前准备区;fried2.limit;raw3.hostess;curious;sighs4.customer;glared5.dieter;;over2.telling a lie3.earn his living4put on debt6.before long.1.realizing that she couldnt move the heavy suitcase alone2.at3.had us laughing4.never thought you would come t

19、o see me5.Why didnt you tell me.1.Alimited为形容词,意为“有限的”。2Bout of curiosity意为“出于好奇”。3D根据句意,老师应该“怒视”大笑的学生,故选D项。4Alimited在本句中为动词,用于被动语态。5Abe in debt to you意为“欠你的情”。6Bbefore long意为“不久,很快”。7Bwin back意为“赢回”,符合句意。8Bput on weight意为“增加体重”。9AWhy not do.Why dont you do.,二者均表示向对方提出建议。10D现在分词作状语表伴随,因其逻辑主语是fans,故用

20、现在分词表主动。课堂活动区1balanced活学活用(1)lost her balance(2)A balanced diet(3)Ckeep herself balanced,过去分词作宾补。2consultant(1)consulted her doctor(2)B答句句意为:是的,但我必须在电话簿里查查他的地址。consult查询,符合题意。3beneficial(1)have benefited greatly from(2)benefit the company in the long run(3)Cfor the benefit of sb.为了某人的利益,为帮助某人;on pur

21、pose故意地;in return for作为的报答;be of benefit to对有好处。4glaring(1) at first glance(2)glared at(3)glanced;staring;glared易混辨析glance,glare,stare(1)glance指“快速地看某人或某物一眼”,强调动作。(2)glare指“怒视”。(3)stare指“由于生气、害怕或吃惊而睁大眼睛注视某人或某物”。(4)A句意为:匆匆看了一眼病人,医生跑去叫救护车了。glance匆匆一看,符合题意。5活学活用(1)got around(2)get away with(3)Bget away

22、 from the cold weather摆脱严寒,其余短语不合题意。get close to靠近;get off下车;get down to着手干。6活学活用(1)cut in(2)cut short(3)cut downcut off(4)B句意为:他在医院里呆了六个月,感觉好像与外部世界隔绝了联系。cut off 中断,切断。故选B。7他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。(1)had me find(2)had the fire burning(3)C句意为:你想叫谁和你一块去?have sth.叫某人做某事。课时规范训练.单项填空(建议用时8)1_, I have never

23、seen anyone whos as capable as John.(2011泰安模拟)AAs long as I travelledBNow that I have travelled so muchCMuch as I have travelledDAs I have travelled so much2The athlete tried his best to_ his balance in his new shoes while skating.Amanage Bkeep Close Dhold3You shouldnt have done it without_ me.Aconsulting on Bconsulting withCconsu

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