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1、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure 3135 DABAC 3640 DBBBA 4145 CCCAD Part III Cloze46. against 47. but 48. which49. without50. pillow51. Dawn52. out53. unlikely54. warder55. outstretchedPart IV Reading Comprehension Section A 56. influenced57. a string instrument58. the (general) public59. improvisati

2、on60. contemporary sounds Section B 61. A perfect balance among everything within it - the plants, the animals, and the chemical elements. 62. Building a greenhouse for growing plants is the first step in creating a biosphere. 63. Nothing important enters except sunlight, and nothing leaves as waste

3、 except some heat. 64. To deal with energy shortage and do research about our environment and how it works. 65. Things got out of balance because oxygen and carbon dioxide levels fell. Section C 66. F67. T68. T 69. 你从一个个体,变成了公众人物,每个人都想对你品头论足。 70. 在过去,报纸主要刊载的是地震、战争这样的新闻,记者挖掘名人隐私也为人所不齿。那时,只有杰出的成就或滔天的罪

4、行才可能让人出名。 Section D 71. ability to cook/cooking ability72. feminist objectives73. male gender role norm74. macho image75. intimacy connotations;Part V Translation 76. If you receive an email, with an attachment entitled “Dear friend”, delete it immediately. 77. In an effort to help and inspire other

5、s, Betty has determined to use her status for charitable causes. 78. The six days at sea yielded many difficulties for the two boys, including extreme thirst, hunger, and sun exposure during the day, and cold temperatures at night. 79. Now that we all agree that lying is universal and that everyone

6、is doing it, I think the wisest thing we can do is to carefully and thoroughly train ourselves in the fine art of lying before it decays any further. 80. Many travellers choose plastic surgery tours offering cheap packages which include the surgery as well as hotel, travel costs, and sightseeing. Pa

7、rt VI Error Correction 81. 82. and改为but 83. in the motion删除 the 84. overloading改为overloaded85. expected改为unexpected 86. supposed后加to87. the改为a 88. fatality改为fatalities 89. safe改为safety 90. easily改为easyPart VII IQ Test 91. REVENGE; 92. Letter D; 93. DK; WO; 94. tar; shovel; 95. B;Part VIII Writing (略) 1月 January Jan. 2月 February Feb.3月 March Mar. 4月 April Apr. 5月 May May 6月 June Jun. 7月 July Jul. 8月 August Aug. 9月 September Sept. 10月 October Oct. 11月 November Nov. 12月 December Dec.

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