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人教版英语八年级上册Unit 8 知识点详解Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、否定句常在动词前加dont。e.g. Please dont turn on the blender. 请不要打开果汁机。turn on “打开”,其反义词组是turn off 意为“关上”。它们是“动词副词”构成的短语动词,宾语是代词时应放在turn 与on 或off 中间。e.g. I want to watch TV. Please turn it on. 我想看电视。请打开它。与turn有关的短语:(1)turn on 打开,指把电器,水龙头等打开 (2)turn off 关掉 (3)turn up 把声音调大 (反) turn down 把声音调小 (4)turn right/lef

2、t 向右转/左转 (5)turn to 翻到 (6)take turn to do sth. 轮流做某事 (7)Its ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事3. Cut up the bananas. 切碎香蕉。【解析】cut cut cut v. 切,割 cut up意为“切碎”,相当于cut.into pieces e.g. Please help me cut up the apples. 请帮我把苹果切碎。与cut有关的短语:cut into 把切割成 cut down 砍倒 cut in 插嘴 cut off 切断,砍掉 cut ones hair 理发与up有关的

3、短语:put up 张贴;搭起;举起 use up 用尽 eat up 吃光 give up 放弃 get up 起床 wake up 醒来 stay up 熬夜 dress up 装扮;乔装打扮 grow up 长大;成熟;成长 take up 占据;开始从事 4. Peel three bananas. 剥三根香蕉。【解析】peel (1) v. 剥皮,削皮 peel sb. sth.=peel sth. for sb. 为某人削(水果皮) (2) n. 水果皮 apple peel 苹果皮 orange peel 香蕉皮5. Pour the milk into the blender.

4、 将牛奶倒入搅拌器。【解析】pour v. 倒,灌 pour into 把.倒进 pour out 把倒出 pour sth. for sb.意为“给某人倒某物”e.g. Please pour the water into the cup. 请把水倒入杯中。 Please pour the cold water out . 请把冷水倒出来。 Could you please pour some water for me? 请给我倒些水好吗?【辨析】in/ into in 是表示物体位置的静态介词 into 是表示动作方向的动态介词。“ 到里; 进入里” 。表示方向,后跟表地点的名词, 前面常

5、有动词, 常与表示动作的动词come; go ; run等连用。反义词为out of “从里出来”e.g. She walked into the room. 他走进了房间。 She is walking in the room. 他正在房间里踱来踱去。6. Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. 把香蕉和冰激凌放进搅拌器。【解析】put put put v. 放,放置 put on 把.放在上 put in 把 放在里 put into把 放在里 e.g. Put your book on the desk. 把你的书放在桌子上。 Dont

6、 put too much salt in the soup. 不要在汤里放太多的盐。与put相关的短语:put up 张贴 put away 把收拾好 put on 穿上 put off 推迟7. How many bananas do we need? 我们需要多少香蕉?【解析】(1) how many + 可数名词复数意为“多少” ,常用来对可数名词的数量提问(2) how much+不可数名词意为“多少”,常用来对不可数名词的数量提问,还可以对物品的价格提问e.g. How much water do you need? 你需要多少水? How many cups of water d

7、o you need? 你需要多少杯水? How much are they? 它们值多少钱?8. We need three bananas. 我们需要三根香蕉。【解析】need v. 需要用于肯定句,是实义动词。(1)人做主语,sb. need to do sth.意为“某人需要做某事”(2)物做主语,sth. need doing sth.= sth. need to be donee.g. Students need to have a good rest in studying. 在学习方面学生需要有一个好的休息。 Dont throw away the waste paper. I

8、t needs collecting so that it can be reused. 不要乱扔废纸,它需要被收集以至于可以被再次使用。用于否定句或疑问句,是情态动词。(1)neednt = dont have to意为“没有必要”(2)need ,must 引导的一般疑问句,肯定会的用must,否定回答用neednte.g. We _ use mobile phones when the plane takes off. A. may not B. shouldnt C. neednt D. mustnt Must we take out the trash now? _. You can

9、 do it after class. A. Yes , you must B. No ,you cant C. Yes, you may D. No, you neednt9. We need one cup of yougurt. 我们需要一杯酸奶。【解析】不可数名词的“量”的表达方式:不可数名词没有复数形式,在表达它的量时, 常用容器或质量的计算单位来表示,即:“数词+ 量词+ of +不可数名词”。若数词大于1时,只需要把不可数名词前面的量词变为复数。a cup of 一杯 two cups of 两杯a teaspoon of 一茶匙 two teaspoons of 两茶匙a sl

10、ice of 一片 two slices of 两片a kilo of 一公斤 five kilos of 五公斤e.g. We have bought two _ for the coming party. A. box of apple B. boxes of apples C. box of apples D. boxes of apple10. Lets make fruit salad. 咱们制作水果沙拉吧。 Let me think. We need two apples. 让我想想. 我们需要两个苹果。【解析】Lets do sth.意为“让我们一起做某事”,用来表示说话者的建议

11、 肯定回答:OK./All right./Thats a good idea./Yes ,lets 否定回答:Sorry, I cant let sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”11. Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water. 下一步,把牛肉、胡萝卜和土豆放在锅中并加上一些水。【解析】add v增加;添加意为“把加到中去;往中加”。 add to (add作不及物动词用)表示“增加;添加”,其中to是介词,后接名词或代词 add up to意为“总共是;总计为”e.g

12、. Please add some salt to the food. 请给食物里面加点盐。 If you add 4 to 6, you get 10. 4加6等于10。 The flowers add to the beauty of the city. 这些花增添了这所城市的美。 All of these add up to 20. 所有这些总共是20。12. No, one more thing. Finally ,dont forget to add some salt. 不,还有一件事。最后别忘了放点盐。【解析】more 又;再,与another同义 数词more n.anothe

13、r数词n. They stayed there two more days.They stayed there another two days. 他们在那里又待了两天。forget v. 忘记 forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(事情未做) forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(事情已做)e.g. Dont forget _(close) the door when you leave. I forget closing the window. 13. Finally, turn on the blender. 最后,打开搅拌器。【解析】finally adv. 最后

14、地 final adj. 最终的 同义短语是:at last;in the end。finally可位于句首、句中或句末。位于句中时,要放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。表示做某事的先后顺序时可用first,next,then,finally。e.g. I finally finished my homework. 我终于完成了我的作业。14. Do you know how to plant a tree? 你知道如何栽树吗?【解析】how to plant a tree是“疑问词 + 动词不定式”结构,在句中作谓语动词know的宾语。动词不定式常与what, how, wh

15、ere, when等疑问词连用,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。e.g. When to start is not decided yet. 什么时候动身还没有决定。(作主语) I dont know how to use this mechine. 我不知道怎么用这台机器。(作宾语) The question is what to do next. 问题是下一步做什么。(作表语)【拓展】“疑问词 + 动词不定式”的常见考点:“疑问词 + 动词不定式”的同义转换I dont know what I shoud do next. I dont know waht to do next. 我不知道接下

16、来做什么。动词后面是否加介词I didnt decide which room to live in. 我没有决定住哪个房间。动词后面是否需要宾语I dont know what to do. 我不知道做什么。15. First, dig a hole. 首先,挖一个坑。【解析】dig此处用作及物动词,意为“挖地;凿洞;挖土”,过去式为dug,过去分词为digginghole n. “洞;坑;孔”1. I want to watch the ball game. Can you _ the TV? A. open B. close C. turn on D. turn off 2. The m

17、eat is too big. Lets cut _. A. them up B. it up C. up them D. up it3. _ the books in the bookcase, Jerry. A. Put B. To put C. Putting D. Puts4. Look! There are _ on the desk. A. four cup of tea B. four cup of teas C. four cups of teas D. four cups of tea5. _ are the mushrooms? Two yuan a kilo. A. Ho

18、w much B. How many C. What D. How6. You _ get up so early, but you must go to work on time. A. mustnt B. have to C. may D. neednt7. Here is a _ for a great beef sandwich! A. way B. recipe C. idea D. bowl8. _, cut up two apples, then put them into the blender. Finally turn on the blender. A. And B. N

19、ext C. First D. Then9. Would you like some yogurt? _. A. Yes, I would B. No, thanks C. Thank you D. It doesnt matter10. How much yogurt do we need? We need _.A. one B. two C. one cup D. two cups完成下列句子1. 我们需要多少酸奶?_ _ _ do we need?2. 让我们制作水果沙拉吧。lets _ _ _.3. 你会做草莓奶昔吗?Can you _ _ _ _ _?重排下列句子,成为一段完整的对话

20、。A. First, put the water into the pot.B. Next, put the noodles into the pot and cook for ten minutes.C. How many noodles do we need?D. How much water do we need?E. How do we make egg noodles?F. What do we do next?G. Five bowls. H. Half a kilo. I. Finally, put the egg into the pot and cook for anothe

21、r five minutes.补全下列空格1. -_ _ bananas do you buy? -Three kilos.2. - _ _ bread do we need? -Three pieces.3. _ _ (not play) computer games, Jack!4. There is an orange on the table. (对划线部分提问) _ _ oranges are there on the table?5. -_ _ tomato sauce is there in the bottle? -A little.1. First, put some but

22、ter on a piece of bread. 首先,在一片面包上涂一些黄油。【解析】piece n. 片;块;段它是可数名词。表示不可数名词的量时,可用“基数词piece(s) of不可数名词”。e.g. There are two pieces of bread on the table. 桌子上有两块面包。 How many pieces of sandwiches do you need? 你需要多少片三明治?2. In most countries,people usually eat traditional food on special holidays.在大多数国家,人们通常

23、在特殊的节日吃传统的食物。【解读】traditional adj. 传统的;惯例的e.g. Chinese traditional medicine is popular in the world. 在世界上,中国的传统医药是很受欢迎的。【拓展】tradition n. 传统;惯例;规矩e.g. It is a tradition that the young look after the old in China. 在中国,年轻人照顾老年人是一个传统。3. .and is a time to give thanks for good in the autumn. 是一个感恩秋季收获食物的季节

24、。【解析】动词不定式to give thanks for food in the autumn在句中作定语,修饰前面的名词time。动词不定式(短语)若在句中作定语,常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后,即作后置定语。e.g. Spring is the best time to fly kites. 春天是放风筝最好的时节。give thanks for sth.意为“对某事表示感谢”【拓展】give thanks to sb.意为“对某人表示感谢”e.g. Id like to give thanks for your help. 对你的帮助,我深表谢意。 They gave thanks to

25、the old man. 他们对这位老人表示感谢。autumn名词,意为“秋天;秋季”,相当于fall。in autumn意为“在秋天/季”;in the autumn指在当年的秋天4. At this time, people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago. 此时,人们也回忆起约400年前从英格兰迁来美洲生活的首批漂泊者。【解析】who came to live in America about 400 years ago是由关系代词

26、who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词travelerstraveler n. 漂泊者;旅行者;游客,也可表达为:travellertravel v. 旅行e.g. Every year, many travelers come to China to visit the Great Wall. 每年,许多游客来中国参观长城。 Where are you going to travel this summer holiday? 今年暑假你打算去哪儿旅行?5. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family.现在,许多美国人仍然庆祝这个给予感恩的主意,他们通过和家人在家吃大餐进行庆祝。【解析】本句是简单句。by having a big meal at home with their family是介词短语作状语。celebrate v. 庆祝;庆贺,其后接事物。 celebration n. 庆祝活动;典礼e.g. Were celebrating our grandfathers eightieth birthday. 我们正在庆祝祖父的80岁生日。“by + v.-ing形式”意为“通过做

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