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本文(高考英语二轮复习拔高分项练习 32 完形填空类记叙文 专项练习题解析版.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语二轮复习拔高分项练习 32 完形填空类记叙文 专项练习题解析版.docx

1、高考英语二轮复习拔高分项练习 32 完形填空类记叙文 专项练习题解析版第二讲 完形填空-记叙文专项练习【分类真题】第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Its about 250 miles from the hills of west-central Iowa to Ehlers home in Minnesota. During the long trip home, following a weekend of hunting, Ehlers 41 about the small dog

2、he had seen 42 alongside the road. He had 43 to coax(哄)the dog to him but, frightened, it had 44 . Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that 45 dog. So, four days later, he called his friend Greg, and the two drove 46 . After a long and careful 47 , Greg saw, across a field, the dog moving 48 away. Ehl

3、ers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him. Nervousness and fear were replaced with 49 . It just started licking(舔)Ehlers face.A local farmer told them the dog sounded like one 50 as lost in the local paper. The ad had a 51 number for a town in southern Michigan. Ehlers 52 the number of J

4、eff and Lisa to tell them he had 53 their dog.Jeff had 54 in Iowa before Thanksgiving with his dog, Rosie, but the gun shots had scared the dog off. Jeff searched 55 for Rosie in the next four days.Ehlers returned to Minnesota, and then drove 100 miles to Minneapolis to put Rosie on a flight to Mich

5、igan. Its good to know theres still someone out there who 56 enough to go to that kind of 57 , says Lisa of Ehlers rescue 58 .I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as 59 to it as I am to my dogs, says Ehlers. If it had been my dog, Id hope that somebody would be 60 to go that extra mile.4

6、1. A. read B. forgot C. thought D. heard【答案】.C【解析】考查动词。在打完猎回家的漫长路途中,Ehlers想起了自己在路边看到的那条小狗。此处表示他一边开车一边在大脑里想(thought about)那条小狗,C项符合语境。A:阅读;B:忘记;D:听说。42. A. fighting B. trembling C. eating D. sleeping【答案】.B【解析】考查动词。他看到一条小狗在路边发抖(trembling)。结合下句话中的frightened可知,这条狗因为恐惧而发抖,故选B项。A:战斗,拼搏;C:吃;D:睡觉。43. A. tri

7、ed B. agreed C. promised D. regretted【答案】.A【解析】考查动词。他曾试图(tried)把那条狗哄到自己的身旁。B:同意;C:答应;D:后悔。44. A. calmed down B. stood up C. rolled over D. run off【答案】.D【解析】考查动词短语。可是那条狗吓坏了就跑开(run off)了。A;平静下来,镇定下来;B:站起来;C:翻身。45. A. injured B. stolen C. lost D. rescued【答案】.C【解析】考查形容词。根据后文第10空后的lost可知答案为C项(lost)。回到家后,

8、Ehlers一直被那条走丢的狗困扰着。A:受伤的;B:被盗的;D:被救的。46. A. home B. past C. back D. on 【答案】.C【解析】考查副词,四天后,Ehlers叫上自己的朋友Greg。两个人开车又回到(back)了他发现那条狗的地方。47. A. preparation B. explanation C. test D. search【答案】.D【解析】考查名词。经过长时间仔细搜寻(search),Greg看到了那条狗。A:准备;B:解释,说明;C:检测。48. A. cautiously B. casually C. skillfully D. angrily

9、【答案】.A【解析】考查副词。那条狗看到了他们两个人后谨慎地(cautiously)走开了。根据下文中的Nervousness and fear可知,这条狗非常谨慎。B:随便地;C:巧妙地,精巧地;D:生气地,愤怒地。49. A. surprise B. joy C. hesitation D. anxiety【答案】.B【解析】考查名词。Ehlers成功地把那条狗哄到了自己身边,并且它开始Ehlers的脸。由此可知“紧张和恐惧变成了欢喜(joy)”,故选B项。A:惊讶,惊喜;C:犹豫;D:焦虑,担心。50. A. predicted B. advertised C. believed D.

10、recorded 【答案】.B【解析】考查动词。结合下句中的ad可知答案为B项(advertised)。一个当地的农民告诉他们这条狗像是那条被在报纸上登广告寻找的狗。A:预测,预言;C:相信,认为;D:记录,录制。51. A. house B. phone C. street D. car【答案】.B【解析】考查名词。根据常识可知,在报纸上登广告找走丢的狗,肯定会留下电话(phone)号码,故选B项。52. A. called B. copied C. counted D. remembered 【答案】.A【解析】考查动词。知道了失主的电话号码后,Ehlers拨打了(called)这个号码。

11、故选A项。B:复制;C:数数,计数;D:记住。53. A. fed B. adopted C. found D. cured【答案】.C【解析】考查动词。在电话中Ehlers告诉了失主Jeff和Lisa他找到了(found)他们的狗。故选C项。A:喂养;B:收养,采纳;D:治愈54.A. hunted B. skied C. lived D. worked【答案】A【解析】考查动词。结合下句话中的“枪声”可知,此处应该是打猎(hun-ted),故选A项。在感恩节前,Jeff带着自己的叫Rosie的小狗在衣阿华州打猎。54. A. on purpose B. on time C. in turn

12、 D. in vain【答案】.D【解析】考查介词短语。在接下来的四天里,Jeff一直在寻找自己的狗,但是一切都是徒劳(in vain)。55. A. cares B. sees C. suffers D. learns 【答案】.A【解析】考查动词。此处表示Ehlers很在乎这条走失的小狗,故选A项56. A. place B. trouble C. waste D. extreme 【答案】.B【解析】考查名词。此处描述Ehlers开车走了100英里的路到达明尼阿波利斯,再把这条小狗放到飞往密歇根的飞机上。这是非常麻烦的事(trouble),故选B项。57. A. service B. p

13、lan C. effort D. team【答案】.C【解析】考查名词。引号里的这句话是狗的主人Lisa在说起Ehlers为营救并费尽周折归还小狗所付出的努力(effort)时说的话,故选C项。58. A. equal B. allergic C. grateful D. close【答案】.D【解析】考查形容词。此处表示无论是谁丢了这条狗,他可能和这条狗的关系就像“我”和“我”的狗的关系那么亲近(close)。故选D项。A:平等的,相等的;B:过敏的,极其讨厌的;C:感激的。60. A. suitable B. proud C. wise D. willing【答案】.D【解析】考查形容词。

14、此处表示如果这是“我”的狗的话,“我”也会希望有人会愿意多走那段路给“我”送来。be willing to do sth.愿意做第一节(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch. Hed moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since Id- 41 seen him. So imagine my 42 w

15、hen he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me.I was 43 !I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to 44 . The bay was 45 in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore.Getting a little 46 , I realized one kayak(皮划艇) was in 47 . “ Something s not 48 ! I took off my t-shirt and 49 into the water. I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying acro

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