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1、三下期末复习资料 三下期末复习资料Unit12知识点:一、Whose 表示 “是谁的”例:Whose books are these?这些书本是谁的?They are Lilys books.它们是莉莉的。2. Whose pencil is this?-It ismy pencil3. Whose mum is that lady over there?-She is Jiamings mum. 二、There be句型小口诀:There is 表单数;There are 表复数;肯定句用 some;否定,疑问用 any。is , are 表示有;isnt, arent 表没有。 课 后 练

2、 习一、翻译1.这些_ 2.小的_3.长的_ 4.尾巴_5.非常_ 6.真正地_7.谁的_ 8.老鼠_9.老鼠(复)_ 10.猪_11.马_ 12.两匹马_13.三只猪_ 14.红色的小眼睛_15.两只长耳朵_ 16.一条短尾巴_17.可爱的兔子_ 二、用are / is/ arent填空:1. There_ many apples in the box.2. There_ a big apple on the box.3. There_ an apple near the books.4. There_ many trees behind the room.5. There_ any chi

3、ckens under the table.6. There_ four bananas on the table.三、用some /any 填空:1. There are_ladies under the big tree.2. There arent_ pictures on the desk.3. There are_ desks over there.4. There arent_ cats on the desk.5. Are there_ fish on the bowl? 四、按提示把下列单词归类,把其大写字母编号写在对应的横线上。A. Mouse B. lovely C. ne

4、ar D. rabbitE. beside F. happy G. behind H. monkey I. pig J. under K. long L. bird M. in front of N. big O. small 1.Animals(动物): _2.Adjectives (形容词):_3.Position (方位词) :_ 五、选择最佳答案,把答案的大写字母编号写在对应的括号里( )1. The children _ some toy pigs.A. are B. have( )2. The rabbits tail is_ .A. short B. long( )3. Thes

5、e two ducks have _ legs.A. two B. four( )4. The rabbits eyes are _ .A. black B. red( )5. Are there any cats in your shop?-No, _ .A. there arent. B. they arent. Unit11重点内容与习题 一、. There be 句型及其疑问句 There be 句型是英语中常用句型, 意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物”。 1、There be 句型中的be 应和其后出现的主语在数上一致,即“就近原则”,就是说,there is +单

6、词/不可数名词, there are + 复数名词。 There is a lamp on the table.There are some apples in the bowl.There are five books, two pens and a ruler in the school bag. 2、如果There be 后面是几个并列名词做主语时,动词be的形式和最靠近它的那个名词保持数的一致。 There is an ashtray and two bottles on the shelf. 架子上有一只烟灰缸和两个瓶子。There are two bottles and an as

7、htray on the shelf. 架子上有两个瓶子和一个烟灰缸。 3. There be句型的疑问句 单数:Is there? 回答:Yes, there is. No, there isnt.复数:Are there? 回答: Yes, there are. No, there arent. Is there a book in your bag? No, there isnt.有一本书在你的书句里吗? 不,没有。Are there any cats in your shop? Yes, there arent.有一些猫在商店吗? 是的,有。 二、any和some的区别与联系:区别:a

8、ny: 用于否定句和疑问句some:用于肯定句联系:any 和some 后面都接名词复数注意:只有在句型 “would you like ”中只使用some, 例如 “would you like some food” 三、have /has 的用法非三单主语 + have三单主语 + has 其中,he, she , it, 单数名词,不可数名词 都属三单课 后 练 习一、请写出下列名词的复数形式。1.idea_ 2.crayon_3.robot_ 4.doll_5.pencil-box _ 6.schoolbag_7.telephone_ 8.number_9.banana_

9、le_11.grape_ 12.orange_13.pear_ 14.photo_15.baby_ 16.cousin_17.shop_ 18.duck_19.monkey_ 20.bird_21.chicken_ 22.fish_23.rabbit_ 24.friend_25.box_ 26.teacher_27.face_ 28.hand_29.eye_ 30.ear_ 二、请阅读下面的句子,并在括号内选择适当的词填空,把句子补充完整.have用于我和你 (I / you)has用于他、她、它 (he / she / it)单数主语用has复数主语就用have1. I_(have / ha

10、s) a cute rabbit. 2. You _(have / has) an English book.3. He _(have / has) some pencil-boxes.4. She _(have / has) a beautiful schoolbag.5. It_ (have / has) two big ears. 6. They_(have / has) ten chickens.7. My father_ (have / has) a new computer(电脑).8. Ben and Janet_ (have / has) some pets.9. My Eng

11、lish teacher _ (have / has) a small dog.10. The boys_ (have / has) some balls.11. The lady _ (have / has) a big car.12. The cat _ (have / has) a two small ears. 三、在括号里选择恰当的单词,抄写在横线上1.There_( is, are) many dogs in the room.2.There is a white rabbit over_. ( three, there)3.Are there _ ( many, any) chi

12、ckens in shop?4.No, there _ (are, arent)5.The green bird is my _( grandfather, grandfathers)6.( Theyre, Its) _ lovely cats.7.Is this a photo_( in, of) a dog? 四、选择最佳答语,把其大写字母编号写在题前的括号里( )1. Where is the photo? .( )2. Do you have a happy grandfather? ( )3. Are there any cats in the room? ( )4. How man

13、y people are there in your family( )5. Who is that thin lady over there? A.Yes,I do.B.It is in the box.C.She is my aunt.D.No, there arent.E.There are five.Unit10重点知识一、选出每组中不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. sister B. father C. mother D. family( )2. A. lovely B. cute C. pretty D. thin( )3. A. man B. short C. heavy D. strong( )4. A. mother B. cousin C. woman D. aunt( )5. A. who B. where C. what D. family( )6. A. he B. she C. you 二、写出相应的英文单词。1.照片_ 2.婴儿_3.表兄弟(姐妹)_ 4.快乐的_5

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