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1、 While you are doing so, why not join the PTO? Membership is free; you just donate your time. Show your support for Piedmont Middle School by joining the PTO this Saturday!When: Saturday,April 11,from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Where: Piedmont Middle SchoolWhy: For fun!Cost: Free, thanks to a generous gi

2、ft from Bizarco Kite Company!Schedule9:00 a.m.Kite-building booths open. All materials are supplied for kites.10:00 a.m.Kite-building shows by Lorena Hallsberg in the courtyard. Come by and learn how to build box kites and kites that look and fly like butterflies.11:00 a.m.Kite-flying shows on the s

3、chool track. Learn all the most important skills.12:00 p.m.Kite-flying competitions on the school track.1:00 p.m.Presentation by Dr.Brian Lehrman in the show tent:“The History of Kites”.2:00 p.m.Best Kite competitions and judging in the show tent. Come and see the most artistic kites and the most in

4、teresting theme kites.3:00 p.m.Presentation by Dr.Lehrman in the show tent:“Kites and Science”.30 p.m.Awards ceremony conducted by Headmaster Seward on the football field. The results of the days judging will be announced, with awards such as Best of Show, Most Artistic, Highest Flyer, and others. W

5、inners will receive gifts from the Bizarco Kite Company!4:005:00 p.m.Lets all go and fly a kite! Everyone flies kites at the same time, creating a wonderful sight for all to enjoy.Come to the kite celebration. Enjoy yourself and learn more.1Which times are most important for people who want to join

6、in kite competitions?A10:00 am and 11:00 a.m. B12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.C1:00 pm and 3:00 p.m. D2:00 p.m. and 4:2From the passage, we know that the kite celebration .Ais enjoyable and educationalBis strict about the shapes of kitesCgets money from PTO of Piedmont Middle SchoolDgives people a chance t

7、o see kites from around the world3The passage is intended for .Aschool staff Bkite expertsCstudents and parents Dkite companies【解析】 这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一个中学的风筝比赛,呼吁人们支持皮德蒙特中学的PTO组织,吸引读者加入。1细节理解题。根据文中12:00 pmKite-flying competitions on the school track.和2:00 pmBest Kite competitions and judging in the show

8、tent. 可知,参加风筝比赛的人需要记住两个重要的时间,分别是12点和下午2点。故选B。2细节理解题。根据文章最后一句Come to the kite celebration, enjoy yourself and learn more.可知,风筝庆祝活动既有乐趣也能学到很多。由此可知,风筝庆祝活动是令人愉快和有教育意义的。故选A。3推理判断题。根据文章标题Lets Go and Fly a Kiteat Piedmont Middle Schools celebration of kites!(我们去放风筝吧在皮埃蒙特中学庆祝风筝节!)可知,这篇文章主要写给学生和家长看的,目的是邀请他们来

9、参加风筝活动。故选C。B The new social robots, including Jibo, Cozmo, Kuri and Meccano M.AX., bear some resemblance to assistants like Apples Siri, but these robots come with something more. They are designed to win us over not with their smarts but with their personality. They are sold as companions that do m

10、ore than talk to us. Time magazine hailed (称赞) the robots that “could fundamentally reshape how we interact with machines.” But is reshaping how we interact with machines a good thing, especially for children?Some researchers in favor of the robots dont see a problem with this. People have relations

11、hips with many kinds of things. Some say robots are just another thing with which we can have relationships. To support their argument, roboticists sometimes point to how children deal with toy dolls. Children animate (赋予生命) dolls and turn them into imaginary friends. Jibo, in a sense, will be one m

12、ore imaginary friend, and arguably a more intelligent and fun one.Getting attached to dolls and sociable machines is different, though. Todays robots tell children that they have emotions, friendships, even dreams to share. In reality, the whole goal of the robots is emotional trickery. For instance

13、, Cozmo the robot needs to be fed, repaired and played with. Boris Sofman, the chief executive of Anki, the company behind Cozmo, says that the idea is to create “a deeper and deeper emotional connection . And if you neglect him, you feel the pain of that.” What is the point of this, exactly? What d

14、oes it mean to feel the pain of neglecting something that feels no pain at being neglected, or to feel anger at being neglected by something that doesnt even know it is neglecting you?This should not be our only concern. It is troubling that these robots try to empathize with children. Empathy allow

15、s us to put ourselves in the place of others, to know what they are feeling. Robots, however, have no emotions to share, and they cannot put themselves in our place. No matter what robotic creatures “say” or squeak, they dont understand our emotional lives. They present themselves as empathy machine

16、s, but they are missing the essential equipment. They have not been born, they dont know pain, or death, or fear. Robot thinking may be thinking, but robot feeling is never feeling, and robot love is never love.What is also troubling is that children take robots behavior to indicate feelings. When t

17、he robots interact with them, children take this as evidence that the robots like them, and when robots dont work when needed, children also take it personally. Their relationships with the robots affect their self-esteem (自尊). In one study, an 8-year-old boy concluded that the robot stopped talking

18、 to him because the robot liked his brothers better.For so long, we dreamed of artificial intelligence offering us not only simple help but conversation and care. Now that our dream is becoming real, it is time to deal with the emotional downside of living with robots that “feel.”4How are the new so

19、cial robots different from Siri?AThey are intended to teach children how to talk.BThey are designed to attract people with their smarts.CTheir main function is to evaluate childrens personality.DThey have a new way to communicate with human beings.5In Paragraph 3 Cozmo is used as an example to show

20、that the social robots _.Aare deeply connected with human beingsBare unable to build a real relationship with childrenCare so advanced that they can feel the pain of human beingsDare not good enough to carry out the instructions of children6The underlined phrase “essential equipment” in Paragraph 4

21、refers to _.Aemotion BpainCfear Dthinking7Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?I: Introduction P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: ConclusionA BC D 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。新的社交机器人与以往机器人不同,他们不仅比我们聪明还有他们的个性。时代周刊称它彻底改变了我们与机器互动的方式。但是对这种改变有的科学家赞同而有很多人也很担忧。4推理判断题。由第一段中的第一句话可知,新的社交机器人与像苹果的

22、Siri这样的助理有相同之处,但比它们有更多功能。再由第一段中的Time magazine hailed (称赞) the robots that “could fundamentally reshape how we interact with machines.可知,社交机器人彻底改变了我们与机器互动的方式,可以推知以一种新的方式与人们交流互动。故选D。5推理判断题。Cozmo是第三段的举例,举例肯定是用来证明本段或者其前边的观点的。本段的中心是“Getting attached to dolls and sociable machines is different, though.(与洋

23、娃娃相处与与社交机器相处是不同的”。再由第三段最后一句句意“你觉得忽略了机器人而难受,但是机器人并不会感觉被忽略,或者你感觉机器人冷落了你而难受但是机器人根本不知道它冷落了你,这些意味着什么呢?”可知,社交机器人并不能真的跟小朋友建立感情。6猜测词义题。由划线单词后的“They have not been born, they dont know pain, or death, or fear. Robot thinking may be thinking, but robot feeling is never feeling, and robot love is never love.”可知

24、,社交机器人不知道疼,死亡或害怕。社交机器人的思维可能是在想,但是他们的感觉从来不是感觉,他们的爱也从来不是爱。这句话是证明划线单词所在句子的论点的,他们是会同情的机器,但是他们缺少感情,导致他们所谓的感情是假的。所以划线单词词意为情感。A. emotion情感;B. pain疼痛;C. fear害怕;D. thinking想。7篇章结构题。分析文章内容,第一段提出观点:社交机器人改变了我们与机器互动的方式。第二段提出一些支持这一改变的专家的想法,第三段提出一些人对这一改变的担忧,并且第三段后半部分以及第四段、第五段分别是这些人的三点担忧。最后一段总结这一趋势面临的现状。所以文章提出观点后,分

25、为支持和反对两个观点,反对方面又列出了三点担忧,最后一段总结。C Running on EmptyFor almost a century, scientists have assumed, tirednessor exhaustionin athletes originates(起源于) in the muscles. Precise explanations have varied, but all have been based on the “Limitations Theory”. In other words, muscles tire because they hit a phy

26、sical limit: they either run out of fuel or oxygen or they drown in harmful by-products(副产品).In the past few years, however, Timothy Noakes from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, has examined this standard theory. Tiredness, he argues, is caused not by signals springing from overtaxed muscl

27、es, but is an emotional response which begins in the brain. The fundamental nature of his new theory is that the brain paces the muscles to keep them well back from the edge of exhaustion. When the brain decides its time to quit, it creates unbearable muscle tiredness. This “Central Governor” theory

28、 remains controversial, but it does explain many puzzling aspects of athletic performance.A recent discovery that Noakes calls the “lactic acid paradox” made him start researching this area seriously. Lactic acid is a by-product of exercise, and the increase of it is often mentioned as a cause of ti

29、redness. But when research subjects exercise in certain conditions created artificially, they become tired even though lactic acid levels remain low. Nor has the oxygen content of their blood fallen too low for them to keep going. Obviously, something else was making them tire before they hit either of these physiological limits.Noakes conducted an experiment with seven cyclists. It has long been known that during exercise, the body never uses 100% of the available muscle fibres(纤维). The amount used varies, but in some tasks such as this cycli

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