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1、但是woman,man等几个名词作定语时,表示它的复数形式不仅要在中心词后面加s,前面的woman也需要改成复数。突然,两个女游客和一个男的开始争吵。调研6The _(shoe) shop in my neighborhood was just opening解析 shoe。Shoe shop 意思是“鞋店”,名词作定语,在此表示被修饰的名词的目的或用途。在我家附近的鞋店刚刚开始营业。调研7A housewife is always busy with her _(housework).解析 housework。Housework是不可数名词。家庭妇妇总是忙于家务。调研8_(avice) an

2、d correctionroll off him like water off a ducks back.解析 Avice。Advice是一个不可数名词,没有复数形式。劝导对他好象水过鸭背似的(不起作用)。调研9Are you making any _(progress)?解析 progress。Progress是不可数名词。你有什么进展没有?强化闯关1. She said she would never forget some pleasant _(experience) while working there.2. There are many _(man) shoes in this s

3、hop3. Look! Two_(monkey) are fighting for food over there.4.Many new_(potato) will grow from one potato planted in the ground.5. Your present is in one of the _(box). Can you guess? 6.The three _(spaceman) of Shenzhou VII Space ship were warmly welcomed in Hong Kong.7.There are more_(sheep) in Austr

4、alia than in Japan.8.How many times do you brush your _(tooth) every day?9. Which novel of _(Dickens) are you reading?10. His new car made him the_ (admire)of his friends. 参考答案与解析1. experiences。experience表示“经验”时是不可数名词,表示“经历”的时候则为可数。句意是:她说她永远不会忘记在那儿工作时的愉快经历。由此可知,这里的experience是经历的意思,因此应该用它的复数形式。2. men

5、s。名词作定语,man的所属关系应该加s,同时它又是复数,应该使用mens的结构。这家商店里有许多男人的鞋子。3. monkeys。所给的词monkey是可数名词的单数形式,根据主谓一致可知,应填名词的复数形monkey的复数形式是monkeys,而不是monkeies,因此应填monkeys。4. potatoes。根据句意可知,应该用potato的复数形式,而potato的复数形式是potatoes, 因此应填potatoes。5. boxes。所给的词box是可数名词的单数形式,根据习惯表达 one of the +可数名词复数可知,应填名词的复数形式,box的复数形式是boxes,因此

6、应填boxes。6. spacemen。根据句意可知,应该用spaceman的复数形式,而spaceman的复数形式应该是spacemen不是spacemans 因此应填spacemen。7. sheep。澳大利亚的绵羊比日本多。应用sheep的复数形式,而sheep的单复数都是sheep,即单复数形式一致,因此应填sheep。注意:不要在sheep后面加s。8. teeth。所给的词tooth是可数名词的单数形式,根据句意可知,应用名词的复数形式,而tooth的复数形式是不规则的,为teeth,因此应填teeth。9. Dickenss。你在读狄更斯的哪一部小说。这里使用的是名词的双重所有格

7、,因此要用Dickenss10. admiration。他的新车使他成了朋友们称羡的对象。这里考查词性,应该用名词来充当宾语的补足语。专题二 代词The salesman gave a long spiel(口若悬河) about why we should buy _ product.解析 his 考查形容词性物主代词的用法,名词前面需要用形容词来作为定语,根据上下文,此处应该用形容词性物主代词his。这个推销员口若悬河,说我们应该买他的东西。But the old man thought, he has such a heart like the patients and his feet

8、 and hands are like _ too.解析 theirs 考查名词性物主代词,此处的theirs相当于their feet and hands。然而老人想,我也有一颗和那些病人一样的心脏,我的手脚也跟他们的一样。We must herd the enemy troops together and annihilate(歼灭) _.解析 them 考查人称代词的宾格。人称代词them在句中充当了annihilate的宾语,所以要使用宾格形式。我们必须聚敌而歼灭之。A gentleman acts on behalf of an understanding friend, as a

9、woman makes _ beautiful for her lover.解析 herself 考查反身代词的用法,makes herself beautiful意思是“让她自己美丽”。整个句子的意思是:士为知己者用,女为悦己者容。I dont see why you should go on blaming _ for circumstances解析 yourself 考查反身代词的用法。由句子语境可知,这里应该用yourself。句子意思是:我看你不该因为客观情况责备你自己。We are sure that _ samples will meet your requirement.解析

10、thesethose the考查指示代词的用法,词句由于语境不完整,故而两个代词均可使用。我们确信这些(那些)样品会符合您的需求。如果语境完整的话,此处也可以使用定冠词the,特指上文提到的同一事物。Jeremy Lin brought Lin fever to the whole world, but he had to have suspension because of his health.How unexpectedly _ hppened.解析 that 考查指示代词的用法,that一般用来修饰上文所提及或者时空上距离较远的事物。他突然休赛的事情实在太意外了。That在此指代林叔豪

11、休赛的事情。We all shook our heads, because _ of us knows where these new accessories can be bought.解析 none 考查不定代词的用法,None强调数量上一个都没有。我们都摇了摇头,因为我们中没人知道这些零件在哪里可以买到。Neither强调两者都不,前面的we all表明我们不止两个人,强调三个或三个以上的人数中没有一个知道,所以用None.On Toms wedding, Jakey said “Congratulations lashing happiness to you _”解析 both 根据句

12、意“在汤姆的婚礼上,杰克说祝贺你们并祝你们永远幸福。”。婚礼上肯定是有新郎和新娘两个人,由此可知,应该用Both。调研10Telephone and computer ever brought humans two information revolutions, now _ information revolution is unfolding which will be brought by IPAD and other products.解析 another 根据句子的意思“又一场信息革命正在展开。”此处用”another”来表示“又一个,在一个”的意思。调研11All his clas

13、smates like him , because he is always ready to help _.解析 others 此处用others泛指其他人。整句的意思是:他非常乐于助人。调研12During a football match, the judge should have no bias in favor of _ side解析 either 根据句子意思:裁判员对两方应不偏不倚。比赛只有两方,对任何一方都不应该偏袒。由此判断应该使用either。调研13She is an interesting person but her husband is a real _. Man

14、y people wonder why she married him.解析 nothing。她是个很有趣的人,但是她的先生却一无是处。Nothing强调事情的“有无“,此处引申为一无是处之意。调研 14After losing his job, he is _ less than a beggar.解析 nothing 句型he is nothing是他什么也不是的意思。整个句子的意思:失业之后,他简直和乞丐一样。调研15The first time he went into the company, he found everyone was respectful to an office

15、r. He doubts if the officer is _.解析 anybody 复合不定代词anybody在此引申为“重要人物”的意思。整句话的意思是:他怀疑这官员是个要人。调研 16Someone must have been hereBut we have no idea who _ was解析 it 考查it的用法。当不知道所指人物的身份和性别时,可以用it来指代这个人。句子意思:一定有人来过,但我们不知道是谁。调研 17 t like _ when she tells me how to do things. As a result, she thinks that I am

16、not modest.解析 it 适合于这种用法的动词不多,常见的主要有hate,like,当它们后面接有when if从句时,从句前应有it。我不喜欢她对我做事指手划脚。调研 18Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time?If you care the time a lot, you had better not ask him to do it. Because he is a very lazy person.解析 it 这是一个用it的固定句型。他能否准时完成这项工作很重要吗?此题选D。注意在以下句式中通常都用it作主语:It lo

17、oks as if he is very rich他看起来好像很富有。It seems that he is interested in music他似乎对音乐有兴趣。It appears as if they have lost interest看来他们已失去了兴趣。It happened that he was there with us碰巧他当时和我们在一起。It matters little if I miss my bus即使我没搭上公共汽车也没什么大不了的。1.There are several pretty girls standing under the tree, but _

18、 are known to me.2.In one year rats eat 40 to 50 times _ weight.3. We should always keep _ well-informed of the changing information.4. Those of us who wear glasses should have _ eyes examined at regular intervals.5. ._ of them shared my opinions, so we have little in common to discuss.6.The weight

19、of something is another way of describing the amount of force exerted on _ by gravity.7. Youd better buy _ some fruits when you go on a trip.8.Children should be taught how to get along with _.9. The gold watch had belonged to me for years, but the police refused to believe it was _.10. ._ but a foo

20、l can make such a mistake.11.One of the properties of light is _ traveling in wave form as it goes from one place to another.12. I dont know whether small oranges are sweeter than big _.13.In some restaurants, food and service are worse than _ used to be.14.Let the porter take all the baggage out an

21、d put _ in the lobby.15.Everyone who comes to the party is given a wooden apple with _ own names cut in it as a souvenir.解析1. none. 强调数量上一个也没有。那儿有几个女孩站在那里,但是我一个也不认识2. their 指代rats weight,这是倍数表达的一种。一年之内,老鼠可以吃掉他本身体重四十到五十倍重的东西。3. ourselves 句意:我们要让自己一直跟上信息的变化。4. our 注意上下文的联系。我们当中戴眼镜的人都应该定期去检查自己的眼睛。5. fe

22、w 注意后文的little,这个单词表示的是否定的含义。根据句子意思:他们当中几乎没有人同意我的观点,所以我们没有可以讨论的共同点。可知到前面用few.6. it 这个it用来指代前面的something。由于something是一个不定代词,所以用it来指代它。7. yourself。当你去旅行的时候,你最好给自己买上点水果。8. others。孩子们应该被教会如何与他人相处。Others代指其他人。9. mine。名词性物主代词用来作为表语。我拥有这块金表已经好几年了,但是警察拒绝相信它是我的。10. None. None but是一个搭配,表示“除了。没有人”的意思。11. its。形容

23、词性物主代词修饰traveling。12. ones。指代前面提到的oranges,这一类的东西。13. they.指代前文的food and service。在一些餐馆,食物和服务比以前更糟糕。14. it.指代前文的baggage。注意baggage是一个不可数名词,所以应该用it来指代它。15. his.此处his是作为了everyone的形容词性物主代词。每个来参加聚会的人都得到一个刻着自己名字的木头苹果作为纪念品。专题三 动词The little girl cried her heart out because she _ (lose)her toy bear and believe

24、d she wasnt ever going to find it.解析had lost根据上下文语境,体会一下时间的先后就可明白,丢失玩具熊的动作应该发生在cried之前。前一句是一般过去时,后一句应该用过去完成时。He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _ (graduate)from the university next year.解析graduates.主句用了将来完成时,时间状语从句的谓语动词应该使用一般现在时。The reporter said that the UFO _ (travel)east

25、to west when he saw it.解析was traveling 注意体会travel这个动作发生的时间,宾语从句中带有一个when引导的时间状语,强调他看见时the UFO正在发生的动作。We would like to go and thank him ourselves,but we _(find) out his address yet解析havent found 该句中的would并不是过去将来时,而是一种语气上的委婉。But后面的句子最后有一个Yet,强调到目前为止还没有找到,所以要用现在完成时来强调结果。Shirley _(write) a book about Ch

26、ina this year but I dont know whether she has finished.解析is writing 强调今年一直在写,表示过去某一段时间一直在发生的一件事情,用现在进行时。Do I have to take this medicine? It _ (taste)so terrible.解析tastes. taste为连系动词,因此没有被动语态。因为前一句是现在时,所以后面的时态要去前句保持一致。The pen I thought I _(lose) is on my desk,right under my nose.解析had lost 主句的thought

27、已经用了过去时,而丢失钢笔是发生在thought之前,因此要用过去完成时来表示“过去的过去”这一时间。Apple is reportedly about to introduce a new digital tablet,which _ (appear) in its retail shop this October.解析will appear. 这是一个定语从句,根据语境,应该用一般将来时。整句意思是:据报道苹果公司将发布一项新的数字平板,该产品将在今年十月份在其零售店上架。Helen had left her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband _(come) home.解析came 该句是由until引导的一个时间状语从句,主句用了一般过去式,从句中也应该用一般过去式。Thisisthefirsttimewe_(see)afilminth

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