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1、合作探究Step2 Presentation闯关一:1.自读66页第一模块的前6个单词,包括括号里面的词汇。用红笔圈出不会读的词汇。2.听录音跟读单词3.和对子赛一赛,看谁读得准确清晰。闯关二:1.自读课文。用红笔圈出不会读或不懂的句子。2.听录音跟读课文。展示交流解疑Step3 Cooperation1.自读、对子互读课文两遍,组长领读课文两遍。2.小组内交流翻译课文,并表演课文内容。3.我能找到重点句型并和同伴交流怎样运用。Step4 Show任务一:我是认读单词小能手。(可以用领读,齐读,英汉互译,肢体语言等形式进行)任务二:我是表演小能手。小组内表演活动1和2.认识四个小朋友Sam,

2、Amy, Daming, Lingling.任务三:仿照活动2,用自己的名字代替创编对话。课堂测试Step5 Consolidation达标闯关我能赢第一关 听录音选出你所听到的词。( ) 1. A. hello B. hi C. aah( ) 2. A. I B. am C. Im( ) 3. A. ooh B. goodbye C. bye-bye第二关 为下列句子选择合适的答语。( ) 1. Hello, Im Daming. A. Bye-bye, Amy.( ) 2. Goodbye, Lingling. B. Hi, Daming.第三关 火眼金睛。选择正确的答案。( ) 1.当你

3、见到他人时可以用什么打招呼。 A. Hello! B. Goodbye.( ) 2.假如你是Sam,当你介绍自己时可以说 A. Sam. B. Im Sam. 总结升华反思Module 1 Unit 2How are you? 课型知识目标Words: good morning how are you thank Sentences: Good morning How are you? Im fine, thank you.技能目标I can introduce myself and make friends with classmates.重点:见面问候用语及如何问候早上好。难点:用“Goo

4、d morning”问候早上好;用句型“How are you? Im fine, thank you.”进行见面问候。tape-recorder录音机 word cards单词卡片 multi-media多媒体课件一、I can read the sentences我会读这些句子 Good morning. How are you?二、I know the words我认识这些单词 good morning how you fine thank三、I know the meaning of the dialogue.我知道课文的意思。一、Warm up 1. Greeting T: Hell

5、o, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, teacher. 2. Talk freelyThe teacher walk to a student and say “Hello” to him/her. T: Hello, Im your teacher.Ss: Hello, Im 3. Put on the headwear and ask four students to greet others like the people in the text. 二、Lead in 老师对学生说:“今天,Sam刚刚起床,就有一只小鸟和一条小狗分别来向他问好。我们一起来看一看,他们

6、是怎样使用英语向Sam问好的。”三、Text teaching 1. Look and listen. 2. Listen and find who are talking. Bird and Sam Dog and Sam. 3. Listen and repeat. 板书:Good morning 领读并解释其意思 4. Read in your group. Sum up Good morning 早上好How are you? 你好吗?Im fine, thank you. M2U1Im Ms Smart.知识目标:Master the words: Ms too and boy gi

7、rl Im Ms Smart. Im fine. And how are you? Im fine, too. Thank you.技能目标:I can introduce myself and greet others in English.学会运用“How are you? Im fine, too. Thank you.”进行相互问好。会用句型“Im ”向新老师介绍自己的名字。见面相互问好单词卡 录音机 头饰 多媒体一、I can say the sentences: 我会读下面的句子How are you, Amy?二、I know the words: Ms too and boy

8、girl 三、I can introduce myself and greet others in English.一、Warm up新课标第一网1. Greet each other: Good morning, boys and girls.2. Sing the song: Hello Hello二、Lead in:1. Teacher greets boys and girls separately.老师分别与男孩们和女孩们问好。2. Teacher points to a boy/ a girl and explain the two words: “boy” “girl”.3. G

9、ame: Boy or girl?Ask one student to come front and close his/ her三、Text teaching 1. Listen and point. 2. Listen and repeat, underline the difficult points. 听、跟读,画出难点。3. Read after the teacher. xkb1.co4. Read in your group, talk about the meaning and the difficult points. 5. Ask several students to r

10、ead the important points and explain. 6. Teacher explains the important points. Then teacher and students make a dialogue together.7. Read in roles. 8. Role playExercise: Read and match 读一读,在图片右侧选出正确的选项。(多媒体出示练习题)A. Hi, Im Ms Smart. B. Good morning boys.C. Goodbye, girls. D. How are you, Amy? E. Im

11、Lingling.( ) ( )Sum up:M2U2 Whats your name? what is your name afternoon Mr Good afternoon. Whats your name? Im I can ask about peoples name and I can answer.问候下午好;询问他人姓名学会用 “Good afternoon”问候下午好;会用 “Whats your name?”询问他人姓名。单词卡 录音机 多媒体一、I can read the words:what is your name afternoon Mr 二、I can say

12、 the sentences: Good afternoon. Whats your name? Im 三、I can greet others and ask about their names.Greeting 1. 老师用双手模拟太阳的形状,分别放在自己身体的左侧、头顶、身体右侧,代表上午、中午、下午,向学生问好。由Good morning引入Good afternoon/ Good evening 的学习。连续操作几遍,让学生说出相应的问候语。2. 老师告诉学生:进入新学校后,我们会遇到许多新朋友。大家想知道怎样用英语询问新朋友的姓名吗?1. Ask and answer. Teach

13、er asks one student: “Whats your name?” Lead students to answer: “Im ” Then one student asks, another student answers, and after that the second student asks another student 2. Listen and repeat.3. Read after the teacher.4. Read by roles.5. Role play.6. Practice: Activity 3 act it out比一比,哪组读的最快、最好!

14、Look and Match 看一看,连一连(用多媒体展示)Good afternoon girls. Good morning boys. Im Amy. Whats your name?Good afternoon boys. Sum Words: Sentences:M3 U1 Point to the door知识目标: door, please, window, blackboard, bird, desk, chair. Stand up. Sit down. Point to the door/ window/ blackboard/ desk/ chair/ the bird.

15、 能运用Stand up. Sit down. Point to the这类语句发指令,同时能根据指令做动作。发出指令和执行指令。会用Point to 发指令;认识基本单词 door, window, blackboard, bird, desk, chair.教师准备:单词卡片、句型卡片、录音机、磁带、挂图学生准备:自制的有关物体的图片一、I can read the words.我会读下面的单词: the door please window blackboard bird desk chair二、I know the sentence.我知道下面的句子:Point to the door

16、/ the window/ the blackboard/ the desk. Stand up. Sit down.三、I could order using the simple sentences. 四、Draw pictures on the cards在卡片上画图.师生热情的问好,并一起演唱歌曲:Good morning ,Sam.二、Leading inLook at the picture and say what it?door window blackboard desk chair bird 三、Presentation 1. ListeningFirst: Listen

17、and point.听一听,指一指。 Second: Listen and repeat. Find the difficult points.听、跟读,找出难点。 Third: Read by yourself.自读课文。 Fourth: Read in your group and discuss the meaning.小组内读课文,并且讨论大意。老师示范,学生模仿,在游戏中完成任务,看谁反应最快,指的最准确。2. Show your learning result: Tell us the meaning of the story. 展示讨论成果,比一比谁最棒。3. Act it ou

18、t. 表演课文。4. Game: Order and point.做游戏! First, teacher order and students point. Then students do it by themselves.看图圈一圈 Point to the bird. Point to the boy.Point to the blackboard. Point to the door. Point to the window. Point to the girl.Summary(1)教师出示挂图,复习课文内容。(2)引导学生根据板书,总结本课主要内容。Module 3 Unit 2 P

19、oint to the desk.1、知识目标: Point to the blackboard/ the chair/ the desk/ the window.2、技能目标: I can order and point.我会发指令并能指出正确的物体。学习单词 “chair”, “desk”,并会用所学句型发指令。单词卡、录音机、磁带、多媒体课件学生制作的桌凳、门窗等的卡片一、I know the sentences.我知道下面的句子:二、I can sing我会唱: Please stand up.三、Make cards of chair/ desk/ window/ blackboar

20、d.制作椅子、书桌、窗户、黑板的卡片。 1.Greeting 问好 2. Lets play: Say and do. 边说边做,回顾上节课自编的小歌谣。 六幅图片分别表现单词 door,blackboard,window,bird,chair,desk发出指令,请学生执行指令。继而使用图片进行新单词“chair”、“desk”的教学。 Step 1, listen and point. Step 2, listen and repeat. Step 3, read in your group. Step 4, act it out in your group.(Group work小组活动)

21、四、Chant (Sing the song: Please stand up.)(1)听录音两遍,了解歌曲大意。(2)小组内唱一唱。(3)边唱边做动作。五、Exercises练习学生自制的图片与小组内同伴交流。选择正确答案。( )1.Point _the chair. B.a C.chair ( ) 2.当Lingling说指向窗户时,你应该: A.Point to the door. B.Point to the window. ( ) 3.萨姆要走,他对艾米说: A.Good afternoon,Amy. B.Goodbye,Amy. Sum upModule4 Unit1 I

22、ts red.1、功能:识别并描述物品的颜色2、单词:my, it( its=it is), a, panda, red, blue, yellow, green, black 3、句子:Its red. My name is Panpan. 1、green和red的发音2、blue和black的认读3、正确说出red, blue, yellow, green, black五种颜色Step 1: Warm-up and revision1. Sing a song. “Please stand up.”2. 游戏“Simon says”Point to the desk/blackboard/chairStep 2: Presentation and practice1. 利用Point to the blackboard. 导学颜色:black2. 利用词卡导学red, yellow, blue和green3. 利用导室里的东西Find and say. “Its red/ yel

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