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1、Favorite food: fruit and cakes Lumpur Asian tigerWeight: 130 kg chicken Ellish African giraffe 4 750 kg grass and leaves Spike African lion 7 200 kg beef11Where does Karishma come from?AAsia. BAfrica. CAustralia. DSouth America.12Whats Lumpurs favorite food?ACakes. BFish. CBeef. DChicken.13How old i

2、s Ellish?A3. B4. C7. D11.14What animal is Lumpur?AA tiger. BA lion. CA giraffe. DAn elephant.15Whats the weight of Spike?A130 kg. B200 kg. C750 kg. D2,300 kg.Kangaroos(袋鼠) live in Australia. They cant run and they cant walk. But they can jump. They can jump very fast. Baby kangaroos are very small a

3、nd only 3cm long. They cant jump and they cant see. A young kangaroo is always in its mothers pouch(育儿袋) for the first six months. They can see when they are nine weeks old. They can jump when they are eight months old. Camels(骆驼) live in desert. They can close their long noses to keep out the sand.

4、 Camels have humps(驼峰) on their backssome have one and some have two. Humps do not carry water. They carry food. If a camel is hungry, its hump will get smaller. If a camel is thirsty(口渴的), it will drink a lot of water at one time. A thirsty camel can drink a lot of water. If it drinks a lot of wate

5、r, it wont drink again for over a week.16Kangaroos _ very fast.Awalk Brun Cjump Dgo17A young kangaroo leaves its mothers pouch when its _ old.Anine weeks Beight monthsCseven months Done year18Camels _ can close and keep out the sand.Along noses Bbig bodies Chumps Dfour feet19There is _ in a camels h

6、ump.Awater Bfood Cvegetable Dmilk20A camel drinks _Alittle waterBwater very oftenCa little water when its thirstyDa lot of water when it Do you like pandas? Now you can watch them eat and play at iPanda. com 24 hours a day.The panda is a symbol of China. There are only about 1,600 pandas in the wild

7、(野外). You can also see them in the zoos of many countries like the US and the UK. Pandas have big black eyes and fat bodies(身体). When they eat, they sit on the ground and hold the food with two hands, just like children. They look very cute and funny.Pandas usually live for 30 years. Now many pandas

8、 in the wild have no food to eat. They are in danger and they need our help.21People can learn about pandas life 24 hours a day _Aby telephone Bon the radio Con the computer Don TV22People think the pandas are very _Acute Blazy Csmart Dshy23The underlined word “hold” means “_” in Chinese.A丢弃 B收集 C寻觅

9、 D拿着24Pandas are in danger because _Athey are too fat Bthey have no place to liveCthey have no food to eat Dsome people want to kill them25From the passage, we know that _Athere are a lot of pandas in the world Bpandas can live to be thirty years oldCpeople can only see pandas in China Dthe panda is

10、 a symbol of good luck三、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。Lion friend get make be26I think dogs are very _ to us. They can help us a lot.27The _ are too scary. I dont like them.28My uncle is a Chinese and he _ from Sichuan, China.29Oh, no! One of the dogs _ lost.30What is the model plane _ of?四、单词填空根据汉语提示

11、完成短文。In our 31(美丽的) city zoo, we can see different 32(种类) of animals. I think these animals are lucky. They dont 33(必要) to worry about food or 34(地方) to live. They can 35(睡) many hours a day if they want. Wild animals are not so lucky. Now people 36(砍伐) down too many 37(树木). So they usually dont hav

12、e enough food to eat. People also want to 38(杀) them for food and money. Many animals are in great 39(危险) now. Animals are mans good friends. We should try to 40(救) them.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于3个单词)。Animals are 41(we) friends. We can find different 42(kind)

13、 of animals. Some animals are living 43 big woods(森林). And some animals 44(live) with man. Animals are very 45(use) to man. People can teach the elephant 46(do) some heavy work. And they can 47 teach the dog to look after the house. A watch dog is very clever. It can help people in danger(危险). 48(ch

14、ild) like dogs very much. Most children like to go to the zoo 49 there are many animals in zoos. The zoo is a good place 50 children to get to know animals.六、填空根据短文内容,完成表格。Therere many kinds of animals in the world. Lets learn about some animal families. Its interesting!This is a lion family. The mo

15、thers name is Lisa. They come from Africa. Lisa has three kids. She looks for food for them and they eat meat. They look a little scary. Look! Therere three zebras in the picture. They are father, mother and son.Theyre from Africa, too. Their food isgrass. Zebras are black and white. Theyre beautifu

16、l.Aha! The two pandas are mother and daughter. They like playing with snow. They come from China. The mother is Lili and her daughter is Maomao. They like eating bamboo. Theyre very cute.Look at this penguin family. They live in Antarctica(南极洲). Theyre parents and a kid, like most of our families. T

17、hey eat fish. The mother penguin looks for food and the father penguin takes care of their kid. Theyre very smart animals.LionZebraPandaPenguinFamilymother and 51 kidsfather, mother and sonmother and 52mother, father and a kidFromAfrica53ChinaAntarcticaFoodmeatgrassbamboofishLooksscarybeautiful5455七

18、、材料作文56书面表达71星期六上午,Jim一家去动物园。他们看到各种动物,如:大象、熊猫、老虎、长颈鹿等。Jim最喜欢大象,因为它们不但聪明而且友善,还能做很多事情,如。Jim拍了很多照片,玩得很开心。根据上述提示写一篇文章,可适当增加内容。词数:60左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。Its Saturday morning. Jim and his family go to the zoo. _参考答案1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 B 6 D 7 C 8 B 9 D 10 A 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了一只名为七仔的熊猫的生活情况。1B考查副词及语境的理解。A. also 也, B.

19、 only 只有, C. even 甚至, D. usually经常。句意:现在世界上只有大约2000只熊猫,所以他们都是珍贵的。根据so all of them are precious(珍贵的).可知他们都很珍贵,因此强调他们的数量少,故用副词only,故选B。2C考查动词及语境的理解。A. comes 来,B. keeps 保存,C. lives 居住, D. goes去。它生活在山西。live in生活在,故选C。3D考查形容词及语境的理解。A. cute 可爱的, B. shy 害羞的, C. friendly 友好的,D. same同样的。它看起来和其他熊猫不一样,因为它是棕色和白

20、色相间的。根据the same同样的,故选D。4A考查名词及语境的理解。A. animal 动物, B. student 学生, C. child 孩子,D. teacher教师。正是因为这个,它成为了动物界的一个超级明星。因为它是熊猫,因此是在动物界,故选A。5BA. save 挽救, B. find 发现, C. keep 保存, D. have有。当七仔在野外玩的时候,人们发现它。根据when it plays in the wild(野外).可知七仔在野外玩,因此人们能看见它,发现它,故选B。6D考查连词及语境的理解。A. Because 因为, B. Or 或者, C. So 所以,

21、 D. But但是。但是它无法和其他熊猫相处得融洽。结合句意,前一句表示七仔回到佛坪大熊猫谷,后一句表示它和其他熊猫无法融洽地相处,前后表示转折关系,故用连词but,故选D。7CA. books 书, B. clothes衣服,C. food 食物,D. money金钱。它们总是偷它的食物。结合句意,对于熊猫来说,能偷的就是它们的食物,故选C。8B考查介词及语境的理解。A. from 来自, B. with 和一起, C. for 为了,D. at在。他每天和七仔在一起18个小时。be with sb和某人在一起,故选B。9DA. beautiful 漂亮的,B. scary 吓人的, C.

22、smart 聪明的, D. lazy懒惰的。他说,七仔有点懒,因为它大部分时间在睡觉。根据because it sleeps most of the time.可知七仔大部分时间在睡觉,因此它有点懒,故选D。10AA. name 名字,B. head 头, C. place 地方, D. danger危险。它不聪明,因为当人们喊它的名字时,它需要很长时间回应。根据it takes a long time for it to respond(回应)可知需要回应,应是有人喊它的名字。故选A。【点睛】认真辨析选项里的单词或短语的词义,根据前后文的语境,结合词性,短语,句型,时态,语态和主谓一致,选出

23、正确的选项。例如小题4,句意:11A12D13B14A15B本文主要介绍了几只动物的类别,年龄,体重和最喜欢吃的食物。11题意:Karishma来自哪里?A. Asia.亚洲;B. Africa. 非洲;C. Australia. 澳大利亚;D. South America. 南美洲。 根据左一图Animal type: Asian elephant可知Karishma来自亚洲,选A。12题意:Lumpur最喜欢的食物是什么?A. Cakes.蛋糕; B. Fish鱼;C. Beef.牛肉;D. Chicken.鸡肉。根据右一图中Favorite food: chicken可知Lumpur最喜

24、欢的食物是鸡肉,选D。13题意:Ellish几岁了?根据左二图Age: 4可知Ellish4岁了;选B。14题意:Lumpur是什么动物?A. A tiger老虎;B. A lion.狮子;C. A giraffe.长颈鹿;D. An elephant.大象。根据右一图中Animal type: Asian tiger可知Lumpur是老虎;选A。15题意:Spike的重量是多少?根据右二图中Weight: 200 kg可知Spike中200千克。16C17C18A19B20D本文主要介绍了袋鼠和骆驼两种动物。16题意:袋鼠_非常快。A. walk走;B. run跑;C. jump跳;D. g

25、o去,走。根据第四句They can jump very fast.(它们跳得很快。)可知选C。17题意:当它_的大的时候,小袋鼠离开妈妈的育儿袋。A. nine weeks九个星期;B. eight months八个月;C. seven months七个月;D. one year一岁。根据第7句A young kangaroo is always in its mothers pouch(育儿袋) for the first six months.(小袋鼠总是在母亲的育儿袋里呆上六个月。)可知7个月大时,小袋鼠离开妈妈的育儿袋;选C。18题意:骆驼的_可以关闭和阻挡沙子。A. long noses长鼻子;B. big bodies高大的躯体;C. humps驼峰;D. four feet。根据第十一句They can close their long noses to keep out the sand.(他们可以闭上长长的鼻子挡住沙子。)可知选A。19题意:骆驼的驼峰里有_。A. water水;B. food食物;C. vegetable蔬菜;D. milk牛奶。根据倒数第5和6句Hu

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