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1、能/会be over结束catch up with跟上/赶上fall behind落后/跟不上be used for被用来干be located in/on位于 get on/along well with与相处很好think of想起/考虑find out查明/发现come up with发现/找到work out计算出/解决wait for等待 pay for为付款have success in/succeed in在(方面)成功work hard努力工作/学习fall ill/sick生病come true实现go over复习/检查It is said that据说agree with

2、同意be mad at/be angry with生的气belong to属于praise for因为(某事)表扬(某人)except for除之外prefer to更喜欢某事物 help oneself to请随便吃点devote oneself to sth/doing sth致力于/献身于同音词father (父亲)- farther (较远,far的比较级) hear (听见)- here (这里) high (高)- hi (喂) eye (眼睛)- I (我) know (知道)- no (不) meat (肉)- meet (遇见) one (一) - won (获胜,win的过

3、去式) our (我们的)- hour (小时) pear (梨)- pair (一对;一双) sea (海)- see (看见) son (儿子)- sun (太阳) their (他们的)- there (那里) weak (弱的)- week (星期) weather (天气)- whether (是否) write (写)- right (对的;右) wear (穿;戴)- where (在哪里) whole (整个的)- hole (洞)反义词above在.上- below在.下all全部- none全无answer回答- ask询问borrow借进 lend借出/return归还b

4、est最好的- worst最坏的better更好的- worse更坏的both两者都- neither两者都不busy忙碌的- free空闲的buy买- sell卖cheap便宜的- expensive/ dear昂贵的clean干净的- dirty肮脏的clever聪明的- foolish愚蠢的cold寒冷的- hot炎热的cry哭- laugh笑cool凉爽的- warm温暖的careful小心的-careless粗心的danger危险- safety安全safe安全的- dangerous危险的dark黑暗的- bright明亮的dry干燥的- wet潮湿的early早的- late迟的

5、easy容易的- difficult/ hard困难的;艰巨的empty空的- full满的far远的- near近的begin开始- finish结束first最初的- last最后的forget忘记- remember记得soft软的 - hard硬的high高的- low低的inside在里面- outside在外面heavy重的- light轻的noisy吵闹的 quiet安静的old旧的- new新的old年老的- young年轻的possible可能的impossible不可能的pass通过;及格- fail未通过;不及格poor贫穷的- rich富裕的pull拉- push推pl

6、us加- minus减right右边(的)- left左边(的)right准确的- wrong错误的same相同的- different不同的short短的- long长的(个子)矮的- tall(个子)高的sleep睡觉- wake醒来small小的- big, large, great大的strong强壮的- weak虚弱的take拿走- bring带来thin瘦的- fat胖的薄的-thick厚的with有- without没有many很多-few几乎没有more更多-less更少polite礼貌的-rude粗鲁的receive收到-send送/寄同义词(组) arrive in/at=

7、get to=reach到达be fine=be well=be OK(身体)好be from=come from来自be in=be at home在家be away=be out=be not at home在外be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.忙于做某事give sb a call=give sb a ring给某人打电话go on doing sth.=go on with sth.继续干某事hear from=receive /have/ get a letter from收到某人的来信help sb with sth=help sb (to)d

8、o sth帮某人干某事look out=be careful=take care小心preferto=like better than更喜欢ring sb up=call sb打电话send for sb=ask sb to come派人去请take exercise=do sport做运动teach oneself=learn all by oneself自学walk to=go to on foot步行a lot of=lots of/plenty of很多a quarter past two=two fifteen 2:15 at times=sometimes有时at last=in

9、the end=finally最后a moment ago=just now刚才at once=right now/away立刻/马上more than=over超过no longer=notany longer=no more=not any more不再two and a half years=two years and a half两年半stay healthy=keep fit/healthy保持健康How do you like.?=What do you think of.?你认为.怎么样?one more =another (one)再一个almost - nearly几乎;差不

10、多answer-reply回答autumn-fall秋天gift-present礼物grow-plant种clever - bright聪明的expensive - dear昂贵的difficult - hardeasy - simple容易的;简单的famous - well-known著名的helpful - useful有益的;有用的ill - sick生病的maybe - perhaps -probably可能;大概real - true真正的;真实的whether - if是否名词复数 1.-s apple苹果boy男孩key钥匙2.s,x,ch,sh-es bus公共汽车class

11、课;班级box箱子watch手表match比赛brush刷子 3.辅+yies city城市country国家library图书馆family家庭factory.工厂baby婴儿story故事century世纪dictionary字典4.0-es hero英雄potato马铃薯tomato西红柿5.O-s Photo照片piano钢琴radio收音机zoo动物园kilo千克6.f(e)ves Knife小刀leaf树叶life生命thief小偷7.单复同形Chinese中国人Japanese日本人sheep绵羊deer鹿fish鱼8.词根变化man-men男人woman -women妇女 fo

12、ot-feet脚 tooth-teeth牙齿child-children小孩 mouse-mice老鼠9.部分变复数girl friend -girl friends女朋友 10.全部变复数man teacher -men teachers男教师11. GermanGermans德国人12.不可数名词表数量a cup of tea一杯茶a piece of paper一张纸three pieces of news三条消息five pairs of shoes五双鞋 a bottle of water一瓶水two glasses of milk两玻璃杯牛奶形容词/副词的比较级和最高级 1.-er

13、/est clean tall cold low 2.e-r fine nice large late 3.辅+yier/iest busy easy heavy happy healthy early 4.双写末辅+er/est big fat thin hot wet 5.more/most +多音节或部分双音节形容词/副词careful小心的useful有用的famous著名的quickly快地 slowly慢地 interesting有趣的beautiful美丽的 important重要的 popular流行的;受欢迎的6.不规则变化 good / wellbetter; best b

14、ad /badly/ illworse; worst little几乎没有less ;least many / muchmore; most farfarther; farthest (具体的远)/further ;furthest(抽象的远)基数词序数词 1.-th four四 fourth 2. t-h eight八 eighth去e-th nine九ninth 4.vefth five五fifth twelve十二 twelfth 5.yieth twenty二十twentieth还有thirty三十forty四十fifty五十sixty六十seventy七十eighty八十ninety

15、九十 6.特殊变化one一first two二 second three三third 7.twenty-one二十一twenty-first重要分数:二分之一one/a half三分之二two thirds四分之一one fourth/one(a)quarter四分之三three fourths/three quarters反身代词构成的短语1.enjoy oneself (过得愉快、玩得高兴) oneself to(请随便吃点.) 3. teach oneself = learn by oneself (自学) 4.look after/take care of oneself

16、(照顾自己) 5.hurt oneself (伤害自己) 6. leave one by oneself= leave one alone (把某人单独留下)7.devote oneself to (致力于)第三人称单数(简称:现单三) look play玩 enjoy喜欢 2.s,x,ch,sh,o-es fix修理;安装watch观看 teach wash洗wish希望 do go study学习try尝试4.havehas现在分词 1.-ing help协助 read 2.去e(不发音)-ing have live居住write 3.双写末辅+ing get sit put cut ru

17、n swim begin 4.ieying lie die 过去式,过去分词(规则变化和不规则变化)A.规则变化1.-ed pant种植play 2.e-d use用 3.辅+yied study worry担心 4.双写末辅+ed stop停止drop掉下plan计划B.不规则变化(见表)AAA型cut cut cut切,割put put put放set set set下沉;放置fit fit fit合适cost cost cost值(钱)read read read读hurt hurt hurt伤害shut shut shut关闭ABB型buy boughtbought买think tho

18、ughtthought想;认为bring broughtbrought带来fight foughtfought战斗;打/吵架teach taughttaught教catch caughtcaught捉住sendsentsent送;寄spendspentspent花费buildbuiltbuilt建筑lendlent借出tell told told告诉sell sold sold卖sleep slept slept睡sweep swept swept扫pay paid paid支付lay laid laid放置;产卵feel felt felt感觉;触摸find found found发现;找到

19、hear heard heard听见keep kept kept保持leave left left离开;留下lose lost lost失去say said said说 dig dug dug挖get got got得到have/has had had有/吃hold held held握住;举行make made made制造;使得meet met met遇见sit sat sat坐win won won赢shine shone shone发光;照射feed fed fed喂养AB型beat beat beaten打ABA型become became become成为come came com

20、e来run ran run跑ABC型am/is was been是are were been是begin began begun开始sing sang sung唱swim swam swum游泳drink drank drunk喝ring rang rung响;打电话grow grew grown生长;种植know knew known知道;理解blow blew blown吹drive drove driven驾驶draw drew drawn绘制;拉give gave given给rise rose risen升起take took taken拿走show showed shown出示br

21、eak broke broken打破choose chose chosen选择speak spoke spoken讲话do did done做fall fell fallen跌;落go went gone去see saw seen看见wear wore worn穿;戴eat ate eaten吃fly flew flown放;飞lie lay lain躺wake woke woken醒来steal stole stolen偷盗hide hid hidden隐藏ride rode ridden骑;乘forget forgot forgotten忘记write wrote written写情态动词

22、只有过去式:can could能;会may might能够;可能will would将;会shall should应该have/ has to had to不得不must必须名词 1.+er singer歌唱家teacher教师player比赛者worker工人farmer农民traveller旅行者owner所有者foreigner外国人writer作者driver司机winner获胜者runner赛跑者 swimmer游泳者2.+or visitor参观者inventor发明者act表演 actor(男)演员3.+ion invention发明describedescription描写op

23、erate动手术operation手术4.+ing building建筑training训练 meaning意思 warning警告smoke smoking吸烟5.+ist artist美术家science科学 scientist科学家6.+ness illness疾病busy business商业;生意happy happiness幸福;愉快7.+ment development发展8.tce different difference不同confident confidence自信important importance主要 9.不规则变化:advise advice建议proud pri

24、de骄傲high高的 height高度weigh称.重量 weight重量long长的 length长度strong强壮的strength力量succeed success成功safe safety安全friend朋友friendship友谊diedeath死encourage鼓励courage勇气law法律lawyer律师choose choice选择decide decision决定speak speech说话think思考thought思想produce生产product产品形容词 1.+y cloudy多云的windy刮风的snowy下雪的rainy下雨的lucky幸运的healthy

25、健康的 noisenoisy吵闹的sunny晴朗的 funny可笑的 2.+ful careful useful helpful有协助的 peaceful和平的thankful感激的wonderful精彩的 colourful艳丽的successful成功的painful病痛的 3.+ly friendly友好的 lovely可爱的lively热闹的;有生气的4.+ous dangerous5.+ing/ed interesting interested exciting excited兴奋的6. a- alive活着的 asleep睡着的awake清醒的 7.cet difference different 8. +ed wounded受伤的close closed关着的worry worried担忧的pleased高兴的;满意的9. +ern eastern东方的 western西方的 northern北方的 southern南方的10.特殊变化pride proud well good die dead enjoy enjoyable愉快的open open person人personal个人的副词 1.+ly clear清楚的quick careful quiet real真的final最后的softsoftly 2.y ily lucky angry happy

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