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1、 感应距离sensor distance 一档the first gear 二档the second gear 工作电流working current 静态电流static current 滴 液liquid aaa/1.5v*4节电池aaa/1.5v*4 batteries 安装图示 :installation show 安装步骤 : installation steps 1.装入四节“aaa”号碱性电池到电池盒,根据电池盒的图表正确的 安装电池。 put into four aaa alkaline batteries to the battery box, install batteri

2、es with the right way according to the chart of the battery box.2.把皂液剂倒入皂液器的容器内,并盖好盖子。 pour the soap into the container, and cover it. 3.该产品可直接放在桌面上使用,无须安装固定。 the products can be use directly on the desktop, without 4.打开开关即可使用。 you can use it just open the switch. 注意事项与保养 : note and maintenance 1. 选

3、择一个适当的位置放置皂液器,请勿使产品受潮、触水。 choose an appropriate place to set the soap dispenser, make products protect from damping or touching water. 2. 不要把皂液器放在镜子或反光较强的表面,不要把皂液器放在水下。 dont put the soap dispenser device on mirror or reflective strong surface, dont put the soap dispenser device on underwater 3. 在强光下

4、使用皂液器,可能会影响感应灵敏度。 it might affect induction sensitivity when use the soap dispenser under the strong sunlight. 4. 该产品适合浓度适中的液体,液体浓度过高会有出液缓慢或不出液的现象。 this product is suitable for the liquid concentration is moderately,if the liquid concentration is too high it will result in liquid flow too slow or st

5、op flow the liquid. 5. 不能使用酒精或其他化学液体。 please dont use alcohol or other chemical liquid. 6. 请不要让灰尘掉进肥皂分配器里,这样可能会堵塞通道口,如果你发现容 器已脏或有杂质,请重新换进肥皂剂。 please dont let the dust into soap dispenser, that may jam access point, if you find some dirty or impurity in the container, please change soap liquid. 7. 要经

6、常使用皂液器,如果长时间不用皂液器,液体肥皂剂可能会凝固,请 倒出皂液,并清洁干净本品。 please use soap dispenser frequently, if you dont use it for a long time, the liquid soap may solidification, then please pour out the liquid and clean up the soap dispenser. 8. 如果液体肥皂剂还剩几乎1cm时,请加入肥皂剂。 please add soap when the liquid soap left about 1cm h

7、igh. 9 清洁皂液器 clean the soap dispenser (1) 当不用时请倒出里面的液体肥皂剂,用抹布擦干净并拿出下面的电池。 please pour out the liquid when dont use the dispenser,clean up with a rag wipe and take out the battery (2) 请勿把皂液器放进水里清洗,这样会损坏电路板。 please dont put the soap dispenser into the water when clean it, that might damage the circuit

8、 board. (3) 清洁皂液器表面用湿布和干毛巾,清洁电池盒只能用干毛巾。 clean soap dispensers surface with wet cloth and dry towel but you can use dry towel to clean battery box only. (4) 使用说明 : instructions 请勿用强腐蚀性化学溶剂清洁产品,以免造成外观表面损坏、变形。 do not use strong corrosive chemical solvents to clean the products, to avoid the surface be

9、damaged and deformation.1. 将档位开关拨至i档。 make gear switch to i file 2伸手靠近感应区,出液口出液(第一次使用时由于皂液还没有流 入通液管道中,请来回运行数次直至出液) put the hand near the inductive zone and the mouth flow out fluid.please run around several times until the liquid flow out of the dispenser when the first time use it because of the so

10、ap havent flow into the liguid pipe. 3. 该产品为一次感应,把手放在皂液器的出液口下,皂液将会自动 运作一次,如需继续请重复第2步骤。 the product is a onetime induction, put the hand under the soap mouth, it will automatically work one time, if necessary please repeat the step 2. 4. 调节出液量 adjust a fluid volume 整机设有两个档位,将档位开关拨至i档,皂液器开起同时也是一档,拨至ii

11、档则是二档。 the machine has two gear, make the gear switch to, and make the machine work on,so as to the. 5. 将档位开关拨至off档,整机关闭。 the machine will be off when you turn it to the gear on off. 常见故障及处理 : common fault and processing 1 如果皂液器不工作 if the soap dispenser dont work (1) 把您的手靠近感应器。 put your hand near th

12、e soap dispenser (2) 检查是否连接电源。 make sure the current have connect. (3) 开关是否打开,请将开关打开。 please make sure have turn on the switch. (4) 检查皂液器的下表面,如果下表面有很多光和倒影,请移动皂液器到 适当的位置。 check the under surface of the soap dispenser, if there are much light and shadow under the bottom, please move the soap dispenser

13、 to the right position. 2 如果无皂液滴下 if the soap dispenser dont flow the liquid (1) 如果第一次使用,在输液管里有残留的空气,请运作皂液器数次。 if you use it at the first time ,some air may remain in the tubing, please operation the soap dispenser several times (2) 在冬天气温较低时,液体有可能会凝结,请倒入一些温水(60左右) 等待数分钟后,运行皂液器数次即可。 the liquid may be

14、 frozen in the cold winter, please add some warm water (around 60 degree),wait a few minutes and operate the machine. (3) 可能皂液不够,请添加皂液。 may be the soap is not enough, please add the soap.【篇二:中英文对照说明书】 前言 preface 感谢您使用徐州燃烧控制研究院有限公司生产的就地点火控制柜装置。 本公司的就地点火控制柜装置是徐州燃烧控制研究院有限公司自主开发生产的高品质就地控制装置,在使用系列本程控装置之前

15、请您仔细阅读该手册以保证正确使用并充分发挥其优越性。 本说明书对就地控制柜(以下简称控制柜)的操作和安装方法等做了详细的介绍。使用控制柜以前,在阅读本说明书的基础上,进行安全正确使用。 thank you for choosing the local ignition control cabinet designed by our company. the local ignition control device is explored by our company for the ignition control of boiler. this manual describes insta

16、llation and operation of the cabinet clearly, please read this manual before using. 内容介绍brief introduction 本手册介绍了点火控制柜的组成、安装、配线、功能参数、日常使用维护及对故障的处理the manual includes the cabinets components, installation, wiring, data, maintenance, and troubleshooting. 读者对象applicable readers 本书适合下列人员阅读this manual is

17、 applicable for 设备安装人员、维护人员、设计人员 installer, maintenance man, and designer 本书约定stipulation 符号约定symbol stipulations 说明提醒操作者需重点关注的地方 points operator should pay attention to 由于没有按要求操作可能造成死亡或重伤的场合危险! this symbol indicates death or gbh that may occur as a resultof improper operation 由于没有按要求操作可能造成中等程度伤害或轻伤

18、或造成物质 损害的场合注意! this symbol indicates secondary injury, flesh wound or object damage that may occur as a result of improper operation 一、 序言prologue 1.1 开箱检查checking 在开箱时请认真确认在运输中是否有破损现象 控制柜内元器件与附图中的型号数量是否相符 如发现有某种遗漏请速与供货商或我司联系解决! check if there is any damage. ensure the model and quantity in chart ar

19、e accordance with components in cabinet. if there is any mistake, please contact with supplier or our company. 1.2 安全注意事项security 不要安装在含有爆炸气体的环境里否则有引发爆炸的危险! 必须由具有专业资格的人员进行配线作业否则有触电的危险! 确认电源处于完全断开的情况下才能进行配线作业否则有触电危 险! 必须将控制柜的接地端子可靠接地否则有触电的危险! 通电情况下不要用手触摸控制端子否则有触电的危险!do not install in explosive enviro

20、nment, or it may cause explosion. do invite professionals for accompany when wiring, or it may cause electric shock do shut off power before wiring. do earth the cabinet ground terminal. do not touch the control terminal when power is on.1.3 安装条件installation requirement 1.4 日常维护maintenance 定期检查柜内各种元

21、器件,确认任一单元都没有松动的螺钉,所有电源和电线的连接都安全可靠;并保持外观完好。 定期吹扫柜内,清除积下的灰尘、杂物,保持柜内卫生。 定期检查控制柜内保险丝、继电器和其他可更换元件 check parts in cabinet, fasten bolts and wires connection regularly. purge the cabinet and keep its clean. check fuse, relay and other replaceable instrument in cabinet regularly.二、 安装及接线installation and wir

22、ing 2.1控制箱的安装方法installation of cabinet body (柜内与柜外接线请查阅共同提交的接线图纸) (please read wiring diagram of inner and outer cabinet connection for reference) 控制柜顶部有吊耳,用于吊装。吊装时应注意不得将柜体(特别是转角边缘)上的烤漆磨损或有划伤。柜体应水平放置并紧固在底座上。 在技术图纸中,控制柜有专门的接线图,要掌握控制柜原理以及在现场完成外部接线,都要仔细查阅相关接线图。 接线图上的每一根线都有唯一的线号,没有重复。 柜内元件与柜外设备发生联系时,都通过

23、接线端子排转接。在接线图上,端子排横放,其上侧为柜内接线,下侧为柜外接线。在端子排两侧的线上除了线号之外还标有去向(即接至哪一个柜内元件或柜外设备),并注有文字说明。 控制柜在底部预留有进线孔,在接外部电缆时,应将电缆从柜底接入,并作标识。在全部接线完成并经调试投入运行后,应在柜底将接进电缆用防火泥封堵。 lug on top of cabinet is for ceil mounting. do not break or scratch the cabinet paint (especially that on corner) place and fasten the cabinet on

24、the base. for principle comprehending or outer wiring, please read the wiring diagram. each wire in wiring drawing is marked with unique code. insert the cable through wire inlet at cabinet bottom, and mark it. after the accomplishment of wiring, seal the cable with fire clay. 2.2调试regulation 在安装接线完

25、成后,施工人员和调试人员应分别检查接线,若有错误须及时改正。 检查完毕,可将电源接入,观察相应指示灯显示是否正确。例如外部设备的位置状态与指示灯显示的是否一致。如系统带电后工作正常,就可以通过操作面板进行试运行。调试方法是模拟实际操作,将实际运行所要进行的操作逐一试验,并观察相应的现象,判断与设计原理是否一致。可能某些条件不具备而不能进行全部操作,此时可以做仿真信号,即在端子排上相应的输入点短接。 do check each wire, and ensure there is no error after wiring, then turn on power. turn off each sw

26、itch one by one from the chief switch, and check the correctness of indicator light, eg, if working state of outer equipment and light indication are accordance. cut off power and refer to drawing for cause if there is any mistake. reset power meter if necessary.make sure the system is running in or

27、der, then single step drive or stop boiler equipments and inspect their working state. after single step, change to remote control andrun it through dcs or operation panel. the adjusting is to simulate real operation step by step, and inspect each working state. (在这样做之前,一定要仔细查阅相关图纸与说明书,要准确无误) please

28、 read manual and drawings before regulation (在相关模拟试验做完后,一定要将所有的仿真解除) remove simulate signals after the test 2.3使用与操作usage and operation 必须经过成功调试后,控制柜方可投入使用。 操作人员须是经过专门培训的技术人员。 在控制柜运行时,不要带电插拔电气元件(继电器等),以免损坏电气设备或造成不可预知的事故。 关闭系统时,从总电源开始逐一断开电源开关。 the cabinet could be employed only after adjusting. opera

29、tor should be professional. do not pull out any electric component with power on, relay for example, or it may lead to unpredictable accident. switch off the power from chief power on by one for system closing. (系统正在执行监控任务时不得断开电源do not cutoff power supply when the system is monitoring) 2.4故障分析与排除tro

30、ubles and troubleshooting 以下是系统运行时常见故障及排除方法:【篇三:说明书中英文对照】 企业简介 henan honglei heavy industry machinery co., ltd is a heavy machinery productional factory . as a specific designated enterprise by national industry department and national construction department , henan honglei heavy industry co.,ltd. integrates technology ,designing,manufacture,fixing. we assemble a group of experienced technical staff professional senor engineer,which lead our company to be a compr

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