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1、 在.之下,低于beside: 在.的旁边,在.之外,与.相比 beyond: 在.那边but: 除去(常用搭配:nothing but; nobody but)by: 被., 在.的近旁 , 在.之前, 不迟于, 以.为手段 down; 沿着.望下 during: 在.期间,在.时候 for: 为., 因为., 至于. from: 从., 来自., 因为. in: 在., 在.之内;从事于., 按照., 穿着. like: 像.;如同. near: 靠近.of: .的;属于. off: 离开.;在.之外on: 在.之上 out of: 从.出来;在.之外 outside: . 外边 over

2、: 在.之上;遍于.之上;越过. past: 越过.;过.;超越. round: 围着.;绕过.;在.周围throughout: 遍及.;在各处 till /until: 直到.;在.以前 to: 到.;向.;趋于 up: 在.上面;在.上upon:迫近. within: 在.之内without: 没有;不;2. 几组常用介词辨析1). at ,in, on, to 表示地理位置at:(1)表示在小地方; (2)表示“在附近;旁边”in:(1)表示 在大地方; (2)表示“在范围之内”on:表示毗邻;接壤to: 表示在范围外;不强调是否接壤例句: He arrived at the stati

3、on at ten. He is sitting at the desk. He arrived in Shenzhen yesterday. Guangdong lies in the south of China. Japan lies to the east of China. Jiangxi is on the north of Guangdong Province.2). above, over, on 在上 指在上方,不强调是否垂直;与 below相对 指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间;不直接接触 表示某物体上面并与之接触 The bird is fly

4、ing above my house. There is a bridge over the river. He put his book on the desk.3). below, under 在下面under: 表示在正下方 表示在下;不一定在正下方 There is a cat under the table. Please write your name below the line.4). in , on;at 在时(表示时间) 表较长时间;世纪朝代时代、年、季节、月及一般(非特指)的早、中、晚 如:in the 20th century, in the 1950s, in 198

5、9, in summer, in January, in the morning, in the night, in ones life , in ones thirties 表示具体某一天及某一天的早、中、晚on May 1st, on Monday, on New Years Day, on a cold night , on a fine morning 表示某一时刻或较短暂的时间;或泛指圣诞节;复活节等 如: at 3:20, at this time of year, at the beginning of, at the end of , at the age of , at Ch

6、ristmas; at night, at noon, at this moment注意:在last, next, this, that, some, every 等词之前一律不用介词5). in, after 在之后“in +段时间”表示将来的一段时间以后;“after+段时间”表示过去的一段时间以后;“after+将来点时间”表示将来的某一时刻以后 例句: My mother will come back in three or four days. He arrived after five months. She will appear after five oclock this a

7、fternoon. 6). from, since 自从from:仅说明什么时候开始;不说明某动作或情况持续多久since:表示某动作或情况持续至说话时刻;通常与完成时连用 He studied the piano from the age of three. They have lived here since 1978.7). after, behind 在之后after: 主要用于表示时间behind: 主要用于表示位置 We shall leave after lunch. Lucy is hiding behind an old house.8). across, through 通

8、过;穿过across:表示横过,即从物体表面通过;与on有关through:穿过,即从物体内部穿过;与in有关 She swam across the river. He walked through the forest.9). between, amongbetween:指在两个人或两个事物之间among: 指在三个或三个以上的人或事物之间 There is a football match between Class 1and Class 2 on the playground. The teacher is standing among the students.10). on ,ab

9、out 关于 表示这本书、文章、演说是严肃的学术性的;供专门研究这一问题的人阅读about: 表示内容较为普通;不那么正式 There will be a lecture on economics this afternoon. He is writing a book on cooking. He told me a lot about his life in the summer vocation.11). by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具 以方法、手段或泛指某种交通工具with: 表示用 工具、手段;一般接具体的工具和手段 表示用方式;用语言(语调、笔墨、颜色)等 He m

10、akes a living by selling newspapers. He broke the window with a stone. The foreigner spoke to us in English.12). except, besides 除了except: 除之外;不包括在内besides:包括在内 Except Mr. Wang, we went to see the film.(王先生没去)13). as, like像 作为, 表示的是职业、职务、作用等事实 像一样, 表示外表,不是事实。 例如: Let me speak to you as a father. (说话

11、者是听者的父亲) Let me speak to you like a father. (说话者不是听者的父亲)14). at the end of、by the end of、in the endat the end of :在末;在尽头;既可以表示时间也可以表示地点,常与过去时连用;by the end of:在前;到为止, 只能表示时间,常用于过去完成时; in the end: 终于、最后, 与at last基本等义,通常用于过去时; By the end of last term we had learned 16 units of Book III. At the end of t

12、he road you can find a big white house with brown windows. They left for Beijing at the end of last week. In the end he succeeded in the final exams.15). for a moment、for the moment、in a moment、at the momentfor a moment: 一会儿、片刻 (=for a while),常与持续性动词连用;for the moment:暂时、目前, 常用于现在时;in a moment: 一会儿、立

13、即、马上(=soon; in a few minutes),一般用于将来时;at the moment: 此刻,眼下(=now),用于现在进行时。 Please wait for a moment. Lets leave things as they are for the moment. Ill come back in a moment. I am very busy at the moment.16). in front of 与in the front ofin front of: 在的前面in the front of: 在的前部 A car was parking in front

14、 of the hall. In the front of the hall stood a big desk.17). on the tree /in the treeon the tree: 在树上。表示树上本身长的东西in the tree:表示 “外界的物体进入树中” 人或物 There are some apples on the tree . There is a boy in the tree.3. 介词同其他词类的固定搭配介词往往同其他词类形成了固定搭配关系。记住这种固定搭配关系;才能正确使用介词。1)介词与动词的搭配agree with 同意 ask for 要;请求 arr

15、ive in/ at 到达begin with以开始 break into 闯入 borrow from 向借base on 以为依据 deal with处理 depend on 依靠 do with 应付处理 die of 死于 fill with 充满fall off 从落下 fall behind 落后 get to 到达hear of 听说 hear from收到某人的来信 hold on 稍等 knock at 敲(门) laugh at 嘲笑 look for 寻找look over 检查 look after 照顾 leave for 前往lend to 借出 learn fro

16、m 向学习 put on 穿上pay for 付款 put off 推迟 remind of 使某人想起 spend on 在上花费 send for 请某人来 smile at 向微笑succeed in成功 stare at瞪眼看 try on 试穿 turn on /off 开/关 take off 脱掉 wait for 等待 2)介词与名词的搭配at once 马上 at the age of 在岁时 at last 在最后at first 最初 at least 至少 at the table 在桌子旁at dinner 在吃正餐 at most 最多 at work 在工作 at

17、 the moment 现在 at the same time 同时 at times 有时 at the foot of 在脚下 all kinds of 各种各样 at the end of 在结尾 at all 完全 by bus 坐公交车 by the way 顺便问一下one by one 一个接一个 in fact 事实上 in the end 最后in front of 在 前面 in size 尺寸 in time 及时in a hurry 匆忙 in surprise 吃惊地 in silence 沉默地in turn 按次序 in the sun 在阳光下 in a lou

18、d voice 大声地in trouble 处于困境 in line 排成一行 in hospital 住院 in the open air 在户外 in no time立刻 in bed 躺着in all 总共 on ones way to 在去.的路上 on time 按时 on foot 步行 on a farm 在农场 on ones own 某人单独地 on duty 值日 on holiday 度假 on the radio 通过收音机with ones help of在某人的帮助下on top of 在 顶部 on show 展出to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是

19、on the other side of 在的另一边3)介词与形容词的搭配be interested in 对感兴趣 be afraid of 害怕 be angry with 对生气be excited about 对感到激动 be pleased with 对满意 be famous for 以闻名be good at 擅长于 be different from 与不同 be late for 迟到 be proud of 对感到骄傲 be full of 充满 be sure of 对确定be strict with sb. 对某人严格 be busy with 忙于 be bad fo

20、r 对有害 be worried about 担心 be keen on热衷于 be short of 缺乏be short for 简称 get ready for 为做准备 历年真题 (C)1. - Where were you _ that time yesterday?- Well, I was at home _ my parents.A. on; with B. at; in C. at; with D. in; at答案:C。【解析】本题第一个空考查了介词at表时刻的用法;第二个空考查了介词with的基本词义。(A)2. -How long have you lived _She

21、nzhen?-_ten years.A. in;For B. in;Since C. at;For D. on;SinceA。【解析】本题第一个空考查了地点介词in的基本词义;第二个空考查了时间介词for的用法。(B)3.-_is the library from our school?-Its quite near. Just go_ the road.AHow far;cross BHow long;across C. How far;across D. How long;cross【解析】本题第一个空考查了常见的疑问副词的区分;第二个空考查了介词across和动词cross的分辨。(D)

22、4Your bag looks the same _ mine. Oh, really? Its a gift _ my father.with;to B. with;from C. as;on D. as;fromD。【解析】本题第一个空考查了the same as(和一样)和the same with (和情况相同),由本题题意可知应排除A和B;第二个空考查了介词from的基本词义。(A)5. Do you often go swimming _ Sunday mornings? Yes. Why not _ with me this Sunday?Aon; go Bin; to go C

23、on; going Din; going【解析】本题第一个空考查了时间介词on的用法;第二个空考查了表建议的句型。探索发现:同学们;请你体会并总结一下中考的命题方向和趋势:_命题规律一:(点击展开)中考真题考查了常用介词的基本含义和用法。(A)6.-Excuse me, Sir. Could you help me to look _my child? I cant find him anywhere in the shop?-OK. What does he look _?A. after;like B. for;like C. like;around D. like;out 【解析】本题考

24、查了“动词+介词”搭配。第一个空是look after;第二个空是look like。(D)7. -Do you know anything about Walt Disney?-Of course I do. He is famous as the creator of Mickey Mouse _ he is also famous _ creating some other cartoon characters.A. but;as B. or;as C. so;for D. and;for 【解析】本题第一个空考查了并列连词and的用法;第二个空考查了“形容词+介词”的搭配。(B)8._

25、plastic bags we use;_it will be to the environment. I agree _ you A. The less;the better;with B. The fewer;with C. The less;the worse;to D. The fewer;to B。【解析】本题前两个空考查了形容词比较级句型:the more.,the more;第三个空考查了“动词+介词”搭配,考点是agree with sb。(D)9.-Arthur is responsible _ the newspaper, isnt he?-_, but Joyce isS

26、hes the chief editor.A. of; Yes, he isnt B. for; Yes, he isC. of; No, he is D. for; No, he isnt【解析】本题第一个空考查了“形容词+介词”的搭配,考点是be responsible for;第二个空考查了反义疑问句的否定回答。命题规律二:1. 中考真题考查了“动词+介词”搭配;2. 中考真题考查了“形容词+介词”的搭配。(D)10.Lets go to the zoo by taxi, _?Maybe we can go there _. Its not far.A. wont you;on foot B. wont you;by footC. shall we;by foot D. shall we;on foot【解析】本题第一个空考查了特殊形式的反义疑问句的构成;第二个空考查了短语介词on foot的用法。(B)11. He, together with his parents, _ going to visit Shanghai in July. How about you? Im afraid I have to stay at home _

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