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1、3 apparent 易看见的,可看见的; 显然的4 kill 使痛苦,使受折磨 My shoes are killing me.四 阅读A1 hang out 鬼混;闲荡,闲逛;溜达 hang on坚持下去;等候;紧紧抓住I often used to hang out in supermarkets. 我过去经常在超市里逛个没完。2 plus moreover,besides,whats more, in addition3 from perspective from my perspective = from my point of view= in my opinion/view=pe

2、rsonallyfrom the perspective of sb.B1 server 服务器 ;侍者;上菜用具;发球者2 access n. 入口,出口;接近,进入 vt. 接近,进入;使用,接近,获取 accessible adj.3 assignment n. 分给,分配;任务,工作,(课外)作业 His job is the assignment of the chores. 他的工作是对杂物的分配When should we hand in the assignment?4 journal 日志; 定期刊物,期刊,杂志5 place restrictions on usage 对使

3、用加以限制C1 suppress 镇压,压制;止住,忍住;禁止发表;阻止的生长(或发展)2 infection n. 影响; 传染,感染; 传染病,染毒物3 undo vt. 松开,解开;取消,废除Would you please undo this knot for me? 你能帮我解开这个结吗?4 pose vt.& vi.使摆姿势;以身份出现;招摇;炫耀;vt.提出;造成(威胁、问题等);引起;产生; give rise to bring aboutn.姿态;姿势;装腔作势;伪装;They pose challenges for administrators: There s no si

4、mple solution to some conflicts related to lifestyle or culture.他们向管理者们提出挑战:对于生活方式以及文化方面存在的冲突,没有简单的解决之道。5 long-lasting impact 持久的、长期的影响6 emphasize the importance of sth. 强调。的重要性7 mine pron. (I的所有格)我的(东西);n. 矿井;矿;地雷;水雷;vt.& vi. 在中开采,开采;To test if a similar thing may occur in humans, the group mined h

5、istorical data to find out the relationship between measles incidence(发病率) and deaths from other infectious diseases.8 track n. 小路;痕迹;轨道;路线 vt. 跟踪, 追踪;检测Mina and the team saw a sort of shadow effect, where deaths from a variety of non-measles infectious diseases closely tracked measles incidence(发病率

6、). be closely related to D1 Belarus 白俄罗斯2 refuge 难民3 owe . to 欠债;应归功于;怀有情感 I owe much to those who have gone before me, and whose legacies have had profound impact upon my life.我感激那些祖先们,他们留下的遗产深刻影响着我的生活。4 occupation n. 占有,占领; 职业,工作 5 accursed adj. 被咒的;可憎的6 relate vt. 把。联系起来; 叙述,讲述7 reveal 揭露; 泄露;揭示

7、Be careful no to reveal private information.8 stated-owned 国有的 private 私人的9 feel inseparable from adj. 不可分的,分不开的; 不能分离的;五 任务型1 dismiss vt. 解雇; 不予考虑; 解散 His plan was dismissed at the meeting.2 inactivity 不活跃,不积极3 whereas 然而 Modesty helps one move forward, whereas pride makes one lag behind.4 wrong-he

8、aded 执迷不悟;固执错误的、南京2016界高三二模卷核心词汇集锦Contact the mail carrier 联系邮递员21 feature n. 特征,特点; 容貌,面貌; (期刊的)特辑; 故事片vt. 使有特色; 描写的特征; 以为号召物vi. 起主要作用; 作重要角色melody 歌曲; 旋律,曲调; 美妙的音乐,和谐的调子; 好听的声音in parallel with 与平行,与同时,与并联23 ware-house 仓库 25 put up with=tolerate=stand=bear27 make a mountain out of a molehill 大惊小怪 h

9、ave too many irons in the fire 急于求成 Put the cart before the horse 本末倒置33 debate n. 辩论; 辩论; 争论; 讨论 vt. 辩论; 仔细考虑; 盘算 Plot n.(戏剧、小说等的)情节vt vi. 密谋; 以图表画出;为(文学作品)设计情节35 You bet =exactly 当然 you said it 说得对 You dont say 不是吧 you name it 讲什么都行1 barrier 障碍2 violate vt. 违反; 侵犯3 shift vt. 改变;4 erase vt. 抹去; 清除;

10、 擦掉5 refresh memory 刷新存贮器; 恢复记忆; 回忆 clean memory 清理记忆1 hook up to 连接到。2 low-end items 低档物件1 look at 研究1 obstacle 阻碍 2 pursue 追求 3. blossom n.花;开花;全盛期 vi.开花;成长4 come into wide/widespread use 得到广泛使用1 grant 授予;同意;承认;认为 takefor granted 认为。是理所当然的2 wear sb. out 使某人精疲力尽3 deceive vt.欺骗4 strive 奋斗;努力;力求;斗争 W

11、e should all strive to reunify the motherland. 我们共同努力,实现祖国统一。5 next to impossible 几乎不可能的1 coreLets get to the core of the argument. 咱们进入实质性的辩论吧。南京2016界高三三模卷核心词汇集锦1. rent n.租金; 地租; vt.& vi.出租; 付地租;Sherentsahousewiththreeothergirls. 她和其他3个女孩合租一套房子。rentedroomstouniversitystudents. 她把房间租给了大学生。2. short-h

12、anded 人手不足的3. casual adj.随便的; 偶然的; 非正式的; 临时的 casual clothes 便装 leisure n. 闲暇; 悠闲;安逸 adj.闲暇的; 空闲的 leisure clothes 便装4. file vt 把归档; 发稿,寄给报社 vi. 发送(报道给报社) n. 档案; 文件(夹)24 qualifier n. 合格者,已取得资格的人; 预选赛,资格赛25 address n.地址; 称呼; 演说v.称呼; 演说; 写姓名地址; 向说话leaseaddresstheletterforme.Heisdueconferenceonhumanright

13、snextweek.Thetwoforeignministersdidnoteachdirectlywhentheylastmet.26 the old youth excuse 年轻人的常用借口 hold water 站得住脚,合理=make sense follow suit 依葫芦画瓢27 When evening came, I stood at the beach admiring the silver play of moonlight on the ocean. 银色月光在洒海面上(月光在嬉戏/在玩)sunplayedfrostyroofs.阳光在结霜的屋顶上闪烁变幻。30 si

14、mplicity 简单,朴素; 质朴,天真; 卑贱; 无知=ignorance33 considerably adv. 相当,非常,颇35 diligent 勤奋的 diligence n.1 rebellious adj. 反叛的2 downward spiral(旋涡) 恶性循环3 a role model 一个榜样4 triumph 胜利; 凯旋 Atriumphalarchwasbuiltcelebratevictory.5 social graces 社交礼仪 grace n. 优雅; 恩泽; 慈悲; 魅力1 vacant adj. 空缺的; 茫然的; 空闲的; 空虚的2 disti

15、nctly adv. 明显地; 无疑地; 确实地 distinguished 著名的; 受人尊敬的3 preferably adv. 更可取地 preferable adj.4 competence n. 能力 capacity n. 能力5. strategic insight 战略眼光6. advocate vt。 n 拥护;拥护者7. diversity n. 多样性 diverse adj. 多种多样的 =various= a variety of 8 candidate 候选人1 accelerator pedal 加速踏板; 油门 accelerate vt. 加速2 househ

16、old n.家庭; 家庭,户; (集合词)全家人 adj. 家喻户晓的; 家庭的, 一家的; 日常的,家常的,普通的 3 efficiency n.功效; 效率,效能 efficient adj. 有效率的; 能干的 sufficient 充足的4 fuel n. 燃料; vt. 给加燃料,给加油; 激起5 exclusively adv. 排外地;唯一地; 专门地,特定地; 专有地6 commitment n 承诺,许诺; 委任,委托; 致力,献身; 承担义务Wemadecommitmentkeepworkingtogether.7 emission n. 排放,辐射; 排放物,散发物(尤指

17、气体)Itprovidestechnologybasisoftheoreticandtestingresearchcontrolof vehicleemission.为汽车排放污染物控制技术提供了较好的理论和试验研究基础8 collective adj. 集体的 n. 集体 make collective / joint efforts to do sth.9 electric current 电流 current adj. 现在的; 最近的; 流行的; 流传的n.电流; 趋势; 水流1 enthusiast n. 狂热者;发烧友 enthusiasm n. 热情 enthusiastic a

18、dj. 热情的;狂热的2 stroke n. 中风3 property n. 特性,属性; 财产,地产; 戏道具; 所有权4 reap You reap what you sow. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。5 consumption n. 消费;喝 consume vt. consumer n. 消费者6 take. into account / consideration 把。考虑在内 given prep.考虑到 鉴于,倘若,假定Taking everything into consideration, the event was a great success.Giventheir inex

19、perience, theyve done their best. 7 interruption n. 中断; 打断; 障碍物; 打岔的事 interrupt vt. 打断;插话8 compound n. 复合物; 复合词1 fame n. famous adj.2 admirer n. 崇拜者; 赞赏者; 羡慕者 admire vt. 羡慕3 mutual adj. 相互的; 共同的; 共有的; 彼此的Wewereintroducedbymutualfriend.4 charm n.魅力; 魔力vt. 使陶醉; 诱惑 charming adj. 迷人的5 celebrity n 名人6 pi

20、cturesque adj. 别致的; 美丽的; 生动的 风景如画的7 read between the lines 体会言外之意8 arouse his passion 激发他的激情 arouse vt. 引起; 唤醒9 chaotic adj. 混乱的;一团糟的10 unproductive adj. 非生产性的; 不毛的; 没有产物的,无生产力的;1 privilege n. 特权 Iambeyondexcitedhaveprivilegetopic of Management Development andGlobal Economy.2 entitle vt.使有资格; 给定名; 给

21、与权利; 称做Thereare23ClubsthroughoutU.S.,yourmembershipentitlesyouenjoy allthem.3 birth certificate 出生证明4 a common practice 风尚; 常例; 惯例; 国际惯例; 通常做法 routine part5 stimulus n. 刺激物; 刺激因素; 刺激; 激励;6 at the expense of =at the cost of 以。为代价7 priority n. 优先权 prior adj. 优先的;在。之前8 essence n. 本质,实质; 精华,精髓 essential

22、 adj. 必要的; 本质的; 基本的; 精华的9 enhance vt 加强; 提高,增加My fiance (未婚夫) and I were excited about shopping for our first home. But our funds were 16 , and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory. One agent 17 a house in particular. Although her description sounded wonderful, the price was 18

23、our range, so we declined. But she kept urging us to have a look 19 . We finally did and it was 20 at first sight. It was Our Home, small and charming, overlooking a quiet lake. Walking through the rooms and talking with the owners, a nice elderly couple, we felt the warmth and 21 of the marriage wi

24、thin that home. As perfect as it was, the price remained too high for us. But every day, we would sit by the lake, looking at the house and dreaming of 22 it would be like to live there. Days later, we made a(n) 23 far below the asking price. Surprisingly, they didnt 24 us. They renewed their offer

25、25 . It was also much more than we could afford, but far 26 than the original asking price.The next day, we got a 27 message that another buyer had offered a much higher price. Even so, we decided to talk with the 28 directly. We made our final offer, which 29 was thousands of dollars less than the

26、other buyers bid. We knew it, 30 we had to try. “Sold!” said the owner. Then he 31 : Hed seen us sitting by the lake all those times; he knew how much we loved the place and that wed 32 the years of work they had put into their home; he realized he would take a 33 by selling it to us, but it was worthwhile; we were the people they wanted to live there. He told us to consider the 34 in the price “an early w

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