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1、雅思阅读考试根本情况介绍雅思考试IELTS考试的全称是:International English Language Testing System国际英语语言测试系统。它是由剑桥大学地方考试委员会,英国文化委员会和澳大利亚教育国际开发署共同举办的国际英语考试。考题主要是由剑桥大学地方考试委员会出,英国文化委员会和澳大利亚教育国际开发署主要负责一些考务管理方面的事情。雅思考试是针对去英语国家留学或移民人员的一种语言能力的测试。接受雅思成绩的国家以前是以英联邦和欧洲为主。而现在北美也越来越多地接受雅思成绩。雅思考试分为Academic Module学术类考试,简称A类考试和General Trai

2、ning Module普通培训类考试,简称G类考试。A类主要是为留学,G类主要是为移民。两类考试的听力和口语局部完全一致,但在阅读和写作局部有所区别。A类阅读考试考试时间为60分钟。要特别注意的是:听力局部的考试会在结束后专门提供10分钟的时间用于誊写答案。而阅读局部没有这个优待,没有专门的誊写答案的时间。解答试题,誊写答案等所有的事情都必须在60分钟内完成。所以大家要习惯于直接把答案写到答题纸上。阅读文章方面:阅读局部总共是三篇文章。每篇文章的篇幅在800-1200词左右。与其它的阅读考试相比,这个阅读量是非常大的。对大家是一个极高的挑战。文章体裁多为议论文,说明文以及研究报告。文章大多取材

3、于一些世界著名的报刊杂志如“经济学家/Economist,“卫报/Guardian,“金融时报/Financial Times,“国家地理/National Geographic和一些政府,组织的年度开展报告。内容会涉及到社会,经济,以及科学领域的各个方面。但是一般不会涉及到专业性太强的题材。在实际考试中,三篇文章的难度一般是递增的。但有时候难度变化也不是很明显。一般来说,要想顺利答题,需要掌握的词汇量在6000-7000左右。题量方面:共有38-42道题现在一般都是40道题。题型方面:题型多样化是雅思阅读考试的一大特点。经常考到的题型主要有八种:T/F/NG对,错,未提及, Summary摘

4、要, List of Headings段落标题, Matching配对, Sentence Completion完成句子,Short-answer Questions简答,Multiple Choice选择, Diagram/Table/Flow Chart图表。评分标准:阅读局部的评分标准并不是固定的,会随着题目的难度系数和题量略有变化。但一般来说是这样的:40道题中,答对16-18为5分,19-22 / 5.5分,23-25 / 6分,26-28 / 6.5分,29-31 / 7分,32-35/ 7.5分,36-37 / 8分,38-39 / 8.5分,40 / 9分。如何复习备考1完成每

5、次课所布置的作业。2反复研究精读剑2-7或剑4-7,如果时间来不及所有的真题,总结出最为有效的解题思路。除了剑桥真题,有时间的同学还应当完成一定量的高质量的模拟题具体见本人的雅思阅读资料库。3除了解题,大家还要对所有的阅读文章进行精读。可以重点做到以下几个方面:研究文章的篇章结构。找出每一段的主题句或中心思想。研究文章中出现的长句和难句。仔细分析句子的成分和结构。重视学习文章中重复出现的生词和词组反复研究题干信息和文章对应信息的转述表达4还要泛读一定量的文章每天至少到达60分钟的阅读时间。 主要是多读一些雅思考试经常取材的著名杂志和报刊。如前面提到的“经济学家/Economist,“卫报/Gu

6、ardian等。可访问浏览以下 经济学家 / Economist的 :/ economist 卫报 / Guardian 的 :/国家地理 / National Geographic 的 :/ nationalgeographic 其它有价值的英语学习阅读网站:英国BBC :/ 可收听即时新闻,推荐使用?时代周刊? :/ time 联合国新闻中心 :/英国?观察家?/泰晤士报?/金融时报?/ ft /home/europe探索频道?/dsc.d

7、iscovery /美国播送公司 :/abcnews.go /今日美国?/usatoday 每周标准?/ weeklystandard NB: 该讲义由上海新东方王晓春老师撰写,未经本人同意,不得翻印或转载。联系方式:Email / springwang6yahoo 本人博客:/ sciencetimes /u/springwang6/本人的雅思阅读资料库地址,用户名,密码另行通知为平安起见,用户名和密码会随时变更,请及时下载。资料库严禁在网上公布!由于时间限制,第二至第四章为自习内容,不在强化/精品课上讲解。该局部内容旨在稳固阅读根底,提升阅读实力。对于大家,特别是没有参加过雅思根底班学习的

8、同学,具有一定的参考价值。第二章雅思阅读考试词汇学习赠考生词汇学习七言律诗四级词汇是根底学术单词为提高真题生词勤收集词根词缀助记忆合理猜词为补充牢记根本在阅读黄沙百战穿金甲不克词汇终不还Academic Word List简称AWL,即英语学术词汇表包含了学术英语中使用频率最高的570个词目,也是在学术类雅思考试中极为常见的词汇,需要重点掌握。AWL词汇和英语单词常用词根词缀见本人的阅读资料库。雅思阅读与猜词法英语学习到了一定的层次时,衡量一个人英语水平的上下,在很大程度上要看这个人对生词的推断猜想能力,英语水平越高的人,其利用文章上下文、构词法等知识和技巧猜想生词的含义和用法的能力越强。具有

9、一定猜词能力的人可以在遇到生词时不必去查阅词典或请教别人,同时也培养了自己学习英语词汇的兴趣和掌握词汇的自信心。以下是几种常见的猜词方法。1根据构词法猜词 见词根,词缀讲义2根据标点符号猜词英语中的冒号 :,括号 , 破折号 等标点符号的主要作用就是提示在这些符号前后的文章内容之间互相补充解释、分析说明的关系的。因此在阅读文章遇到生词时应特别注意生词前后句子上下文里所使用的标点符号,通过标点符号的暗示来推断生词的根本含义。如:But more significantly, it will deliver materials and machines into space for industr

10、ial purposes unimagined two decades ago when “sputnik (artificial satellite) was added to the vocabulary.Personality is to a large extent inherent A-type parents usually bring about A-type offspring.We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances (drugs) is pervasive:an aspi

11、rin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable, coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves.3根据句子和词语间的逻辑关系猜词在英语文章的阅读过程中,我们应该留意文章中的词语之间,句子之间的上下文语义关系和逻辑关系。有时通过这些逻辑关系,我们也可以根本上推断出所遇到生词的大致含义。可以利用的句子和词语间的逻辑关系有以下几种:同义互释关系But as every policeman knows, external controls on peoples behav

12、ior are far less effective than internal restraints such as guilt, shame and embarrassment.It is frequently assumed that man loves in widening circles his family, his village, his tribe, or clan, the nation, and finally humanity.The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. For

13、life is a paradox:it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. The rabbis of old put it this way: “A man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.反义互释关系Actual loss will depend upon the particular frequencies to wh

14、ich one is exposed, and whether the sound is continuous or intermittent.In fact, he must sometimes wonder if the motor car is such a blessing and not just a menace.种属关系Taxes will be increased on automobiles, taxis, and motorcycles, vehicles such as these crowded our city streets.The conference was a

15、ttended by prime-ministers, minister, ambassadors, presidents and other important national dignitaries.连续系列关系On passing through the prism, the ray of light was transformed into a row of seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.4根据文章中下定义的句子猜词Accountability isnt hard to define. I

16、t means that every person is responsible for his or her actions and liable for their consequences.The period of adolescence, i.e., the period between childhood and adulthood, may be long or short, depending on social expectations and on societys definition as to what constitutes maturity and adultho

17、od.5根据文章中生词所在的上下文内容猜词The brave group of colonists finally had to land at Plymouth on the rocky coast of Massachusetts in December 1620. It was the middle of the stern northern winter.Many women gave their own pitiful rations to their children and died for lack of food for themselves.They will have a

18、 much wider variety of food available. There will be a change of taste toward a more savory-flavored menu.Exercise 1 After each sentence, write a definition for each boldfaced word. A dictionary should not be used before the analysis of the meaning of each word.The student should be familiar with th

19、e curriculum set of courses of his or her certificate or degree program.Some courses have prerequisites: requirements that must be met before the course can be taken.Sherrys anger, or more accurately, malevolence toward her brother became obvious when she tried to push him down the stairs.John has a

20、 homogenous collection of books, all on the Civil War.Many people are uncomfortable with change and resist any innovation.I wish I was ambidextrous. Then I could use both hands equally well.The student was accused of plagiarism because he had used the words and ideas of an author without crediting t

21、he source in a footnote.You should review your lecture notes immediately after class to correct any errors or fill in missing information. Many students, however, procrastinate and, as a result, their notes are not as useful.A valid research project demands that if the experiment is duplicated, the

22、results will be the same. A disparity of the results throws doubt on the entire project.第三章雅思阅读与英语句子一英语句子根本结构The understanding of the sentences is essential to the comprehension of the whole article. To have a good understanding of a sentence, we need first know the structure of the English sentence

23、.For a difficult sentence, the basic reading skill is to identify its main verb and any other finite verbs (predicate verbs), find their subjects and any objects or complements, and establish the boundaries of each clause to reveal the bare bone of the sentence structure. One way to tackle verbs is

24、to ask, about each in turn: “who (or what) is (or does) what?二英语句子分类英语句子按结构来分共有三种:简单句,复合句和并列句。1简单句:句子只包含一个主谓结构,而且句子各个成分都只是单词或短语。在实际雅思考试中,简单句可能会以比拟复杂的形式出现,句子也可能会很长。阅读的根本方法是确定句子的主语,谓语和宾语三个根本成分,找出句子的主干,忽略其他成分,将长句变成短句,将句型结构复杂的句子变成句型结构简单的句子。例如:He loved poetry.The party was finally held after being twice

25、postponed.Automated techniques to measure these characteristics and verify a persons identity infallibly are attracting widespread attention in these days of increased use of credit cards and e-mail.练习:For maximum dung burial in spring, summer and autumn, farmers living in the dry region of the Unit

26、ed States require a variety of species with overlapping period of activity. 2复合句:如果一个句子的某个成分是一个完整的句子,那么构成了复合句。复合句的根本处理方法是确定句子各层之间的关系,先抓主句的主干,再抓从句的主干,由表及里,层层深入。The house that we are now living in suits us fine.The use of gold as the unit of account during the days of the gold standard meant that the

27、price of all other commodities and services would swing up and down with reference to the price of gold, which was not fixed.Plainly enough, anyone must realize it who reflects upon the manner in which they reach public office.3并列句:由并列连词连接在一起的两个简单句或复合句。并列连词包括and, or, but, both and, as well as, eithe

28、r or, neither nor等。如果在雅思考试中阅读并列句遇到了困难,根本的处理方法是将句子从并列连词处断开,将并列句变成两个或假设干个相对短的句子,然后再用处理简单句的方法 抓句子主干,来依次处理每个相对短的句子。John must confess his fault, or he will be punished seriously.Government regulations limit the oil content allowed to be discharged, and the produced water is treated on the platforms to me

29、et those specifications.Government has encouraged waste paper collection and sorting schemes and at the same time, the paper industry has responded by developing new recycling technologies that have paved the way for even greater utilization of used fibre.雅思真题阅读文章句子分析实例As part of the same study, Teresa Seeman, a social epidemiologist at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, found a connection between self-esteem and stress in people over 70.剑6 / P45Inuit families going off on snowmobiles to prepare their summer hunting c

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