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练口语记单词 四级6Word文件下载.docx

1、2.珍奇的,出类拔萃的;3.(空气等)稀薄的; 4.(肉)煎得嫩的 Since I started my new job, I rarely have time to go out. Why dont you take a night off next week and go to the club with me?rarelyad. 不常,难得 Do you want to go exploring in the sewers? Im afraid of all the rats down there.ratn.鼠 If you buy the car today, I can give y

2、ou a good rate on a loan. Actually, I think Id rather wait.raten.1.速度,进度;2.比率,率;3.价格,费vt.1.对估价,评估; 2.给定级,把列为; 3.值得,应得vi. 被评价,被列入特定级别 Whats the ratio of male to female students at your school? Its about three to one.ration.比,比率 When youre in love, its hard to be rational thinker. I agree.rationala.1.

3、理性的,理智的;2.合理的 Do you like to eat raw fish? No, because when I do I worry about getting an upset stomach.rawa.1.自然状态的,未加工过的;2.未煮过的,生的;3.(数据等)未经分析(或调整)的,原始的; 4.生疏无知的,未经训练的; 5.(伤口等)露肉而刺痛的in the raw 1.处在自然状态的;2.裸体的 Why do you think they reacted so negatively to my paper? Probably because you didnt do a

4、good job of researching for it.reactvi.1.反应,做出反应;2.(against)反对,反动,反其道而行; 3.(with)起化学反应; 4.(on,upon)影响,起作用 What would you mothers reaction be if you dropped out of school? I think she would scream and then start to cry.reactionn. 1.反应,反作用; 2.(against)反动,对抗 Were you disappointed when the critics panne

5、d your book? Not really, because I care more about the average readers opinion than I do about the critics.readern.1.读者;2.读物,读本 I would readily agree to marry him, if he would only ask! Maybe you should take the initiative.readilyad.1.乐意地,欣然地; 2.容易地; 3.很快地,立即 How are the readings for the class? Some

6、 of them are difficult, but all of them are interesting.readingn.1.读,阅读;2.朗读,朗诵(会);3.读物,选读; 4.(仪表等上的)读数,指示数 Do you think its realistic to expect another year of solid growth? If the market conditions stay the same, I think it is.realistica.1.现实的;2.实际可行的;3.现实主义的,逼真的 The reality of the situation is th

7、at we dont love each other any more. Well, what do you plan to do about it?realityn. 1.现实,实际;2.真实in reality 实际上,事实上 Do you think if I trained hard I could run a mile in under four minutes? I suppose its in the realm of possibility, but its certainly not likely.realmn.1.界,领域,范围;2.王国,国度 Her car bumped

8、 into me from the rear . Did she apologize?rear n.1.后部,尾部,背面; 2.后方a.1.后部的,后面的,背后的; 2.后方的vt. 抚养,饲养,种植bring up the rear 处在最后的位置,殿后 Do you think its reasonable to ask my father to lend me some money? I think its a reasonable request, but he might say no.reasonablea. 1.通情达理的,讲道理的;2.合理的,有道理的;3.(价钱)公道的; 4

9、.尚好的,过得去的 Samantha skipped school again today. When will she stop being such a rebel ?rebeln. 反叛分子,反对者vi. 1.反叛,造反;2.反对,不服从 Do you recall what happened on the night of December 27,1995? I can remember that night, but only vaguely.recallvt.1.回忆起,回想起;2.召回.叫回;3.收回,撤消vi.记得,回想 Heres the receipt for the fo

10、od that I bought you. Thanks. Ill reimburse you tomorrow.receiptn.1.发票,收据;收入,进款; 3.收到,接到 I telephoned last night, but I was unable to get through to you. Sorry. That is because the receiver was off the book.receivern. 1.(电话)听筒; 2.接收器 Until recently , I always thought I wanted to be a firefight

11、er. What do you want to be now?recentlyad. 最近,新近 Will you be coming to the wedding? I cant make it for the wedding, but I will be there for the reception afterwards.receptionn.1.招待会,欢迎会; 2.接受,接纳;3.接待,迎接; 4.(无线电,电视等的)接收效果 The economic recession has really hit my business hard. The good news is that t

12、he recession appears to be ending.recessionn.(经济的)衰退,衰退期 How long do you reckon itll take me to drive to the next state? It shouldnt take you more than four hours.reckonvt.1.认为,估计;2.(on)指望,盼望; 3.测算,测量reckon with 1.估计到,预料到; 2.处理,对付 Can you speak Chinese? I cant speak very well, but my character recog

13、nition is pretty good.recognitionn.1.认出,识别; 2.承认,确认,认可; 3.赏识,表彰,报偿 Do you recognize that woman over there? Oh, thats Julia. She used to live here about fifteen years ago, before you moved to town.recognizevt. 1.认出,识别; Can you recommend a good carpenter to fix my bookshelf? Actually, my brother is a

14、carpenter.recommendvt. 1.推荐,举荐; 2.劝告,建议;3.使成为可取,使受欢迎 Would you be willing to write a recommendation letter for me? I would be delighted to. To whom should I send it?recommendationn. 1.推荐,推荐信;2.建议,劝告; 3.优点,长处,可取之处 I brought this tape recorder so that we can record the contents of your conversation. T

15、o tell you the truth, Id really rather not be recorded.recordern. 1.录音机;录象机; 2.记录装置,记录仪 Shes made an amazingly quick recovery from her injury. Is she walking on her own yet?recoveryn. 1.恢复,痊愈; 2.追回,寻回,收复 Are you any good at tennis? Sometimes I play just for recreation .recreationn.娱乐活动,消遣 Could you

16、help me recruit some people to help me move into my new house? Sure, Ill see whom I can find.recruitvt.招募(新兵),吸收(新成员)n. 新兵,新成员 The reduction in staff at the school has clearly reduced the schools performance. Are they considering hiring the teachers back?reductionn.1.减少,缩小; 2.下降,降低 This new dictiona

17、ry is a great reference . Is it available online?referencen. 1.提到,论及; 2.参考,查阅; 3.引文,参考书目; 4.证明书(或人),推荐信(或人)with reference to 关于,就而论 Do you like to drink beer? I used to, but my taste buds have refined over the years, and now I only drink wine.refinevt.1.精炼,精制,提纯; 2.使优美,使完善 Have you enjoyed your vaca

18、tion? Yes, its been great to have some time to reflect on my life.reflectv.1.反映,显示; 2.反射,映现; 3.深思,考虑,反省 Can you see your reflection in the pond? Yes, but not too clearly because there are so many ripples in the water.reflectionn. 1.映像,倒影;2.反射; 3.反映,表达;4.非议,批评;5.深思,考虑,反省 Do you think the government r

19、eforms will effectively crack down on corruption? The institutional reforms will help, but a true end to corruption requires a change in the behavior of individuals.reformvt. 改革,改良,改造vi. 改正,改过自新n.改革,改良,改造 Could you refresh my memory on how long our literature paper is supposed to be? I think were su

20、pposed to write ten pages.refreshv. (使)振作精神,(使)恢复活力 What will happen to all of the refugees ? They will stay in camps until they can be relocated.refugeen.难民 I was stunned by his refusal to help me with my project. You have to realize that he is a very busy man.refusaln.拒绝 Regarding that note you se

21、nt me, I had a little trouble understanding it. Oh, it was just to remind you to pick Sarah up on Saturday.regardingprep. 关于 Regardless of how many championships he wins, he still isnt satisfied. Some people just have an unquenchable thirst for victory.regardlessad.不顾后果地,不管怎样,无论如何regardless of 不顾,不惜

22、 Do you travel all over the country to play your games? No, we only travel within our region .regionn. 1.地区,地带,区域;2.范围,幅度in the region of在左右,接近 If you want to go to the camp, you should register soon. Ill fill out an application tomorrow.registern.1.登记,注册;2.登记表,注册簿vi.登记,注册vt.1.登记,给注册;2.(仪表等)指示,自动记下;

23、 3.表示,表达; 4.注意到,记住; 5.把(邮件)挂号 How do they regulate the flow of water through the dam? Its a complicated system that I dont entirely understand.regulatevt.1.管理,控制;2.调整,调节 With the new regulations , no one under sixteen is allowed on the street after dark. I understand the rationale for the rule, but

24、I also think its a bit extreme.regulationn.1.规章,规则; 2.管理,控制,调节 Id like to reinforce the point that applications for the program are due by noon tomorrow. Will you accept late applications?reinforcevt.增强,加强,增援 Were you disappointed when the boss rejected your proposal? A little bit, but I havent let

25、it bother me.rejectvt.1.拒绝;2.拒纳,退回,屏弃n.被拒货品,不合格产品 Its hard for me to relate to the younger generation. Just like Im sure its hard for them to relate you.relatevi.1.(to)有关联;2.适应,和睦相处vt.1.使互相关联; 2.讲述,叙述 How long have you two been in a romantic relationship ? Itll be three years on Thursday.relationshi

26、pn.关系,关联 Einsteins theory of relativity revolutionized science. Is there a book that I could read that explains it in simple terms?relativity n.1.相对论;2.相关性 Its hard to relax with the neighbors playing their music so loud next door. Why dont you ask them to turn it down?relaxv.1.放松,(使)松弛; 2.放宽,缓和 Whe

27、n will you be released from prison? Not for another ten years.releasevt./n.1.释放,排放; 2.解除,解脱; 3.放开,松开;4.发布,发行 What do I need to do to get a drivers license? Bring all of the relevant documents to your nearest Department of Motor Vehicles.relevanta.有关的,切题的 I think its time for you to get a new car. A

28、lot of people say that to me, but this old car is actually still quite reliable .reliablea.可靠的,可信赖的 Its such a relief to see you walking again. Yes. Im pleased to report that my recovery is going well.reliefn.1.轻松,宽慰; 2.(痛苦等)缓解,减轻,解除; 3.缓和剂; 4.接替者 Did you feel relieved when I finally showed up at the airport? Yes, though I knew you would have g

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