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1、Its a wheel.No, it isnt. Look, its green! Its a hat!OK, its a green hat.Now look. Whats this?Its a flower. Its a red flower.No, it isnt. its a red umbrella.OK, whats that?Its grey. Is it a bird?Yes! its a grey bird.No, its a key!Right! Its a silver key.What什么 Hey嗨Wheel轮子,车轮 now现在flower花 umbrella雨伞gr

2、ey 灰色的 table桌子key钥匙 right正确的silver银色的 chair椅子 What is this / that ? This is / That is / It is a hat / an umbrella. It is a red umbrella. Whose is it? Its Roberts. What colour is it? Its green.Lesson 5 Whos that?那个人是谁?Who is that boy, Polly?Which boy, Annie?The boy on the silver bicycle.Thats Robert

3、Jenkins.Whos that man?Which man?The man with the black umbrella.Thats Mr. Jenkins. Hes Roberts father.Whos that woman with the white umbrella?Thats Mrs. Jenkins. Shes Roberts mother.And whos that girl on the red bicycle?Thats Lucy Jenkins. Shes Roberts sister.Look at that young man. Who is he?Which

4、young man?The young man in that old car.Oh, thats Paul. Paul is Lucys cousin.So, Paul is Roberts cousin, too.Thats right.Robert is Lucys brother. And Paul is their cousin. Hes a student.who 谁 which 哪一个 with 有,带着 old陈旧的look at看 young年轻的cousin 堂,表兄弟(或姐妹)too也so那么,这样看来 their他们的 new新的 student学生 his 他的 he

5、r她的 Who is that boy? Which boy? The boy on/in/with the . Is Roberts / Lucys bicycle silver? His / Her bicycle is red.Lesson 7 Robert isnt well罗伯特感觉不舒服Hello, Karen. How are you?Im fine. But Robert isnt very well.Oh, Im sorry!Whats the matter with him?Im not sure. Hes very hot. He isnt well. Is he hun

6、gry?No, he isnt hungry.Is he thirsty?Yes, hes very thirsty.Poor Robert. I am sorry. What about the doctor?The doctors very busy.Yes, but Robert is ill.Perhaps not very ill. But you are right. Better safe than sorry. Well健康的 how怎么样Fine舒适的 but但是very非常 sorry抱歉的,遗憾的Whats the matter with?-怎么了?him 他(宾格) s

7、ure确信的,肯定的hungry饿的 doctor医生thirsty口渴的 ill生病的poor 可怜的 cold冷的What about?-呢?busy忙绿的 are是perhaps或许,可能Better safe than sorry!有备无患! Robert is thirsty. He is not hungry. Is he / she thirsty? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn How are you? How is he / she? Who is thirsty? Robert is. What is funny? This story

8、is.Lesson 9 Meet the neighbors. 认识一下邻居们! My names Paul.Hello Paul. My names Claire. Im your new neighbor. Claire, thats a nice name.What do you do, Claire?Im a student. What about you?Im a student too. Im at the sports academy. What about you?Im an art student. Im at the art college. Come and meet K

9、aren. Shes my aunt. Shes a writer. Karen, this is Claire. Claires our new neighbor.Hello, Claire. Nice to meet you.Come and meet the family. This is William, my husband. This is Lucy and this Robert.How do you do, Claire. Hi, everybody.Thank you for the welcome.neighbour邻居 nice美好的What do you do?你是做什

10、么工作的?at 在 art college艺术学院sports academy体育学院aunt姨妈,姑妈 our我们的writer作家 husband丈夫everybody每个人 Thank you!谢谢你!Welcome欢迎 for为了,因为 Look at him / her / it. Is he a teacher?Is he a student? Is he a teacher or a student? Are you a teacher?Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Whats his / her job?Hes / Shes a teacher. What

11、do you do? Im a student / an accountant.Lesson 11 Gossip闲谈!Whos that girl, Polly?Which girl, Annie?The girl over there. The tall girl with the Jenkins family.Oh, thats Claire, our new neighbor. Shes an art student. Shes a very pretty girl. Yes, shes cleaver too.Shes a nice girl. Wheres she from?Is s

12、he English?No, she isnt. Shes American. Shes from Washington.Is her family here, too?Yes. Her fathers an accountant. And her mothers a famous photographer.Look! Thats her mother over there.That woman in the expensive car?Thats right. Shes very pretty.Pretty? Shes beautiful. What about her husband?Is

13、 he handsome?Wait and see!gossip闲谈 over there在那边tall 高的 pretty漂亮的where在哪? from来自-nationality国籍 here在这里English 英国的 American美国的London 伦敦 Washington华盛顿famous著名的 expensive昂贵的beautiful美丽的 handsome英俊的wait等待 see看到,看见 wheres she from? Shes from Washington. What nationality is she?Shes English. She isnt Fren

14、ch. Shes a pretty girl. Her mothers a famous photographer. Look at that student. That English student is tall. s a tall English student.Lesson 13 Wheres my pen? 我的铅笔在哪儿?Wheres my pen, Lucy?Which pen, Mum?The blue one.This one?Yes,that one. Its my favorite pen, Lucy!Sorry, Mum.And wheres my new ruler

15、?The long one?The long silver one.Its in my school bag, Mum.Oh, Lucy!Give me my ruler, please.Here you are. Im sorry, mum. Its a very nice ruler.Yes, it is. Mum! Yes?Is this your pencil-case, too?No, it isnt.Its your fathers old pencil-case. Thats his favorite thing.Sorry, Mum!Its my favorite thing,

16、 too.Oh, well. Put it on his desk.No harm done.Thanks, Mum.favorite最喜欢的 long长的schoolbag 书包 give给please 请 Here you are .给你。pencil-case 铅笔盒 thing东西Oh, well! 噢,好吧!put放,摆No harm done !没关系! Where is / Wheres my new ruler? Its in/on/under . Which one? This one. / That one. / The small one. Give me that .,

17、 please.Lesson 15 A bump in the night夜深人不静!William, wake up!Mm . Whats the matter?Listen, theres a noise in the living room. Its a burglar!A burglar! Nonsense!You are right!Theres a noise in the kitchen, now.It is a burglar.Shh! Theres a torch here.Give me the torch, please.Here it is.Oh, William. P

18、lease be careful!There is someone downstairs. Whos there?Who is it?Its me, Dad. Im wide-awake, and Im hungry.Were all wide-awake now!Oh well, no harm done!bump碰撞 night夜晚 wake up醒来 listen听 there与be连用表示存在 noise噪声living-roon起居室 burglar(入屋)盗窃者Nonsense!胡说!废话!kitchen厨房torch 手电筒 Be careful !小心!someone有人,某人

19、 downstairs楼下all所有 wide-awake完全清醒bedroom卧室 garden花园 Theres a noise in the living-room. Is there a man at the door?Yes, there is. / No, there isns a / an .at / on / in / near .s a man at the door. Who is it? Its the postman.Lesson 17 Red, white and pink红的、白的和粉红的!Here are Pauls pajamas.Look at them. T

20、hey are bright red!But they are a bit dirty. Here are Dads shirts. They are pure white. But they are a bit dirty, too. Put them in the washing machine. What about your shirts?Yes, my shirts are dirty too,Put them in the washing machine.Karen! Where are my new shirts?Theyre in the washing machine, wi

21、th Pauls pajamas and Roberts shirts.Here you are. Two lovely clean shirts. Those shirts arent white. They are pink.Yes, they are, and they are very pretty!Here are 这些是 pyjamas(一套)睡衣裤them他、她、它们(they的宾格) bright red 鲜红色的a bit有点,稍微 shirt 衬衣pure white纯白的 Washing machine洗衣机lovely 可爱的 those那些 My / Your shi

22、rts are white. Are your shirts white?Yes, they are. / No, they aren What color are your shirts?They are / Theyre white. Put my shirts / Put them in the washing machine.Lesson 19 Jump in上车吧Hurry up, Lucy. Heres the bus.Wait a minute! My bags heavy.My bags heavy, too.Come on!Oh, no! the bus is full!Oh

23、, dear!Our school buses are all full.Whats in your bag?Books, of course. My bags full of books, too. Look, theres Claire. Hello, Claire!Hello, Robot! Hello Lucy!Whats the matter Lucy?The buses are all full.And our bags are very heavy.Gee, they are heavy.Whats in them?They are full of books and the b

24、uses are full of people.Never mind. Heres my mom with the car. And the cars empty. Jump in,and put your bags in , too.Jump跳 hurry快点儿 等一下!full满的Come on ! 快点儿! Gee!哎呀!(表示惊讶)Oh , dear ! 噢,天哪!people人Never mind !不要紧! empty空的 Is your bag / Are your bags full? my, you, his, her, our, your, their My bag is

25、/ My bags full. My bags are full.Lesson 21 Very smart真神气 These are our outfits for the school play.Oh, very smart! Look, William!Yes, youre both very elegant. Thank you, Dad.Thats an interesting tie, Robert.Um, yes, thanks, Dad.Its very colorful. Very unusual. Yes, um, its my favorite tie.Those are

26、funny shoes, Robert.Are they a bit big for you?These shoes? No, Mum. Theyre all right. They are right for the part.Where are my new shoes?They arent in my bedroom.Oh ,Robert!Hey, Robert! Thats my tie!Those are my new shoes!And those are my socks, too!smart 神气的 these这些outfit 服装 play戏剧,演出both(两者)都 elegant优雅的

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