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1、(药等)有功效的4crime n罪行;犯罪行为criminal n罪犯5connect v联系connection n联系;关系;关联6legal adj.合法的illegal adj.违法的;不合法的7treat v治疗;对待treatment n治疗8disagree vi.不同意;意见不合disagreement n不同意;争执9affect vt.影响;对有坏影响effect n影响10gym(gymnasium) n健身房,体育馆gymnast n体操运动员gymnastic adj.体操的gymnastics n体操,体操训练.语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1He drove

2、so fast that I really felt my life was in dangerSo I told him driving fast was dangerous and if he didnt slow down,he would endanger our lives.(danger)2Playing computer games can be a dangerous addictionIt often starts as a hobby,but it is so addictive that many young people are addicted to it.Somet

3、imes the addicts will break the law in order to play these games.(addict)3Fagin and his group of criminals find him and drag him back into the life of crime(crime)拓展联想后缀ful形容词大观园powerful 强有力的 harmful 有害的useful 有用的 helpful 有帮助的hopeful 有希望的 successful 成功的careful 细心的 fruitful 硕果累累的后缀ant名词全接触participant

4、 参与者assistant 助手accountant 会计servant 仆人短语多维应用.短语回顾会默写1related to 有关系的;有关联的2break into 破门而入;强行闯入3belong to 属于4be/become addicted to 对上瘾;沉迷于5take ones advice 听某人的意见6in order to/so as to 为了7give up 戒除;放弃8die from 死于9look up 向上看;查找10put up 提高(价钱);举起.语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空)1(2017鲁西北名校调研)The moment I got home,

5、I found my house broken into and robbed.2No matter how hard it is,the mother will never give up the hope to treat the illness of the twins.3The mountain village I visited last week is made up of 30 families belonging to five nationalities.4Many people in the area died from accidents related to drink

6、ing alcohol.5There are an increasing number of teenagers who are addicted to cigarettes.“目的”表达大全in order to/so as to 为了in order that/so that 为了,以便for/with the purpose of 为了,目的是with the aim of 目的是句式结构仿写教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.现在分词作伴随状语Now I work in a centre for drug addicts,helping others to stop taking drug

7、s.1.玛丽坐在教室的窗户旁,读着一本书。Mary sat by the window of the classroom,reading a book.2.such/so.that.如此以至于Some people feel so nervous that they call the police.2.他进步得很快,老师们对他很满意。He has made such great progress that the teachers are pleased with him.3.“否定词比较级”表示最高级I couldnt agree more.3.你觉得2018年春晚怎么样?What do y

8、ou think of the 2018 CCTVs Spring Festival Gala? 就我个人而言,再好不过了。As far as Im concerned,it couldnt be better.4.whatever引导让步状语从句Whatever youre doing when you want to smokedo something else!4.无论遇到什么样的困难,他都要继续推行他的计划。Whatever difficulties he may meet with,he will carry on his plan.(对应学生用书第42页)精讲4个考纲单词 addi

9、ct n对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子vt.使上瘾教材原句Im 19 years old and I used to be a drug addict.我19岁,曾经是一个吸毒上瘾的人。(1)addict oneself to 沉溺于;醉心于be/become/get addicted to. 沉迷于;热爱;迷上(2)addictive adj. 使人上瘾的addiction n. 瘾;Teenagers who are addicted to the Internet are more likely to suffer from depression.有网瘾的青少年更可能患忧郁症。Some s

10、tudents are now fighting their addiction(addict) to computer games.现在一些学生正努力戒除电脑游戏瘾。You should stop taking this medicine because it is addictive(addict)你不要再吃这种药了,因为它令人上瘾。名师点津addicted,addiction常与介词to连用,后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。 链接写作 【导学号:44040024】普通表达:The boy became addicted to computer games and didnt want to

11、 study.高级表达:Addicted to computer games,the boy didnt want to study.(过去分词短语作状语)高级表达:Addicting himself to computer games,the boy didnt want to study.(现在分词短语作状语) reduce vt.缩减,减少;使处于状态高考佳句One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.(2015浙江高考)减少压力最有效的方

12、式之一就是与你信任的人聊聊感受。(1) 减少到 降低了(2)be reduced to./doing. 处于/沦落到We should take effective measures to reduce the discharge to the minimum in order to protect the environment.为了保护环境,我们应该采取有效措施,将排放降至最低水平。Though the price of the house has been reduced by 10% since 2017,we cant afford it ei

13、ther.尽管从2017年以来房价下降了10%,我们还是买不起。His life in the big city was hard and finally he was reduced to begging(beg) in the streets.他在大城市里的生活很难,最后被迫在街上乞讨。 likely adj.可能的高考佳句If you find something you love doing outside of the office,youll be less likely to bring your work home.(2016全国卷)如果你发现在办公室之外有喜欢做的事情,你把工

14、作带回家的可能性就小了。(1)sb./ likely to do. 某人/某物可能会It is likely that. 很可能not likely 绝不可能,绝对不会(2)unlikely adj. 不可能的If one is late for a job interview,it is not likely that he will get the job.(2015陕西高考)如果一个人面试迟到了,他是不可能得到这份工作的。You are likely to suffer(suffer) from bad health if you keep smoking.如果继续吸烟,你的

15、身体健康会受到损害。He is unlikely(likely) to come to the party tonight because his mother is ill.他今晚不可能来参加聚会,因为他母亲病了。 【导学号:44040025】名师点津likely指从表面迹象来判断,表面上看来有可能。常用结构:Sth./ likely to do sth.;Its likely that .;possible指客观上有可能,也许实际发生的可能性并不大。It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.;It is possible that .;probable

16、表示有几分根据的推测,比possible表示的可能性大,一般不用表示人的词作主语。It is probable that .。 recognise/recognize vt.认出,识别;承认,认可;认识到经典例句Scientists used to believe that mothers recognised their children by sight only. 科学家们过去常常认为母亲只是通过视觉来辨认自己的孩子。(1)recognise sb./sth. 认出某人;识别出某物 be 承认是,认出是It is recognised that. 人们公认(

17、2)recognition n. 认出;认识beyond recognition 认不出来Lincoln is recognised(recognize)to be/as one of the greatest presidents in America.林肯被认为是美国最伟大的总统之一。My hometown has changed beyond recognition(recognise) since I was last here.自从我上次离开这里以来,我的家乡已经变得让人认不出来了。名师点津表示“认为是”的短语

18、.think be.44040026】人们一致认为环境污染已经成为人们所面临的最严重的问题之一。It is recognised that environmental pollution has become one of the most serious problems that people face.(it is recognised that.)Environmental pollution is recognised to have become one of the most serious problems

19、that people face.( recognised to.)affect vt.影响;感动;打动;(疾病)侵袭;对有坏影响的高考佳句The traffic issue not only affects our everyday life,but may also threaten peoples lives.(2015江苏高考)交通问题不仅影响着我们的日常生活,而且也可能威胁到人们的生命。(1)be affected by 被侵袭,被感动be affected with high fever 发高烧(2)effect n. 作用;影响influence n. 影响have

20、an effect/influence on 对产生影响The audience was/were deeply affected,and they applauded warmly for a long time.听众被深深地打动了,掌声久久不息。Affected with high fever,he continued with his work.虽然发高烧了,他继续做他的工作。An unhappy childhood may have some negative effect on a persons character.一个不愉快的童年可能会对一个人的性格有一些负面的影响。诠释2个核心

21、短语 break into破门而入;强行闯入;打断;突然起来教材原句The next day,I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.第二天我闯进一户人家,偷了一台电视机和一台录像机。break in 打断(谈话);突然闯入break out 突然爆发break through 突破break up 打碎;拆散;分解;结束break down 瓦解,分解;机器坏了;身体垮了They were discussing something important when a man broke in他们正在谈论重

22、要的事情,这时突然一名男子闯了进来。I was still living in London when the war broke out战争爆发的时候我还住在伦敦。Scientists hope to break through soon in their fight against heart disease.科学家希望在治疗心脏病方面能有所突破。名师点津break in和break into都有“闯入”的意思。break in为不及物动词短语,后不跟宾语;break into为及物动词短语,后可以跟宾语。 give up放弃;让给;停止;戒除 教材原句And here are some

23、ideas to help people to give up smoking.这儿有几条建议可以帮助人们戒烟。give in 投降;屈服;让步give away 赠送;泄露;分发(奖品等)give off 发出(蒸汽、味道);发散(光线)give out 放出;发表;用完The argument went on for hours because neither side would give in因为双方都不肯让步,争论持续了几个小时。My money was beginning to give out and there were no jobs to be found.我的钱快用光了,

24、工作也无处可找。 链接写作我正要放弃,这时爸爸过来鼓励我继续努力。(福建高考书面表达)I was about to give up when my father came and encouraged me to keep going.belong to属于My headteacher keeps telling his students that the future belongs to the welleducated.班主任老师不断地告诉他的学生们,未来属于那些受过良好教育的人。Anyone has no right to take the land belonging(belong)

25、to the state as their own.任何人都没有权力占有属于国家的土地。名师点津belong to不用于进行时态也没有被动形式。类似用法的还有take place,occur,happen等。这幢漂亮的建筑是他家的。The beautiful building belongs to his family.这幢建筑可以追溯到明朝。The building can date back to the Ming Dynasty.用分词短语作定语合并句和句The beautiful building belonging to his family can date back to the

26、 Ming Dynasty./The beautiful building dating back to the Ming Dynasty belongs to his family.突破1个高考句型(教材P19)Whatever youre doing when you want to smokedo something else!无论你在做什么,当你想抽烟时,做点别的事吧!句中whatever引导的让步状语从句,其含义相当于no matter what,意为“不管,无论”,其位置可在主句前,也可在主句后。(1)whatever,whoever,whichever,whomever既可引导名

27、词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句,在引导让步状语从句时,相当于no matter what/who/which/whom。(2)whenever,wherever,however引导让步状语从句时,相当于no matter when/where/how,意为“无论何时/何地/如何”。Whatever you do,dont be a bystander.(2016四川高考)无论你做什么,不要做旁观者。Whenever(No matter when) we met with difficulties,they came to help us.无论我们什么时候遇到困难,他们都来帮忙。Whatever

28、 she says will not make any difference to our arrangements.(2015湖北高考)无论她说什么都不会对我们的安排有影响。(主语从句)You can choose whatever you like in the shop.你可以在商店里选择你喜欢的任何东西。(宾语从句)名师点津“no matter疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句。Whatever he did,his parents supported him.No matter what he did,his parents supported him.多角快练练单词 练短语 练句型(对应学生用书第44页).单句语法填空1Anny was banned(ban) from driving for two years because of a serious accident caused by drunk driving.2Being addicted(addict) to the Internet,as many adolescents do,wi

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