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1、 has the same pronunciation as the end of life in Chinese.在我们国家,很多场合下都会赠送礼物。我们通常赠送礼物给彼此以表达真诚的祝福,但同时,赠送礼物也有一些传统习俗。比如,你不能给别人赠送钟表,因为在中文里“送钟”和“送终”发音一样。高分示例3Well, Chinese people send gifts on many festivals and occasions: house warming, graduation days, wedding anniversaries. In particular, most gifts ar

2、e exchanged during the Spring Festival, which is a traditional festival celebrating the Chinese lunar new year.嗯,中国人会在很多节目和场合中赠送礼物:新房搬迁、毕业日、结婚纪念日等。尤其是在春节期间,大家会彼此赠送很多礼物。春节是庆祝中国农厉新年的传统节日。亮点表达sincere blessing 真诚的祝福wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日pDo you ever take a gift when you visit saneone in their home? W

3、hy/Why not?当你去别人家里拜访的时候会带礼物吗?(为什么?为什么不?)对于此类问题,开门见山,正面回答。首先给出是否带礼物的回复以及礼物种类,基本一至两句话就可以,但在原因或意义上要适当扩展。思路可从送礼物的对象、场合进行细节分析。Well, I guess it will be more thoughtful to do so. Most people see its a kind act if you bring a small gift when visiting someone. It shows that you appreciate being there. Just l

4、ike an old saying goes Courtesy demands reciprocity, which signifies bringing gifts to each other is a good way to sustain the friendship. 是的,在我看来这样会更砧心。当去看望或拜访某人时,带一个小礼物过去,大部分人都会认为是一个友好的表现。同时,也能够让对方感觉你很愿意到家里做客。正如一句古话所说,“礼尚往来”,意思是互相赠送礼物也是维系友情的一种好方式。Definitely! However, it also depends on to whom I s

5、end the gifts during visiting. If it is for the elderly people, some healthcare products and multifunctional massagers would be suitable choices. If it is for the young people, they fancy those hi-tech products like iPad, PSP or some latest chic things. Actually, its the thought that counts.当然会送。但是,

6、也要考虑拜访时我要送给谁礼物。如果拜访老年人.保健产品或者多功能按摩仪则是更为合适的我选择。如果去年轻朋友的家里,会考虑他们更喜欢高科技产品.比如iPad和游戏机等最近时髦的东西。事实上,礼物的选择重要的是让对方感觉到你的心意。I prefer to send gifts when visiting someones home. If I have an invitation to a house warming party, I will bring something that can be used to decorate their new home. If I am invited

7、for dinner, I will bring a basket of fruit or home-made food there to show my care and love.去别人家拜访时我都会送礼物。如果受邀去庆祝新家搬迁,我一般都会带一件能装饰新家的礼物。如果是受邀去家里吃饭,一般都会带一篮子水果或自家做的食物过去,以显示我的重视和喜爱。thoughtful adj.体贴的reciprocity n.互惠;互换multifunctional massagers 多功能按摩器count v. 重要.有价值;数数,计算courtesy n. 礼貌healthcare products

8、保健产品chic adj. 时尚的When did you last receive a gift? What was it?上次你是何时收到礼物的?(什么礼物?考生在回答此题时,首先要注意题目对时态的考查,答案的时态应该为一般过去时。回答可以按照when, what, why的思路组织语言,针对这三个要素做适当拓展。The last gift that I received was a bottle of perfume on my birthday party. Because my boyfriend knows that I am a big fan of it. So far, I

9、have a huge collection of perfumes and hope that they will increase in value some day.上次我生日的时候,我收到了男朋友给我买的一瓶香水。因为他知道我是个香水迷。到目前为止,我有一整套香水系列收藏,希望某天它们能升值。The last gift I received on my birthday is the best one I have ever received. it was a handmade birthday card given by my confidante. It was a huge c

10、ard with pictures of us together and beautiful graphic patterns that she drew. It didnt cost much but I love it because she really put her heart into it when making a memorable gift for my birthday.最近得到的一个礼物是我过生日的时候收到的,这是我收到过的最好的礼物。它是闺蜜送给我的一张手工制作的生日卡片。卡片很大,有我们俩的合照以及她画的精美图案。虽然不昂贵,但是我很喜爱,因为这是她用心为我的生日制

11、作的一个值得纪念的礼物。Speaking of last gift, it is a letter I got from my parents in my first year of university. Considering that I suffered a lot from severe homesickness, they said lots of words to comfort me. It gave a feeling that my parents were with me, giving me the courage and care I needed badly. Th

12、is gift is of special sentimental value to me.谈到上次收到的礼物,应该是我大一入学时父母邮寄给我的一封信。考虑到我肯定特别想家,他们在信中写了很多话语来安慰我。这封信让我感觉父母就在身边.给我最需要的鼓励和关爱,这伴礼物对我有特殊的情感价值。a huge collection of perfumes 一整套香水收藏increase in value 升值confidante n.闺蜜memorable adj.值得纪念的Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people?你喜欢给别人买礼物吗?对于此类话题,考生可以从

13、多角度去谈自己的观点。同时,也可以适当加入带有文化色彩的俗语来提高语言质量和叙述的生动性。I guess not. It is a waste of time making efforts get the perfect gift. Whats more, if the recipient is already wealthy, it will be more difficult to pick up the right present Still, I have little time to consider what they prefer.I am sort of tight-fiste

14、d when it refers to the payment.我估计不会。在我看来。努力去寻求合适的礼物太浪费时间了。并且,如果要赠予的人很富裕并不缺少礼物,那将会更难去桃选。同时,我也几乎没有时间去考虑哪个礼物是他们喜欢的。谈到支出,我还有点儿小吝啬。Absolutely, I am really into picking up different gifts for people, my family and closed friends in particular. There is a saying that Its better to give than to receive.当然

15、啦,我非常喜欢去给别人挑选礼物,尤其是我的家人以及亲近的朋友。有句老话说得好,“付出比收获幸福。”Speaking of looking for gifts for people, it is a good thing. In my view, how much the gift is worth is not important. It is more important that what the sentimental value it has because the sentimental value is something that cant be measured in term

16、s of money.谈到为他人挑选礼物,那是一件好事情。在我看来,重要的并不是礼物值多更为重要的是它的情感价值,这种价值是不能用钱来衡量的。tight-fisted adj. 吝啬的sentimental adj. 情感的s better to give than to receive.付出比收获更幸福。雅思口语名师点题本题属于“事件经历类”中典型的事件题,出现频率不高,但是难度相对比较大,本题也是一个开放性的问题。从题干可以看出,本题要用一般过去时作答,请考生注意:回答任何一道雅思口语题之前,一定要组织好时态,否则会导致无谓的失分。用自己的话重复一遍问题也是一种“思考”技巧,能起到承上启下

17、、延长思考时间的作用。进而给出wtat, where, when和who的对应要素。考生要学会不同话题间素材的套用。比如,该题目可以嫁接话题: a difficult thing you did well或a travel to a special place等。高分示例名师点评Mentioning a new and exciting thing, I want to talk about the experience of climbing the Mount Tai with my friends during the summer holiday.开门见山,给出事情发生的时间、地点以及

18、和谁在一起。尝试使用非谓语增加得分砝码。It was the first time I travelled with my friends without thecompany of my parents. We were all excited and full ofexpectation for this trip. We arrived safely at the foot of MountTai and started climbing right away.进一步介绍事件的特殊性:初次尝试并且无父母陪伴。这样可以渲染出更多令人兴奋的因素。We climbed quickly and

19、were curious about everything around us.The sun shone brightly and the temperature was very high. Beforelong, we were sweating allover. The water we brought withus seemed far from enough. Luckily for us, there was a breezeblowing, So weactually felt quite comfortable at that moment.该部分详细描迷事情发生的背景、天气

20、以及当时的心情。在阐述过程中.所给出的specific details可在一定程度上向考官展示自己的lexical resource.As is known to all, Mount Tai is famous for its steep steps. Lookingup, we could only see steps right before us. What was worse, tiredness began to attack us. I felt that my legs were soheavy that all I wanted to do was sit downand h

21、ave a rest. My fiends tried tocheer each other up and gave each other a hand at some steeper steps.Finally we reached thetop of the mountain, where we shouted out loud and hugged together. What an exciting moment!更加形象、生动的阐述将整个事件推上了高潮,令听者意犹未尽。company n. 陪同,陪伴be curious about 对好奇breeze n. 微风steep adj.

22、 陡峭的hug v. 拥抱Discussion topics1:Doing new thingsExample questions1:Why do you think some people like doing new things?环球雅思口语名师点题此类问题属于“原因类”问题,即对事件或现象的原因进行分析。题目属于开放式话题,可以从多角度进行解答。It is the topic that people have been talking about all the time. Some believe that trying new things is a great way to br

23、eak away from daily routine. Most people feel It boring to do the same things every day. Besides, some individuals claim that trying new activities can broaden our horizons and help make more friendsbreak away 放弃,脱离 broaden onea horizon 拓宽视野Example questions2:What problems can people have when they

24、try new activities for the first time?此类问题属于Part3中的“问题类”。需要考生猫述出一种现象所可能产生的问题。并简单对其原因进行分析。考生陈述时要说出一个现象所产生的负面结果,并且做原因分析。如果考官只问其带来的问题,考生只需回答问题,无需深入分析解决方法。Honestly speaking, the problems associated with trying new activities have already attracted a great deal of attention. Firstly, if the activity is o

25、ut of the realm of experience, then extra care must be taken to ensure an accident doesnt happen. Besides, some people put much pressure on themselves; they are worried about making mistakes. Many people might just give up if something is too difficult. Maybe persistence is the key to success.a grea

26、t deal of 许多,大量 realm n.范围pressure n. 压力 persistence n.坚持不懈;毅力Example questions3:Do you think its best to do new things on your own or with other people?Why? 此类问题属于Part3中的“选择类”问题,即二选一,较为常见。思路很简单,可以有下面两种阐述角度:选其中一个并把其优势展开进行阐述: 或者两个好处都点一下,最后总结各自都有不可替代的优势,二者缺一不可。对于此考生要做到分析到位,答案饱满。Well, its a hard choice

27、. I really cant choose one over another. Generally speaking, if someone does new things, then other people tend to tag along with him. It seems more fun and interesting in groups .However, those who do well in new activities may feel inadequate. Under this circumstance, it might be better to do it o

28、n your own. Both ways have their own advantages. I think this is why people are always saying that everything exists for a reason.tag along with 跟着 inadequate adj.不足的circumstance n. 情况,情形Discussion topics2:Learning new things:What kinds of things do children learn to do when they are very young?How important are these things?这个问题虽然出现在Part3,但是考生可以发挥的点有很多。首先,需要给出孩子的学习内容,可对应给出学习相关项目的重要性。Children tend to be sponges when they are young; they are constantly learning. Its a pretty essential stage for

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