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1、A.boysB.cooksC.pensD.glasses)4.bowlA.cowB.towerCpowerD.ow n)5.whoseA.whoB.whichC.whatD.When)6.character A.richB.chemistryC.cha nee D.teachB) 根据下列对话的情景,找出划线句子中一般要重读的单词。 (2分)( )7.-What is her name ?-Her name is Lucy. A.Her B.Her , n ame C.L ucy D.Her n ame, Lucy.( )8.-D0 you like the red pen or black

2、one?-I like the black one. A.I, like, black one black D.I, black oneC) 以下每组对话由三个句子组成,指出这三个句子在一般情况下应该用什么语调。(2分)( )9- It s Chrismas tomorrow , isn t it?-Yes, Merry Chrismas!-The same to you.A. 升调,降调,降调 B. 降调,升调,降调C.降调,降调,升调 D. 降调,降调,降调( )10.-What will you do duri ng win ter vocati on?-I

3、 will visit my gran dpare nts.-What a good idea!A. 降调,降调,降调 B. 升调,降调,降调C.降调,降调,升调 D. 升调,降调,升调二、词汇(共15分)A)根据括号里要求,写出下列词的相应形式( 10分)12.gentleman ( 复数) 14.careful( 反义词) 16.we( 名词性物主代词) 18.male( 对应词) 19.silence(形容词) 2O.crash( 单三) B)根据句意及所给汉语意思或首字母提示写出所缺单词或短语( 5分)21. You must practice (跑步)every day.22. He

4、 ( 与 结婚)David last mon th.23.She is a waitress. Her job is to s people with food and drinks.24. A s is a kind of animal that has no legs to move.25. When you leave the house, make sure to ( 锁上)the door.三、语法与情景交际(25分)( )26.There is “f ” in the word “ France”.A.a B.a n C.the D./( )27. Don t all the pa

5、per. I also need some.A.put up B.use up C.give out D.pick up( )28. Liste n! Some one is knocking the B.with C.for )29. It s raining outside, you d better your rain coat.A.put up B.dress C.put on D.To wear( )30.Taxi Apps(打车软件) can help us travel around more easily, more and more peopl

6、e like using them.Chi na.A.or B.So C.a nd D.but()31.-Do you ofte n watch Man and Nature on TV?-Sometimes. It s an interesti ng program, but I SportsNews.A.prefer B.wa nt C.k now )32. Mom is mak ing dinn er. It so ni ce.A.smells B.tastes C.feels unds( )33. Noth ing can preve nt us our

7、aims.A.reach reach C.from reach ing D.reaches()34. Dad, I think you should stop . It s bad for your health.A.smoke B.smoked C.smok ing smoke( )35 .I t is reported that more new teach ing buildi ngs in our school n extterm.A.will build B.were built C.has built D.will be built- No, but if he

8、 , I A.will come B. won t come()37.-Must we take out the trash now? -_ class.A.Yes, you must B. No, you can t ( )38.The teacher asked me to read aloud_ll call you to have a meal together.C.comes D. does n .You can do it afterC .Yes, you may D. No, you n eed nt all the stude nts could hear( )36.-Do y

9、ou know if he will come tomorrow? that B.for C.because D.i n order to()39.-Why not to the park now? - Good idea! Let s go.A.go go C.goes D.goi ng( )40. That mountain in Guili n an elepha nt.A.lo oks up B.looks like C.lo oks for D.lo oks after()41.Mrs. Green dislikes coffee.A.drink B.dri

10、nking C.dra nk D.dri nks( )42 .I am not angry with you, We are friends, .A. in all B.above all C.after all all( )43.Physics is not so easy, I like it very much.A. but B.or C.since D.because( )44.Bria n puts the cardboard on top of the jar and .A.turn over it B.turns it over C.turn them over D.t

11、urn over them( )45.The movie we saw last ni ght was fan tastic.A.that B.what C.whose D.whoA.too tall B.tall en ough C.e nough tall D.short toocomputer.( )49.Joh n decided for a walk in the forest.A.go go C.goi ng D.we nt()50.-Merry Christmas! - .A. That s all right B.Me too C .OK D.The same to

12、you四、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)Tom was ten years old, and he was a ver y lazy boy, He did nt like doing any work. He had to go to school of course, but he did nt study hard there and tried to do as little work as possible. His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that their son would become a doc

13、tor, too, whe n he grew up.But one day Tomsaid to his mother, “ When finish school, I want to be a dustman. ”“A dustman? his mother asked, she was very surprised. Thats not a very good job, why do you want to become a dustma n?“ Because then I would only have to work one day a week. ” Tomanswered at

14、 once.“Only one day a week? ” his mother said, “What do you mean? and how do you know?“Well , Tomanswered, I know that the dustmen whocometo our house on work on Thursday, because I only see them on that day. ”()51 . What kind of boy was Tom?A.Tom was a clever boy B.Tom was a lazy boy C.Tom was a ha

15、rd-work ingboy.( )52 . What were his father and mother?A.His father was a doctor and his mother was a nu rse.B.His father was a worker, his mother was a doctor.C.His father and his mother were doctors,.( )53 . What did his parents want him to be when he grew up?A.They wan ted him to be a dustma n. B

16、.They wan ted him to be an officer.C.They wan ted him to be a doctor. ()54.What did Tom say he wan ted to be?A.Tom said that he wan ted to be a doctorB.Tom said that he wan ted to be a teacher.C.Tom said that he wan ted to be a dustma n .( )55.Why did Tom thi nk that dustme n on ly worked one day a

17、week?A.Because Tom heard of this.B.Because one of the dustmen had told him before.C.Because Tom had see n the dustme n only on Thurday at his house.BMr. Smith is our Chinese teacher. He always asks the same student to answer his questi ons because he does nt look at the stude nts at all. Yesterday h

18、e questio ned Dick three times. Dick was very an gry. After class Dick asked me,“What shall I do?” I told him a good idea. Nowwe are having a Chinese class. Mr. Smith wan ts one of us to read the text. “ Dick, please read the text. ”“ Dick isnt here today. ” Dick stands up and says. “ Oh, I see. You

19、 read it, please. ”()56.Mr. Smith teaches us .A.E nglish B.Math C.Chi nese( )57.He always asks the same stude nt to .A.a nswer his questio ns B.tell a story the text( )58.Yesterday he questi oned Dick .A.once B.twice C.three times( )59. told Dick a good idea.A. “I” B.Mr.Smith C.Dick() th

20、e idea really good? .A.yes, it is B.No, it isnt C.Yes, it doesI题IiI答I要LI外线五、 口语交际:补全对话。 (共10分)从下面的方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。 (有两项是多余的)A: What s the matter, Mrs. Smith?B: 61 can t do my any work, doctor.A.I feel very well.B.I hope you will get better soon.C.Do you sleep well at ni ght?D.I m not feeling wellE.An

21、d do someexercise every day.F.You n eed to eat less food.G.There is no thi ng serious. Do you have a cough? No, I don t have a cough. 62 . Yes, I sleep very well. Do you have breakfast every morning? t have breakfast .And I haveonly a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin. Oh,

22、I see._63_.You n eed to eat more foodand have three meals a day, _64_. OK, I will do like that. 65 . Thank you very much.学密六、 句型转换。(每空一词,共10分)66.He made the farmers work for a long time. (改为被动语态)The farmers were made for a long time.67.It is a great day.( 改为感叹句) great day it is!68.She is so young th

23、at she can t go to school.( 改为同义句) She is young go to school,69.Bruce has art lesso ns twice a week.( 对划线部分提问)does Bruce have arts less ons?70.She has never heard of that.( 改为反意疑问句)She has never heard of that , ?七、完形填空1。(共10分)A stra nge thing happe ned to Henry yesterday. He was on a bus and to _71_

24、.So he stood up and rang the bell. _72_ make sure the driver heard him, he rangit twice, but the bus _73_ stop. An dthe con ductor camea nd shouted _74_ him.The con ductor was _75_ angry and spoke so fast that Henry did n t un dersta nd _76_. The bus stopped at the n ext bus and Henry got off. As he

25、 got off he heard some one said, “I think he is a foreigner. ” When Henry got home, he told his wife aboutit._77_ times did you ring the bell? ” his wife asked.Twice, ” said Henry.“Well, that s the signal _78_the driver _79_ on. ”His wife explained,“ Only the con ductor_80_ to ringthe bell twice. Th

26、ats why the con ductorgot so an gry! ”Henry no dded.“I see, ” he said.()71.A. got offB.gets offC.get offD.get on()72. A.ToB.AtC.InD.with()73.A. does n,tB.don tC.didn D.wasn()74. A.inB.o A.soB.asC.atD.because)76.A.wordsB.a ng)77.A.How manyB.How muchC.How longD.How)78. A

27、.toB.atC.o nD.for) goB.goC.we nt onD.goes) allowedC.was allowedD.allowB卷(共50分)八、 完形填空2。语篇型语法填空。(10分)根据句意用所给单词适当形式填空。It s hard to make 81_(friend) if you stay at home alone all the time.Be outgoing( 开朗的),get out of the house and do things with other people. It s easier to make

28、friends when you follow these: Show people what you are 82 (well) at. Talk about the things you like and you do best. People will be 83 (in terest) in you if there is someth ing in teresti ng.Look people in the eye( 正视)when talking with them. That way, they ll findit easier to talk to you, or people

29、 may 84 (think )you re not interestedin them and stop being in terested in you.Be a good 85(listen). Let people talk about themselves before talk ing about 86 ( you). Ask lots of questions. Show 87 ( a/an) interest in their an swers.Make friends with the people you 88 (real) like, not just with those who 89 _(be) easy to meet. Be friendly to people. That way, you ll have a bigger group of people to choose and more cha nces (机会)for 90 (make)

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