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1、Unit1MynamesGina6课时教案Unit 1 My names Gina.教案1、教材分析:本单元是在前面三个热身单元的基础上出现的真正意义上的第一个教学单元。它强调在社会不断进步和发展的今天,要求学生在不同环境下能自如地介绍他人和推销自己,同时利用一切机会获取尽可能多的可行信息,作为人与人之间友好的交往的桥梁2、单元教学内容:(一)、话题功能: 1、让学生学会向别人做自我介绍,学会交朋友 2、学会使用与他人见面时的问候语3、学会电话号码的表述方法并问他人索取电话号码(二)、语言结构:1、句型:Whats your name? Alan./ Im Alan./ My name is

2、Alan. Whats your telephone number? Its 281-9176.2、词汇:hi, hello, numbers(0-9),phone number, list of names, first/ last name.(3)、单元教学目标: 1、能力目标: (1)能问别人做自我介绍,如:My names Gina. Im Gina. (2) 见面时,能使用问候语,如:Nice to meet you! (3)能问他人索取电话号码,如:Whats your telephone number.(4)能够区分中西方的姓名 2、知识目标 (1)能听、说、读1a中的会话 (2

3、)能听、说2b中的话 (3)能听懂电话号码 (4)能听说读写0-9及phone number, first/last name,hi,hello等单词。 (5)能听、说、读相关名字 (6)运用句型Whats your(his,her) first(last) name/phone number ? 3、单元重难点:(1)重点: a.物主代词的用法 b.句型:Whats your/his/her name ? Whats your/his/her telephone number ? c.数词 (2)难点 a.Whats your/his/her first(last) name ? b.中外姓

4、名的区别和用法 4、情感、策略、文化等目标 (1)、情感目标:培养小组合用精神 ,激发学生学习兴趣。 (2)、教学策略目标:以学生为中心,以活动为驱动点,以任务为目标的教学方式,充分利用多媒体,让学生在活动中感知、领悟、体验和实践语言知识要点。 (3)、学习策略目标:在实践中提高语言的综合使用能力,加深对基础知识的掌握和记忆。 (4)、文化意识目标:了解中西方国家姓名表达顺序上的差异。(4)、教学原则1、循序渐进原则 本单元内容和教学要求设计从易到难,从简单到复杂逐步过渡。2、趣味性原则 为了符合学生的知识水平、认知水平和心理发展水平,尽可能地提供趣味性较强的内容和活动,激发学生的学习兴趣和学

5、习动机。3、实用性原则 提供具有时代气息的语言材料,设置尽量真实的语言运用情景,组织具有交际意义的语言实践活动。4、拓展性原则 在完成课文内容教学的基础上,将知识拓宽、加深,与社会紧密结合,为学生的终身学习创造条件。5、学科渗透原则 本单元充分体现当代教学中各学科的相互渗透,其中英语与数学、电脑、劳技的相互结合符合新目标英语特征。6、任务型原则 本单元创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,让学生在完成一个个活动中,逐步完成学习任务。任务从易到难,逐级过渡,从而让学生享受成功的快乐。(5)、教学安排 第一课时: Section A 1a1c 第二课时: Section A 2a2d 第三课时: S

6、ection A Grammar Focus-3c 第四课时: Section B 1a-1f 第五课时: Section B 2a-3b 第六课时: Section B Self CheckPeriod 1 Section A (1a-1c)Learning goals1. Key vocabulary: name, nice, to, meet, too, your, Ms.2. Target language 1) Introduce oneself 2) Greet peopleLearning important points1) Key vocabulary2) How to gr

7、eet people politely and introduce oneself using the target language .Learning difficult points How to communicate with others using the key vocabulary and the target language learned .Learning methods 1) Communicative approach 2) Pairwork 3) A gameLearning tools A tape recorder , A projector Learnin

8、g procedures Step : Revision (2) 1. Dictate 5 vowel letters “Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu” 2. Use some objects and make a game : -Whats this in English ? -Its a/an _ . -Spell it, please . - _ .Step : Lead-in (3)T: The new term begins. Everyone will meet many new classmates. Do you want to make friends with th

9、em ? if your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group . S1: Hello! Im Han Mei. Whats your name ? S2: My names Li Lei. Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you, too. And whats your name, please? S3: Lui Li. How do you do? S1: How do you do ?Step: Listening (5)Listen and number the conve

10、rsations.T:Today I have good news for you. Three new students will come to our class. They are from other places. Do you want to know them? Lets listen to the recording of 1b in section A.Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording again. Students listen and write

11、 a number in the box next to each conversation.Then check the answers with the whole class.( This activity develops students listening skill.)Step: Practicing (8)T: Now everyone has some new friends. Do you want others to know them ? Do you want more friends? Lets introduce our new friends to others

12、. OK ?Ss: OK.S1: This is my new friend. His name isS2: Hello, Nice to meet you.S3: Nice to meet you, too. Look! This is my new friends. Her name isSs: How do you do?S4: How do you do?StepV: Looking and writing (5)Look at the picture in 1a. Write English words for the things in the picture. Eg: map,

13、Step: Summary (2) In this class, weve learned the vocabulary on Page1. And weve learned how to make friends, how to greet people. Step. Exercises (15)一、根据要求写出下列单词的适当形式。1.I (形物代) my2.hi (同义词) hello3.what is (缩写 ) whats4.I am (缩写 ) is (缩写) names6.she is (缩写 ) shes二、补全对话。AA:Hello, whats your n

14、ame?B:My name is Gina. And you ?A:I am Tom.B:Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too .BA:Good afternoon, Mike!B:Good afternoon . Tony! How are you?A:Fine,thanks. Look! Whats this in English?B:Its a clock.A:Spell it,please.B:C-L-O-C-K.Period 2 Section A (2a2d) Learning goals 1. Key vocabulary: his,

15、 and, her, yes, she, he, no, not 2. Target language: Wh-questions. Listening, reading and writing skills . Communicative competence. Ask for and give specil information.Learning important points Key vocabulary: his, and, her, yes, she, he, no, not Listen and ask for special information.Learning difficult points 1. Possessive adjective: my, your, his, her 2. How to use target language: Wh-questionsLe

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