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1、五一劳动节英文祝福语People dont have to be beautiful, but they must be beautiful.通用参考模板(页眉可删)五一劳动节英文祝福语 1、袅袅的轻烟,潺潺的小溪,都是我对你最好的关怀,没有宏伟的气势,却有着永远平静的支持,祝五一快乐,开心幸福!Madadayo smoke, gurgling streams, is I to you the best care, not the grand finale, have always calm, I wish May 1 happy, happy happy!2、工作一心一意,效率一马当先,做事

2、一丝不苟,成绩一鸣惊人,事业一帆风顺,五一劳动节,送你五个一,愿你更上层楼!Work wholeheartedly, the efficiency of the lead, meticulous work, achievement, career, May Day, send you five, I wish you a good to great!3、朋友,相遇,相识,相知,风雨同舟的日子里,我们相互关怀,春暖花开的日子里,我们相约游玩,祝劳动节快乐!Friends, meet and get to know each other, know each other, grow togethe

3、r, we each other care, bloomy spring days, we meet, I wish a happy labor day!4、对待生活,像工作一样认真;对待工作,像爱情一样狂热;对待劳动,像呼吸一样自然;对待未来,像现实一样坦然。五一劳动节快乐!Treat life, like work carefully; To work, like love fever; Treatment of labor, as natural as breathing. About the future, calm like reality. Happy May Day!5、朋友是会

4、默默在身边支持你的,如果遇到了不顺心的事情就回头看看,你会现还有我在陪伴着你,劳动节快乐,勤劳的小蜜蜂!Friends will be quietly in the side support you, if there are any of those things will look back, you will now have I accompany you, happy labor day, busy little bees.6、劳动是光荣滴!不劳动是可耻滴!热爱劳动是中华民族的传统美德,大家都先去劳动吧,我先睡一会儿就来!Labor is glorious drop! Labor i

5、s not shameful drops! Love of labor is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, everyone go to the labor, I sleep for a while will come first!7、五一小长假,心情放放松,笑容挂脸上,喜悦上眉稍,幸福穿身上,祝福送给你,开心伴你行,欢乐绕身旁,劳动节快乐。Five small long vacation, relax mood, smile hanging on his face, eyebrows slightly joy, happines

6、s, wearing, blessing you, happy with your actions, happiness around, happy labor day.8、茫茫人海中,你是我最好的朋友,无论我走到哪里,我都会记得你,五一到了,我祝你节日快乐,生活开心美满幸福!The boundless huge crowd, you are my best friend, no matter where I go, I will remember you, May Day is coming, I wish you a happy holiday, happy happy happy hap

7、py life!9、朋友似黑暗中的明灯,照亮了人生的道路,朋友如大海中的灯塔,指引了前进的方向,你是我最好的朋友,祝你五一快乐!A friend is like a lamp in the dark, lit up the road of life, friends like the lighthouse in the sea, to guide the way forward, you are my best friend, I wish you a happy May Day!10、五一要到了,我准备送你五个一:一飞冲天的事业,一鸣惊人的业绩,一帆风顺的生活,一本万利的生意,一生相随的快乐

8、!预祝劳动节快乐!May Day is coming, I am going to send you five: soar, blockbuster results, bon voyage of life, very lucrative business, a lifetime of happiness! I wish a happy labor day!11、朋友,是修来的幸福;友情,是难求的缘份;问候,是甜蜜的牵挂。浏览,是难得的雅致;悠闲,是放松的感觉;祝劳动节快乐!Friend, is revised to happiness; Friendship, is hard to get t

9、he fate; Greetings, it is sweet. Browsing, is a rare refined; Is carefree, relaxed feeling; I wish a happy labor day!12、朋友,生活虽然是由烦恼组成的一串念珠,但我们得微笑着数完它不是吗?在这轻松美好的假日里,祝你及亲爱的家人快乐!Friend, although the life is made up of a rosary troubles, but we have to smile for it isnt it? In this beautiful holiday, I

10、wish you a happy and my dear family!13、劳动是辛苦的,过程是快乐的,休息是舒适的,收获是幸福的,果实是甜美的。呵呵,朋友,祝你及你的家人五一劳动节快乐!Labor is hard work, the process is happy, the rest is comfortable, the harvest is happy, the fruit is sweet. Ha ha, friends, I wish you and your family a happy May Day!14、淡淡雨中情,思念为你开,细雨迎面来,浇灭我心伤。晴空万里云,挂念在心

11、间,五月红日照,念你放不下。五一到,想你无边。Light rain, missing for you, the drizzle oncoming, douse the hurt my heart. Clear blue clouds, miss in the heart, red sun, may read you can not let go. The May Day, miss you.15、劳动可以让你快乐的生活,劳动可以让你摆脱困境;劳动是幸福的_,劳动是成功的动力。五一劳动节到来之际,祝你劳动着,快乐着!Can let you happy life, labor can let yo

12、u out of trouble; Labor is the source of happiness, labor is the mother of success. On the arrival of May Day wish you labor, happy!16、地球人都放假了,唯有我这条短信在加班。它满载祝福,跨过重重高山、越过滔滔江水飞到你身边:五一快乐,事事顺心!The earth the person all have a holiday, only I this text messages in overtime. It full of blessings, across ma

13、ny mountains, across the river to fly to your side, May 1 happy, everything!17、风在吹,雨在下,很想让你笑一下,天有情,地有情,祝你时刻好心情,水在流,鱼在游,忘掉所有的忧愁,愿劳动节开心。Blowing in the wind, rain the next, want to make you smile, days affection, and love, and wish you good mood moment, water in a stream, fish in travel, forget all the

14、 sad, wish happy labor day.18、品一杯温馨淡雅的咔啡,赏满眼浪漫绚丽的美景,谈心中幸福美满的祝愿,五一劳动节,愿朋友快乐幸福每一天,健康好运随你行。Taste a cup of warm the cut of quietly elegant coffee, enjoy eyeful romantic and gorgeous scenery, talk happy wishes, May Day, wish friends happy every day, health and good luck with you.19、五一要“劳”,娱乐要动脑。五一要“闹”,喜气

15、已笼罩。五一要“捞”,好运海底捞。五一要“动”,四处多走动。祝五一快乐!May 1 to law, the entertainment to the brain. May 1 to make, beaming has enveloped. May 1 to get, good luck to the bottom of the sea. May 1 to move, much walking around. Happy May Day!20、年年有今日,岁岁有今朝;月月涨工资,周周中彩票,天天好心情,日日好运到,白天遇财神,晚上数钞票。五一劳动节快乐。Have today, but each

16、has today; Month wages, week in the lottery, a good mood every day, every day good luck, met the god of wealth during the day, night counting money. Happy May Day.21、祝身体康佳赛蒙牛,美女飘柔多联想;生活富康乐百氏,事业捷达步步高;财源强生腾新浪,股票长虹冒紫光。劳动节快乐。Wish a konka mengniu, body beauty to rejoice more associations; Life fukang robust, c

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