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1、C. rewardD. pleasure10. A generallyB. exactlyC. whollyD. personally11. A destinationB. fieldC. officeD. apartment12. A thought ofB. put offC. turned toD. ended up13. A companionB. passengerC. helperD. colleague14. A exphiiiedB. repeatedC. demonstratedD. recalled15. A silenceB. coldnessC. appreciatio

2、nD. embarrassment16.A situation B. accident C. conversation D. incident17.D. difficultA_ meaningfill B. fominate C. important(6) C: ( 7) D: 8) D: ( 9)【答案】(1)B: ( 2) D: ( 3) A: ( 4) C: ( 5) B:A: ( 10) B: ( 11) C: ( 12) D: ( 13) A: ( 14) B: ( 15) C: ( 16) D: ( 17 ) D;18.) A: ( 19) B: ( 20) D:【解析】【分析】本

3、文是篇记叙文,作者在加油站加油时偶遇了驱车旅行的两位女士, 她们向作者问路,作者给予了热心的帮助。在帮助他人的同时,作者原本纠结的思想变得 清晰开朗了。(1)考查动词。A. cared 关“心 ”:B. hesitated 犹“豫 ”:C. worried 担忧 :D. complained 抱“怨。根据下文“Idecided fdt some and clean 1【可”知,作者最后同意擦挡风玻璃可知,作者起初犹豫要不要擦玻璃,故选B.(2)考查动词。A making 制作 :B. leaking 泄漏 :C. burning 燃“烧 D. pumping ”输 入”。作者去加油站就是为了加

4、油,故选D。(3 )考查动词短语。 A go ahead 维“续B. give up 放弃”C. set o任出发“D. hurry up 赶“ 紧”。根据本句“clean it可知”,作者最后同意了擦玻璃,故选A。(4)考查名词。Agas 汽油 ”:B. coins 硬“币 ”:C. directions 指导“,方向”:D. fbod 食“物”。 根据下文“Can you tell us how to get to Mopac, sir可知,这位女士向作者问路,故选 C。(5 )考查介词。A. upon “当 ,在 上面 ;B. with “和 C. except 除了 :DM . bey

5、ond ”超过,超出“。本句为with的复合结构with十名词+介词短语,表示后座坐着个小 男孩,故选B。(6)考查动词。 A starving 挨“饿B. sheltering 庇护,躲避”;C. traveling 旅“行”;D.hiding隐“藏”。两位女士带着孩子在高温天气中,开着没有空调的旧车前行.故选 C。(7)考查动词。A. lost 丢“失”;B. ananged 安“排 ”:C. located 位于 D. headed 前 “进”。作者问女子要去Mopac的哪个地方,故选D。(8)考查名词。A distance 距“离 ”:B. line 线 C. sign 迹“象,标志

6、”:D. address 地“址”。 女子在地图上把地址指给了作者看,故选D。(9)考查名词。A feeluig 感“觉 ”:B. evidence 证“据 ;C. reward “回报 ”:D. pleasure 乐 “趣”。根据下文“thismoment was meant t。happen. ”可知,作者感觉这是注定要发生的,故选Ao(10 )考查 副词。A generally 一 般 地 :B. exactly 确“切 地”:C. wholly 完全”:personally 个“人地”。根据下文 lused to have a(n) 11 in that building to wor

7、k in.可知,作者”在那个地方工作过,故很准确地知道这个地方,故选 Bo(11)考查名词。 A destination目的“地”:B. field领“域,田野 ”:C.。缶cc办“公室”:D. apartment公“寓”。根据“ building to work in可知,在”那栋的建筑里有一间办公室,故选 C。(12)考查动词短语. A thought of “思考 ” ;B. put o任推“迟”;C. turnedto “转向,求助于“ ;D. ended up “结束”。作者最后告诉了她们所去的方向,故选D。 13 )考查 名词。A companion 伴侣 ”:B. passeng

8、er 乘客C. helper 助手”;D. coUeague同“事”。根据下文 “who was the driver.可知,”作者还把方向告诉给了老人的伙伴, 故选Ao(14)考查动词 A exphiiied 解“释 ;B. repeated 重“复 :C. demonstrated 证“明 ”:recalled回“忆”。根据44 to make sure they understood.可知,为” 了确保他们能够理解,重复了 每条指示,故选Bo(15 )考查名词。A sUence沉“默”:B.coldness 冷“漠 ” ;C. appreciation 感激”:embarrassment

9、 “尬”。根据下文“the older lady thanked me M可知,他们对作者表示了 感谢,故选C(16)考查名词 A situation 情“形 ”:B. accident 事“故 ”:C. 对“话 ”:Dconversation 一Daincident事“件”。根据上文可知,作者帮助了两个女性这件事情帮助了作者,故选(17)考查形容词。 A meaningful有“意义的”;B. fbrtunate幸“运的”:C. 里“要important D的D. difficult困难的”。根据下文 “IfHt better可知”,作者当时处于艰难时刻,故选(18)考查动词。Ack”使“清

10、晰”:B. empty变“空”:C.cowcr包“含D. turn转“向”。根据下文“NWheadwasclea匚可知”,作者去加油站是为了清醒头脑,故选 A。(19)考查动词。A. understood 理“解 B. realized 意、“识到 C. acknowledged 致“谢 :D. assume “假设”。根据下文“ My head was clear.可知,”作者头脑清晰了很多,意识到很多,故 选B。(20)考查形容词。A anxious焦“虑的”:区国避“康的,适合的C. ready “准备好了的”:D. grateful 感激”的根据上文 “The whole 16 hel

11、ped me much more than it helped her. 可 知,这件事情对作者的帮助很大,因此表示感谢,故选 D。【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,介词,固定短语等多个知识点的考 查,是篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进步根据上下文的逻辑关 系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2.阅读短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项。In a clean. elimeaifoom, ray best friend was dying in my aims. His eyes, dark brown and trusti

12、ng, would soon 1 forever. Heartbroken. I said. Flash, you 2 so much happiness to me. I will do something good as a 3 Flash came into my- 4 when Iwas nine. From the moment my parents brought this cute dog home, he 5- my fomily with joy.Then, 6 happened. Mynrum was diagnosed with breast cancer when Iw

13、as 11. Then my grandma, who was my ? , passed away. My sister developed Ciohns Disease andwhite-being tested, 8 a heart attack. Iwas being bullied at school and started to9 chsses and avoid seeing people. Flash soon gave me all the 10 he could offer. There were times when Ifelt there was no 11 , but

14、 a pair of brown eyes and loving fiice would somehow ease me. I knew he was12 there for me. I knew he understood.him. I 14 in a non-profit organization in Southampton and contributed about 3,500 hours17 bits15 children with special needs, which completely changed my life. I learned to love the16 Ili

15、ad been on. and even accept the1. A openB. closeC. shineD. &de2. A broughtB. toldC. savedD. owed3. A reliefB. chanceC. bonusD. reward4. A mindB. roomC. worldD. power5. A helpedB. fiUedC. protectedD. decorated6. A disastersB. storiesC. wondersD. mistakes7. A burdenB. troubleC. strengthD. challenge8.

16、A causedB. noticedC. foughtD. suffered9. A skipB. giveC. takeD. enjoy10. A commentB. comfortC. expectationD. rehxation11. A hopeB. timeC. moneyD. use12. A frequentlyB. sometimesC. hardlyD. always13. A agingB. goneC. missingD. deserted14. A searchedB. competedC. vohinteeredD. performed15. A attending

17、 to B. meeting withC. talking about D. bringing up16. A earthB. journeyC. holidayD. street17. A fantasticB. absurdC. hardD. pleasant18. A ledB. forcedC. trainedD. persuaded19. A fullestB. craziestC. tiniestD. saddest20. A exphiiiedB. transformedC. admittedD. described(1)B: ( 2) A: ( 3) D:(5) B: ( 6(

18、11) A: ( 12)D: ( 13) B;(14) C:(.(18) A:15) A; ( 16) B: ( 17) C:(19) D: ( 20) B: ( 7) C; ( 8) D;20 who I was-in the best possible way-fore ver.快乐,也陪伴作者度过最艰难的时光,并引导作者去帮助别人。 (1)考查动词。A. open打“开”:B. close关“闭”:C. shine照“耀”:D. tide槌“色”。他那深褐A. brought 带来”:B. told 告“诉 ”:C. saved 结束”:D. owed “欠”。你给我带来了那么多的快乐。

19、故选A。(3)考查名词。根据上文Isaid,A relief 欣慰 :B. chance 机会 :C. bonus 红利 ”:D. reward 报答”。*Fhsh,2youso much happiness to me.可知,我会做些好事作为回报。故选DuA mind “想法 ”:B. room “房间 ”:C. world “世界 ”:D. power “力量 ”。Flash在我九岁的时候进入了我的世界。故选 Co 5)考查动词 A helped “帮助”;B. filled 充“满 ” ;C. protected 保“护”;D. decorated 装 饰”。从我父母把这只可爱的狗带回家

20、的那i刻起,它就让我的家人充满了快乐。故选 Bo(6)考查名词。A disasters 灾难B. stories 故事 :C. wonders 奇迹;D. mistakes 错“误 o 根据下文“Mymum was diagnosed with breast cancer when Iwas 11.可知“,然后,灾难发 生了。故选Ao(7)考查名词。A burden “负担”;B. troubk 麻烦 :C. strength 力量D. challenge 挑“ 战”。然后,给以我力量的奶奶,去世了。故选C。(8)考查动词。A caused 引“起 ”:B. noticed 注“意 ”:C.

21、fought 4 争 ” ;D. sufiered 遭“受,患”。我姐姐患上了克罗恩病,在接受检查时心脏病发作。故选 Do(9)考查动词。Askjp略“过,逃离”:B.gwc给“予”:C. take带“来”:D. enjoy喜“欢”。“ and avoid seeing people.可知,我”在学校被欺负,开始逃课,不愿见人。故选 A。(10 )考查名词。 A comment “评论 ”:B. comfort “安慰 C. expectation 期“望 relaxation放松” Fhsh很快就给了我所有他能给我的安慰。故选 B.A hope “希望 ”:B. time “时间 ”:C.

22、money “金钱 ”:D. use “使用”。根 据 but a pair of brown eyes and loving fiice would somehow ease me.可知,有时候我觉得没有 希望了,但是一双棕色的眼睛和一张充满爱意的脸会让我放松下来。(12)考查副司。 A frequently 频“繁地”:B. sometimes 有时 ”:C. hardly 儿“乎不 ”:always总“是 我知道他总是在我身边。故选 D。(13)考查动词。A aging 变“老 ”:B. gone “消失 ”:C. missing 失“去 ”:D. deserted 遗“弃”。15年后的

23、今天,Flash消失了。(14 )考查动词。 A searched 寻“找 B. competed ”竞争 :C. vohintcered 自“感D. performed 表“现根据 44 Ithought doing charity work was the best reward for him. 可知,我在 南安普敦的一个非盈利组织做志愿者。故选 C。(15)考查动词短语 A attending to “照料 ” ;B. meeting with 碰见 ”:C. talking about 谈 论”:D. bringing up养“育”。为照顾有特殊需要的儿童贡献了大约3500个小肘,这

24、完全改变 了我的生活。故选 A=(16)考查名词。A earth 地“球 ”:B. journey 旅“程 ”:C. holiday 假日 D. street 大街 ”。我 学会了热爱我所经历的旅程。故选B。(17 )考查形容词。 A fantastic极好“的”:B. absurd “荒唐的C. hard “困难的”:pleasant “令人愉快的”。甚至接受那些艰难的部分。Akd “引导 ”:B. fbreed 强“迫 ”:C. trained 训| “练”:D. persuaded 劝“股 ” 正是他,不知怎么地就引导了我去帮助别人。(19)考查形容词。 A finest 最满的“:B. craziest最“疯狂的”:C. 极“小的”:tiniestsaddest最“难过的Flash的死是我一生中最悲伤的时刻之一。(20 )考查动词。 A exphined 解释 :B. trans formed 改变 :C. admitted 承认 s D

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