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1、福师高级英语二在线作业一5答案福师(2020-2021)高级英语(二)在线作业一注:本科有多套试卷,请核实是否为您所需要资料,本资料只做参考学习使用! 一、单选题(共50题,100分)1、Your _ for this paper is too long to be accepted.AentranceBguidanceCabstractDrepresent提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:C2、We enjoy seeing the glorious _ of the rising sun.AbeamsBbeansCbeefDbeer提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完

2、成以上题目【参考选择】:A3、Its _ my power to make final decision on the matter.AoffBoutsideCaboveDbeyond提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:D4、Jenny complained that the hospital _ her too much for the treatment.AexpendedBpaidCcostDcharged提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:D5、Jack wants to be ( ) when he grows up.Aa barBa co

3、usinCan opponentDan astronaut提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:D 6、Professor Li _ in doing his experiment for nearly ten years.AinsistedBpiledCpersistedDsplit提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:C7、If the _ in the test is too small, we can not get a good result.AsampleBpercentCleisureDflight提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题

4、目【参考选择】:A8、The bride and groom promised to _ each other through sickness and health.AnourishBnominateCrosterDcherish提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:D9、Nobody believes he made such a foolish mistake. People say he is very ( ).AaccurateBactualCexperienceDcareer提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:A10、This area o

5、f the park has been specially _ for children, but accompanying adults are also welcome.AinauguratedBdesignatedCentitledDdelegated提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:B11、The new plan is ( ) and everybody present agrees with it.AfeasibleBadventureCappendixDcamel提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:A12、Which would yo

6、u rather have, the _ chicken or the fish?AfriedBidealCjuiceDmaid提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:A13、Being in no great hurry, ( ).Awe went the long route with sceneryBthe long, scenic route was our preferenceCwe took the long scenic routeDour preference was taking the long, scenic route提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完

7、成以上题目【参考选择】:C14、The eldest child is thoroughly _because they always give him whatever he wants.AwastedBspoiledCdestroyedDuneducated提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:B15、If the ( ) in the test is too small, we can not get a good result.AsampleBpercentCleisureDflight提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:A1 6、He gav

8、e up his study in college in _.AbundleBbutcherCashDdespair提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:D17、Mary was seriously injured in a ( ).AcollisionBgeologyCmanuscriptDpool提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:A18、Nancy was surprised that they have ( ). They seemed to be a happy couple.Asplit upBbroken downCfallen thro

9、ughDknocked out提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:A19、Im ( ) youve made the right choice.AbondBconfidentCdoubleDgravity提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:B20、Slavery was _ in Canada in 1833, and Canadian authorities encouraged the slaves, who escaped from America, to settle on its vast virgin landAdilutedBdissi

10、patedCabolishedDresigned提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:C21、While fashion is thought of usually ( ) clothing, it is important to realize that it covers a much wider domain.Ain relation toBin proportion toCby means ofDon behalf of提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:A22、Because of the bad weather, the sports me

11、et had to be _.AshutdownBdone awayCtaken offDcalled off提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:D23、He didnt go into detail on the subject; he spoke _.A in commonB in generalC in particularD in short提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:B24、You are very ( ) to take the trouble to help me. I can not thank you enough.Awhi

12、sperBvitalCthoughtfulDconsiderable提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:C25、In some remote places there are still very poor people who cant afford to live in ( ) conditions.AgraciousBdecentChonorableDpositive提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:B2 6、The soldier was _ of running away when the enemy attacked.AscoldedB

13、chargedCaccusedDpunished提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:C27、The roof has ( ) in it, and the front steps need to be fixed.AantsBdrumsCgrainsDleaks提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:D28、The _ was only sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000.AwormBtrialCtubeDcriminal提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:D29、Kuwait is famous

14、for its ( ) resources.ApetroleumBjarCfameDjaw提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:A30、The _ region is centered largely in the north of the country.ApetrolBmineralCtelescopeDwire提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:B31、Cancer is a group of diseases in which there is uncontrolled and disordered growth of ( ) cells.AirrelevantBinferiorCcontroversialDabnormal提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:D32、This dress is made of ( ), isnt it?AnylonBmonumentCmutualDnod提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目【参考选择】:A33、The ( ) was only sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000.

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