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1、 Congratulations! Which one are you going to take? Thanks. I havent decided yet.Text5 Excuse me. Do you know where Mr. Anderson is? Oh, were repairing the classroom ceiling this week. So he is giving his class in the library instead.Text6 Jason, would you tell us a little about how you became a writ

2、er? Oh, Ive written ever since I was a boy. When I was at school, I wrote stories for a childrens magazine. Later on, I wrote for The Western Teacher and various other magazines before I got into writing books. Did you start writing your own books after you came to Paris? Yes. My first book was publ

3、ished here in 2004.Text7 Love, my stomach aches. Mine too, honey. I think it was the fish or the meat we ate in the restaurant. It might have been. Or the soup. No, it couldnt have been the soup because I didnt have any. Little Jimmy had some and hes all right. Of course we sat in the sun for a long

4、 time but I suppose it couldnt have been the sun. Thats true. Now what else did we both eat? Only those lovely apples I bought at the market. It couldnt have been them. Were you still eating apples and you washed them? No, I didnt. I thought you had. Oh, Jenny, I didnt wash them, Ive thought you did

5、. It mustve been the apples then. Oh, I feel worse now. Lets go see a doctor.Text8 Why dont you like going to the cinema? Well, therere too many problems. Like what? For example, when the film is popular, the cinema is rather crowded. When the traffic is bad, it takes a long time to get there. Are t

6、hese all the problems? No, the worst is the people. Children running up and down, people chatting endlessly and so on. So Id rather stay at home and wait to see the films when they are shown on TV. Then you may see the films a bit later than other people. Yes, but Ill be more comfortable in the quie

7、tness in my living room. Well, I cant stand others talking about a new film before I see it. So I prefer seeing films at the cinema as soon as they come out.Text9 Can I talk to you for a minute, Professor Smith? Sure, David. What can I do for you? I didnt get a copy down all the terms you mentioned

8、in todays lecture, and I know they were important. Do you remember what parts of the lecture you have trouble with? Er, not really. Mmm, can I take a look at your notes? Sure. Mmm, interesting. What? David, just by looking through your notes from today and from last weeks classes I can tell that you

9、ve been missing a lot of the important information for my lectures. Your notes are rather incomplete. Whats wrong? I thought I took good notes. Mmm, not exactly. I think your note-taking skill needs some improvement. Oh. What I suggest is that you copy down the key points that I put on the board at

10、the start of each class. That way you can follow along and keep up with the main ideas of the lecture. OK. Second, use the key points to help you fill in the details that develop each main point. Dont worry about writing down everything I say word for word. It looks you were trying to do that. Focus

11、 on understanding the organization of the lecture, that will help you find the most important information you should write down. All right. Thanks, Professor Smith. Oh, and one more thing, you might find it useful to shorten word than use special marks, that can save you a lot of time. Text10 It is

12、no secret that many famous people including Napoleon, Caesar the Great, and even the queen of England loved silk clothes. In the 13th century, Marco Polo traveled the Silk Road and brought silk to Venice. You can be sure that Italians value this precious material greatly. Some of the designs added i

13、nto their clothing were copies of paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. Today there are no world-class dress designers who have not used Italian cloth materials made of Chinese silk. A famous poet said, “What diamonds do for the hand silk does for the body.” Silk has a comfortable and expensive quality. S

14、ilk dresses and suits certainly add beauty and style to ones clothes collection. You want to be considered as successful as those who know what quality is, dont you? No one who was anyone should be without this special material. Come and buy a silk dress or a shirt today.1-5 CCABA 6-10 CBACB 11-15 C

15、BAAC 16-20 CBBAB第一节听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In an office. B. In a theatre. C. In a restaurant.2. How old is the man now? A. About 20. B. Nearly 40. C. Over 60.3. What is the

16、man going to do?A. Go to the information counter. B. Take a train to leave New York. C. Check the price of the ticket.4. What do we learn about the man? A. He quitted his job. B. He has got two job offers. C. He is doing a part-time job.5. What does Mr. Anderson do? A. He is a teacher. B. He is a li

17、brarian. C. He is a repairman.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A. 、B. 、C. 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。6. What is The Western Teacher? A. A story. B. A book. C. A magazine.7. When did the man start writing books? A. When he was at

18、 school. B. After he came to Paris. C. Since the year of 2004.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10题。8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Customer and waiter.9. What must have caused the speakers stomach aches? A. The fish. B. The soup. C. The apples.1

19、0. Where will the speakers go? A. To the market. B. To the hospital. C. To the restaurant.听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13题。11. What are the speakers talking about? A. New films. B. Popular cinemas. C. Film-seeing habits.12. What seems to bother the woman at the cinema? A. The uncomfortable seat. B. The noisy peop

20、le. C. The long waiting time.13. What do we know about the man? A. He prefers seeing new films at the cinema. B. He enjoys seeing films with friends. C. He likes talking about new films.听下面一段对话,回答第14至第17题。14. Why does David go to Professor Smith for help? A. He had trouble with todays lecture. B. He

21、 missed all the classes last week. C. He wanted to learn how to take notes.15. What should David do at the start of each class? A. Have a short talk with the professor. B. Look through the notes from last class. C. Take down the main points of the lecture.16. How can David find the most important in

22、formation to write down?A. By remembering all the details of the lecture. B. By reading the notes taken by his classmates.C. By focusing on the organization of the lecture.17. How many suggestions has Professor Smith given to David? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20题。18. Who brought silk t

23、o Europe in the thirteenth century? A. Napoleon. B. Marco Polo. C. Leonardo da Vinci.19. What do we know about silk today?A. It is used by famous dress designers. B. It is much cheaper than in the past. C. It is very popular among painters.20. Why does the speaker give the talk? A. To encourage peop

24、le to learn designing. B. To persuade people to buy silk clothes. C. To introduce the history of silk trade.赠送相关资料考试答题的技巧拿到试卷之后,可以总体上浏览一下,根据以前积累的考试经验,大致估计一下试卷中每部分应该分配的时间。安排答题顺序关于考试时答题顺序,一种策略是按照试卷从前到后的顺序答题,另外一种策略是按照自己总结出的答题顺序。无论采取哪种策略,你必须非常清楚每部分应该使用的最少和最多的答题时间。按照自己总结的答题顺序:先做那些即使延长答题时间,也不见得会得分更多的题目,后做





29、这对任何一科考试都很重要,尤其是对“精确度”较高的数理化,若字迹不清无法辨认极易造成阅卷老师的误判,如填空题填写带圈的序号、数字等,如不清晰就可能使本来正确的失了分。 另外,卷面答题书写的位置和大小要计划好,尽量让卷面安排做到 “前紧后松”而不是“前松后紧”。特别注意只能在规定位置答题,转页答题不予计分。二、审题要点审题包括浏览全卷和细读试题两个方面。一是开考前浏览。开考前5分钟开始发卷,大家利用发卷至开始答题这段有限的时间,通过答前浏览对全卷有大致的了解,初步估算试卷难度和时间分配,据此统筹安排答题顺序,做到心中有数。此时考生要做到“宠辱不惊”,也就是说,看到一道似曾相识的题时,心中不要窃喜,而要提醒自己,“这道题做时不可轻敌,小心有什么陷阱,或者做的题目只是相似,稍微的不易觉

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