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1、Anthony Fauci, a health educator, holds a stronger opinion. He thinks we should never shake hands again. “Weve got to 10 that custom,” he says. “That is really one of the major(主要的) ways to pass on an illness.”1AIn BTo CWith DAt2Afar Bsilently Cmuch Dloudly3Aused Bworried Cembarrassed Ddisappointed4

2、Aso Bwhether Cbefore Das5Asaid Btold Claughed Dstopped6Aanyone Bsomeone Ceveryone Dnone7Adecisions Bmistakes Ccalls Dnoises8Asupport Bdiscuss Ccancel Dprotect9Aunknown Bunlucky Cuncrowded Duncomfortable10Asave Bbreak Cchoose DfollowPassage 2湖南永州中考真题)My whole life has changed because of COVID-19. Its

3、 very upsetting because we cant 11 anyone else and we cant go to others homes. We have been at home, but I 12 the healthcare workers who have risked their lives every day to help us stay healthy and safe. Here, I describe my experience during this time.Coming back home from my spring vacation, I got

4、 news that school is closed for two weeks. Being a kid, I got 13 but I didnt know what was waiting for us. I never thought I would be doing my classes online months later. Right after the “stay at home” order, my mother tested positive for COVID-19 and our family was quarantined (隔离) for 14 days. It

5、 was really challenging for all of us, especially for my 14 , who got sick. Those were the worst two weeks in my life. Watching my mother 15 fever, cough, and shortness of breath was heartbreaking. I had tears in my eyes, but I didnt tell my parents about it. I was thankful that my father is a 16 wh

6、o knows how to treat COVID-19 patients. After three weeks, my mother got better.My father is a true hero. Not only was he taking care of us, but also he has been treating patients with COVID-19 every day and 17 the community selflessly. I am proud of him.This 18 has taught me to be thankful for thin

7、gs we have in life. My father has 19 me to be selfless, helpful, and brave. It is OK to be anxious, but remember that there is 20 at the end of the channel (隧道) and life will get normal again.11Ae-mail Bcall Cmeet12Aadmire Blike Cmiss13Asurprised Bexcited Cworried14Asister Bfather Cmother15Acontinue

8、 Bstand Caccept16Adoctor Bworker Cteacher17Acontrolling Bserving Ccleaning18Aaccident Bjourney Cexperience19Aasked Btold Ctaught20Alight Bsign CwindPassage 3四川宜宾中考真题)Not knowing that its owner died of COVID-19 in February, 2020, a dog in Wuhan has been 21 at the hospital for over three months. Hospi

9、tal staff took care of it 22 the period, and now an animal protection association is helping it get adopted (领养).Wu Cuifen, who runs a supermarket in the building of the hospital, told reporters that the dogs 23 was suffering (遭受) from COVID-19.She tried to send the dog away from the 24 , but there

10、was no use doing that. Wu Cuifen decided to 25 the dog, and she named it Xiaobao. “Every morning when I opened up, Xiaobao would be there waiting for me. He saw me leave at the 26 of each day.”Ms. Wu said Xiaobao 27 to leave the hospital. Even when they on purpose dropped him off somewhere far away,

11、 he would make his way back to Taikang Hospital and 28 wait for his owner to 29 .“Although Xiaobao cant 30 , we understand that he is surely still looking for his owner,” she told reporters.21Aeating Bwaiting Csleeping Dworking22Aduring Bfrom Cby Dto23Adoctor Bneighbor Cowner Dbaby24Astation Bsuperm

12、arket Ccity Dhospital25Asearch for Bworry about Cfight against Dlook after26Aend Bbeginning Cmiddle Dtime27Awanted Brefused Cagreed Ddecided28Acarefully Bangrily Cpatiently Dhappily29Aprepare Breturn Cfeed Dhelp30Aspeak Bplay Cact DwalkPassage 4安徽庐江一模)Zhao Bin is a food deliveryman(送货员)in Wuhan. He

13、and other deliverymen 31 day and night with no time off and often forgot their meals during the COVID-19 in early 2020. “People needed us,” he said.During that time, food deliverymen had to search all 32 around to prepare orders because the food is not enough in Wuhan. “It was the 33 time I had ever

14、 seen as a food deliveryman,” Zhao said. “ Its so tiring, but I feel what I did was 34 .”Zhaos 35 was recorded in a docurmentary(纪录片)directed by local filmmaker Zhang Xiaosha.One of the biggest 36 that Zhao Bin has noticed is that customers now show more understanding towards food delivery workers.“

15、Before the COVID-19, customers didnt 37 why delivery will be delayed (被延误)on rainy days,” Zhao said. “But now, they text us to let us know its fine if we re arriving 38 .”Zhao Bin loves taking photos of people since he 39 most of his time on the street. He said he 40 photography(摄影)as a hobby after

16、working as a museum guard. He believes no matter how heavy the daily work is, people still need dreams and hobbies.31Arested Bstopped Cworked Dplayed32Astores Bschools Chotels Dmuseums33Aoldest Bbiggest Cshortest Dbusiest34Acomfortable Bvaluable Cpossible Dterrible35Astory Bbook Cshow Dplace36Achang

17、es Bproblems Ctroubles Dmistakes37Areport Bpromise Cexplain Dunderstand38Awildly Bfast Cearly Dlate39Atakes Bwastes Cspends Dcosts40Alooked at Btook up Cgave in Dturned onPassage 5广东深圳一模)Delivery heroChinese delivery driver, Gao Zhixiao, was featured on the cover of Time magazine in March because of

18、 his remarkable sense of responsibility. Alongside five others, he was picked by the magazine as one of the heroes when the novel coronavirus 41 .Ever since the outbreak of COVID-19, many 42 shut down or switched to takeout-only services. Millions of people stayed home to 43 getting infected. “Peopl

19、e choose to order food online 44 buy fruit and vegetables to cook at home,” Gao told Time. As a result, delivery orders 45 , placing a huge burden (负担) on delivery couriers (快递员).Born into a 46 family in the Ningxia Autonomous Region (自治区), Gao started to make a living in Beijing at age 16. After th

20、e novel coronavirus broke out, Gao thought about stopping working, but then picked up orders because he thought customers might be 47 .Due to the danger of person-to-person transmission (传染), Gao must take a regular health test and 48 20 minutes disinfecting (消毒) his motorcycle and clothes each morn

21、ing to prevent viruses from spreading during his route around Beijing. 49 delivering goods, Gao once warm-heartedly cooked for an elderly customer who was living alone at her home.Ordinary people like Gao who have 50 the biggest contributions in the fight against COVID-19 deserve the praise.41Aoutbr

22、eak Bbroke out Cbroke into Dended up42Arestaurants Bbookshops Cschools Dhospitals43Aescape Bavoid Cwait Dkeep44Abut Bor Cso Dfor45Adecreased Badded Creduced Dincreased46Apoor Bwarm Crich Dwealthy47Ain need Bat home Cin danger Din calm48Ause Bcost Ctake Dspend49ADuring BWith CAmong DBesides50Agot Bma

23、de Creceived DearnedPassage 6广东宝安二模) Face masks became a must-have in 2020, and it is possible that people around the world will 51 wearing them for some time. Many companies are making new, high-tech masks. Their masks can not only 52 us from getting sick, but also help us in other ways.Researchers

24、 from Harvard and MIT are working 53 on a mask that can test the coronavirus. The mask can react (反应) to drops produced during breathing, 54 or sneezing. 55 there are viruses in the drops, the mask will change color soon.Japanese company Donut Robotics made a 56 mask. It can translate speech into ni

25、ne languages, including Japanese, English, Chinese and French. The mask has a chip that connects to the wearers smartphone. It translates what you say into text on the 57 .Hazel is a transparent (透明的) mask from US gaming company Razer. It 58 see the wearers face. It also has a built-in 59 . When you

26、 speak with the mask on, your voice will be heard clearly. There is also a hard case for you to put the mask in. The case has a UV light that kills germs (细菌) and makes the mask 60 to wear.51Akeep Bbegin Cfinish Dcomplete52Alet Bprovide Cprotect Dmake53Ahardly Bhard Ceasily Ddifficultly54Asmiling Be

27、ating Claughing Dcoughing55AIf BUnless CSince DSo56Augly Bfoolish Csmart Dcheerful57Amask Bphone Cvirus Dchip58Aallows us to Bhelps us with Casks us to Dencourages us to59Acase Blight Cvoice Dspeaker60Asafer Beasier Cmore popular Dmore interesting 参考答案1A2C3A4D5B6C7A8C9D10B【分析】文章主要介绍了新型冠状病毒肺炎爆发后,人们问候方式的变化。1句意:为了减缓新型冠状病毒肺炎的传播,我们被建议尽量多地避免身体接触。In在里;To到;With和;At在。由后半句“were advised to avoid physical contact(接触)

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