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1、1. structure of families 结构 离婚 divorce2. by 3. as much as 4. end in 以为结果 5. a situation where many children live with one parent 6. in the number of 的数量 7. survive 生存 8. childcare facilities 设备工具 9. expensive 10. in addition 另外 11. raising children 抚养 12. many have careers earning as much or even mo

2、re than men 13. there has also been a sharp increase in the number of single mothers明显的增长 14. among teenagers 15.some people have blamed this increase for the rise in crime. 因谴责 16. damaged 损害 17. however 18. negative effect 否定的 19. as for children themselves 至于 20. mature 成熟的 三、thanksgiving day is

3、the most truly American 1. seeking a place where 2. two-month 3. the settlers died of starvation or epidemics 饥饿 4. there who survived began sowing in the first spring. anxiety5. all summer they waited for the harvests with great 6. the future existence of the colony 生存 7. produced a yield rich 获得好庄

4、稼收成 8. as expectations 9. therefore 因此 10. proclaimed 宣布 11. observed 遵守 12. pattern 式样 13. other varieties of food 种类 14. traditional 15. favorite 16. throughout the years 这些年 17. annual 每年 18. holiday on which 19. express their thanks 表达 20. ask for continued blessings 祈求上帝永久的赐福 四、the British gove

5、rnment 1. around 900 大约 2. a magnet for overseas students 有吸引力的 3. destination 目的地 4. guaranteed 保证 5. all courses are assessed by an independent system 评定 6. assured 保证 7. officially approves 批准 承认 recognition8. international9. flexible 灵活的 10. complex society 复杂的 11. intensive 精深的 12. there are lo

6、ts of scholarships available 可用的 13. British universities offer a personalized and independent approach 个性化的 14. the emphasis is on creative and independent thought 关于 15. compete in the global job market 竞争 16. it is very simple to become an international student in the UK.申请去英国读书并不是简单的 17.impartia

7、l service to anyone 不偏不倚 18-20. an organization called UCAS assists you in finding a course and making an effective application. 声明,援助,申请 五、there are three kinds of goals 1-2. short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities 当前的 3. we can apply on a daily basis.运用 4. such goals

8、can be achieved in a week or less完成 5. as a building is no stronger 6-7. our long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals. 有所成就,坚固的 8. upon completing our short-term goals 一就 9. we should date the occasion 10. they might deal with just one term of scho

9、ol 11. they could even extend for several years 延伸 无法 允许,overwhelmed. yourself to become discouraged or allow 12-13. you should never 抵抗 14. you will enforce the belief 坚持 15. your motivation and desire will increase. 动机 16. be related to 17. they might cover five years or more 18. life is not a sta

10、tic thing 静态的 19-20. we should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action. 六、a growing world population 1. this pattern of distribution in the future 分配 2. fewer people die every year 3-4. in consequence the population of the world is steadily increasing.因此,稳定地 5. the extra mou

11、ths must be fed 喂养 6. new lands must be brought under cultivation 耕作 7. yield large crops 生产出更多农作物 8-10. in some areas the accessible land is largely so intensively cultivated that it will be difficult to make it provide more food.可达到,彻底地 不同 11. dense 密集 12. much improvement in farming methods 改进 13

12、. were a lager part 14.rising quicker than the number 15.which will thrive in unfavorable climates 不宜的 16. there are now farms beyond the Arctic circle 17-18. dams hold back the waters of great rivers to ensure water for the fields in all seasons 阻 止,确保19. provides fertilizers to suit particular soi

13、ls. 20. be devised to 设计 七、online shopping is becoming 1. more and more popular for a number of reasons 2-4. you dont have to queue up in busy shops and you can buy almost any product imaginable with just a few clicks of your mouse. 排队等候 5. computer trends are often dominated by males but this year

14、支配 6-7. the convenience of online shopping than they are used to be. 便利 8. women will rise to 240 compared to the slightly 与相比 9. while 10. a lot of people were reluctant to shop online 不愿意 11. the security of entering 12. the reliability of 可靠性 13. become more widespread 普遍的 14. begun to disappear

15、15. one victim of the online 受害者 16. are concerned that not 担忧 17-18. As a result there are lots of special offers in the shops. 出价 19-20. but this year the promotions have come early in an attempt to lure consumers to spend. 促销 八、 1. while 2. friendly3. intimacy 亲密 4. enormously 非常地,巨大地 5. take int

16、o account 考虑 6. intelligence 智力 7. prime 主要的 8. difficult 9. similar 10. involved 使牵涉 11. rely on 依靠 12. favors 13. break a promise 失言 14. annoying 讨厌的 15. tolerate 忍受 16. in contrast with 和形成对比 17. ceremonies 典礼 18. association 联合 19. results from 由产生 20. barriers 障碍物 九 1. the witch doctors job was

17、 to drive off these spirits 击退 2. his method involved a combination of three methods 包括 3. the first of which was religious 4. he thought had power over the evil spirits 在之上 5. secondly 6. he deliberately fed the patient mixtures 故意地 7-8. which were often dirty and disgusting 令人厌恶的 9-11. make the ev

18、il spirits so uncomfortable that they would gladly run away and so enable the patient to get well. 潜逃,使能够 12-13. the patient medicines prepared from certain plants and herbs similar in shape or texture 14. from our point of view 15. this was the only method that had any value 16-17. these remedies h

19、ad real usefulness in curing sickness 18-19. or at least in relieving pain 至少,减轻 20. the reasons advanced by the witch doctor 提出 十、 1. uncivil behavior of drivers 粗野的 2. the legal and morale rights of others 道德的 3. a minority of the killers go even beyond 少数 4. can be attributed to 把归因于 5. emotional

20、 upsets can distort drivers reactions 以扭曲或混乱的方式工作 6. make a continuous effort 连续的 7-8. yet the irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem is not confined to drivers 解释,局限于 9. street walkers regularly violate traffic regulations 违反 10. they are not subject to the basic rules of the road 受

21、支配 11. significant legal advances 有意义的 12. road-worthiness inspection 检查 递进13. in addition 14. speed limits have been lowered 15. due to these measures 16-19. the only real resolution is to convince people that driving is a skilled task requiring constant care and concentration. 使确信,连续的,专心 20. those

22、 who fail to do all these things pose a threat to those with whom they share the road 形成 十一、 1. how important is your appearance 相貌 2. although everyone wants to be good-looking 3-4. beacause some men may be more interested in looking at you than talking to you. 5. they think of you as a picture rat

23、her than a person 6-7. who are exceptionally pretty and men who are particularly handsome must be stupid.与众不同地 8-9. they think so probably because those beautiful women and handsome men pay too much attention to their appearance 10. they spend little time learning something 11. they believe that onl

24、y unattractive people can be intelligent 没有魅力的 12. the intelligence can make up for the unattractive appearance in a sense 补偿 13. on the other hand 14. have a face that even your mother 15. no one wants to be plain either 相貌平平的 16. have a face that is easily forgotten 17. being attractive 主宾 不要对你的相貌

25、you look how 18. some mabe the best thing is not to worry too much about 如何过分介意 19. but simply try to be an interseting person 20. interesting face are almost always attractive 十二、 1. it certainly isnt money 2-5. most people would agree that money isnt what makes a good marriage but , according to m

26、arriage counselors, it is certainly a big factor in making a bad one. 6-7. that money was the number one cause of arguments amongst couples in the UK 8. it isnt just lack of money that causes problems 9. believe it or not 10. your attitude to money is more important 11. but with 50% of marriage endi

27、ng in divorce 12-13. isnt it timt that we stopped whispering sweet nothings and started some straight talk about money 14. the last great taboo subject 15. we never talked about money before we got married 16. these attitudes arent unusual 17. get married and live 18. theres nothing in the fairy sto

28、ries 19-20. but your partners attitude to money is probably one of the most important things you need to know about him or her. 十三、 提出raised 1. there are many important questions which are 2-3. can she get any job she is capable of and qualified for 称职的 4. if she gets a job and some of her fellow workers are men doing the same work 5. will she be paid as much as they are 6. the government has passed some laws to try to help women get any job f

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