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2、S 第十条 权利及赔偿SECTION 11 APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS OF PLEDGED COLLATERAL IN EVENT OF DEFAULT第十一条 违约情况下承诺抵押品的收益应用SECTION 12 COMPLIANCE WITH SECURITIES LAWS第十二条 有价证券法律的遵守SECTION 13 MONETARY RELIEF 第十三条 货币补偿SECTION 14 MISCELLANEOUS 第十四条 其他款项1.1 Use of Defined Terms. Unless otherwise expressly specified here

3、in, defined terms denoting the singular number shall, when in the plural form, denote the plural number of the matter or item to which such defined terms refer, and vice-versa. The Section, Schedule and Exhibit headings used in this Pledge Agreement are descriptive only and shall not affect the cons

4、truction or meaning of any provision of this Agreement. Unless otherwise specified, the words “hereof,” “herein,” “hereunder” and other similar words refer to this Pledge Agreement as a whole and not just to the Section, subsection or clause in which they are used; and the words “this Agreement” ref

5、er to this Pledge Agreement. Unless otherwise specified, references to Sections, Recitals, Schedules and Exhibits are references to Sections of, and Recitals, Schedules and Exhibits to this Agreement.定义术语的使用。除非在此另作明确详细说明,表示单数的定义术语,如果以复数形式出现,则表示此定义术语所指的事宜或事项的复数,反之亦然。本抵押协议中使用的条,附件以及附件标题仅具有描述性,不得对本协议中任

6、何条款的构建和意义造成影响。除非另作说明,“本协议中”,“依据本协议”,“在本协议内”这样的词以及其他类似的词语系指此质押协议的整体,而不仅仅是使用这些词语的节,小节或条;“本协议”这些词系指本抵押协议。除非明确表示另有所指,本协议中在使用节、陈述、附表及证明时,所指涉的均系本协议之节、陈述、附表及证明。1.2 Statements as to Knowledge. Any statements, representations or warranties which are based upon the knowledge of the Pledgor shall be deemed to

7、have been made after due inquiry with respect to the matter in question.认知声明。在抵押人认知基础上的任何声明,陈述或保证均应被视为在对所涉及事宜进行正当询问之后做出。2.1 Pledge by Pledgor. The Pledgor hereby pledges, and assigns to the Lender, and hereby transfers to the Lender all right, title, ownership and interest in and to (all the foregoi

8、ng herein called the “Pledge”), the following described property hereinafter called the “Pledged Collateral”: the _ shares of _ ( ), together with any certificates, whether physical or electronic, evidencing such shares (collectively, the “Pledged Shares”) and all cash, instruments, securities or ot

9、her property representing a dividend or other distribution on any of the Pledged Shares, or representing a distribution or return of capital upon or in respect of the Pledged Shares, or resulting from a split-up, revision, reclassification or other like change of the Pledged Shares or otherwise rece

10、ived in exchange therefore, and any warrants, rights or options issued to the holders of, or otherwise in respect of, the Pledged Shares, and all proceeds thereof (collectively, the “Pledged Collateral”).抵押人的抵押。抵押人在此向贷方抵押,转让,转移所有权利,所有权和利息(本协议中所有前述事项均称为“抵押”),以下描述的财产简称为“承诺抵押品”:_的股份,连同任何证明这种股份的物质或电子凭证(

11、统称为“抵押股份”)以及所有现金,工具,有价证券,或者其他代表股息或其他抵押股份任何分配的财产,或者代表根据或有关抵押股份的资金分配或返回,或者由于对抵押股份进行股本分割,修正,重新分类或其他类似改变,或者相反,因此作为交换而接收,以及对持有人发放的任何抵押股份或反之与其有关的保证,权利,或选择,以及本协议中的所有收益(统称“承诺抵押品”)。3.1 Non-Recourse Loan and Pledge. The Lender agrees, for itself, its representatives, successors and assigns that: (i) neither t

12、he Pledgor, nor any representative, successor, assign or affiliate of the Pledgor, shall be personally liable for the Principal Loan Amount; and (ii) the Lender, and any such representative, successor or assignee, shall look only to the property identified in this Pledge Agreement for payment of the

13、 Obligations and will not make any claim or institute any action or proceeding against the Pledgor, or any representatives, successors, assigns or affiliate of the Pledgor, for any deficiency remaining after collection upon the Pledged Collateral, except as provided below. 无追索权贷款及抵押。贷方为自己,其代表,继承人及受让

14、人,同意:(1)抵押人,或者抵押人的任何代表,继承人,受让人或附属者中任何一方不得个人对主要贷款金额负责;(2)贷方,以及任何代表,继承人或受托人仅能将本抵押协议中定义的财产作为支付债务,不得以获得承诺抵押品后仍有任何损失为由向抵押人,或者抵押人的任何代表,继承人,受让人或附属者提出任何索赔,采取任何行动或起诉,除非有下述情况。Provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, the Pledgor is and will remain personally liable for any deficiency remaining after c

15、ollection of the Pledges Collateral to the extent of any loss suffered by Lender, or its representatives, successors, endorsees or assigns, is caused by Pledgor based in whole or in part upon damages arising from any fraud, misrepresentations or the breach of any representation, warranty or agreemen

16、t in the Loan Documents.尽管如前述事项,但如果抵押人个人正在并保持对获得承诺抵押品之后依然存在的任何贷方,或者其代表,继承人,被背书人或受让人蒙受的任何程度的损失负责,及任何由抵押人对陈述,保证或贷款文件中的协议进行任何欺骗,歪曲引起的整体或部分损失。4.1 Pledge Absolute. The Pledgor hereby agrees that this Pledge Agreement shall be binding upon the Pledgor and that the Pledge of the Pledged Collateral hereunde

17、r shall be binding upon the Pledgor and that the Pledge of the Pledged Collateral hereunder shall be irrevocable and unconditional, irrespective of the validity, legality or enforceability of the Loan Agreement and any other Loan Document, even in the absence of any action to enforce the same, the w

18、aiver or consent by the Lender with respect to any provision thereof, or any action to enforce the same or any other similar circumstances. The Pledgor hereby waives diligence, presentment, demand of payment, filing of claims with a court in the event of merger or bankruptcy of the Pledgor, any noti

19、ce to require a proceeding first against the Pledgor or any other Person, protest or notice with respect to indebtedness evidenced hereby and all demands whatsoever, and covenants that this Agreement will remain in full force and effect so long as any Obligations under the Loan Agreement remains unp

20、aid.绝对承诺。抵押人在此同意本抵押协议对抵押人构成约束,在本协议内对抵押品的承诺应对抵押人构成约束,本协议内对抵押品的承诺应为不可撤销,无条件的,不论贷款协议或者其他贷款文件的有效性,合法性和强制性,甚至无论任何相同行为的执行,贷方有关协议中的任何条款的弃权或同意,或者执行任何相同或类似情况的行为。在此,如果抵押人面对并购和破产,对抵押人或者其他人首先提出诉讼要求的任何通知,与协议中证实的债务相关的声明及通知,以所有要求,将放弃在法庭上的注意程度,陈述,支付索取和索赔的提出,保证本协议保持完全有效,并且在贷款协议下尚有任何未偿还债务时均保持有效。4.2 Termination and Re

21、delivery of the Pledged Collateral. This Agreement shall terminate when all of the Pledgors Obligations have been paid in full. Within five business days of the Pledgors satisfaction of the Obligations, the Lender shall reassign all right, title, ownership and interest in identical securities, as de

22、scribed in IRC 1058 to the Pledgor and redeliver the Pledged Collateral, without recourse or warranty, at the sole expense of the Lender. The Lender shall also deliver appropriate instruments of reassignment and release. Provided, however, that this Agreement shall be reinstated if any payment in re

23、spect of the Obligations is rescinded, invalidated, declared to be fraudulent or preferential or otherwise required to be restored or returned by the Lender for any reason, including without limitation by reason of the insolvency or bankruptcy of the Pledgor or any other person. For the purpose of t

24、his Pledge Agreement and the Loan Documents, a return of identical securities means a return of the Pledged Shares as modified as a result of any split-up, revision, reclassification or other like change of the Pledged Shares. Any cash or shares tendered to buy down the Loan due to the occurrence of

25、 an Event of Default are not subject to redelivery and do not become part of the Pledged Collateral.协议终止及承诺抵押品的重新发运。本协议于抵押人所有债务完全付清之后终止。在抵押人付清债务的五个工作日内,贷方应如IRC 1058中的描述向抵押人重新分配相同有价证券中的一切权利,所有权和利益,无追索权或保证的情况下重新运送承诺抵押品,费用仅由贷方支付。贷方也应采取适当方法,重新转让和让与。然而,如任何有关债务的支付被撤销,失效,宣告具有欺骗性,偏颇或相反被贷方以任何理由要求恢复或退回,包括抵押人因

26、资不抵债或破产或其他无限制的任何原因,则本协议应得到重申。在本抵押协议及贷款文件中,相同有价证券的退回意味着以抵押股份的任何股本分割,重新修改,重新分类或其他类似改变为由依照修改退回抵押股份。任何购买因发生违约贷款偿付的现金或股份均不受制于重新发运,也不会变成承诺抵押品的一部分。4.3 Risk of Loss. This Pledge Agreement and the Loan Documents are not intended to, nor do they, reduce the risk of loss or opportunity for gain for either the

27、Pledgor or Lender, as transferor of the shares, at any given time, in the securities transferred. See, IRC 1058(b) (3). The Pledgor, as transferor of the securities (specifically, the Pledged Collateral), retains all opportunity for gain or loss on the securities over the term of the Agreement and a

28、t its maturity and termination. 损失风险。本抵押协议以及所有贷款文件无打算,也并不会在任何特定时间作为股份转让人降低抵押人或贷方中任何一方在转移的有价证券中的损失风险或者收益机会。请见IRC 1058(b) (3)。作为有价证券(特别是承诺抵押品)的转移者,抵押人根据协议条款,以及在到期和终止时保留有价证券的一切收益或损失的机会。5.1 Representations and Warranties. The Pledgor hereby represents and warrants as follows: 陈述与保证。抵押人在此做出如下陈述和保证:(a) Th

29、e Pledgor has legal title to the Pledged Shares and is the sole record and beneficial owner of the Pledged Shares. The Pledgor has good and lawful authority to Pledge all of the Pledged Shares in the manner hereby done or contemplated. The Pledged Shares are not now subject to any Liens, security in

30、terests, charges or encumbrances of any kind or nature. The Pledged Shares are not subject to any contractual statutory or regulatory or other restriction upon the transfer thereof, and no right, warrant or option to acquire any of the Pledged Shares exists in favor of any other Person. 抵押人对抵押股份拥有法定

31、权利,是抵押股份的唯一记录和收益所有人。抵押人拥有良好及合法权威以协议内完成或预期的手段来保证所有抵押股份。抵押股份目前不受制于任何扣留,抵押权益,费用或任何性质或种类的财产留置权。抵押股份不受制于任何契约的,法定或规定或协议中对转移的其他限制,不得存在有利于任何其他方的任何取得抵押股份的权利,保证或选择。(b) The Pledged Shares are freely tradable and transferable securities and do not bear any restrictive legend. No authorizations, approvals and consents, and no filings or registrations with any governmental or regulatory authority or agency or any other Person are neces

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