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本文(江西省白鹭洲中学学年高二下学期第一次月考 英语 Word版含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江西省白鹭洲中学学年高二下学期第一次月考 英语 Word版含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、2. How far is it from the womans house to the shopping center ? A. Within walking distance. B. Two miles away. C. Four miles away3. What does the man mean? A. He didnt like the work because it kept him working long hours B. He didnt like the work because it wasnt interesting . C. He like the work ve

2、ry much.4. Who is Mr. Black probably? A. An actor. B. A singer. C. A lecture.5. Where does the conversation most likely take place?A. In a public garden. B. In a restaurant C. In a shop 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒

3、钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6,7题。6. What can we know about the woman from the conversation?A. She cant sleep well at night. B. She isnt friendly to her roommate. C. She often makes rude remarks to her roommate.7. What does the man advise the woman to do at last?A. Tell her roommate not

4、 to make loud noises again. B. Ask the manager to talk with her roommate. C. Have a heart-to-heart talk with her roommate.听第7段材料,回答第810题。8. Where are the speakers now? A. On a road. B. Under a tree. C. In a truck.9. What happened to the old man? A. He fell off a truck and hurt himself in the head B.

5、 He saw an accident and called the police at once.C. He ran into a car and got seriously hurt.10. Who did the woman call?A. The police. B. The first aid center. C. Her friend. 听第8段材料,回答第1013题。11. What is Betty busy doing at present? A. Preparing for the final exams. B. Doing her homework at home. C.

6、 Surfing the Internet.12. Why did Brown ring up Betty? A. To invite her to dinner . B. To invite her to see a film C. To invite her to a concert.13. Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Workmates.听第9段材料,回答第1416题。14. What is the general i

7、dea the woman has on modern art ? A. She thinks very highly of it. B. She thinks most of the modern art is good, and only a small part of it is bad. C. She doesnt think the modern artists are serious towards their works.15. Why does the man want to stop discussing the matter of modern art? A. Becaus

8、e he thinks he will lose the argument soon. B. Because he thinks it is no good talking about the problem any more . C. Because he knows his opinions on modern art do not sound reasonable enough .16. What will the woman most probably do if there is a modern art exhibition near her house? A. Do anythi

9、ng except visit the show. B. Visit the show alone C. Spare some time to take some photos of it.听第10段材料,回答第1720题。17. Which of the following is TURE about “Tower Bridge”? A. It is the one that took workers about 30 years to build. B. It is the oldest and the most famous bridge in London. C. It is the

10、first one you can see when you go from the sea to London.18. Where is the Tower of London? A. Its across the Thames. B. Its on the north side of Tower Bridge. C. Its in the middle of Tower Bridge.19. What can we learn from the text?A. We have to go from the sea to see the Tower of London. B. The Tow

11、er of London doesnt have the same age of the Bridge . C. Tower Bridge had two big problems.20. Why is the Tower Bridge open in the middle?A. To let the big ships through to the Pool of London. B. It looks great if you watch it from a big ship in the Pool of London. C. The designers think it can stop

12、 the flood from happening in a way.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhy was Bastille important to the citizens of Paris? The building of the Bastille had been started in 1370 under Charles V. By the seventeenth century, it had stopped to be important fo

13、r defense. Cardinal Richelieu turned it into a prison. It was not an ordinary prison to punish common crimes. Its huge doors closed only on enemies of the King. The Bastilles workings were secret. Prisoners were taken to it in closed vehicles. Soldiers on guard duty had to stand with their faces to

14、the wall. No talking was allowed. Worst of all, a prisoner never knew if he would be there a day, a week, a year, or forever. Only the Kings letter could set him free. Over the years, the number of arrests by Kings letter had become fewer. By the time of its fall, most of the prisoners were writers

15、who had written against the corruptions(贪污腐败) of the government. Voltaire, the famous French writer, spent a year there in 1717-1718, and another 12 days in 1726. For those who believed in free speech and free thinking, the Bastille stood for everything evil. The day it was captured, only seven pris

16、oners were found inside. Still, the Bastille was hated by the people. It was a symbol of the Kings complete power.21. The Bastille had been a prison _.A. since the time of Charles V B. since 1370 C. before the seventeenth century D. since the time of Cardinal Richelieu22. According to the passage, w

17、hich of the following statements is FALSE? A. Anyone who did something wrong could find himself suddenly in the Bastille.B. The Bastille was only for those who were opposed to the King. C. Things done in the Bastille were hardly known to people outside. D. Voltaire was twice put in the Bastille. 23.

18、 At the time of its fall, the Bastille housed _.A. a large number of prisoners B. a lot of writers who had been against the governmentC. only a few prisonersD. some dozens of people who believed in free speech and free thinking 24. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A

19、. The King could put people in, or let them go out, as he wanted.B. Over the years the number of prisoners in the Bastille was getting more and more.C. All prisoners in the Bastille had to stay there for life.D. At the time it was captured, there were so few prisoners in it that it meant little to t

20、he people.B(Reuters) - A stampede killed at least 36 people during New Years Eve celebrations in Shanghai, authorities said, but the police denied reports that it was caused by people rushing to pick up fake money thrown from a building overlooking the citys famous waterfront.It was the worst disast

21、er in the modern city since 58 died in an apartment building fire in 2010.The cause of the crush has still to be confirmed, though state media and some witnesses have said it was at least partly aroused when people rushed to pick up coupons that looked like bank notes.A man named Wu said the fake mo

22、ney had been thrown down from a bar above the street as part of the celebrations.This incident happened after the stampede, police said in a brief statement, without saying what the real cause was.Another witness said there had been a problem away from the area where the fake bills were thrown, with

23、 people trying to get on to a raised platform overlooking the river.Xinhua news agency said that people had been trampled on after falling down on the steps up to the platform.Authorities had shown some concern about crowd control in the days leading up to New Years Eve. They recently canceled an an

24、nual 3D laser show on the Bund, which last year attracted as many as 300,000 people.On New Years Eve, Beijing also canceled a countdown event in the central business district, Chinese media said, due to police fears about overcrowding.The Shanghai government said on its official microblog that an in

25、quiry had begun, and that all other New Year events had been canceled.In 2004, 37 people died in a stampede in northern Beijing, on a bridge at a scenic spot, during the Lunar New Year holiday.25. According to the passage, why did people go to the Bund? A. To meet their old friends and relatives. B.

26、 To celebrate the New Years Eve.C. To watch an annual 3D laser show. D. To pick up bank notes.26. What can be inferred according to the passage? A. Some possible measures had been taken by authorities. B. People like 3D laser show better than any other events. C. The local government had shown their

27、 worry about overcrowding. D. The celebrations in Beijing were influenced by this stampede.27. Whats the passage about? A. A countdown event in Beijing. B. A laser show on the Bund. C. An apartment fire in Shanghai. D. A stampede on New Years Eve in Shanghai.CIn New York, Ma witnessed the Alibaba Gr

28、oup opening on the New York stock exchange with the largest initial public offering (IPO,新股发行) in American history. “Alibaba, the worlds largest Internet commerce company makes China equal to the US in the rapidly increasing global competition for technological innovation (创新) and economic transform

29、ation ” commented the South China Morning Post. It has also made Ma Chinas richest man with a fortune of around $25 billion (153 billion yuan), reported Reuters. Its reported that Mas rags-to-riches journey is just as spectacular as his Internet empire. Ma failed the national college entrance exams

30、twice before he was finally in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt and failed in finding a suitable job several times. Also, Mr. Ma is a big believer in perseverance, which was proved in his English study experience. However, it was his vision and goals that launched his career. During a

31、 short trip to the US as an interpreter in 1995, Ma first experienced the Internet. He believed in the Internets business potential when few other Chinese people did. He started Alibaba in his Hangzhou apartment, with 17 friends and $60,000 of funds. At the time, when e-commerce was unheard of in China, “I called myself a blind man riding on the

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